Clementines Death prediction (discussion)

After watching Doms video I can see a determinatedeath scene of Clementine drowning....I mean hear me out she can’t be near lake and a walker pounces on her... metaphorically speaking and bite her and drag her in the water while trying too save AJ or any other love ones kind of similar to Lukes death (except he didn’t get bitten ) now it can be possible we might get this ending...Possibly I mean, there’s too many foreshadowing in the final season anyways AJ Constantly keep speaking of Clementine getting bitten and that can possibly lead too that. Along when Louis sang (“Oh My Dairling Clementine”.)

My guess is this could happen...AJ pretended too shoot Lilly and in (determinate choice wise) if you let him pull the trigger..all possibilities are on the table!

Do you guys think?


  • edited February 2019

    I'm pretty sure Clem in the water is from when she got pulled under by the walker just before getting into the boat. I mean, could you imagine: Clementine. The most badass kid in gaming history dies from water. Luke was already TT's water death. They won't do it again.

  • I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt but we might repeat history again.

    I'm pretty sure Clem in the water is from when she got pulled under by the walker just before getting into the boat. I mean, could you imagi

  • edited February 2019

    If Clem dies, it better be very peaceful or absolutely crazy.
    peaceful example
    Clem slowly dies from a fatal injury. Gunshot, bite, boat debris. She dies surrounded by a her friends and AJ - the only family she has left.
    Crazy example
    Clem sacrifices herself in a huge-ass explosion that kills the remaining raiders while her friends are at a close but safe distance.

    I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt but we might repeat history again.

  • Climatic an impactful .?

    If Clem dies, it better be very peaceful or absolutely crazy. peaceful example Clem slowly dies from a fatal injury. Gunshot, bite, boat d

  • Peaceful: ShE gEtS fOoKeN mOrTaLlY wOuNdEd By A bOaT

    If Clem dies, it better be very peaceful or absolutely crazy. peaceful example Clem slowly dies from a fatal injury. Gunshot, bite, boat d

  • I guess that boat didn't have Kenny's Blessing. ?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Peaceful: ShE gEtS fOoKeN mOrTaLlY wOuNdEd By A bOaT

  • Clem sacrifices herself in a huge-ass explosion that kills the remaining raiders while her friends are at a close but safe distance.

    And then she doesn't die and a helicopter saves her and hooray more twd clementine games!

    If Clem dies, it better be very peaceful or absolutely crazy. peaceful example Clem slowly dies from a fatal injury. Gunshot, bite, boat d

  • I like S4 so far. And the overall Walking Dead game, but if that happened, I'd fucking hate this series.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Clem sacrifices herself in a huge-ass explosion that kills the remaining raiders while her friends are at a close but safe distance. And then she doesn't die and a helicopter saves her and hooray more twd clementine games!

  • Spoiler

    I mean you used twd s9 ep5 ending as an example I was just pointing that out

    I like S4 so far. And the overall Walking Dead game, but if that happened, I'd fucking hate this series.

  • They wont kill the protagonist via drowning, that would be beyond anti climatic, just fuckin "oof cant swim bye guys"

    If Clem dies it will be a long death scene.

  • That's different. The explosion would have to have to actually kill her. Like is should have for a certain somebody

    Ghetsis posted: »


  • The first minute of Episode 4 will start off with Clementine dying. Dying for the length of the episode.
    They will make sure to cram in references of her impending doom to every single speech choice.
    When she finally does die, it will be on the very last minute of the episode. No goodbyes or emotional scenes. No epilogue. Just straight to credits.

    The end.

    Finally, after the credits roll (they only last 10 seconds as there's only one name on the credits list), Kevin Bruner will appear lamenting about Clementine's death (Telltale), and then ask for donations as he is currently in debt. Que Kevin Bruner wiping his tears with dollar bills, and the game goes back to the main menu.

  • That'd be a short ass episode.

  • What do you know, a reference to that guy that actually remembers and balances the fact that he's a human being.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    The first minute of Episode 4 will start off with Clementine dying. Dying for the length of the episode. They will make sure to cram in ref

  • James or Lilly's gonna get her killed somehow. Directly or indirectly.

  • You are then linked to a gofundme and a paypal.

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    The first minute of Episode 4 will start off with Clementine dying. Dying for the length of the episode. They will make sure to cram in ref

  • listen fam, im already worried af if clem dies telltale will butcher the theme of an ending like they have with their last 3 games and the game will just end aj shooting clem and then it goes "CHOICES TIME" not even 2 seconds after completely ruining the mood. Last thing I need to see is that happening followed by this

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    The first minute of Episode 4 will start off with Clementine dying. Dying for the length of the episode. They will make sure to cram in ref

  • lol, after completion of game the main menu advertisements get replaced with Bruner's Paypal and GoFundMe accounts.

    "pls give money"

    Dan10 posted: »

    You are then linked to a gofundme and a paypal.

  • edited February 2019

    ah, but u see, TFS's ending theme is not about Clementine dying... it's about Kevin Bruner's bank account "supposedly" drying

    Clementine's extremely lengthy death represents the lawsuit that Kevin Bruner had to fight for

    Poogers555 posted: »

    listen fam, im already worried af if clem dies telltale will butcher the theme of an ending like they have with their last 3 games and the g

  • I thought about a scene where Clem has been bitten and Lilly is still alive. Lilly catches her alone an they both have one last fight. Clem is able to get the best of her in Lilly's weakened state, but she suffers a knife wound In her side during the fight. This is mostly out of concept for what comes next.

     Then after Lilly is dead, she lays there, gasping for air. Too weak to get up at the moment, she uses the time to gain her senses. She begins to feel the sensation of the new wound In her side. The feeling of blood trickling out, running across her skin until it reaches the back of her coat, absorbing into the fabric, making it damp. The pain begins to grow as she becomes aware, so she turns her attention to something else, her hearing. She hears nothing. Not a single sound from outside, not even the wind. She tries to turn her head to get a look around, but the effort to move her head makes her extremely light-headed. She stops out of worry it would make her pass out. Would she be able to wake up again if she passed out?

     The continued silence begins to make her think of if she will ever see her friends again. "Is this how it ends? Dying here, alone...". Images of her friends begin to flash through her mind, all the people she would be leaving behind. How much it would hurt for them to see her like this, or dead, or worse. This thought makes her snap back and gain confidence "No, I won't allow it. I will see them again. I won't let a corpse be the last thing they see of me. I have so much I need to say to them. To AJ. Just hold on a bit longer...". As the pain sets in more and more and her vision starts to fog, she begins to tense over if she can actually do it, and stay conscious long enough for the rest of her group to find her, wherever they are. After a long silence, she hears the door slowly creak open. She turns her head out of shock, forgetting about the anguish it caused her before.

  • edited February 2019

    Clementine slips on a banana peel and breaks her neck.
    Her death will teach AJ his final, and maybe most important, lesson. No littering!

  • Oh god ???

    Onmens posted: »

    Clementine slips on a banana peel and breaks her neck. Her death will teach AJ his final, and maybe most important, lesson. No littering!

  • edited February 2019

    You're making it sound as if dying from water is "embarassing". I mean clem's badass as hell but that doesn't make her an invincible god - drowning, or freezing to death are all realistic scenarios, for she is a human being after all.

    I'm pretty sure Clem in the water is from when she got pulled under by the walker just before getting into the boat. I mean, could you imagi

  • I seriously doubt Telltale is going to kill of the best character they've ever created with water.

    Razer531 posted: »

    You're making it sound as if dying from water is "embarassing". I mean clem's badass as hell but that doesn't make her an invincible god - drowning, or freezing to death are all realistic scenarios, for she is a human being after all.

  • Nah, they will kill her with air.

    I seriously doubt Telltale is going to kill of the best character they've ever created with water.

  • I’m sure Aquaman will teach her the ways of the fish. ?

    I seriously doubt Telltale is going to kill of the best character they've ever created with water.

  • She drowns and then Walker Clem emerges from the water hungry for blood.

    I seriously doubt Telltale is going to kill of the best character they've ever created with water.

  • She's hungry for a liquid, m8?

    Pyreflie posted: »

    She drowns and then Walker Clem emerges from the water hungry for blood.

  • edited February 2019

    No guys aqua luke will save her and then meet up with hook hand Javi in captain Kenny’s boat

  • That's the best ending we could ask for.

    Erinour posted: »

    No guys aqua luke will save her and then meet up with hook hand Javi in captain Kenny’s boat

  • You start the episode off as AJ alone. You see the aftermath of the explosion and the boat is nothing but wreckage. You comb the shoreline looking for Clem. You eventually find her as a Walker; chewing on either the corpse of Lilly of James. The scene plays out something like this:

  • Fuk thats brutal

    You start the episode off as AJ alone. You see the aftermath of the explosion and the boat is nothing but wreckage. You comb the shoreline l

  • Well if she dose turn I’ll let her continue eating Lilly and watch every moment of it.

    You start the episode off as AJ alone. You see the aftermath of the explosion and the boat is nothing but wreckage. You comb the shoreline l

  • Stop predicting Clementine's death and just wait for the game already!!!

  • Half the fun is the anticipation.

    Stop predicting Clementine's death and just wait for the game already!!!

  • Why did love put a gun in my hand?

    Pyreflie posted: »

    Half the fun is the anticipation.

  • If Clementine is gonna die they’re definitely gonna make sure it’s impactful and have it go on for a bit. Drowning would be anticlimactic and stupid.

  • Unless she drowns and is saved and then slowly dies from dry drowning a week later. Or she drowns and then comes walking out and everyone is so relieved and excited to see she's okay and boom, it's walker Clem emerging and AJ runs up and lets her bite him.

    If Clementine is gonna die they’re definitely gonna make sure it’s impactful and have it go on for a bit. Drowning would be anticlimactic and stupid.

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