@lupinb0y Don't tell daddy Dreamworks but someone 'borrowed' the special Bad Guys short from the Blu Ray release
also uhhh... I guess this kinda spoiled that they all turn "good" by the end of the film, though it's a bit unclear? I guess that's good then.
But man that ANIMATION. Smooth, lots of personality.
I love how the eyes just POP. I also wonder why... are the Eyes 2D painted on? They look so distinct from the rest of the style.
The movie was influenced by some anime so they probably wanted to make the eyes as expressive as they are in anime. Plus like you said it helps the eyes pop out and it helps make the movie stand out from other animated properties.
@lupinb0y Don't tell daddy Dreamworks but someone 'borrowed' the special Bad Guys short from the Blu Ray release
also uhhh... I guess… more this kinda spoiled that they all turn "good" by the end of the film, though it's a bit unclear? I guess that's good then.
But man that ANIMATION. Smooth, lots of personality.
I love how the eyes just POP. I also wonder why... are the Eyes 2D painted on? They look so distinct from the rest of the style.
Alright so the Inside Outtakes are really interesting! It's almost like an alternate, rougher cut of the original special. Though obviously you see more of his mess-ups in recording.
The original thematic intent seems to have been looking towards the uncertain future, but he eventually tuned it back to being an introspective piece.
You get a great look at him messing with effects, alt takes of songs with different lyrics, lots of trying to catch a plane out of the window... Honestly, I think he was planning on putting the original on Youtube given how much content there is that makes fun of mid-roll ads. But I guess Netflix paid him big bucks.
Very excited for the Deluxe album. There's a few whole cut songs here, and a few that feel unfinished, hopefully they can get a finished cut for the release.
There's a chicken song at the end and it's sad. Also brings an interesting angle to the "road" question.
Dare I say it, Dreamworks' The Bad Guys is the best animated movie of the year so far.
Well, I do have an issue or two with it, but at the very least, it's one of the best. It was so much fun. Great heist movie.
Obviously the stand-out best part of this movie is the animation itself.
So smooth. So playful. So expressive.
The chase scenes specifically are very frantic but very tight. The Police Force is especially ridiculous but interesting to see, as they converge and pile onto each other like a ravenous mob.
The character designs are fantastic.
How the hell do they do it?!! Seriously! Diane Foxington really does live up to the hype!! Upbeat, sly, foxy, self-assured, her character is so well-crafted!
The main Bad Guy group are good fun as well, though personally I feel many of them feel more flat, personality and character-wise. But they're all pretty cute in their own ways. Wolf and his lure of the Good Side was cute, and I liked Snake's detail of somehow having a full row of teeth when pronouncing some syllables.
As for the Bad (the bad kind of bad) I do think the public's sudden acceptance of the group during their Gala scheme felt a bit too quick. Wolf is the only one who does a good deed, and somehow the rest of the group is kosher too? Would have wanted a few reluctant scenes of the rest "accomplishing" good too.
I have not yet seen Ghibli's Lupin III movie, but I've seen some clips, and this movie really evokes zany Lupin anime vibes. Will definitely put that on my watch list for the future.
Next, I'm gonna see Everything Everywhere All At Once tonight, and I've heard plenty of hype for that one. I'm super excited.
I picked a great pair of movies to do a double-bill on. Today was really fun.
Everything Everywhere All At Once is EVERYTHING you would want out of a Multiverse movie.
Doctor Strange 2, with its much, much bigger budget, somehow pales in comparison by miles. At least in my humble opinion.
One of the best movies of the year to me no doubt.
It's about an older woman, Evelyn Wang, who is suddenly recruited to save the multiverse by harnessing the powers of her alternate selves.
A24 does some great films. But this one has left me so stunned that they took such a wild and expansive concept and rolled with it all the way. It really does go Everywhere.
It goes to some WILD universes, has so many jump-cuts between dozens upon dozens of alternate versions, and uses many different film genres and styles of presentation.
I can't quite explain the surreal impressiveness of it easily or without spoiling moments I'd rather keep a surprise on first viewing.
I need to sit and process this, really. Since it's a 2h15m movie with a lot packed into it. My brain was on Analysis Mode most of the time, yet looking back on it now it's still so much to sift through.
It's also coincidentally got some great thematic elements for Pride Month viewing! Happy June Pride Month by the way!
Finished stranger things season 4 and will wait for Vol 2 I also watched and finished Hellbound also why the hell is Love Death + Robots episodes out of order I can’t tell which episodes are in order?
why the hell is Love Death + Robots episodes out of order I can’t tell which episodes are in order?
There is no order for that series. It's an entirely anthology series. Every episode tells a unique, standalone story.
The only ones that are (minorly) connected are Three Robots in Season 1 and its sequel Exit Strategies in Season 3.
Finished stranger things season 4 and will wait for Vol 2 I also watched and finished Hellbound also why the hell is Love Death + Robots episodes out of order I can’t tell which episodes are in order?
why the hell is Love Death + Robots episodes out of order I can’t tell which episodes are in order?
There is no order for that serie… mores. It's an entirely anthology series. Every episode tells a unique, standalone story.
The only ones that are (minorly) connected are Three Robots in Season 1 and its sequel Exit Strategies in Season 3.
I watched Top Gun: Maverick. It's really good and improves on the original film in almost every single way. The characters and their relationships aren't anywhere near as shallow as the original, with Maverick's relationships with Penny and Rooster being the biggest standouts, and the dogfighting in this is some of the best and most intense action I've seen in film in a while. The way it's all filmed really makes you feel like you're in the cockpit with the characters and it's incredible. They also handled Val Kilmer's condition very well in this. My only real issue with the movie is that it surprisingly doesn't have the same bite in one specific aspect as the original.
Also it's missing all that unintentional homo-eroticism.
But aside from that, it's really damn good sequel to a 36 year old movie.
Big spoiler in regards to what I mean to lack of bite:
In the first movie, a major character bites the dust after an accident during a training session, but in Maverick no one dies and everyone makes it out completely fine. Two characters planes are shot out of the sky and crash into the earth and neither of the pilots end up with a single scratch on them.
I saw Jurassic World : Dominion yesterday and it wasn’t what I’ve hoped for in retrospect they cut out some scenes from the the five minute intro which you can look it up on YouTube .
With all the dinosaurs running loses around the world like in Malta etc I have noticed a lot of dinosaurs from ark survival evolved like the Giganotosaurus, Therizinosaurus , lystrosaurus , Qetzel but other then that it had some good moments of dinosaurs being sold in the black market and or what humanity is doing with them including cooking them .
But the competitor for IGEN , Biosyn ceo your name at Dotson which was creating more dinosaurs but not genspicing dna like IGEN did with half dino dna but more realistic or close considering some species of dinosaurs had feathers but the plot wasn’t dinosaurs taking over it was locus prehistoric locus destroying the food supply .
In the end I did enjoy the returning cast interacting with the new cast it was great but hopefully during Jurassic parks 30th birthday we can have Live action Tv series of Jurassic world on the that takes place during and fallen kindom and Dominion to after that would be much more intresting.
Everything Everywhere is even better on a second watch!
(I didn't expect to be seeing it again so soon, but I told myself I'd watch it when it came to my local indie theater -- and, well, they sure surprised me with it this week.)
Gosh, this second time was awesome. I totally understood the entire film's arc this time around, since I wasn't so focused on my brain's Analysis Mode running rampant.
You've got Evelyn, pulled in so many different directions, in a very chaotic and frantic opening. It only seems to get crazier once she's tasked to save the Multiverse.
While she isn't meant to, she finds it hard to stop looking at her other selves, ones that are more successful than her -- either in class, in strength, in skill, in romantic pursuits... And she decides that she will use all the power she can muster to become as powerful as Jobu Tupaki, so she can defeat it.
However, after her mind fractures, she finally understands what is means to experience every universe all at the same time, and at this point, in seeing every regret and mistake she had made, she is lured into Jobu's nihilistic mantra. She's about to throw herself into the Nothing Matters Bagel, about to scream, slap, cut Waymond out of her life, in every life, until she realizes, and understands from Waymond, that everything matters. It just matters to you, and to everyone around you that you encounter. It's no use to fight or agonize over the infinitesimal sum of everything, since that itself doesn't matter. Cherish your hand of cards, and those of the people close to you, because that's what this universe is about.
And in the end, even if she may not agree with her daughter all the time, Evelyn realizes that she needs to be there to support her, be open, and let her be her own person.
And to not dwell on the what if's and what-could-have-been's. To make whatever this moment is matter, not let it pass her by.
Love, love, love this movie. It's so human and grounded at times, but so wacky and wild in others. And the balance between it all is so fun.
I think it does get a bit long overall, but I can't think of a scene I'd want left out. Maybe just a tightening of the pacing.
I liked the detail near the start of the IRS meeting, where you hear of various things Evelyn counted as "business expenses" but were actually hobbies -- things that she actually does in other universes -- singing, cooking, dancing, etc.
This second time around I also caught onto the fact that she stabs IRS Waymond in one of the multiverse montages, among the many other things you see she can/may do to other Waymonds across the multiverse (throwing rice at him, slapping him, etc.. It's a truly heartbreaking moment when she gives up on life like that.
The middle-of-the-movie insane Multiverse Montage is still so freaking cool to see. I heard someone say "holy shit..." after in the audience. Today's audience was pretty lively and packed too. Cool to see.
I'm sure I'll be getting this film on disc in the future, just to be able to add it to my collection. It's great. I think I'll also need to watch it with subtitles one day, as sometimes the theater speakers are a bit much, or character's thick accents or whispers are too quiet to understand every piece of dialogue.
Cool tip: Look up Jamie Lee Curtis' social media pages. She loves this movie, and is promoting it way, way more than any normal actor would, especially for a smaller part as hers. It's amazing and kinda heartwarming. She really loves this film, message, and style, and it shows. She's also really shitting on Doctor Strange 2 as the much bigger blockbuster, which is funny as well.
Finished watching Young Justice season 4. It starts off slow but then picks up after episode 5. It can get a little weird with all the time traveling stuff they had in this season but it starts to make sense. Was really happy with the way it ended. It was better then season 3 imo. Here's hoping season 5 will happen soon.
Finally happy that Superboy and Miss Martian got married and got the wedding they deserved. Lor Zod's death was actually surprising but satisfying. Also glad that Halo got together with Harper. Also glad they finally showed Supergirl.
Watched IT (2017) Part 1 on Netflix and Finished Love Death + Robots which by far was really good that each episode was its own story and watching Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
I watched the Bayman series, the spin off to Big Hero 6 which just released. It's six episodes and each episode is only like six and a half minutes tops. It's very sickeningly sweet and wholesome, and I really enjoyed it. It's pretty much a half hour of Baymax helping people around the city with their problems but it's a good amount of fun. No superhero shenanigans or anything. I will say that I'm surprised by some of the things in the series and what they managed to get away with considering... it's Disney, but it's all done well. You can tell it's not performative representation when Disney says jack about any of it lol.
If you liked the Big Hero 6 movie, or at least liked the character of Baymax, or you just wanna watch a really wholesome show that won't take up much of your time then give this a watch.
A very solid entry into LDR series. Feels a lot more comparable to the first season, more satisfying compared to Season 2.
Lots of chilling or quirky plots that have a decent end point leaving thought-provoking questions of what happens next.
Reservation Dogs
Awesome indigenous series by FX. It follows a small group of kids in a Native American Reservation in Oklahoma, doing small crimes to save up money to escape to the far-off land of California, while running into trouble with a rival gang encroaching on their territory.
Really great dramedy with nice writing, acting, & dashes of Native spirituality.
The finale does
come up a bit rushed, as the gang suddenly has the money to get to Cali. though you're never shown how or when they got it all.
Parks and Recreation
Good show. Wish I stopped two seasons ago. (Season 5).
The series finale is nice, (maybe a bit too nice - every character is shown to get an ever-increasing, upward, nothing-but-success trajectory in life) but Season 6 beforehand and a bit of Season 7 with its weird [now dated] "time-skip" lost a lot of the show's charm. Characters become caricatures of themselves, reduced to one or two specific traits, making them feel asshole-ish or very annoying. (Leslie in particular was crazy in Season 6)
Watched both The Curse Of Chucky and The Cult Of Chucky on Tubi and honestly I prefer The Curse of Chucky more then the Cult of Chucky it’s just the Cult of Chucky was doing good but when it had
five chuckles I was like , you can’t be serious.
Like it’s plot of the begging of the movie was doing good on were it left off was great but towards the end made my eyebrows rose.
And of course enjoyed my Stranger Things 4th of July weekend and continuing on The Chillling Adventure of Sabrina.
I finished watching the entire series of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, it was epic which west makes a comeback in the future but other then that I’m watching the live action Resident evil on Netflix .
Finished watching Resident Evil on Netflix , my god it was horrible this is why I prefer the animated films and infinite darkness those at least are pure cannon and don’t mess up characters development.
I watched Prey, which just released on Disney+ and I really liked it! I thought it was a great return to form for the Predator franchise, very easily beating out the last couple entries. The action, especially in the second half is great, really well chereographed with lots of fun/gnarly kills, and some of them get pretty creative too. I think the movie has the highest kill count of the series so far. The movie starts off pretty slow paced, with a focus on Naru trying to prove to her tribe that she has what it takes to join the rank of Comanche warriors, but it isn't long before the Predator comes into the scene and starts doing its thing.
There's also very little dialogue in the movie, which I personally think is a welcome change from the last movie in which no one would shut the hell up. It's the most serious and dramatic movie in the franchise by far, though that's not to say that there aren't some pretty goofy things. The acting overall is very good, in particular Amber Midthunder as Naru, and there's a couple specific scenes towards the end with her that I really loved. I will say that the characters are a bit one note, they're not as memorable as, let's say Dutch or Harrigan, but they get the job done. The movie also doesn't rely too heavily on nostalgia, it very much tries and for the most part succeeds in doing it's own thing, though there are a couple nods here and there.
I think Dan Trachtenberg did a great job with the movie. I hope whatever the next entry in the series is, it takes a couple pages from what he's done with Prey.
I pirated and downloaded the movie right now since I heard nothing but good things about it. If it is the best film of the franchise, then I have to see it. I'll be back in 2 hours.
I watched Prey, which just released on Disney+ and I really liked it! I thought it was a great return to form for the Predator franchise, ve… morery easily beating out the last couple entries. The action, especially in the second half is great, really well chereographed with lots of fun/gnarly kills, and some of them get pretty creative too. I think the movie has the highest kill count of the series so far. The movie starts off pretty slow paced, with a focus on Naru trying to prove to her tribe that she has what it takes to join the rank of Comanche warriors, but it isn't long before the Predator comes into the scene and starts doing its thing.
There's also very little dialogue in the movie, which I personally think is a welcome change from the last movie in which no one would shut the hell up. It's the most serious and dramatic movie in the franchise by far, though that's not to say that there aren't some pretty goofy things. The acting overal… [view original content]
It's very tonally different from the other movies and while I really enjoyed it I'd probably put it at number two, Predator 2 is still at the top for me.
I pirated and downloaded the movie right now since I heard nothing but good things about it. If it is the best film of the franchise, then I have to see it. I'll be back in 2 hours.
I finished watching Prey and I am soo shocked how good this film actually was. Why wasn't this film released in theaters? The Predator 2018 gets one but this one doesn't? Fuck you, Disney.
I think I have pretty much the same words as you. With barely any dialogue spoken, it made me feel like I was watching an episode of Samurai Jack. The first half is very slow paced which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I think it was done better in the original movie. However, as you said, the second half is just chef's kiss. I loved the new predator, he looks so badass and it definitely fitted the century this film took place. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think this predator ever used a laser gun but instead, it used harpoons which made it even more awesome and accurate to the movie's in-time.
Predator 1987 is my favorite movie of all time but I don't know which one comes second. Either Prey or Predators. Predators is the film that actually introduced me to this franchise and I watched it so many times as a kid. Prey definitely has its own identity with its minimal use of fan service while Predators kinda relies too much on fan service, even with its new ideas. Predator 2 was okay, I didn't like it when I first saw but I think I have to re-watch it to hopefully prove me wrong. I am just soo glad to see a sci-fi film sequel that broke the curse of bad sequels for sci-fi franchises from 70's/80's. Now we need a proper film sequel for Alien and Terminator.
It's very tonally different from the other movies and while I really enjoyed it I'd probably put it at number two, Predator 2 is still at the top for me.
I finished watching Prey and I am soo shocked how good this film actually was. Why wasn't this film released in theaters? The Predator 2018 gets one but this one doesn't? Fuck you, Disney.
Disney didn't own Fox yet when the 2018 movie was released and Prey was always going to be a streaming movie I believe. Presumably because the last one didn't do so well. Though it does currently have a limited theatrical run in select theatres in the US.
Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think this predator ever used a laser gun but instead, it used harpoons which made it even more awesome and accurate to the movie's in-time.
Yup! All his tech is less advanced than what we saw in the original Predator.
His laser guided thing only shoots metal bolts, his helmet only sees in infrared, his cloaking tech consistently fails when he gets touched, he doesn't have the voice copier thing, etc.
Predator 2 was okay, I didn't like it when I first saw but I think I have to re-watch it to hopefully prove me wrong.
Predator 2 is just insanely fun to me. You got Danny Glover, the Predator taking down a mexican cartel, a voodoo drug lord, the Predator causing mayhem in Los Angeles, and of course the final fight on the ship.
I finished watching Prey and I am soo shocked how good this film actually was. Why wasn't this film released in theaters? The Predator 2018 … moregets one but this one doesn't? Fuck you, Disney.
I think I have pretty much the same words as you. With barely any dialogue spoken, it made me feel like I was watching an episode of Samurai Jack. The first half is very slow paced which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I think it was done better in the original movie. However, as you said, the second half is just chef's kiss. I loved the new predator, he looks so badass and it definitely fitted the century this film took place. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think this predator ever used a laser gun but instead, it used harpoons which made it even more awesome and accurate to the movie's in-time.
Predator 1987 is my favorite movie of all time but I don't know which one comes second. Either Prey or Predators. Predators is the film that actually… [view original content]
I remember not liking Predator 2, one of the reasons being Danny Glover's character which I found pretty unlikable. I can't recall exactly why, whether it was stupid decisions that he made or just an unlikable personality.
I finished watching Prey and I am soo shocked how good this film actually was. Why wasn't this film released in theaters? The Predator 2018 … moregets one but this one doesn't? Fuck you, Disney.
Disney didn't own Fox yet when the 2018 movie was released and Prey was always going to be a streaming movie I believe. Presumably because the last one didn't do so well. Though it does currently have a limited theatrical run in select theatres in the US.
Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think this predator ever used a laser gun but instead, it used harpoons which made it even more awesome and accurate to the movie's in-time.
Yup! All his tech is less advanced than what we saw in the original Predator.
Predator 2 was okay, I didn't like it when I first saw but I think I have to re-watch it to hopefully prove me wrong.
Predator 2 is just insanely fun to me. You got Danny Glover, the Predator taking down a … [view original content]
I’m not a fan of predator 2 ether , I thought the plot was kinda boring compared to the first film predators 2010 was intresting had different types of characters from around the world surviving with different military or criminal occupations.
I remember not liking Predator 2, one of the reasons being Danny Glover's character which I found pretty unlikable. I can't recall exactly why, whether it was stupid decisions that he made or just an unlikable personality.
Very recently finished the first season of Kim's Convenience.
It's a sitcom (based on a play) about a Korean-Canadian family in Toronto who owns and operates a convenience store. All the seasons are on Netflix for me, so I'm checking it out for the first time.
I'm surprised and dissapointed I hadn't decided to check it out before now, it's nice! Can definitely see why this became such a local hit.
Seeing local landmarks and areas is pretty cool, the show has some great messages of unity and coming together as a family, and lots of the humour is pretty fun, particularly involving Mr. Kim/Appa's strict demeanor.
Paul Sun-Hyung Lee definitely has his catchphrases down pat. Same inflection, every time, always fun. ("Ok, See You!" "Stop! :raised_hand:" in that exact way)
He's not a perfect character, but his conviction to treating his customers with respect and good service is really nice to see every episode.
Its also pretty cool to see essentially where Simu Liu got his big break into the mainstream Canadian conciousness as Jung, before slingshotting his way to Marvel Studios as Shang Chi. Damn. What a trajectory
The show isn't perfect -- I found a lot of the conflicts surrounding Janet revolved around her vs. her dad's stubborn old-ways-of-thinking and that kind of got boring. Hopefully she has something else to do than butr heads with Appa later. (Sitcoms don't usually find their footing in S1, its ok.)
Also, I feel like the parents' heavy Korean accent and broken english are played up for laughs, which I feel guilty for giggling at sometimes, though I'd say it's probably a character trait made to reinforce the idea behind the younger generation clashing with the older generation's old ways of thinking/speaking.
I'll definitely have to re-read the play, since it's been a good few years since I read it for school, and I'd love to see what was specifically adapted from the page.
I remember there being much more of a conflict and climax in the story between Appa and Jung in the play, but they really seemed to downplay or skirt around it in the show. Maybe it'll come later, but it's probably sticking to its sitcom rules.
Just started watching Primal and it's unsurprisingly pretty good. I mean, when I heard about a show that centered around caveman and a dinosaur and was created by the same guy who made Samurai Jack and Sym-Bionic Titan, I was like, "Yeah, I can get behind this."
I saw Marcel the Shell with Shoes On last night. It is an adorable, moving, heartbreaking film that has big heart on a small scale.
The film is based on a very old series of short films (also called Marcel the Shell with Shoes On) made by Dean Fleischer-Camp and Jenny Slate, from about 11 years ago, that became a huge viral hit.
(Maybe not viral enough, I hadn't heard of it until I'd heard of the movie this year.)
It's a documentary-style film about a 1-inch tall shell called Marcel that has one massive eyeball and two shoes on his feet, how he manages to live in this massive world of a house he inhabits along with his nana, Connie. But after finding out about the [even more] massive, massive world outside, Marcel tries to use Dean's documentarian skills to spread the word and find his extended family who disappeared many years ago.
The film has so much heart and imagination to it, in how Marcel finds ways to have fun and explore the massive house (I love his hamster-ball-like Tennis Ball "rover") and the film uses some great stop-motion animation and tilt-shift cinematography to film tiny areas of the house.
There's a wonderful culmination of events in the film when Marcel's story gets broadcast on 60 Minutes, and he gets to meet Leslie Stahl, his idol.
This is also followed by an equally memorable moment and most tragic part of the film, his nana's death. Her character was handled in such a way that it hit really too close to home for my family. The grandmother had memory issues, then after one random fall everything kept getting worse, until it reached its end... God, it's so heartbreaking, but such a beautifully melancholic moment I did not expect to see in such a cute film tonight
It's really nice. 10/10 from me. There's nothing I didn't enjoy from this film.
I watched Total Drama Island (Season 1) to see what all the fuss was about.
It was decent. Probably something I would have enjoyed more in its time and at a younger age, but it was a decent parody of reality competition shows. Also the Canada representation was fun. Woohoo Muskoka!
Not sure I'd be interested in watching any other seasons though, unless they're any better than this one.
I liked the insane challenges Chris cooked up throughout the show, and it had some nice use of cartoonish violence and slapstick. It often went into gross-out humour and that's where I got really turned off from the show. There's only so many times I can see someone clean a dirty toilet in a weird way, see Owen rip a fart orchestra, or see everyone in the same room puke over something. It got repetitive, boring, and I practically never enjoyed those moments.
The idea of a "scripted" reality show is neat, given the writers can write whatever stakes and character twists that would make good TV, but honestly that didn't totally happen here.
Some characters I was surprised to see them make it as far as they did, some others I could clearly see favouritism for, and others were just filler whose gimmicks wouldn't last long.
That's another thing, the show is full of characters, they each usually have their own gimmick. Beth is the awkward braces-laden nerd. Katie and Sadie are the annoying BFFs. Heather is The Mean One/The Villain. Lindsay is the ditsy blonde.
Some of the show definitely feels like a product of its time though, even if it was 2007. Leshawna was mostly the sassy, angry black woman. Owen was occasionally the closeted gay guy who got weird looks from everyone. Some of it didn't hold up in my eyes.
And there's 22 characters at the start. It got pretty hard to keep track of characters throughout the show with how many there are -- though I had my faves -- but near the last third I could finally reliably put names to faces.
Heather really makes me mad though. They telegraphed her top 3 placement way too early on in the show. The moment she started proclaiming she'd be in the top 3 and started forming alliances and sabotaging players, I could easily see where that was going.
But a lot of it relied on some really blind luck, she managed to piss off literally everyone on the show at various points, and often refused to be a team player, It's maddening she made it till the near-end. But I get it... villain...
Good season 1. Found it a bit too long for my liking, given much if the humour was hit, miss, or a slight chuckle. Don't think I'll continue.
The last episode being double-length was surprising though. I didn't think they'd be granted that flexibility in those days of television!
Best show on TV right now:
More people should watch it.
@lupinb0y Don't tell daddy Dreamworks but someone 'borrowed' the special Bad Guys short from the Blu Ray release
also uhhh... I guess this kinda spoiled that they all turn "good" by the end of the film, though it's a bit unclear? I guess that's good then.
But man that ANIMATION. Smooth, lots of personality.
I love how the eyes just POP. I also wonder why... are the Eyes 2D painted on? They look so distinct from the rest of the style.
The movie was influenced by some anime so they probably wanted to make the eyes as expressive as they are in anime. Plus like you said it helps the eyes pop out and it helps make the movie stand out from other animated properties.
Alright so the Inside Outtakes are really interesting! It's almost like an alternate, rougher cut of the original special. Though obviously you see more of his mess-ups in recording.
The original thematic intent seems to have been looking towards the uncertain future, but he eventually tuned it back to being an introspective piece.
You get a great look at him messing with effects, alt takes of songs with different lyrics, lots of trying to catch a plane out of the window... Honestly, I think he was planning on putting the original on Youtube given how much content there is that makes fun of mid-roll ads. But I guess Netflix paid him big bucks.
Very excited for the Deluxe album. There's a few whole cut songs here, and a few that feel unfinished, hopefully they can get a finished cut for the release.
The new season of Stranger Things is interesting. A bit bloated, but it's holding my attention.
Watching Stranger Things season 4 after getting caught up within a month.
Dare I say it, Dreamworks' The Bad Guys is the best animated movie of the year so far.
Well, I do have an issue or two with it, but at the very least, it's one of the best. It was so much fun. Great heist movie.
Obviously the stand-out best part of this movie is the animation itself.
So smooth. So playful. So expressive.
The chase scenes specifically are very frantic but very tight. The Police Force is especially ridiculous but interesting to see, as they converge and pile onto each other like a ravenous mob.
The character designs are fantastic.
How the hell do they do it?!! Seriously! Diane Foxington really does live up to the hype!! Upbeat, sly, foxy, self-assured, her character is so well-crafted!
The main Bad Guy group are good fun as well, though personally I feel many of them feel more flat, personality and character-wise. But they're all pretty cute in their own ways. Wolf and his lure of the Good Side was cute, and I liked Snake's detail of somehow having a full row of teeth when pronouncing some syllables.
As for the Bad (the bad kind of bad) I do think the public's sudden acceptance of the group during their Gala scheme felt a bit too quick. Wolf is the only one who does a good deed, and somehow the rest of the group is kosher too? Would have wanted a few reluctant scenes of the rest "accomplishing" good too.
I have not yet seen Ghibli's Lupin III movie, but I've seen some clips, and this movie really evokes zany Lupin anime vibes. Will definitely put that on my watch list for the future.
Next, I'm gonna see Everything Everywhere All At Once tonight, and I've heard plenty of hype for that one. I'm super excited.
I picked a great pair of movies to do a double-bill on. Today was really fun.
Everything Everywhere All At Once is EVERYTHING you would want out of a Multiverse movie.
Doctor Strange 2, with its much, much bigger budget, somehow pales in comparison by miles. At least in my humble opinion.
One of the best movies of the year to me no doubt.
It's about an older woman, Evelyn Wang, who is suddenly recruited to save the multiverse by harnessing the powers of her alternate selves.
A24 does some great films. But this one has left me so stunned that they took such a wild and expansive concept and rolled with it all the way. It really does go Everywhere.
It goes to some WILD universes, has so many jump-cuts between dozens upon dozens of alternate versions, and uses many different film genres and styles of presentation.
I can't quite explain the surreal impressiveness of it easily or without spoiling moments I'd rather keep a surprise on first viewing.
I need to sit and process this, really. Since it's a 2h15m movie with a lot packed into it. My brain was on Analysis Mode most of the time, yet looking back on it now it's still so much to sift through.
It's also coincidentally got some great thematic elements for Pride Month viewing! Happy June Pride Month by the way!
Finished stranger things season 4 and will wait for Vol 2 I also watched and finished Hellbound also why the hell is Love Death + Robots episodes out of order I can’t tell which episodes are in order?
There is no order for that series. It's an entirely anthology series. Every episode tells a unique, standalone story.
The only ones that are (minorly) connected are Three Robots in Season 1 and its sequel Exit Strategies in Season 3.
So go nuts then?
Go crazy, go wild man. The order is your oyster.
I watched Top Gun: Maverick. It's really good and improves on the original film in almost every single way. The characters and their relationships aren't anywhere near as shallow as the original, with Maverick's relationships with Penny and Rooster being the biggest standouts, and the dogfighting in this is some of the best and most intense action I've seen in film in a while. The way it's all filmed really makes you feel like you're in the cockpit with the characters and it's incredible. They also handled Val Kilmer's condition very well in this. My only real issue with the movie is that it surprisingly doesn't have the same bite in one specific aspect as the original.
Also it's missing all that unintentional homo-eroticism.
But aside from that, it's really damn good sequel to a 36 year old movie.
Big spoiler in regards to what I mean to lack of bite:
In the first movie, a major character bites the dust after an accident during a training session, but in Maverick no one dies and everyone makes it out completely fine. Two characters planes are shot out of the sky and crash into the earth and neither of the pilots end up with a single scratch on them.
I saw Jurassic World : Dominion yesterday and it wasn’t what I’ve hoped for in retrospect they cut out some scenes from the the five minute intro which you can look it up on YouTube .
With all the dinosaurs running loses around the world like in Malta etc I have noticed a lot of dinosaurs from ark survival evolved like the Giganotosaurus, Therizinosaurus , lystrosaurus , Qetzel but other then that it had some good moments of dinosaurs being sold in the black market and or what humanity is doing with them including cooking them .
But the competitor for IGEN , Biosyn ceo your name at Dotson which was creating more dinosaurs but not genspicing dna like IGEN did with half dino dna but more realistic or close considering some species of dinosaurs had feathers but the plot wasn’t dinosaurs taking over it was locus prehistoric locus destroying the food supply .
In the end I did enjoy the returning cast interacting with the new cast it was great but hopefully during Jurassic parks 30th birthday we can have Live action Tv series of Jurassic world on the that takes place during and fallen kindom and Dominion to after that would be much more intresting.
Everything Everywhere is even better on a second watch!
(I didn't expect to be seeing it again so soon, but I told myself I'd watch it when it came to my local indie theater -- and, well, they sure surprised me with it this week.)
Gosh, this second time was awesome. I totally understood the entire film's arc this time around, since I wasn't so focused on my brain's Analysis Mode running rampant.
Love, love, love this movie. It's so human and grounded at times, but so wacky and wild in others. And the balance between it all is so fun.
I think it does get a bit long overall, but I can't think of a scene I'd want left out. Maybe just a tightening of the pacing.
I liked the detail near the start of the IRS meeting, where you hear of various things Evelyn counted as "business expenses" but were actually hobbies -- things that she actually does in other universes -- singing, cooking, dancing, etc.
This second time around I also caught onto the fact that she stabs IRS Waymond in one of the multiverse montages, among the many other things you see she can/may do to other Waymonds across the multiverse (throwing rice at him, slapping him, etc.. It's a truly heartbreaking moment when she gives up on life like that.
The middle-of-the-movie insane Multiverse Montage is still so freaking cool to see. I heard someone say "holy shit..." after in the audience. Today's audience was pretty lively and packed too. Cool to see.
I'm sure I'll be getting this film on disc in the future, just to be able to add it to my collection. It's great. I think I'll also need to watch it with subtitles one day, as sometimes the theater speakers are a bit much, or character's thick accents or whispers are too quiet to understand every piece of dialogue.
Cool tip: Look up Jamie Lee Curtis' social media pages. She loves this movie, and is promoting it way, way more than any normal actor would, especially for a smaller part as hers. It's amazing and kinda heartwarming. She really loves this film, message, and style, and it shows. She's also really shitting on Doctor Strange 2 as the much bigger blockbuster, which is funny as well.
Finished watching Young Justice season 4. It starts off slow but then picks up after episode 5. It can get a little weird with all the time traveling stuff they had in this season but it starts to make sense. Was really happy with the way it ended. It was better then season 3 imo. Here's hoping season 5 will happen soon.
Finally happy that Superboy and Miss Martian got married and got the wedding they deserved. Lor Zod's death was actually surprising but satisfying. Also glad that Halo got together with Harper. Also glad they finally showed Supergirl.
So I have watched Everything Everywhere All At Once. It was weird but I enjoyed it
Watched IT (2017) Part 1 on Netflix and Finished Love Death + Robots which by far was really good that each episode was its own story and watching Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
I watched the Bayman series, the spin off to Big Hero 6 which just released. It's six episodes and each episode is only like six and a half minutes tops. It's very sickeningly sweet and wholesome, and I really enjoyed it. It's pretty much a half hour of Baymax helping people around the city with their problems but it's a good amount of fun. No superhero shenanigans or anything. I will say that I'm surprised by some of the things in the series and what they managed to get away with considering... it's Disney, but it's all done well. You can tell it's not performative representation when Disney says jack about any of it lol.
If you liked the Big Hero 6 movie, or at least liked the character of Baymax, or you just wanna watch a really wholesome show that won't take up much of your time then give this a watch.
Finished a few various things recently
Love Death and Robots Season 3
A very solid entry into LDR series. Feels a lot more comparable to the first season, more satisfying compared to Season 2.
Lots of chilling or quirky plots that have a decent end point leaving thought-provoking questions of what happens next.
Reservation Dogs
Awesome indigenous series by FX. It follows a small group of kids in a Native American Reservation in Oklahoma, doing small crimes to save up money to escape to the far-off land of California, while running into trouble with a rival gang encroaching on their territory.
Really great dramedy with nice writing, acting, & dashes of Native spirituality.
The finale does
Parks and Recreation
Good show. Wish I stopped two seasons ago. (Season 5).
The series finale is nice, (maybe a bit too nice - every character is shown to get an ever-increasing, upward, nothing-but-success trajectory in life) but Season 6 beforehand and a bit of Season 7 with its weird [now dated] "time-skip" lost a lot of the show's charm. Characters become caricatures of themselves, reduced to one or two specific traits, making them feel asshole-ish or very annoying. (Leslie in particular was crazy in Season 6)
Watched both The Curse Of Chucky and The Cult Of Chucky on Tubi and honestly I prefer The Curse of Chucky more then the Cult of Chucky it’s just the Cult of Chucky was doing good but when it had
five chuckles I was like , you can’t be serious.
Like it’s plot of the begging of the movie was doing good on were it left off was great but towards the end made my eyebrows rose.
And of course enjoyed my Stranger Things 4th of July weekend and continuing on The Chillling Adventure of Sabrina.
Watching Only Murders in the Building season 2!
It's so fucking good, I absolutely love this show.
I finished watching the entire series of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, it was epic which west makes a comeback in the future but other then that I’m watching the live action Resident evil on Netflix .
Finished watching Resident Evil on Netflix , my god it was horrible this is why I prefer the animated films and infinite darkness those at least are pure cannon and don’t mess up characters development.
Almost done Watching the series finale of Jurassic World : Camp Cetaceous.
I watched Prey, which just released on Disney+ and I really liked it! I thought it was a great return to form for the Predator franchise, very easily beating out the last couple entries. The action, especially in the second half is great, really well chereographed with lots of fun/gnarly kills, and some of them get pretty creative too. I think the movie has the highest kill count of the series so far. The movie starts off pretty slow paced, with a focus on Naru trying to prove to her tribe that she has what it takes to join the rank of Comanche warriors, but it isn't long before the Predator comes into the scene and starts doing its thing.
There's also very little dialogue in the movie, which I personally think is a welcome change from the last movie in which no one would shut the hell up. It's the most serious and dramatic movie in the franchise by far, though that's not to say that there aren't some pretty goofy things. The acting overall is very good, in particular Amber Midthunder as Naru, and there's a couple specific scenes towards the end with her that I really loved. I will say that the characters are a bit one note, they're not as memorable as, let's say Dutch or Harrigan, but they get the job done. The movie also doesn't rely too heavily on nostalgia, it very much tries and for the most part succeeds in doing it's own thing, though there are a couple nods here and there.
I think Dan Trachtenberg did a great job with the movie. I hope whatever the next entry in the series is, it takes a couple pages from what he's done with Prey.
Overall, no weaponised autism, so 10/10.
I pirated and downloaded the movie right now since I heard nothing but good things about it. If it is the best film of the franchise, then I have to see it. I'll be back in 2 hours.
It's very tonally different from the other movies and while I really enjoyed it I'd probably put it at number two, Predator 2 is still at the top for me.
I finished watching Prey and I am soo shocked how good this film actually was. Why wasn't this film released in theaters? The Predator 2018 gets one but this one doesn't? Fuck you, Disney.
I think I have pretty much the same words as you. With barely any dialogue spoken, it made me feel like I was watching an episode of Samurai Jack. The first half is very slow paced which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I think it was done better in the original movie. However, as you said, the second half is just chef's kiss. I loved the new predator, he looks so badass and it definitely fitted the century this film took place. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think this predator ever used a laser gun but instead, it used harpoons which made it even more awesome and accurate to the movie's in-time.
Predator 1987 is my favorite movie of all time but I don't know which one comes second. Either Prey or Predators. Predators is the film that actually introduced me to this franchise and I watched it so many times as a kid. Prey definitely has its own identity with its minimal use of fan service while Predators kinda relies too much on fan service, even with its new ideas. Predator 2 was okay, I didn't like it when I first saw but I think I have to re-watch it to hopefully prove me wrong. I am just soo glad to see a sci-fi film sequel that broke the curse of bad sequels for sci-fi franchises from 70's/80's. Now we need a proper film sequel for Alien and Terminator.
Disney didn't own Fox yet when the 2018 movie was released and Prey was always going to be a streaming movie I believe. Presumably because the last one didn't do so well. Though it does currently have a limited theatrical run in select theatres in the US.
Yup! All his tech is less advanced than what we saw in the original Predator.
His laser guided thing only shoots metal bolts, his helmet only sees in infrared, his cloaking tech consistently fails when he gets touched, he doesn't have the voice copier thing, etc.
Predator 2 is just insanely fun to me. You got Danny Glover, the Predator taking down a mexican cartel, a voodoo drug lord, the Predator causing mayhem in Los Angeles, and of course the final fight on the ship.
I remember not liking Predator 2, one of the reasons being Danny Glover's character which I found pretty unlikable. I can't recall exactly why, whether it was stupid decisions that he made or just an unlikable personality.
I’m not a fan of predator 2 ether , I thought the plot was kinda boring compared to the first film predators 2010 was intresting had different types of characters from around the world surviving with different military or criminal occupations.
Saw this movie it was awesome

Very recently finished the first season of Kim's Convenience.
It's a sitcom (based on a play) about a Korean-Canadian family in Toronto who owns and operates a convenience store. All the seasons are on Netflix for me, so I'm checking it out for the first time.
I'm surprised and dissapointed I hadn't decided to check it out before now, it's nice! Can definitely see why this became such a local hit.
Seeing local landmarks and areas is pretty cool, the show has some great messages of unity and coming together as a family, and lots of the humour is pretty fun, particularly involving Mr. Kim/Appa's strict demeanor.
Paul Sun-Hyung Lee definitely has his catchphrases down pat. Same inflection, every time, always fun. ("Ok, See You!" "Stop! :raised_hand:" in that exact way)
He's not a perfect character, but his conviction to treating his customers with respect and good service is really nice to see every episode.
Its also pretty cool to see essentially where Simu Liu got his big break into the mainstream Canadian conciousness as Jung, before slingshotting his way to Marvel Studios as Shang Chi. Damn. What a trajectory
The show isn't perfect -- I found a lot of the conflicts surrounding Janet revolved around her vs. her dad's stubborn old-ways-of-thinking and that kind of got boring. Hopefully she has something else to do than butr heads with Appa later. (Sitcoms don't usually find their footing in S1, its ok.)
Also, I feel like the parents' heavy Korean accent and broken english are played up for laughs, which I feel guilty for giggling at sometimes, though I'd say it's probably a character trait made to reinforce the idea behind the younger generation clashing with the older generation's old ways of thinking/speaking.
I'll definitely have to re-read the play, since it's been a good few years since I read it for school, and I'd love to see what was specifically adapted from the page.
I remember there being much more of a conflict and climax in the story between Appa and Jung in the play, but they really seemed to downplay or skirt around it in the show. Maybe it'll come later, but it's probably sticking to its sitcom rules.
7.5/10, very nice introduction.
Just started watching Primal and it's unsurprisingly pretty good. I mean, when I heard about a show that centered around caveman and a dinosaur and was created by the same guy who made Samurai Jack and Sym-Bionic Titan, I was like, "Yeah, I can get behind this."
I saw Marcel the Shell with Shoes On last night. It is an adorable, moving, heartbreaking film that has big heart on a small scale.
The film is based on a very old series of short films (also called Marcel the Shell with Shoes On) made by Dean Fleischer-Camp and Jenny Slate, from about 11 years ago, that became a huge viral hit.
(Maybe not viral enough, I hadn't heard of it until I'd heard of the movie this year.)
It's a documentary-style film about a 1-inch tall shell called Marcel that has one massive eyeball and two shoes on his feet, how he manages to live in this massive world of a house he inhabits along with his nana, Connie. But after finding out about the [even more] massive, massive world outside, Marcel tries to use Dean's documentarian skills to spread the word and find his extended family who disappeared many years ago.
The film has so much heart and imagination to it, in how Marcel finds ways to have fun and explore the massive house (I love his hamster-ball-like Tennis Ball "rover") and the film uses some great stop-motion animation and tilt-shift cinematography to film tiny areas of the house.
There's a wonderful culmination of events in the film when Marcel's story gets broadcast on 60 Minutes, and he gets to meet Leslie Stahl, his idol.
This is also followed by an equally memorable moment and most tragic part of the film, his nana's death. Her character was handled in such a way that it hit really too close to home for my family. The grandmother had memory issues, then after one random fall everything kept getting worse, until it reached its end... God, it's so heartbreaking, but such a beautifully melancholic moment I did not expect to see in such a cute film tonight
It's really nice. 10/10 from me. There's nothing I didn't enjoy from this film.
i am watching this
and just before 
I love this movie , one of my favorite vampire films.

Here’s another good movie I saw on Netflix.

Alright Campers!
I watched Total Drama Island (Season 1) to see what all the fuss was about.
It was decent. Probably something I would have enjoyed more in its time and at a younger age, but it was a decent parody of reality competition shows. Also the Canada representation was fun. Woohoo Muskoka!
Not sure I'd be interested in watching any other seasons though, unless they're any better than this one.
I liked the insane challenges Chris cooked up throughout the show, and it had some nice use of cartoonish violence and slapstick. It often went into gross-out humour and that's where I got really turned off from the show. There's only so many times I can see someone clean a dirty toilet in a weird way, see Owen rip a fart orchestra, or see everyone in the same room puke over something. It got repetitive, boring, and I practically never enjoyed those moments.
The idea of a "scripted" reality show is neat, given the writers can write whatever stakes and character twists that would make good TV, but honestly that didn't totally happen here.
Some characters I was surprised to see them make it as far as they did, some others I could clearly see favouritism for, and others were just filler whose gimmicks wouldn't last long.
That's another thing, the show is full of characters, they each usually have their own gimmick. Beth is the awkward braces-laden nerd. Katie and Sadie are the annoying BFFs. Heather is The Mean One/The Villain. Lindsay is the ditsy blonde.
Some of the show definitely feels like a product of its time though, even if it was 2007. Leshawna was mostly the sassy, angry black woman. Owen was occasionally the closeted gay guy who got weird looks from everyone. Some of it didn't hold up in my eyes.
And there's 22 characters at the start. It got pretty hard to keep track of characters throughout the show with how many there are -- though I had my faves -- but near the last third I could finally reliably put names to faces.
Heather really makes me mad though. They telegraphed her top 3 placement way too early on in the show. The moment she started proclaiming she'd be in the top 3 and started forming alliances and sabotaging players, I could easily see where that was going.
But a lot of it relied on some really blind luck, she managed to piss off literally everyone on the show at various points, and often refused to be a team player, It's maddening she made it till the near-end. But I get it... villain...
Good season 1. Found it a bit too long for my liking, given much if the humour was hit, miss, or a slight chuckle. Don't think I'll continue.
The last episode being double-length was surprising though. I didn't think they'd be granted that flexibility in those days of television!