The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I do not celebrate injuries, but I have taken great amusement in the latest event in the long saga of the suffering Jet fan. I mean Josh Allen threw more completions to the Jets than Rodgers did.

    Anyway, GO EAGLES.

    Stewie: So far Halloween is a bigger letdown than being a Jets fan. Announcer: Opening day and here's the first drive... (Aaron Rodger

  • I hope others don't decide to copy this idea.

    Netflix begins implementing anti-password-sharing measures, needing people who connect from outside your home network, make you pay an extra 8$ a month for access.

    Twitter begins limiting DMs and trivializes the Verification system by making them "Features" as a part of Blue/Premium. They also recently turned their API access and Tweetdeck platforms into paid addons.

    Heck, Dying Light 2, a singleplayer videogame, just nixed all of its individual, simple cosmetic packs on their storefronts, and replaced them with a predatory microtransaction and in-game currency system to acquire them instead.

    Companies have been getting really greedy recently (well, for a long time now), and it's weird how they all seem to want to find out how far they can squeeze money out of you without warning, before the backlash is too big. :(

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    In case I'm not the last person to find out about Unity's new pricing policies, this article sums it up pretty well: https://www.polygon.

  • What you feel simply watching the wolf 2 trailer

    What you feel playing the expanse

  • I pre-ordered both Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2. October is gonna be the best month of the year for me.

  • edited September 2023

    Tell me what your game of the year and most disappointing game of the year so far is. RIGHT NOW.

  • edited September 2023

    Tell me what your game of the year

    Baldur's Gate 3. Legitimately one of the best RPG's I've ever played and it took over my life for almost the entire time since it released.

    and most disappointing game of the year so far is

    None so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Tell me what your game of the year and most disappointing game of the year so far is. RIGHT NOW.

  • A few new quick clips from Scott Pilgrim in this Netflix trailer put out for their big animation drop, where they're releasing multiple animated shows on the same day.

  • game of the year

    Resident Evil 4 Remake (So far)

    most disappointing game of the year

    The Callisto Protocol

    Jokes aside, none so far for this year.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Tell me what your game of the year and most disappointing game of the year so far is. RIGHT NOW.

  • Bruh, I just did two pre-orders. Why are you making me sooo happy and upset?

  • 65 suits, each with 4 colour variations to them! Near-instant fast travel across the city. (Not that you'd want to since I'm sure the traversal is going to be as fun as ever!)

    There was also this in the showcase that personally I'M hyped for! It got delayed to next year but at the very least it has a concrete date for Feburary!
    Here's hoping next time there's a Helldivers 2 reveal, they show off enemies other than bugs. That's twice now we get a Cyborgs tease at the end of a trailer >:(

    AronDracula posted: »

    Bruh, I just did two pre-orders. Why are you making me sooo happy and upset?

  • edited September 2023

    Finishing every episode expecting to see any substantial Telltale involvement, but always seeing "Written and Designed by Deck Nine" scroll by...

    "A Telltale Series"?
    Ain't hitting any nostalgia nerves with this one, sorry... :/

  • Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice Friday morning! Been a lil bit since I popped into these forums but I've been pretty TWD pilled lately and it's given me some nostalgia for the good ol general thread. How's everyone been?

  • Good to see you again, mate. There were a few hits and misses in life but as for gaming, it has been awesome this year.

    Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice Friday morning! Been a lil bit since I popped into these forums but I've been pretty TWD pilled lately and it's given me some nostalgia for the good ol general thread. How's everyone been?

  • Hey Clemy Cloo! Things are okay, Telltale is sort of back, and it's nice how this site is still going!

    Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice Friday morning! Been a lil bit since I popped into these forums but I've been pretty TWD pilled lately and it's given me some nostalgia for the good ol general thread. How's everyone been?

  • Good to hear from you, too! Glad your year hasn't been all misses so far : )

    AronDracula posted: »

    Good to see you again, mate. There were a few hits and misses in life but as for gaming, it has been awesome this year.

  • Yeah there is quite a lot of comfort in knowing this place is still up and running after all these years. Happy to pop in and see the same PFPs talking in the same place.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hey Clemy Cloo! Things are okay, Telltale is sort of back, and it's nice how this site is still going!

  • Metallica filmed the concert footage for this official music video at their MetLife Stadium show last August.

    I attended that concert.

    Technically speaking, that means I was in an official Metallica music video.

  • edited September 2023

    Good to see you again!

    Hi everyone! Hope you're all having a nice Friday morning! Been a lil bit since I popped into these forums but I've been pretty TWD pilled lately and it's given me some nostalgia for the good ol general thread. How's everyone been?

  • Lost access to my old account but nice to see you guys still kicking. Hope you're all doing good

  • Good to see you again too lupin! I hope you're well amigo

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Good to see you again!

  • I also just pre-ordered both Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2!
    They're so close together but still so far out, this wait is gonna kill meeee! 😫

    I am super hyped tho not gonna lie. Here's hoping my physical copy of Spidey arrives on the 20th...

    AronDracula posted: »

    I pre-ordered both Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2. October is gonna be the best month of the year for me.

  • No fucking way! Band of Brothers is on Netflix, let's fucking go!

    I remember watching a couple episodes or parts of the miniseries back in middle school when we were studying WWII. Specifically, the episode where they liberated a concentration camp. It's an image and memory that haunts my memory to this day, I could not imagine how horrid it was for the real soldiers to stumble upon it and to see what they saw. Now I have a chance to watch the series in it's entirety.

  • edited September 2023

    playing ep 5 of expanse when the mysterious space suit dude with his built in space cigarette boards our ship telling us how long it has been and how he has to get back to a certain town, Boom Town that is as we are graced with Jesse from Minecraft Story Mode Season 3: Return to Boom Town!

  • I might be on TV.

    We had the local mayor, the governor of Georgia, and a bunch of news crews at our Amazon facility today since we just opened about a month ago. They had me on one of the pack stations packing while they interviewed our site GM.

  • MetallicaRules on tv 2023 (he’s mike wazowski)

    seriously though that’s cool man!

    I might be on TV. We had the local mayor, the governor of Georgia, and a bunch of news crews at our Amazon facility today since we just opened about a month ago. They had me on one of the pack stations packing while they interviewed our site GM.

  • No you're probably right in that that's how it'll look.

    Certainly an interesting sight to have the governor of your state walk 5 feet away from where I was working.

    Cocoa6372 posted: »

    MetallicaRules on tv 2023 (he’s mike wazowski) seriously though that’s cool man!

  • One of the news articles came out, I'm featured in a couple of pictures (I'm the one packing an extension cord).

    Unfortunately, all the footage from when they were interviewing our GM, I was blocked. Either by him or the station. Ah well, was still a cool experience. Now let's never do it again, because trying to run a shift and a department with several news crews walking through it was terrible. Seriously, I wanted them out because they were causing too much of a distraction.

  • That's a great gif. I had forgotten that scene.

    @MetallicaRules I've been on TV a few times. It's always good. That facility is nuts though, I'm sure it's reasonably organized but damn there's so much crap I can see.

    Cocoa6372 posted: »

    MetallicaRules on tv 2023 (he’s mike wazowski) seriously though that’s cool man!

  • Omg I know that guy!

    Your lack of a Metallica shirt disturbs me... 😒

    One of the news articles came out, I'm featured in a couple of pictures (I'm the one packing an extension cord).

  • I have about 100 or so shirts/jerseys, not everyone can be Metallica unfortunately. And besides, with the news crews there, I thought it would be best to wear an Amazon shirt, so that’s what I wore.

    Since they recorded this over the associates break time, they had me take off my manager vest (which has a couple Metallica stuff on it) so I could pretend to be a regular packer. I was used as a prop.

    @InGen_Nate_Kenny The facility is about 600k square feet, which is about half the size of my old facility. It does look massive and chaotic, but (and it’s probably because I’ve worked with them for so long) it’s actually quite easy to make sense of it. It’s 5 floors so it’s not all in one area. The upstairs floors are the main robotic floors (where those yellow shelves and robots are, which hold our inventory) and downstairs, where I am, is where the packing is done. Conveyors and chutes bring everything up and down between floors.

    AChicken posted: »

    Omg I know that guy! Your lack of a Metallica shirt disturbs me... 😒

  • I know the feel but it was still nice to see at least a picture of you working there.

    One of the news articles came out, I'm featured in a couple of pictures (I'm the one packing an extension cord).

  • Sometimes when you're out exploring in Spider-Man 2, you "can see the other Spidey doing something, fighting, and you can join him"


    It's not like the character you aren't playing as just doesn't exist while you're playing as one, they'll also appear in random events as an extra combat NPC!?! Woooo!!

  • edited September 2023

    If I had a nickel every time a game publisher released a terrible game just before they'd release an awesome Guardians of the Galaxy game (that everyone overlooks) I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

    PSA: The SquareEnix/Crystal Dynamics Avengers game will be delisted on September 30th.
    The game is now 90% off until September 28 on all platforms. That's 4$ USD

    It includes all DLC content and cosmetics, playable offline, and "multiplayer" will still work with peer-to-peer connections.

  • imo the most exciting thing about this is that the insane beasts in the nexus mods community is gonna be able to whip up a multiplayer mod for this game so fast if it hits PC like the first 2 games did.

    AChicken posted: »

    Sometimes when you're out exploring in Spider-Man 2, you "can see the other Spidey doing something, fighting, and you can join him" https

  • Spider-Man 2 has officially gone gold. Oct 20th can't come soon enough.

  • One more month! Wooooo

    AronDracula posted: »

    Spider-Man 2 has officially gone gold. Oct 20th can't come soon enough.

  • also I regret to inform everyone that Jesse does not appear in Expanse episode 5 and it appears Minecraft 3 - Return to Boom Town is not real :(

  • I feel the crew In the expanse is just kinda there. Like we rarely interact with them. I'm pretty sure khan and Virgil haven't appeared since ep2 lol

  • ...

    AChicken posted: »

    @lupinb0y Hilda Season 3, the final season, will premiere December 7th!

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