stunning HiRez Monkey Island pics from Blur Studio
Remember that great trailer Blur did before MI:SE2 was released.. here are pictures of the modelsheets they used, Hirez and in great detail, and size.. amazing.... I love this stuff... I wish there would have been more characters in that trailer.






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Thanks for posting those pics, as well as unwittingly making me aware of such a great trailer.
I hadn't either.. I saw them while doing an image search on google and stumbled on the blog of the artist responsible for it...
I had not previously noticed some of the details before.. Like the Skull on the back of Guybrush's coat.. and I like that you can actually see the velvety texture of the coat.
Look closely at the feathery bit of LeChuck's hat on the Monkey Island 2 boxart, and you can see that it's a dead crow.
Also, I would do terrible, terrible things for a Monkey Island movie animated like that trailer.
I embarrassingly had been quite familiar with the box art but had not noticed the croaked crow until only a few years ago when doing some fan art.. I am happy to say I included the crow..
But do not always in my fan art.
Yeah that's right I just plugged my own art... LOL
He just switched between his Secret/Revenge/Curse forms in Escape iirc.
unfortunately the big links are broken.
you have high resolution pictures to share?
deserved to be said again.
The thing is if they made a movie like that with the expected MI humor.. I really think it would be a big hit, I think it would appeal to non-gamers who would probably NEVER know it was based on a 20 year old PC game... Lucasfilm already has an animation dept.. WHY they have not thought to make this a movie I will never understand.
It would be so easy, since the stories are already in place, and would "just" have to be adapted into screenplays (which is probably much easier than coming up with something new). Fans would love it, newcomers couldn't NOT like it... it's sure cash and would make many people happy. But obviously neither money nor success are important to Lucasfilm, which shows in so many of their lazy-ass projects.
I don't know an image sharing website for that, let alone a specific one... mostly because they're all filtered here.
Though, You could use Dropbox and put it in your public folder... Which allows you too link it for everyone to download.
It's hard. Adaptations are not easier than coming up with something new, they're just different, so to speak. I would say that one of the biggest paradoxes of an adaptation is that you have to change something to make it work in the new medium. And this something varies from 'not much' to 'a lot'. Which leads to problems with fans who go on a 'They changed it now it sucks' routine (granted, there are times when changes ARE kind of bad). For example, How to Train Your Dragon is an awesome movie and is an adaptation, but during the course of adapting it like 90% of the original book has been changed (and it started out as a close-to-the-source kind of adaptation).
A few days ago, I was actually thinking about BttF:The Game-to-animated-movie adaptation and what it would look like. One would think that it'd be easy, BttF:The Game being more of a movie than a game anyway... hell no.
Irishmile, you could send them by email, pleeaaaseeee!!
The link to the trailer is in the first post.
found this while googling "Blur Studio" with "Monkey Island".
Blast, LeChuck's model pic is too dark.
Very cool, though