So can someone explain? (Spoilers)

How the hell Clem survived? She got bit and her leg wasn’t amputated for a long time. Lee got bit, made it to Vernon’s before cutting his arm off which i would estimate a similar time length so how could she have survived that long? Not to mention AJ being able to stop her bleeding out. I wish that was explained better. It was a huge flaw.
But i of course was delighted the game ended on a happy note
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Plot armour, pal.
Remember that Lee passed out for an unspecified amount of time before amputating. A ton of time had passed and it was too late.
When Clem got bit the sun was rising and they go straight to the barn, I would say like 30 minutes had gone by, tops. She did LOOK like a walker but I chalk that up to the writers wanting to fake us out more than anything.
They totally ruined the rule of the zombie infection. It looks like Clem and Aj have been travelling for an hour after she got bit and she already looked pale. Plus, AJ used a bloody axe to chop her leg off. This means that Lee died just when the plot called for it.
We got played big time.
I will say that part has me stumped (pun intended). While I am certainly glad from a fan perspective, from a story-telling perspective, it does require some explanation. Kent Mudle, who is pretty active on Tumblr and often answers fans questions, might be able to explain why this happened. While some people may not be willing, I'm open to hearing his explanation for this questionable action. To me, this seems like a pretty reasonable standpoint.
My main issue is how they made Clem clearly showing signs of sickness and turning, just for it to suddenly be ok.
It was just as rehash of Season One and then a 'no, AJ! What are you doing with that axe?' moment.
It was a bit obvious for me it would be a fake out because for some reason we couldnt say anything about cutting off our leg, and then telling him to "leave me" just for him to go "NO" and swing the axe made it way too obvious
People are complaining a lot about this but it really shouldn't be THAT hard to explain. There are a lot of worse plot holes out there with very shallow (if any) explanations. Let's see what the devs will say.
Also, Lee was 37 in the first season while Clem is 16-17 in the final season. I'd certainly take that into account.
'The Walking Dead: Devil Child (A.K.A AJ)'.
I'm willing to give the writers a good amount of wiggleroom when it comes to this, especially since TWD has never fully established how long you need to have been bitten before it's too late. My only contention is that, if 30 or so minutes did pass, why was she already looking like she was at a stage of the infection where someone would usually die? I'm willing to buy this explanation, but I do need a bit more of info.
I just base it on that if a bite is like a snake bite, it’s not long before the shit is in your bloodstream before it’s too late.
I just wondered how she would have even survived the amputation, never mind being bitten for a long while before it happened
Like I said, her appearance was likely just in order to fake us out. If she didn't look like that, the player would be focused on cutting her leg and saving her and thus the whole scene would lose a lot of its emotional impact between Clem and AJ that it had when we thought she was a goner.
Lee was bit, traveled through the sewer system and passed out. Way longer than for how long Clem was bit. And the bite was on her ankle. Lee's was on the wrist - way closer to the heart and brain. The reason Clem looked so messed up was from blood loss.
It's too hard to buy it.
Are you talking about the collector's edition. Cause that is hard to buy. One on hand the case looks cool, but on the other the price is a bit high.
No, dear, he means it is not believable to grasp.
^^^Agreed 100%
Sarcasm. The reason Clem looked so bad was from the blood loss
Oh sorry, my bad. ?
No worries. P.s I love how we're having multiple conversations at the same time.
Haa and it will be 03:00am in the United Kingdom in a minute. Luckily I do not have lectures tomorrow.
10:12 in U.S
Ah, I see.
Nice to see Walking Dead can be loved overseas
Oh yes; I am not sure if it is as big as America, but the series is a global success.
A riddle for the age.
No one can explain there's no explanation this made no sense at all she should've died.
She got bit during night time walked for hours showed all the signs got to the barn when it was daytime then AJ cut her leg,somehow managed to get out of the barn full of walkers and i guess carry Clem on his back.
Shit made no sense,that was the worst part of the episode.
I chalk it up to blood loss/exhaustion. It wasn't the bite that was doing that, it was the giant goddamn gash.
I'm glad she didn't die considering all the shit that happened before that scene because that would've been even worse
I don't care how haha. I'm glad Clem survived. I was so mad after she got bit and thought the series was ruined. When she appeared again, I teared up with joy.
I'm chalking down the pale face to blood loss and fatigue. (Axe cut in her leg was oozing blood so maybe that was siphoning out some of the infection from her bloodstream which bought time?) Anywho, he simply got to it before it spread too much.
That leg was shredded to hell and back from the fire axe. It hardly made a good conduit for the infection to spread. Plus if there's one thing we've learned from The Walking Dead universe, the infection infects different people at different rates. Clem must have been one of those lucky people that were more resistant that most or at the very least slower to get infected. Call it plot armor, call it luck, call it whatever, but it's backed up by the series lore.
To be fair to the writers, it was never specified that you can become infected by being amputated by an infected weapon. Sure, Negan and the Saviors used the arrows, but they worked because the arrows pierced the body and transmitted the infection directly through their bloodstream, whereas you’re not going to have the “safe” part of your body pierced through amputation, the blood will just slightly scrape the surface of their amputation, so I think it’s plausible she could have survived seeing as we haven’t technically seen it happen before.
This actually raises an interesting point. If you amputate you'd have to calderite it. The burning could simply destroy any direct points of contact. Hmmmm….
I've been pretending that everything that occurred after the swing of the axe is just a dream sequence / hallucination, much like the ranch itself. As far as my head can put together, AJ died in the barn with Clementine, as the walkers broke through the aged structure over time.
Honestly, there's no reasonable explanation as to how AJ managed to amputate her leg safely, bandage it so she didn't bleed out in the barn, clear all of the walkers they went into the barn to ignore, and drag her back to the school.
Granted, it could be argued that the other kids at Ericsons miraculously discovered them at James' barn, cleared all of the walkers, helped get Clementine back to the school using the horse and cart. It's just so unlikely.
As far as surviving a bite is concerned, it's never expressed that age would play any factor in it following amputation. It would appear that bite location alongside how swiftly the amputation is applied is the key factors. Hershel's was very swift. In fact, all the survivors of such a bite to my knowledge were done very swiftly.
Oh so you’re one of my kind i see (UK)
Connie from the comics is bit sometime during a large scale Whisper Battle. It's unclear how much time passed, but they wait until the fight is over to amputate, so there is a decent delay and she survives.
You really should replay the episode. She was not bit during night time. When she climbs up that hill, the sun is already rising. It was not that long till they reached that barn.
Clementine: My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed. However Telltale transfered its memories and sent me to replace it. This incident should not affect the peaches and beans.
A.J: ?......