Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • Idk man I legitimately despise that guy

    Chibikid posted: »

    Can anyone explain why VengefulKenny has become such a desired source for information?

  • He's the fucking worst.

    Idk man I legitimately despise that guy

  • We just need to be patient. Skybound WILL finish The Walking Dead: The Final Season, it will NOT be cancelled, why would Skybound make themselves go through all of the trouble they have been through to just cancel it a couple of months after announcing they will finish it? We need to be more optimistic, be hopeful and be confident in Skybound.
    They care for The Walking Dead and Clementine as much as we do, they are their characters as much as they were Telltale's, they wouldn't let the game go unfinished, the very worst case scenario that could occur is that the liquidating of Telltale takes several months to complete, or that there may not be any former Telltale Staff available to work on the game, but all that will do is delay the inevitable, the release of Episode 3 and Episode 4.
    They will be released, we will play both Episode 3 and Episode 4, we will get to see the conclusion to Clementine's Story and the Ending of The Walking Dead Story we have been following since 2012.
    No matter how doubtful or concerned you are over this whole situation, just keep this in mind: Skybound will not let us down, we will get to see the conclusion to Clementine's Story. I didn't say we might get to, I said we will get to, so be optimistic, hope for the best and prepare for something great :smile:

  • I'm not sure why people are so worried when it's really only been about a month since the news broke. As far as I'm aware, something like this happening is unprecedented in the realm of video games. I mean, I've never heard of a company working under a license shutting down, causing the license to go back to the original owner, who then takes it upon themselves to try to complete the game by hiring the ex-staff members.

    There's no good frame of reference for how long something like this should-- or will-- take. If there was another case of something like this happening, then I think you'd have valid reason to worry. But right now, it's more or less uncharted territory for everyone involved.

  • I still have a feeling that Episode 3 won't be released this year. Last time I was early, Skybound said they didn't start working on the game because they're still trying to rehire the entire crew.

  • Considering its mid-November, that's a safe bet.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I still have a feeling that Episode 3 won't be released this year. Last time I was early, Skybound said they didn't start working on the game because they're still trying to rehire the entire crew.

  • I don’t know why, but my hype-o-meter is increasing...

  • He was the one who broke the deal of Skybound picking up TFS, IIRC.

    Chibikid posted: »

    Can anyone explain why VengefulKenny has become such a desired source for information?

  • If anything the episode 3 will be out around December and episode 4 will be out next year probably three months in.

  • So I've heard.

    Idk man I legitimately despise that guy

  • Personally, it makes zero difference between watching or playing, because we're basically all with TFS just for the story.

    Louche posted: »

    Everyone's wondering when episode 3 and 4 are coming, I never even got to play episode 1 and 2....

  • Even if TFS cannot be completed in game form by Skybound for whatever reason, they'll no doubt make it into a mini-series of comics. No matter how this all turns out, we will see the conclusion of Clementine's story

  • edited November 2018

    they'll no doubt make it into a mini-series of comics.

    pls no

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Even if TFS cannot be completed in game form by Skybound for whatever reason, they'll no doubt make it into a mini-series of comics. No matter how this all turns out, we will see the conclusion of Clementine's story

  • Pfft Raiders is the most pointless film in history...I will fight you on this and win.

    That gif is the stuff of nightmares, Indiana Jones sure did have some disturbing moments in it, But it doesn't stop it from being an incredible Film Franchise

  • More or less.

    Razer531 posted: »

    Personally, it makes zero difference between watching or playing, because we're basically all with TFS just for the story.

  • You don't get the same experience with just watching the episode. Atleast I don't.

    Razer531 posted: »

    Personally, it makes zero difference between watching or playing, because we're basically all with TFS just for the story.

  • I don't get how negotiations like these specifically take long. When you make a call, you'd get your answer in less than a day right? Am I sounding terribly stupid here? I know there's a back and forth with so many different people in different sectors of the workforce, but that back and forth shouldn't really take longer than a month, right?

    Deltino posted: »

    I'm not sure why people are so worried when it's really only been about a month since the news broke. As far as I'm aware, something like th

  • Negotiations like this can take a lot of time, especially in odd situations such as this, because there's so many different factors and both parties may offer something that the other just can't simply agree to.

    • Some workers have already found new forms of employment, so those have no chance of coming back because I doubt their new jobs would be willing to let them go off for a while to work on TWD.
    • Others are in the process of finding new jobs after being abruptly fired. They're looking for permanent positions, not a 1-2 month temporary posting from Skybound. Many in these situations would be very reluctant and would have to strongly consider what they would do, take the temporary employment and hold off on job searching for a while, or refuse and make job searching their top priority.
    • Even for those that do agree, negotiations would be near the same as any other job offer, and those could take days or weeks to negotiate between the parties. Salaries and other benefits would all be negotiated on an individual level, and each person is going to want something different. The former workers might be more demanding since they were left out in the cold with nothing thanks to Telltale, and Skybound might not be willing to offer much since this is a short term thing for them, and remember, they're basically hiring them as freelancers. It only takes one of the parties to say "I/we can't do that" and the negotiation ends. If the worker's demands are too much, Skybound will simply just not bring them on, and if Skybound isn't offering enough, the worker will just resume his search.

    The point is that it's not as simple as:

    Skybound: Hey Bob, we decided to finish that game you were working on, want to come back and finish it, and then not have a job with us afterwards.
    Bob: Sure thing, hell yeah, I'll do it for whatever you feel like paying me.

    Not to mention they still have to figure out where they are going to work from, which might be a bit more problematic since Telltale has entered liquidation and is selling off their assets.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I don't get how negotiations like these specifically take long. When you make a call, you'd get your answer in less than a day right? Am I s

  • Are they selling our subscription fees for the next 2 episodes too? If they don't finish the next two episodes will we be refunded?

  • They're going to finish the last two episodes.

    ajaxle posted: »

    Are they selling our subscription fees for the next 2 episodes too? If they don't finish the next two episodes will we be refunded?

  • edited November 2018

    You just summed up perfectly why this game most likely will not be finished. I believe those problems are somewhat too difficult for Skybound to resolve.

    Negotiations like this can take a lot of time, especially in odd situations such as this, because there's so many different factors and both

  • Yeah I considered everything you said before posting and my point is that these negotiations shouldn't take that long. Surely they've exhausted their deals with other people. My point is that if all this happened (no doubt it did) then Skybound would have to give up by then. There's been a month of back and forth and I'm not sure where they could go from there if they can't find enough workers in time. They can't just wait, right? So it's a whole lot of convincing which I believe would have been exhausted by now.

    What's taking them so long. It's also very off-putting and concerning that by the looks of it their negotiations with Telltale barely did anything other than 'Deal!'. They honestly don't have much figured out other than that. We don't know the truth, but I don't think they have the software yet, I don't think they know where their going to make them work, they might not have the necessary assets required for production yet etc. or maybe they're just that confident that they'll be able to convince, what, 60 devs? And not to mention how it gets tougher the more time goes on, they need to secure job positions for the employees and make sure that they don't get other jobs and just pay them in the mean time until they can get everyone on board and start development, and there are budget constraints too. This whole thing isn't very profitable and Skybound could easily lose a few million from this. So if they won't do what I just mentioned, then they would allow them to work in the meantime for other employers to save money, but like you said it would be harder because of the various conditions you stated and that employers won't bother investing in temporary workers. So suddenly either Skybound loses a lot of money trying to keep the workers on board or they lose the employees. They need to secure salaries (I'm sure the workers will be petty about that because of what you said so it'll be difficult), benefits, housing, buy computers etc. And then beyond that, Skybound auren't very experienced in terms of Telltale game production, so the workers will be put-off by that, when it takes them a lot longer to produce so more money ends up being spent. And at the end of it all, once the work is done they need to give severance too.

    I just don't understand. You'd need to be some expert businessman to do this. How are they still going after a month, doesn't that mean it'll be harder to secure the remaining workers so the likelihood that the team is assembled reduces? Doesn't all the other companies that reached out to staff after the layoffs look more secure as opposed to some freelance reunion project?

    Negotiations like this can take a lot of time, especially in odd situations such as this, because there's so many different factors and both

  • The game will most likely be finished because it’s not a very smart idea to come out to people and tell them a lie or two and expect them to take it well. Just because they caren’t rehire the original crew doesn’t mean they can’t hire new guys instead.

    Chibikid posted: »

    You just summed up perfectly why this game most likely will not be finished. I believe those problems are somewhat too difficult for Skybound to resolve.

  • Eh, sorta of.
    For example, that arrow section at the end of episode 2 looked a little clunky visually, but seemed like it controlled well enough. However, it's been attested at least once that it probably controls as badly as the gun controls in Season 1, if not worse.

    You don't get the same experience with just watching the episode. Atleast I don't.

  • It's not that bad, at least not on Xbox One.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Eh, sorta of. For example, that arrow section at the end of episode 2 looked a little clunky visually, but seemed like it controlled well e

  • That's a relief.

    It's not that bad, at least not on Xbox One.

  • The game is going to be finished... speculating otherwise is only going to fuel hysteria.

  • Ah, something this thread is good at!

    The game is going to be finished... speculating otherwise is only going to fuel hysteria.

  • Just like some people insisted there was no way for another company to step in and finish it, now they're saying Skybound won't be able to finish it despite all of the evidence and confirmations saying otherwise.

    The impatience and hopelessness is irritating. I hope they soon feel foolish when they're proved wrong yet again.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah, something this thread is good at!

  • edited November 2018


  • I know right?

    The impatience and hopelessness is irritating.

    Oh, idk, dis pear is sorta sweet.

    Just like some people insisted there was no way for another company to step in and finish it, now they're saying Skybound won't be able to f

  • Right when i say that, Skybound announced that work on the final season officially resumed today. It's almost like I'm a prophet or something. Thanks for the patience to (mostly) everyone.

  • Just have a little faith, Chibikid!

    They just need a little extra money time

    Chibikid posted: »

    You just summed up perfectly why this game most likely will not be finished. I believe those problems are somewhat too difficult for Skybound to resolve.

  • edited November 2018

    Right when i say that, Skybound announced that work on the final season officially resumed today. It's almost like I'm a prophet or something. Thanks for the patience to (mostly) everyone.

  • edited November 2018

    Okay, what the fuck kinda timing is THAT?! :joy:

    Right when i say that, Skybound announced that work on the final season officially resumed today. It's almost like I'm a prophet or something. Thanks for the patience to (mostly) everyone.

  • This is a relief. Honestly if what your saying is true and Skybound pulls all this off I will have some respect for this company considering what they’re trying to do is actually very impressive with trying to get old developers back and such.

    The game is going to be finished... speculating otherwise is only going to fuel hysteria.

  • It's true, just moments ago they announced that work on TFS officially resumed today ?

    This is a relief. Honestly if what your saying is true and Skybound pulls all this off I will have some respect for this company considering what they’re trying to do is actually very impressive with trying to get old developers back and such.

  • Holy shit

    It's true, just moments ago they announced that work on TFS officially resumed today ?

  • lmao

    Chibikid posted: »

    You just summed up perfectly why this game most likely will not be finished. I believe those problems are somewhat too difficult for Skybound to resolve.

  • Being a cynic really isn't good for you.

    Chibikid posted: »

    You just summed up perfectly why this game most likely will not be finished. I believe those problems are somewhat too difficult for Skybound to resolve.

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