The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited October 2023

    To be candid here, it makes sense they'd be running into potential financial issues. The thing they need the most to get the company back on its feet also happens to be their biggest enemy: time. Every minute the company's up and running, that's more money to pay. They presumably bankrolled the revival of Telltale out of their own pocket, which I imagine is a not-insignificant amount of cash to be investing into what is quite honestly a risky gamble. After what happened with the original Telltale, and how they did a pretty good job killing a lot of the goodwill on both the consumer and developer side before going down, it'd take quite a pitch to salvage that image and reputation and get people on board again. Don't get me wrong, I respect them for actually stepping up to the plate and taking that challenge, but even I can't deny that it's not exactly the best choice of investment, at least not short-term.

    But even beyond that, they need to sustain the company as they work to get all the necessary infrastructure back up before they could properly start developing anything. And in the 2+ years they've spent doing that, the only two releases to supplement their expenses have been a noir filter for an existing series, and The Expanse... and from the looks of things, neither have exactly been a runaway success. So it does kind of beg the question of where exactly the grease for the machine is coming from, you know?

    Obviously, none of us have any way of knowing exactly what's going on behind their doors right now, but I do sincerely hope that they don't crash and burn again.

    Also, if new Telltale falls, then that means Bruner House outlives them. And that would be a cosmic injustice.

  • edited October 2023

    So it does kind of beg the question of where exactly the grease for the machine is coming from, you know?

    They did get that sizable investment they announced a year ago, so they might be running on that for now. Though they did also purchase that one studio, plus they got that mystery third game, so they might actually have more than we suspect and the layoffs may be due to Telltale themselves seemingly being a support studio for their own games.

    I say huffing a can of copium.

    Also, if new Telltale falls, then that means Bruner House outlives them. And that would be a cosmic injustice.

    Deltino posted: »

    To be candid here, it makes sense they'd be running into potential financial issues. The thing they need the most to get the company back on

  • wolf 2 is going to be canceled next year and then at the game awards 2025 suddenly there is a new trailer for the game with the weirdest looking Bigby you've ever seen followed by

    A Bruner House Production

    The Bruner House always wins. B)

  • Can't wait for the 'evolution of The Wolf Among Us 2 (and bigby wolf)' videos

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wolf 2 is going to be canceled next year and then at the game awards 2025 suddenly there is a new trailer for the game with the weirdest looking Bigby you've ever seen followed by A Bruner House Production The Bruner House always wins.

  • edited October 2023

    Alan Wake 2 is going to end its major chapters with songs, but unlike the first game that had licensed music (and that ultimately delisted it for a while), this one has fully original songs written specifically for the story!

  • Titled: "The shit among us 2"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wolf 2 is going to be canceled next year and then at the game awards 2025 suddenly there is a new trailer for the game with the weirdest looking Bigby you've ever seen followed by A Bruner House Production The Bruner House always wins.

  • The triumphant return of Fatso Bigby, let's go boys.

    Turns out that was Bruner's secret project all along.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    wolf 2 is going to be canceled next year and then at the game awards 2025 suddenly there is a new trailer for the game with the weirdest looking Bigby you've ever seen followed by A Bruner House Production The Bruner House always wins.

  • Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine.

    Yes you're reading this correctly and not having a stroke not only does this contradicts the people who decided to initiate a relationship with Violet or Louis if they chose to do so but this Ricca character who's evidently nothing more than Tillie Walden's self insert has sex with Clementine,i don't really care as much these days about this series but i find this very creepy.

    This is taken from Chapter Nine there are also other things that shows the Author barely played the games at the end of the Book there is apparently a letter by "Alex Antone" (the editorial director at Skybound Comet) who sarcastically calls Tillie a monster throughout its entirety a possible jab at the fans for hating the books.

    "Better sleep with one eye open, dear reader. Tillie Walden is still out there. See you again for Book Three!"

  • I have seen the face of the Devil.

    Her name is Tillie Walden/Ricca

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Yes you're reading this correctly

  • Time for me to watch a rant video about it. Found one on Youtube.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Yes you're reading this correctly

  • We really living in the timeline where Walking Dead has a terrible continuation book, New Tales exist, and Wolf 2 looks super promising but can never escape limbo

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Yes you're reading this correctly

  • Somebody fucking shoot me to death wtf did I just readdddddd 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Yes you're reading this correctly

  • After all these years this is how it ends......... Lee died for nothing!

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Yes you're reading this correctly

  • Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine.

    Alright so I've seen people bring this up before and is there actually any proof of this being the case aside from the fact that Ricca and Tillie Walden both wear glasses? I looked it up since I haven't read the books and Ricca is a jewish girl of spanish descent, while Tillie Walden is a caucasian american woman.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Clementine's second book has come out and Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Yes you're reading this correctly

  • edited October 2023

    Best. Timeline. Ever! 🤪

    • Turns Clementine into an adult/leader role
    • Makes a hilarious narrative sequel to an FPS game
    • Creates a moody, noir fantasy series based on a popular comic series

    The public: Okay, cool! Now give us more of that.

    Telltale: ☠️

    Poogers555 posted: »

    We really living in the timeline where Walking Dead has a terrible continuation book, New Tales exist, and Wolf 2 looks super promising but can never escape limbo

  • I haven't really followed the book stuff and I mainly just remember when it first came out and what people said about it. There was a similarity that the first one took place in Vermont where she currently lives (which isn't really self inserting and more so setting it somewhere where you are more familiar.) I think the glasses thing also stems from an interview where she said something like they have the exact same kind of eye sight and she was thinking about if she lost her glasses in this situation how screwed she'd be so she gave that to Ricca or something like that. I think a big part of the self insert stuff came from one of these interviews as I do remember there were a handful of things she said about herself that are the same for the character. Also Tillie Walden is Jewish as well and Ricca.

    Ended up finding the article that talks about both this and the glasses from cbr. Ricca's name is also someone's in her family and she does say she gave her own traits to her. So I guess that is probably where that comes from mainly. But as someone not super caught up on any of this obviously take it with a grain of salt.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Tillie Walden's self insert has a sex scene with Clementine. Alright so I've seen people bring this up before and is there actually

  • I just want to say that if Wolf 2 has Bigby use glamor or something I would be in full support if for a split second he looks like this when he transforms back lmao

    Pipas posted: »

    The triumphant return of Fatso Bigby, let's go boys. Turns out that was Bruner's secret project all along.

  • edited October 2023

    I found the article! Honestly this feels more like Tillie Walden writing what she knows, and people just exaggerated things, rather than her actually having made a self insert character. Their similarities seem to stop beyond having glasses and being Jewish.

    But I dunno I haven't read the books yet so maybe it turns out Ricca is also a writer and an artist lmao

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I haven't really followed the book stuff and I mainly just remember when it first came out and what people said about it. There was a simila

  • Hopefully we actually get TWAU2. Also if we do I bet bigby ends up killing the tin man and scarecrow in that part.

  • Yeah, it feels like people were just looking for another thing to hate on and it got blown out of proportion. They didn't need to do that because the books seem to be terrible on their own lol.

    At first, I genuinely thought someone was trolling and edited the TWD wiki with false info, because that's much worse than I expected. Tbh it's just better to ignore those books altogether. Skybound can say whatever they want, it's not canon.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I found the article! Honestly this feels more like Tillie Walden writing what she knows, and people just exaggerated things, rather than her

  • With Fables now supposedly being a public domain, if we find more of these Bigby rejects, someone can make Into the Bigby-verse.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just want to say that if Wolf 2 has Bigby use glamor or something I would be in full support if for a split second he looks like this when he transforms back lmao

  • I think a lot of the self insert stuff comes from the fact that this is a series that was never written by a single person and it is being treated a lot more different now. It seems the book regardless of self inserting characters or not does contain a lot of her own personal identity and experiences which give off a much different and noticeable tone shift but it is a lot easier to just say that x character is a self insert than having to go into that much detail about writing styles and differences between writing teams and solo writers and how new writers try and match tones or not lol

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I found the article! Honestly this feels more like Tillie Walden writing what she knows, and people just exaggerated things, rather than her

  • Ah Hell yeah! They got Dave Fennoy in one of my favorite video game series!

  • It seems the book regardless of self inserting characters or not does contain a lot of her own personal identity and experiences which give off a much different and noticeable tone shift

    Yeah that makes sense considering her original works are very much based on or in some part inspired by her own personal experiences.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think a lot of the self insert stuff comes from the fact that this is a series that was never written by a single person and it is being t

  • I was surprised a couple of years ago when I found out IRC was still around. But today, I found out people still use Usenet.

    That's dedication.

  • What's funny on Usenet is when new people aren't looking at the dates and discover a for sale post from 1995 and reply asking "Is this still available?" Probably not.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I was surprised a couple of years ago when I found out IRC was still around. But today, I found out people still use Usenet. That's dedication.

  • Almost 10 years without a new game?

    Happy 10 years Wolf. :)

  • My name, Jennifer McMurray, is Celtic (Welsh and Irish/Scottish). I looked up the original version, and wow - it was really butchered when it was anglicised. The original version is Gwynhwyfar Mac Muireadhaigh. Technically, it would be Gwynhwyfar Ó Muireadhaigh because Mac means son and Ó.is genderless.

  • Real question is how many more years eh?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Almost 10 years without a new game? Happy 10 years Wolf.

  • edited October 2023

    Telltale community manager not tweeting anything since talking about the lay offs so far to not even mention Wolf turning 10 when their first tweet back has to be about Expanse dlc

  • edited October 2023

    What they need to do is focus on better quality and better marketing.

    The Expanse proved that they forgot their target audience: People who love storytelling and choice-based games. New gameplay features are cool, but if it comes at the expe(a)nse of bad storytelling, then what's the point. And if even your diehard fans don't like the game, then you really need to scratch your head. I'm sure people worked hard on this game, but if Telltale wants to survive this, they need to stop and think this through.

    They also need to reshape their marketing strategy. Rethink their core message, be more interactive with fans and use more marketing channels. Connect with your old fans and bring new people in. Also make better trailers, because be honest: Did the trailer of the Expanse excite you to play the game? In my opinion, the old Telltale was much better at this.

    I had a more in depth idea/strategy that I may share in the future. If I feel like it. 😅

    Deltino posted: »

    To be candid here, it makes sense they'd be running into potential financial issues. The thing they need the most to get the company back on

  • They need to step up on the trailers for sure. Not having a trailer release a few days before an episode was definitely a choice. Trailer discussions were a big part of Telltale games. A 15 second thing that comes out the same day and for some people the day after they already played it ruins half the point of the trailers. If you are going to release the game episodically because you want people to have discussions you need to actually give something to talk about. I'll be extremely disappointed if Wolf 2 doesn't get episodes trailers that release during the 2 week wait. Having 1 week be the release then the next week be a trailer seemed so obvious.

    What they need to do is focus on better quality and better marketing. The Expanse proved that they forgot their target audience: People w

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited October 2023

    Wow, it's been ten years since Bigby Wolf went into wolf form to wolf on all those non-wolves in The Wolf Among Us. Wolfy.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Almost 10 years without a new game? Happy 10 years Wolf.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited October 2023

    It's the 22nd anniversary of the Ace Attorney series!

  • Everyday I pray to Capcom to answer my prayers and localise the Investigation games, and everyday I receive nothing in return.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's the 22nd anniversary of the Ace Attorney series!

  • I feel like since they've had a massive push recently to have the OG trilogy, sequel trilogy, and the Great Ace prequels remastered and brought to modern consoles, there must be some small glimmer that the AA fans will get the Inv. Spinoffs again...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Everyday I pray to Capcom to answer my prayers and localise the Investigation games, and everyday I receive nothing in return.

  • Yeah I don't think it's impossible to eventually see them to re-release the games since they released the Great Ace Attorney games which I'm pretty sure people thought would never happen. After that, all that's left is the crossover with Professor Layton.

    AChicken posted: »

    I feel like since they've had a massive push recently to have the OG trilogy, sequel trilogy, and the Great Ace prequels remastered and brought to modern consoles, there must be some small glimmer that the AA fans will get the Inv. Spinoffs again...

  • edited October 2023

    So now that Wolf Among Us is 10 years old, I realize that Wolf 2 may have a bit of a double edged sword problem. If Wolf Among Us should just be its own thing and have its own canon or not. And now recently it seems like even Bill Willingham would support that. But right now it seems they are going to be sticking to the canon. I used to want Wolf to stay as canon but I feel like time has honestly change that for myself and I almost feel like if they stick to the canon a lot of people may feel disappointed because the story literally can not cover some beats.

    There are generally 3 things people say they want in Wolf 2 but it doesn't seem they will happen. Those 3 are an answer to the original's ending, Snow and Bigby's relationship and The Farm. If Wolf 2 had released even as late as 2019 a lot of people would voice disappointment in none of that happening but that was close enough to the original I feel like it would be more widely accepted as simply a new mystery. (Ironically Telltale sequels kept acting as soft reboots even though Wolf's made the most sense to be formatted this way) But that only accounts for not answering the Faith question and would leave something like Bigby and Sow getting together blank as well.

    So much time has passed I can't help but feel that most players will be pretty disappointed Bigby and Snow don't get together. If there was no comic continuity a sequel to this game would obviously do it. Might as well be a free space on a bingo card. The Farm is another location that would be very likely to appear as well if no comic. There are people who played 10 years ago who still say things like "We have to find out who that was at the end" and it seems like a lot of people would be expecting Wolf 2 to incorporate it somehow. We know the original Wolf 2 wasn't going to, but the current version they have not said but it is set not long after season 1 so I suppose this would be the most likely thing to happen. But I feel like going another season with Snow and Bigby having that same awkward love relationship may not sit well with players because it may feel like after 10 years these characters do not act on would normally be obvious story beats that were previously set up in the game 10 years ago. (Although Snow is likely going to be a lot more frigid in Season 2) Same thing with the Farm as it will once again be a location you just hear about.

    This is probably really incomprehensible rambling but anyone else get what I'm saying?

  • This is probably really incomprehensible rambling but anyone else get what I'm saying?

    Yeah I get it. I also hope that Wolf 2 properly establishes itself as a separate entity from the comics. Considering Bill Willingham's vocal dislike of the original game and that he went out of his way to create his own... interesting version of the events in the comics, I don't see a reason why Telltale/Adhoc should be beholden to canon at this point. Just let loose and do whatever they want and let Bigby and Snow mash 'Q' instead of blue balling players with a romance that'll never fruition.

    Though doesn't Dorothy, Tin Man, and the Scarecrows appearances kind of de-canonise it from the comics anyway since they don't really look anything like their comicbook counterparts and the timelines don't really match up? I never read the Cinderella books so I'm going off of what I read in the wiki but Dorothy should be MIA in a completely different country by this point in time.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So now that Wolf Among Us is 10 years old, I realize that Wolf 2 may have a bit of a double edged sword problem. If Wolf Among Us should jus

  • A fallout telltale game in the future could be know if they survive.

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