Seeing Diana and Ed non-walkerfied feels so weird. Almost thought Ed was Lee, until I realized they're both wearing the same clothes as in the family photo.
It probably won't happen, but it would be crazy cool to for Clem to have an it-was-all-a-dream type of dream where she wakes up back in Georgia at home with her parents. As the dream persists, it goes from all to perfect to obviously strange. Her mom, dad, and Sandra represent Clem's inner daemons or something. Something where they reflect her regrets and tiredness of surviving. I think it would be cool. but that's just me.
Take us Back sounds like an episode made for reflecting. They gave us a whimsical starry sky scene already, and had a dream of an altered reflection of the past, which seems like there will be more things like that again. This seems highly plausible.
It probably won't happen, but it would be crazy cool to for Clem to have an it-was-all-a-dream type of dream where she wakes up back in Geor… moregia at home with her parents. As the dream persists, it goes from all to perfect to obviously strange. Her mom, dad, and Sandra represent Clem's inner daemons or something. Something where they reflect her regrets and tiredness of surviving. I think it would be cool. but that's just me.
(This was step one)
Marlon & Louis

I didn't get help, but Son Cloku did. Vigeta's entering the battle!!!

What's next, Brolly? A mixture of the ginyu force and Lilly's group?
I might buy into it if you make this Clem's theme
Vigeta is dangerously close, man.
Dangerously close to.....the name “Vegeta”?
Yeah, let's go with that.
This is my new headcannon.
Plz no you're 'inspiring' him just like what @Explodingkittens971 did, don't make the same mistake pls
It’s far too late now. I got more art on its way that’ll feature other characters?
Like Louis drafted as Yamcha?
Guess I'll just have to take it upon myself to ignore it.
Violet & Minerva

Okay, for a second there, I thought that was Marc from Miraculous.
Nice pants, Violet..
What's that ship name? Vierva? Milet? Minet? Minervet? Vinerva? Violva?
Vinerva, it sounds the best.
Still had this stored up and never thought of anything to say, so I might as well get it out.
Louis & Violet

That's nice.
TWDG: The Anime looks good!
The messed up thing there is that ANF!Clementine makes me think of something else.
Not really a fan art, just a screenshot I took in a game.

Yeah, it’s nice to see Louis comforting Violet, their friendship is underrated.
That sounds good too.
Always there

Credit to @fodrom
Seeing Diana and Ed non-walkerfied feels so weird. Almost thought Ed was Lee, until I realized they're both wearing the same clothes as in the family photo.
I can see where S4 Clem get's her smile from.
Wow, Diana’s hair looks similar to my hair.
It probably won't happen, but it would be crazy cool to for Clem to have an it-was-all-a-dream type of dream where she wakes up back in Georgia at home with her parents. As the dream persists, it goes from all to perfect to obviously strange. Her mom, dad, and Sandra represent Clem's inner daemons or something. Something where they reflect her regrets and tiredness of surviving. I think it would be cool. but that's just me.
Take us Back sounds like an episode made for reflecting. They gave us a whimsical starry sky scene already, and had a dream of an altered reflection of the past, which seems like there will be more things like that again. This seems highly plausible.
Ep4 hype begins
Took some more screenshots
Credit to fodrom
I really wish we got that flashback with Sandra in ANF