The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Happy Telltale Eve guys

  • I'm still processing the fact that this will be the first proper telltale episode since what 2019? I'm getting really anxious, but also excited

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Happy Telltale Eve guys

  • I don't know who that is, but cool

    AronDracula posted: »

    Hey @MetallicaRules , guess who is a fan of your favorite band?

  • Which means we'll be getting that forum update as well, right guys?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Happy Telltale Eve guys

  • Forum update gonna hit tomorrow and delete like 90% of the stuff here

    Pipas posted: »

    Which means we'll be getting that forum update as well, right guys?


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Forum update gonna hit tomorrow and delete like 90% of the stuff here

  • Nick Apostolides, the voice actor of Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4 Remake. Just figured it would be nice to share it with you.

    I don't know who that is, but cool

  • We will never reach the 5000th page on this thread

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Forum update gonna hit tomorrow and delete like 90% of the stuff here

  • I see Hades, I upvote.

    Pipas posted: »

    Which means we'll be getting that forum update as well, right guys?


    AronDracula posted: »

    We will never reach the 5000th page on this thread


  • Can't believe we're here. Not setting up too many expectatons to not be disappointed, but still pretty excited. Finally a new telltale game.

  • When I logged on to the Telltale site today, it told me I needed to verify my email address. This account has been active for more than 15 years, but whatevs. However, when I checked my mail for the verification number, nothing showed up. Yes, I checked the Spam folder. I told it to resend, and nothing continued to show up. Then I just clicked the Forums/Community link in the header, and it just let me in without verifying. Anyway, if anyone from Telltale is reading, this process isn't perfect yet.

  • edited July 2023

    Same thing happened for me, but it did send me the code to verify after I clicked resend.
    Also could not even get into the forums a couple of hours ago, error 503, don't know if I was the only one with that problem.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    When I logged on to the Telltale site today, it told me I needed to verify my email address. This account has been active for more than 15

  • This site was down intentionally yesterday, I was expecting it to be some big site update. But we're back, and nothing is different LMAOOOO

  • edited July 2023

    Maybe they were intentionally down so people would not complain here about a delayed Telltale release AGAIN, lol.

    I was excited to get that feeling of old Telltale back, but I wasn't expecting to get the fustercluck with releases and release times like the good old days.
    Back in 2013-14 I was playing games on PS3 cause my PC wasn't great (have a laptop now and it's still shit, so use consoles now as well), and I remember how bad the release dates were for Walking Dead for me. Weeks of waiting for the release of the final episode Season 2 after it was already out on PC, a whole month for Michonne if I'm not mistaken. So I was hoping that with the NEW Telltale, they'd pay extra attention to that stuff - and yet...
    Playing on a different console now (Xbox S) and still got screwed over - not only was the release for Xbox delayed, but the release for Deluxe Edition was delayed EVEN FURTHER. So I had to play the game LATER than everyone else, for paying MORE money for it. That sucks and it's a shame, cause I think the game looks really promising, apart from how short the first episode was. Didn't want that stuff with the release to affect my experience.

    AChicken posted: »

    This site was down intentionally yesterday, I was expecting it to be some big site update. But we're back, and nothing is different LMAOOOO

  • Same for me but I got a verification after pressing the send again button. I couldn't log in in-game for the Expanse, so my guess would be that they needed it re-verified so you can login in their games. Haven't tried to yet though :grimace:

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    When I logged on to the Telltale site today, it told me I needed to verify my email address. This account has been active for more than 15

  • HOPEFULLY something is different :pensive: Site has been incredibly slow at times, maybe they fixed some of that stuff. Made the telltale forums run smooth again. Let's hope !

    AChicken posted: »

    This site was down intentionally yesterday, I was expecting it to be some big site update. But we're back, and nothing is different LMAOOOO

  • Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year

    "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Tales from the Borderlands!"

  • Solving world peace is getting easier then entering this damn forum

  • Man, and here I was thinking I would break the news. Guess I should have known that you are too quick for me

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Ta

  • You should know I'll never not miss the news of the degrading story of Borderlands!

    Man, and here I was thinking I would break the news. Guess I should have known that you are too quick for me

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Being fair... he's sadly the best non-Telltale writer that series ever had.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Ta

  • I still have hope that he wasn't too involved in New Tales. Maybe it won't be that bad. 😅

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Ta

  • …..

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Ta

  • "That's the problem Rhys. You left us. Fran's Frogurt was destroyed and you left it behind. Our favorite Frogut Store. You hid away and became what you swore you wouldn't. A greedy-bo-meany hoarding the galaxy's wealth instead of fixing up our favorite hang out. And for that, we are going to shoot you 69 times, once for every flavor at Fran's Frogurt!" Fiona snarled as Rhys cowered.

    "Fiona! Sasha! They removed the frozen dill pickle! You think I would pay to fix that place up without my dill pickle frogurt!? You're crazy!" A tear running down his non-robotic eye.

    "Get iced! With no cream!" Sasha declared, blowing Rhys Strongfork's head off.

  • How do you guys even find this info out?? All there is so far is a single tweet and nothing else lmao

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Ta

  • Aaaaaaah I wonder if it's gonna be a prequel or take place later and canonize some choices from the game. This will of course be a day one purchase just like New Tales because I refuse to learn.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Anthony Burch is writing a novel about Fiona and Sasha that comes out next year "I love New Tales from the Borderlands! I love New Ta

  • Are we dead yet???

  • Okay, why did no one tell me there was a new Zoey 101 movie, Zoey 102. That show was a favorite when I was younger, PCA was the shit back then and I wanted to go there so badly.

    But Paramount, where the FUCK is my Ned's Declassified reboot?

  • Ned's Declassified is a Gen Z bomb. I wish they had managed to do a high-school sequel series. I loved that Christian Serratos (Suzie Crabgrass) later became Rosita in The Walking Dead. Good times with that show.

    Okay, why did no one tell me there was a new Zoey 101 movie, Zoey 102. That show was a favorite when I was younger, PCA was the shit back then and I wanted to go there so badly. But Paramount, where the FUCK is my Ned's Declassified reboot?

  • edited July 2023

    if you are interested about the OG Ned's Declassified cast there's a great spotify podcast that has the cast going back and watching the series episode by episode, its pretty fun.

    Okay, why did no one tell me there was a new Zoey 101 movie, Zoey 102. That show was a favorite when I was younger, PCA was the shit back then and I wanted to go there so badly. But Paramount, where the FUCK is my Ned's Declassified reboot?

  • Sir, Gearbox is digging back into Tales from the Borderlands a second time.

  • That show was a favorite when I was younger, PCA was the shit back then and I wanted to go there so badly.


    Okay, why did no one tell me there was a new Zoey 101 movie, Zoey 102. That show was a favorite when I was younger, PCA was the shit back then and I wanted to go there so badly. But Paramount, where the FUCK is my Ned's Declassified reboot?

  • The Expanse already officially released and all we got on the forums were a few error messages.

  • Oh, that does sound interesting

    if you are interested about the OG Ned's Declassified cast there's a great spotify podcast that has the cast going back and watching the series episode by episode, its pretty fun.

  • Given that the Expanse wait times are going to feel long if the episodes stay short, I'm thinking of replaying Batman Season 2 with the Shadows Mode filter. Give a review and screenshot-fest for each episode again, much like I did with Season 1, 3 years ago WTF

    It's been a long, long time, so I'm sure those of you who've wanted to see B&W Season 2 would have bought it for cheap and played it yourselves by now, but I've been meaning to play it recently, since I've been in the mood and some of the screenshots on that thread are REAL good.
    The PS5 also has a great quick-save video feature to capture recent gameplay, and I've found even getting screenshots from previous footage still looks pretty great (if I miss a specific shot and need to get it again later without replaying the game)
    @Pipas you also mentioned in the thread that you're "patiently waiting" for my S2 review, and, well, I'd be a fool not to honor your request... :'(

    If anyone's interested in following my screenshot antics again, what HUD colour would you want me to use in Season 2? I ask because I know there'll be plenty of other colour to balance things out (Harley's Red, Bane's Green, Freeze's Blue, Joker's Purple probably)

  • Damn, you've become Telltale with a release schedule like that. :D

    Sure, I'll check it out if you decide to continue. Personally I voted for the red color, because I believe it stands out the most in the black and white mode. Plus, you already went red in the first season, so it's nice to be consistent.

    AChicken posted: »

    Given that the Expanse wait times are going to feel long if the episodes stay short, I'm thinking of replaying Batman Season 2 with the Shad

  • Purple because purple is badass. You wouldn't want to be not badass, would you?

    AChicken posted: »

    Given that the Expanse wait times are going to feel long if the episodes stay short, I'm thinking of replaying Batman Season 2 with the Shad

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