What if AJ Stops Listening to Clem?

To be precise, what if in Episode 4 AJ gets to the point where he'll only listen to advice Clem had given AJ prior to the End of Episode 3, including the choice of whether or not to kill Lilly. So if Clem tries to go back on a certain piece of advice made prior to Take Us Back, AJ wouldn't listen. This would force Clem to deal with the consequences of the advice that she's already given him, which could lead to some serious issues.


  • He is a 5 years old kid afterall. He is not going to start shooting people out of a sudden. I mean - I hope the writers won't do this.

  • I don't either tbh, but it makes sense if the StillNotBitten team wanted to raise the stakes.

    MaikelRR_ posted: »

    He is a 5 years old kid afterall. He is not going to start shooting people out of a sudden. I mean - I hope the writers won't do this.

  • I think it would be interesting if you tell him not to shoot Lilly and James dies then AJ doesn't trust you anymore. I mean, you told him to stop and it got an innocent person killed.

  • Very interesting question...one that must strike at the heart of the conflict that players face in episode 4. Choices have consequences...choosing violent actions for Clem has to resonate with AJ, or this whole season has been a waste.

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