Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • The possibility is definitely there..... But I am fairly confident Skybound will get it done very very soon and that the chances of liquidation screwing up things to be fairly low, Skybound will get it done, And I have a feeling next week or the week after may finally be the time we get some concrete information :sunglasses: :smile:

    Chibikid posted: »

    This could create more complications and difficulties for Skybound continuing TFS. It may delay the remaining seasons even further potentially.

  • I would like to think that Skybound had to anticipate this happening sooner then later meaning it's possible they are prepared for it.

    I'd expect some degree of concrete information after thanksgiving or the week following. I wouldn't get too concerned of anything until mid December if we still haven't heard anything.

    The possibility is definitely there..... But I am fairly confident Skybound will get it done very very soon and that the chances of liquidat

  • Ooooohhh, a very cryptic message from one of the r/TheWalkingDeadGame subreddit's moderators, what could it possibly mean?
    Venge, share your information in private messages, I will not tell a soul.... :wink:

  • Nah, I think we will get something before Thanksgiving, I trust in Ian and Skybound to get this done before then :smile: You got to have some optimism mate, prepare for the best, and hope for something great :smile:

    Chibikid posted: »

    I would like to think that Skybound had to anticipate this happening sooner then later meaning it's possible they are prepared for it. I'

  • You're such a tease.

  • Everyone's wondering when episode 3 and 4 are coming, I never even got to play episode 1 and 2....

  • What did it say

    Ooooohhh, a very cryptic message from one of the r/TheWalkingDeadGame subreddit's moderators, what could it possibly mean? Venge, share your information in private messages, I will not tell a soul....

  • Yeah, that's a bit unfortunate.

    Louche posted: »

    Everyone's wondering when episode 3 and 4 are coming, I never even got to play episode 1 and 2....

  • So there just happened to be some sort of tease of confirmation but it mysteriously got deleted and I missed it.

    Of course.

  • It was just a few dots and a winking smiley. Not sure why it got deleted, it's not like it was something spoilery or anything.

    gta3demon posted: »

    What did it say

  • Who was it? A mod or something? Why were people getting hyped lol.

    Pipas posted: »

    It was just a few dots and a winking smiley. Not sure why it got deleted, it's not like it was something spoilery or anything.

  • Our dear Friend Vengeful Kenny :smile:

    gta3demon posted: »

    Who was it? A mod or something? Why were people getting hyped lol.

  • Sorry for the late response, the comment said ".... :wink: " it is very cryptic

    gta3demon posted: »

    What did it say

  • News on monday maybe?

  • It seems like TWD forum is progressively dying off as the days and weeks progress. Granted it could be more so for the thanksgiving.

  • It's obviously because of the lack of news.

    Chibikid posted: »

    It seems like TWD forum is progressively dying off as the days and weeks progress. Granted it could be more so for the thanksgiving.

  • It's definitely the lack of news. Once something is given, it will become pretty active again.

    Chibikid posted: »

    It seems like TWD forum is progressively dying off as the days and weeks progress. Granted it could be more so for the thanksgiving.

  • News


    No news.

  • Even Doctor strange didn't see that outcome.

    AronDracula posted: »

    News (Spoiler)

  • Spoiler
    good one ;)

    AronDracula posted: »

    News (Spoiler)

  • inb4 after we all thought The Final Season was saved Skybound comes out and says they have to cancel it again

  • Thanks. Was he replying to anyone or just doing that? If it was by itself, I am hopeful for news soon.

    Sorry for the late response, the comment said ".... " it is very cryptic

  • Just a simple standalone comment in the discussion, but the timing of the comment is very suspicious, especially due to the fact that previous comments before it were talking about news coming over the next couple of weeks. I could be overthinking it but I am willing to bet that we will definitely get some solid info from Skybound either next week or the week after

    gta3demon posted: »

    Thanks. Was he replying to anyone or just doing that? If it was by itself, I am hopeful for news soon.

  • When TWD Final Season shares the same fate as Silent Hills, you get sooo angry until your body is fully melted.

  • That gif is the stuff of nightmares, Indiana Jones sure did have some disturbing moments in it, But it doesn't stop it from being an incredible Film Franchise :smile:

    AronDracula posted: »

    When TWD Final Season shares the same fate as Silent Hills, you get sooo angry until your body is fully melted.

  • Has anyone else noticed that Pete Hawley's Twitter account is gone, or am I just late to the party?

  • Oh seriously? Thats weird.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Has anyone else noticed that Pete Hawley's Twitter account is gone, or am I just late to the party?

  • Spoiler

  • Wait is there news?!!


  • Yea, Vengeful Kenny knows something

    Wait is there news?!!

  • Maybe its bad news. He doesn't want to say it cause he doesn't want us to suffer

    Yea, Vengeful Kenny knows something

  • He posted a ;) . It's good news.

    Maybe its bad news. He doesn't want to say it cause he doesn't want us to suffer

  • Oh thank god, thats a relief

    He posted a . It's good news.

  • Yoooo @VengefulKenny where is the news man???????

  • I think we should give VengefulKenny a break, if they do know something, then they can't share it for obvious reasons. And if there is something that they know and shared to every single person, then they may be betraying the trust of Ian and Skybound.
    If they do know something and refuse to share it, then one thing we can take from it is that news IS coming imminently, we will know what it is very soon, so be patient, and be happy :smile:

  • I have. It was either deleted or locked around the time news broke of Telltale's liquidation. His LinkedIn profile is still public, and on it, it lists that he was the former CEO of Telltale, ending in November, 2018.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Has anyone else noticed that Pete Hawley's Twitter account is gone, or am I just late to the party?

  • Can anyone explain why VengefulKenny has become such a desired source for information?

    Yoooo @VengefulKenny where is the news man???????

  • There is a part of me that feels that is a possibility potentially due to legal or inadequate staff for completion.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    inb4 after we all thought The Final Season was saved Skybound comes out and says they have to cancel it again

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