Apparently it was done because Violet, yes. (but as you mentioned, theres a sea of red heads in this game so oof, kinda countered the whole "too many blondes" and then make her have red hair when theres already a lot of red haired characters)
@Poogers555 Apparently it was done because Violet, yes. (but as you mentioned, theres a sea of red heads in this game so oof, kinda countered the whole "too many blondes" and then make her have red hair when theres already a lot of red haired characters)
It's an old and mostly irrelevant argument but a lot of people say that Wellington was in Ohio when it was most definitely in Michigan for several reasons:
Kenny says that it's in Michigan and even repeats himself to Nick
Wellington, Ohio is a village of nearly 5k people with buildings and such. Wellington, Michigan is a very small township in the woods. Which one sounds more like the Wellington we saw?
Wellington, Michigan is very close to the Canadian border which would explain why so many people know about it. As people migrated south they carried word across the US of this safe place far up north, but so many people showed up that the community sealed it's gates, leading to it's downfall.
It's an old and mostly irrelevant argument but a lot of people say that Wellington was in Ohio when it was most definitely in Michigan for s… moreeveral reasons:
* Kenny says that it's in Michigan and even repeats himself to Nick
* Wellington, Ohio is a village of nearly 5k people with buildings and such. Wellington, Michigan is a very small township in the woods. Which one sounds more like the Wellington we saw?
* Wellington, Michigan is very close to the Canadian border which would explain why so many people know about it. As people migrated south they carried word across the US of this safe place far up north, but so many people showed up that the community sealed it's gates, leading to it's downfall.
The Ericson delinquents and James apparently have confirmed ages now. Some sound about right, while others...
Marlon (18-19)
Brody… more (18-19)
Violet (18)
Louis (17-18)
Tennessee (12)
Ruby (17)
Aasim (18-19)
Willy (12)
Omar (15-16)
James (19-20)
AJ's possible parentage wasn't a consideration when developing his character--it wasn't until later that it even crossed the writer's minds. His characterization is meant to be a product of how he was raised.
Well, we know Clem was 8 when this all started and Violet was at least 11, so, they are a 3 year age difference. All that being said, meh, it's 8 years into an apocalypse, sooo....
Well, we know Clem was 8 when this all started and Violet was at least 11, so, they are a 3 year age difference. All that being said, meh, it's 8 years into an apocalypse, sooo....
If you choose "You're just my conscience" when talking to Lee you can get a lot of different lines from Clem.
If you interacted with the tire swing at the train station in Ep 1, Lee will say something along the lines of missing barbeques with friends and Clem will say "Or pushing a kid on a tire swing really, really high"
If you didn't interact with the swing you get some different ones depending on your choices:
"Or a sunday trip to get chicken nuggets"
"Or dancing"
"Or romantic candle lit dinners"
"Or kids playing in a tree house"
aj's vo was recorded somewhere other than the usual studio during the scene where AJ and Clem talk about what James said about walkers in the school cuz aj's voice had a constant audio noise in the background making him sound like a robot and Im honestly kinda surprised no one else heard it smDh open yer EARS people.
Saw this on a different site, the advertisement for the contest to get yourself into TWDG.

Brody originally had blonde hair during the early stages of her character design.

Wasn't that won by the person who inspired the character of Brie ?
Yep and I think the runner-up was the last walker you kill during Lee's fight to the Marsh House, the one wearing the red shirt.
Yes, and a few others also got to show up but only as walkers
Oh, that's where that came from!
I knew of it but couldn't find it.
Wow, she really does look like a healthy Violet.
Should that even hurt? I remember Jane saying that a leather jacket would be more bite-resistant for a walker and it should be the same for a human.
I wonder why they changed it, seems like there are a lot of red headed ladies in this game. I guess they wanted Violet to stand out more?
Apparently it was done because Violet, yes. (but as you mentioned, theres a sea of red heads in this game so oof, kinda countered the whole "too many blondes" and then make her have red hair when theres already a lot of red haired characters)
That's exactly why they did it.
David, Gabe, Conrad, and Paul were designed by Anthony Scarlata
It's an old and mostly irrelevant argument but a lot of people say that Wellington was in Ohio when it was most definitely in Michigan for several reasons:
Oh yeah, he did say that.
Abel took AJ's gun after he dropped it.
The Ericson delinquents and James apparently have confirmed ages now. Some sound about right, while others...
It seems like the only within Clementine's datable range is Omar ?
Aasim... Damn
Yeah, seriously. Like, I know he's relatively mature and shit, but he always crossed me as being one of the middle teens.
Also, step off The Chef, alright.
If Clem is 16 then how are Louis and violet not right? That's only a 1 or 2 year age gap?
Assuming that they are 18+ on their age range most folks frown upon people who date others who are 16, at least where I'm from.
That makes no logical sense. If Clem is 16 and violet is 18... That 2 years difference. If Clem was 18 and she was 20, there would be no issue...?
Yep, that's society logic
AJ's possible parentage wasn't a consideration when developing his character--it wasn't until later that it even crossed the writer's minds. His characterization is meant to be a product of how he was raised.
Well, if someone is curious about Clementine's height:

Either she hasn't gotten that much taller or the real Clementine there wasn't properly remodeled to scale.
Clementine has been starving and malnourished for basically her entire life after the outbreak. Makes sense that she would be short af.
I think it might be a little of both.
Don't stop da booty tho
Marlon was [almost?] certainly never intended as a possible love interest in different versions of the story.
...I can't believe I bothered using that.
You have been revealed!

AJ was originally more of a moving goal in an earlier draft. It was once Kent Mudle's team joined up that this was changed.
James is a big gay. Kent Mudle considered leaking this fact if The Final Season was indeed canceled.
Well, we know Clem was 8 when this all started and Violet was at least 11, so, they are a 3 year age difference. All that being said, meh, it's 8 years into an apocalypse, sooo....
Thanks for mathing it out for me, friend ?
Somebody's been reading a lot of Kent Mudle's tumblr page.
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but, you're welcome?
I did in one or two big swoops. I've had a backlog of stuff from there for a while.
I'm not sarcastic.
If you choose "You're just my conscience" when talking to Lee you can get a lot of different lines from Clem.
If you interacted with the tire swing at the train station in Ep 1, Lee will say something along the lines of missing barbeques with friends and Clem will say "Or pushing a kid on a tire swing really, really high"
If you didn't interact with the swing you get some different ones depending on your choices:
"Or a sunday trip to get chicken nuggets"
"Or dancing"
"Or romantic candle lit dinners"
"Or kids playing in a tree house"
aj's vo was recorded somewhere other than the usual studio during the scene where AJ and Clem talk about what James said about walkers in the school cuz aj's voice had a constant audio noise in the background making him sound like a robot and Im honestly kinda surprised no one else heard it smDh open yer EARS people.
Aasim was named and designed after Environment Lead and recent Art Director, Aasim Zubair.