The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2023

    Y'all, we made it to Nova Scotia now. Finally, can spend some time where we actually planned to be...

    Lmao not sure what's so bad about quebec, but it wasn't too bad. I've been before, Montreal is fine too 🤷‍♂️

    Dad's doing somewhat better. He was even fine enough to drive a bit too.

  • Remember when Expanse episode 4 came out last week?

  • Haha nice try.

    I will say, while the quicker release schedule is nice, it doesn't feel all that more satisfying compared to the monthly releases of old.

    Maybe it's due to the short content in each episode, sort of samey-space-environments, and little to no connecting promo between episodes, but yeah the past 2 Eps, I've found myself to kind of forget and they sneak up on me randomly on a Wednesday

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Remember when Expanse episode 4 came out last week?

  • I would say a lot of it is due to length and simply because like we've all been saying the game was not designed at all to be played this way. Episodes ends and it feels like there is nothing to talk about. Episode 3 probably ended with the most to talk about what's next but still not much. If this had the old release times I can't imagine lol

    AChicken posted: »

    Haha nice try. I will say, while the quicker release schedule is nice, it doesn't feel all that more satisfying compared to the monthly r

  • Yep. I was initially a fan of the bi-weekly episodes decision, but now I wish they'd release them all at once, since that was clearly their intention to begin with. With the episodes being too short and there being max 2 major choices per episode, there's simply not enough to talk about.

    I hope Wolf is being developed with the separate episodes in mind so that each one feels satisfying to play and this is just a Decknine thing.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I would say a lot of it is due to length and simply because like we've all been saying the game was not designed at all to be played this wa

  • One of the best things about the ungodly long waits for Tales was that you could really dissect everything and build up some community around each episode. It was endearing. We'll see about Wolf 2...

    Pipas posted: »

    Yep. I was initially a fan of the bi-weekly episodes decision, but now I wish they'd release them all at once, since that was clearly their

  • edited September 2023

    I think Wolf 2 will probably be a lot more similar to what we would normally expect from Telltale. I'll be completely shocked if Wolf 2's first episode ends without feeling like the hook was made. The real question is what happens after Wolf 2 if Telltale partners with people who have no Telltale DNA again. If all Telltale does going forward is partner with a studio and then let them do whatever they want then I think Telltale should probably just be a publisher only as calling numerous games by different studios that all have different designs doesn't make sense to me to call a Telltale series. At the very least they should maybe think about release schedules again. Before Expanse released I was thinking it may just drop all at once based on what I was seeing and at this point they really should have. Expanse episodes are chapters of what feels like one big episode while older Telltale games each episode on its own can be held stand alone as well as build on the overall story. So maybe evaluate how you are planning to release the episodes so we don't end up like this where releasing episodically feels like the opposite effect.

    @InGen_Nate_Kenny That was the silver lining about that era of Telltale games and the long wait times. Sure you would wait forever but community was great at that time and Tales was stuffed with a ton to talk about. Really hope Wolf 2 will bring that same vibe even though I am sure the community here will probably not grow a lot.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yep. I was initially a fan of the bi-weekly episodes decision, but now I wish they'd release them all at once, since that was clearly their

  • tfw Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy fans realize Telltale's Expanse has a smaller community than their game and can no longer be made fun of

    I think we owe @AChicken an apology.

    One of the best things about the ungodly long waits for Tales was that you could really dissect everything and build up some community around each episode. It was endearing. We'll see about Wolf 2...

  • Lmao not sure what's so bad about quebec, but it wasn't too bad. I've been before, Montreal is fine too 🤷‍♂️

    It's fine if you stick to big areas like Montreal, but get to smaller areas and it becomes very apparent... how much certain people fucking hate English speakers. Let me tell you, as a bilingual kid who spoke both English and French, the first school I went to in the province purposefully went out of their way to fail my older brother and I. I was unaware for months and could not fathom why I was doing so bad. Eventually we found out I got transferred to an English school to be safe, but I don't think I ever fully psychologically recovered from the experience. There's a lot of horror stories you can find on the way Quebec can treat English people, various instances of denying services and other things.

    AChicken posted: »

    Y'all, we made it to Nova Scotia now. Finally, can spend some time where we actually planned to be... Lmao not sure what's so bad about q


    I did not expect this series releasing the way it has would prove beneficial to the GOTG "community" and how at the very least we also have remarkably more content and discussion material to pull from, but I am very glad it has come to this!
    I Win!!

    iFoRias posted: »

    tfw Telltale's Guardians of the Galaxy fans realize Telltale's Expanse has a smaller community than their game and can no longer be made fun of I think we owe @AChicken an apology.

  • I will say that I am thankful that I did so much to prioritize paying off my student loans. Because of that, I am not beholden to the job that I'm in. On top of that, and considerate saving/investing, if one day I were to just say "Enough is enough," I can quit and not have to worry for a while. Which is good, because oh boy, am I really considering it with the way things are now.

  • Does anyone here own Jedi Survivor on PS5?

    The game got a recent patch, saying they fixed the performance. You should let me know if it runs very well cause I really wanna buy that game.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited September 2023

    I love the Indiana Jones movies. I'm going to ramble on a bit about the films, in order from newest to oldest, so bear with me a bit. I loved Dial of Destiny and thought that it was a great send-off for such an iconic character. It's my third favorite of the films, beaten only by the third and first films, in that order. I don't want to see another Harrison Ford Indy picture, but I'm so happy they didn't go the Han Solo route. I'm extremely glad the character finally got the happy ending he deserves. There are a lot of people who are harsh on the MacGuffin, but people are harsh on Crystal Skull too. Both of the real artifacts in the most recent two films don't resemble their depiction in the films. However, the Ark of the Covenant, the Sankara Stones, and the Holy Grail have never even been confirmed to be real by archeologists. The second was even made up completely by George Lucas. I don't even mind the science-fiction nature of the most recent MacGuffins. The fantasy nature of the first three is just as unrealistic when compared to real life as those that came after them.

    Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is my second-to-last favorite film, but I do like it. However, I'm with just about everyone in thinking the scenes with Indy surviving a nuclear blast in a lead-lined fridge, and Mutt swinging from vines like Tarzan were dumb. I don't really mind the computer-generated imagery other than those parts, including the ants. The Indy movies have always been unrealistic with wildlife. I actually liked the ending of the film, and felt it fit the 1950s style they were going for perfectly. It was a fun romp into the style of science fiction films in the decade in which my mom was born. I'm always up for a story set in a decade before I was born. I'm a sucker for period pieces and time travel stories.

    My favorite Indy film is The Last Crusade. I've watched that so many times in my life that it's impossible to count. When I was a kid, I wore out the VHS tape my family owned. Luckily, we had friends who owned a video rental store, so we got a bunch of films on VHS when they moved to California, including The Last Crusade. The unrealistic wildlife part of this one makes me laugh, though. They had rats squeak like guinea pigs. I owned both guinea pigs and rats, so I've always found it funny when the silent rodents sounded like their vocal cousins. Guinea pigs are pretty unique in that way compared to other rodents since they make noise even when they just walk around. Rats are meant to be stealthy in the wild so they are normally quite silent unless they are startled or attacked. That's really my only gripe about this film since I love everything else. The cinematography was top-notch with the motorboat chase and especially the leap of faith. It's amazing that it actually was how it was depicted on film since it was an optical illusion. Until I saw the featurette on the making of the film, I thought it was added in as a special effect. 1989 was before computer-generated imagery could look that good, but I thought they did a trick that was used back then where they drew an object into the film frames.

    Temple of Doom is my least favorite of the films. The mine cart scene was awesome, and I really liked the gag when Indy tried to shoot the martial artist but then had to fight him because the former had no gun in his holster. It's even funnier when knowing the behind-the-scenes shenanigans that caused the fight scene to be removed from the first film and that Steven Spielberg did a fight scene in the second film to make up for that removal. The portrayals of the minority characters in this one, though, make it a hard film for me to watch. The Chinese portrayals are a bit too stereotypical for my tastes, although they are someone mitigated by the fact that Short Round was an awesome sidekick. It's a shame they never brought him back in any of the three sequels. I was only five when this one came out, so I wasn't allowed to see it until I was about eight or nine due to how thematically dark it was. Even as a little girl, I found the Thugee cult extremely racist, so it was hard for me to watch even then. With another thirty-ish years of cultural change, it's even harder to watch. I have Pakistani family members, but even if I didn't, I'm sure it would still be a tough watch for me. The beginning of Back to the Future with the racist portrayal of the Lybians also gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach, but that is just a blip according to screen time. The Thugee cult makes up the entire plotline of the second Indy movie, so it's a lot harder for me to get past. The bloodthirsty nature of the Indian cult, Indians eating chilled monkey brains out of a skull, and the Indians holding malnourished child slaves really turn my stomach. It doesn't help that modern scholars dispute the existence of the Thugee concept and take it to be an exaggerated depiction by the British of the people who were forced to be colonized on the Indian subcontinent.

    That leaves my second favorite film of the lot which is the film that started the pentalogy, Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was made way back in the year my sister was born and when I was only two. Obviously, I didn't watch it until way after its release, but it stuck itself in my memory, in a good way. That's always a mark of a good film. Industrial Light and Magic outdid themselves on this one. The demise of the villain is obvious to modern viewers as being stop-motion, but it still looks good regardless. I'm actually watching it on Disney+ right now, which is why I started this post in the first place. I'm only at the beginning with the amazing opening with the rolling boulder. As a side note, that scene was actually based on a Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge comic story, "The Seven Cities of Cibola". Two things actually stick out to me in the opening now. I never realized that Alfred Molina portrayed Indy's treacherous guide. Another thing that pops out to me is that the opening of UHF leaned a lot closer to the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark than I realized. I'll have to see if I can watch them side-by-side. It's pretty neat when Weird Al mimics his source material so closely. I like his video parodies that aren't close to the original and do their own thing. However, the ones that mimic the source material closely will always be my favorite.

    Edit: Thinking more about it, there are a lot of instances of white actors portraying people of color in these films, including Alfred Molina. There's even one in the most recent movie, John Rhys-Davies as Sallah, who is my favorite character. Hollywood still has the problem of casting white actors in minority roles, but they are rightfully getting called out for it more so it's happening less. That said, these roles aren't brownface, like, for instance, Fisher Stevens as Ben in the Short Circuit films. The actors, with the exception of white actors as people from India in the second film for the reasons I stated above, don't depict the characters in ways that mock or insult people from the culture that they are portraying. They are simply actors playing roles that were cast by Hollywood studios in pre-social media eras where people couldn't call them out en-masse as they can today. They are simply relics of the past, or in the case of Sallah, a legacy character in a cameo role. They aren't harmful depictions as the actors play the characters to the best of their abilities without harmful exaggeration, so they aren't cringeworthy. They are a reminder, however, that Hollywood has a long way to go before they consistently employ minority actors in these kinds of roles.

  • Temple of Doom is overhated.

    Besides Willie, I don't see anything wrong with it. There are no movies these days that took this much risk and executed it perfectly. The bridge battle is outstanding and cinematic. If that moment was done today, it would have been filled with horrible CGI.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I love the Indiana Jones movies. I'm going to ramble on a bit about the films, in order from newest to oldest, so bear with me a bit. I love

  • My new phone case came in the mail today.

  • I agree with that. The cinematography in all three of the original Indy movies was great.

    I also agree that practical effects work much better for these kinds of films. They are based on serials from early cinema, so practical effects definitely fit in better with the homage. And, in some cases, especially with talented cinematographers and model makers, practical effects can look better on film too.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Temple of Doom is overhated. Besides Willie, I don't see anything wrong with it. There are no movies these days that took this much risk

  • edited September 2023

    Stray the post-apocalyptic game about a cat is getting an animated feature adaption by the director of Ice Age, and developed/published by Annapurna!

    Baird went on to say that there's "something so emotional" that the creators are trying to capture when adapting the game to film. BlueTwelve, he explains, described the game as having a "sort of 'hopepunk' vibe," a narrative concept that optimism is a form of resistance. "I love that term, hopepunk," he says. "I think, if we are going to do this adaptation justice, this is going to be the first and greatest hopepunk movie that's ever been made."

    Hopefully they pull it off. Annapurna were the ones who published the game so they'd better lmao. Stray had a very straight forward but delightful story, and the game wasn't super long anyway so I could see it being adapted fairly well.

  • I hope they don't have the cat speak. It would be incredibly stupid and unoriginal.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Stray the post-apocalyptic game about a cat is getting an animated feature adaption by the director of Ice Age, and developed/published by A

  • That's really interesting news, and I agree the Cat should remain a Cat.

    The best part of that game was the story unfolding around it, learning about the robot culture and the Drone-Bot guiding the Cat to help them liberate their society.
    It was especially unique in selling this aspect, by giving you a bunch of "cat activities" in various places and a dedicated Meow button.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I hope they don't have the cat speak. It would be incredibly stupid and unoriginal.

  • edited September 2023

    Eyyy, everyones favourite (maybe) Finnish God makes an appearance in Alan Wake 2!

  • Got my Echo Dot stand in the mail today.

  • Capcom... please release a new Ace Attorney game...

  • me when expanse ep 5 ends

    me when wolf 10 year anniversary extravaganza only like 2 weeks after that

  • It's only just over a month away... I can restrain myself from watching this... I can restrain myself...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Eyyy, everyones favourite (maybe) Finnish God makes an appearance in Alan Wake 2!

  • edited September 2023

    Guess what cluckers

    Mrs. Tweedy: "I lived bitch" :angry: ok but like how wtf

    The lack of Bella Ramsey in this teaser makes me ANGERYYY

  • My goodness, 10 years next month! How the years have passed...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    me when expanse ep 5 ends me when wolf 10 year anniversary extravaganza only like 2 weeks after that

  • One day you will wake up and the asking for Minecraft Season 3 thread will be at 2723 days :(

    My goodness, 10 years next month! How the years have passed...

  • Telltale marketing team when it comes time to promote Wolf 2 as they go plastering "Telltale is back!" all over when you point out they already did that for Expanse

  • This thread should stop, I swear to god
    Minecraft SM Season 3 will never happen, trust me. Speaking as one of the few dummies who hopped into this hypetrain full of optimistic kids

    Poogers555 posted: »

    One day you will wake up and the asking for Minecraft Season 3 thread will be at 2723 days

  • Does anyone know why Bill Willingham said that Wolf 1 and 2 weren't canon? I'm starting to think he didn't agree with the storytelling of Wolf 2. Also I read the WAU comics months ago and I'm pretty disappointed that he made many things canon along with things the never happened in the game.

    Gren's arm ripped off, Tweedle Dee spared, Lawrence survives but then kills himself later on, Crooked man spared but somehow escapes. Really wish he didn't make these events canon.

  • edited September 2023

    I'm pretty sure he said they are not canon because Telltale and AdHoc declined consulting with him. (Or it may have been he asked to be a literal writer on the project and they declined, I can't remember. Either way he seemingly has 0 involvement. So I guess saying Wolf 2 is not canon because you have 0 involvement is fair enough but it feels pretty crappy to also say Wolf 1 is no longer canon considering he made them rewrite a large chunk of the season because that just feels a bit spiteful and like he made Telltale waste a lot of time.)

    Wolf Among Us is one of those weird things where it surpasses the source material a lot. The most disappointing thing I think about the comics it that the first of the comics are very similar to Wolf and what inspired it but that kind of story telling gets dropped very fast. If all of Fables kept that similar tone and plotlines it would have been great. But as a whole I feel Fables is honestly pretty bad.

    The thing about Wolf 2 being not canon is I think what this really means is AdHoc is still going to respect the canon but they are not going to be afraid of breaking some super tiny arbitrary rule because something was said in passing in the comics somewhere. So I doubt we'd see a full on Snow and Bigby romance or anything like that. Although even though I was sort of for keeping things within canon I think honestly I would not mind if they straight up say that Wolf is now its own adaptation so things like comic characters fates can't be known and they can do their own thing freely. Dorothy in the trailer is already strange for 2 reasons, 1 being it either is ignoring her role in the Fairest spin off (even though her design is basically identical) or it wants to tie more directly to it, which would mean Dorothy probably leaves the story right away, and I personally still think that Scarecrow and TinMan will probably be more important than her as that opening fight probably takes place far before the story begins. The anger management is shown in the concept art to be covered in snow and has Christmas decorations inside. Meanwhile the fight it is raining instead of snowing. (Also the screenshot name of the motel is Jack's motel so predicting Jack works the front desk) So anyway, I think this fight is basically to reveal why Bigby is in anger management and it was a few months ago. ANYWAY 2 is I hope it isn't canon because fairest involves weird spy shit and involves stuff like how Bigby is actually some Bruce Wayne dude with his secret operations around the globe and his private funding golden goose shit and its kinda dumb lol)

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Does anyone know why Bill Willingham said that Wolf 1 and 2 weren't canon? I'm starting to think he didn't agree with the storytelling of Wo

  • edited September 2023

    I think Willingham could have at least pulled a Robert Kirkman and said that the game and the comics are in a different universe, though it would be hard to imagine given WAU's artstyle. Honestly I compare Bill Willingham's situation to Andrej Sapowski (creator of Witcher) because despite the Witcher games bringing more people to read his books, he still states that the games and the books aren't canon. I feel like Willingham should acknowledge that for TWAU, because without that game, me and many others wouldn't have started reading the comics.

    The only time I've seen choice based games not break canon is pretty much COD Black Ops, Telltale Game of Thrones, Cyberpunk Edgerunners/2077, Detroit Become Human, TWDG (They had Glen and Jesus from the comics and didn't really cause controversy, except for Tillie Walden's Clementine comic). Others like Dishonored, Borderlands (you know where they chose Sasha instead of Fiona which sucks for me cause I picked Fiona for Rhys), hell even Witcher 3 had canon choices due to the comics.

    Wolf Among Us is one of those weird things where it surpasses the source material a lot. The most disappointing thing I think about the comics it that the first of the comics are very similar to Wolf and what inspired it but that kind of story telling gets dropped very fast. If all of Fables kept that similar tone and plotlines it would have been great. But as a whole I feel Fables is honestly pretty bad.

    My guess is that they changed the story for the comics because the people who played TWAU would already know what happened, which I hate because it really ruins my expectations.

    ANYWAY 2 is I hope it isn't canon because fairest involves weird spy shit and involves stuff like how Bigby is actually some Bruce Wayne dude with his secret operations around the globe and his private funding golden goose shit and its kinda dumb lol)

    I feel like it's misleading for those people who haven't read the comics, even Youtubers (looking at you Domthebomb cause sometimes you tend to be a MRBOSSFTW releasing many videos discussing if it's true or not) where they tend to believe that the same level of storytelling and characters will be in the Fable comics.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure he said they are not canon because Telltale and AdHoc declined consulting with him. (Or it may have been he asked to be a li

  • edited September 2023

    I feel like it's misleading for those people who haven't read the comics, even Youtubers (looking at you Domthebomb cause sometimes you tend to be a MRBOSSFTW releasing many videos discussing if it's true or not) where they tend to believe that the same level of storytelling and characters will be in the Fable comics.

    I only really mention it because we know at one point back when the game was just called Fables they were 100% going to go with the weird spy stuff because we've seen some footage of playable Cinderella jumping off buildings and doing flips and stuff and had the game described as a globe trotting adventure. So seeing them incorporating a character like Dorothy during a time during the comic lore would most likely be just before her comic storyline is what makes me hope it is more of an easter egg and it doesn't incorporate Bigby's spy network stuff. Which is also a bit of a problem with Cinderella in general because her character is all about being a spy. Early comics Cinderella is good but not really used until she is revealed to be a spy, then super spy Cinderella happens and is too far into the Fables writing that deviates really far from the earlier comics and the Fables stuff that inspired Wolf. Because Cinderella has been a spy for Bigby pretty much day 1 she came to Fabletown doing all sorts of crazy things around the globe, and if it is meant to be canon having interactions with her and Bigby are a bit weird if the background context between them is "Remember that time we toppled a government?"

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I think Willingham could have at least pulled a Robert Kirkman and said that the game and the comics are in a different universe, though it

  • I think Willingham could have at least pulled a Robert Kirkman and said that the game and the comics are in a different universe

    Has Kirkman ever said that? I thought he was pretty adamant in the Telltale Games being canon to the comics, just that whatever choices and their consequences that take place are up to interpretation.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I think Willingham could have at least pulled a Robert Kirkman and said that the game and the comics are in a different universe, though it

  • I believe he said that about the show vs comics/games. Sorry should have mentioned that.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I think Willingham could have at least pulled a Robert Kirkman and said that the game and the comics are in a different universe Has

  • Stewie: So far Halloween is a bigger letdown than being a Jets fan.

    Announcer: Opening day and here's the first drive...

    (Aaron Rodgers tears his Achilles and is out for the year)

    Announcer: And the season's over.

    Man, the Jets can have nothing good in this world

  • Let's thank our lucky stars Telltale went with Unreal Engine 5 instead of Unity for TWAU2.

  • edited September 2023

    Is Unity insane, what the fuck are they thinking? This sounds like financial suicide, no developer in their right mind is going to want to work on their engine if they're seriously going to stick with this change.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Let's thank our lucky stars Telltale went with Unreal Engine 5 instead of Unity for TWAU2.

  • In case I'm not the last person to find out about Unity's new pricing policies, this article sums it up pretty well:

    Unity deserves to make money for its product, but this is definitely the wrong way to it. I hope others don't decide to copy this idea.

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