Game of Thrones Revealed

edited December 2013 in Game Of Thrones

Well, they just revealed this game. What do you think?
I guess no season 2 info tonight :(



  • Why. now thats 4 Games

  • edited December 2013

    Thread: game of thrones

    another I think thats way too much :/

  • I think they should start hiring some more employees..

    XyzLewis posted: »

    Why. now thats 4 Games

  • I really hope they don't tease us with a star wars game tonight

  • I'm pretty upset. I'm not a fan of Borderlands or GOT so I'm keen on the idea that this will delay the games that everyone is TRULY looking forward too. Telltale, I love you with all my heart, but PLEASE. PLEASE make sure these next games don't clash with schedules of other games!

  • I agree. Four games in one year is...a little too ambitious. I hope Telltale isn't sacrificing quality for the sake of quantity.

    But if we're going to keep piling on projects, there's a dog and rabbit out there that need some love.

  • Telltale games working on The Game of Thrones:The game?

    Shit just got real.
    Seriously?How awesome this will be?

  • Oh my God, this is amazing! Just made my day. I love you, Telltale.

  • I don't know if this sounds a little stupid but the fact that we still have no idea when the hell the rest of the episodes for their two current shows are coming out, that we have to know about two more shows. That adds four shows to the pile and it takes them months at a time to release one episode...They better start hiring more employees or it'll take two years to play one game.

  • Telltale please delay this until 2015! I don't want you guys to die from overworking on all these games!

  • Better than Borderlands

  • Now I'm beyond upset. Why are you adding all these new game in when we are hyped up about twd and wolf among us another slap in the face it feels like. Looks like this community will change in 2014....

  • I don't see why they released info of 2 games in one night - even thought it is the VGX awards

  • yeah. Hopefully they finish up on TWD S2 and TWAU and than when they are done they keep us occupied on game of thrones and borderlands.

    I agree. Four games in one year is...a little too ambitious. I hope Telltale isn't sacrificing quality for the sake of quantity. But if we're going to keep piling on projects, there's a dog and rabbit out there that need some love.

  • edited December 2013

    "shows"? Last I heard they were games :p

    Both of their new titles are said to be out next year. It could well be mid to late next year, so they'll have plenty of time to get their existing games out before the new ones.

    Or at least, I HOPE SO, anyway.

    TJ3046 posted: »

    I don't know if this sounds a little stupid but the fact that we still have no idea when the hell the rest of the episodes for their two curre

  • Alt text

    And it'll be based on the TV show rather than the books.

  • They're episodic and have seasons. I call them shows. They're games sure but they're more interactive than anything. And game shows obviously doesn't sound right. The Wolf Among Us hasn't had a new episode in around two months and they still have four episodes to go with that. The Walking Dead's first episode is supposedly coming out in a few weeks but we still have no idea really. All I'm saying is I can't even see TWAU and TWD being finished by the times these next two games come out. It's been at least two months in between each game so multiply that by five and you get ten. Ten months which is basically a year. Meaning these seasons won't even get finished till approximately next fall and they have two other games coming out. Hopefully I'm wrong and they can start getting on track with their supposed 4-6 week schedule but I dunno.

    "shows"? Last I heard they were games Both of their new titles are said to be out next year. It could well be mid to late next year, so th

  • Im sure even if they did decide to release the new games a bit earlier in the year 2014 they would pull it off with good results. They did end up hiring a bunch of people and now I see why. So I guess they are prepared for what ever they will do.

    "shows"? Last I heard they were games Both of their new titles are said to be out next year. It could well be mid to late next year, so th

  • 2014 is certainly going to be a big year for telltale. I hope they haven't taken too much on.

    Game of thrones does seem a more natural fit for the style of game they've been making recently than borderlands though.

    XyzLewis posted: »

    Why. now thats 4 Games

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2013

    No one EVER uses the general chat section! ;) ; )

    Ah well, I guess we'll delete all of those threads by monday, when we'll have the proper new subforums.


  • edited December 2013

    What's wrong with just moving the threads over? Waste not, want not. ;)

    Vainamoinen posted: »

    No one EVER uses the general chat section! ; ) Ah well, I guess we'll delete all of those threads by monday, when we'll have the proper new subforums. JOKING

  • I'm pretty excited about the idea of a Telltale Game of Thrones series. It will be tricky, I imagine, trying to give the player freedom while remaining within the confines already set by the television show and books. That could be an argument for doing an original story in the Game of Thrones universe. At the same time, there are already variations between the show and the books, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to have some differences.

    I don't know if the rights extend to the Dunc and Egg stories, but that could add an element of attraction to TV fans interested in the universe but who can't be bothered reading. Come to that, though, the story G.R.R.M. published a few days ago is described in quite a sparse style - it's essentially listing historical events with a bit of an unreliable narrator slant, so that would seem to be particularly convenient for player freedom that doesn't have to conflict with cannon, so to speak.

  • They'll need all the man power they can get in 2014...

    Im sure even if they did decide to release the new games a bit earlier in the year 2014 they would pull it off with good results. They did end up hiring a bunch of people and now I see why. So I guess they are prepared for what ever they will do.

  • Im excited that its really going to happen. I so want to play as Cercei. I hate her but I love to hate her.

  • ttg know how much fans hate waiting, so imho deciding to make another two games on top of twau and twd makes no sense.

    and it's announcement... nothing more or less but a vague date of next year.

    people really need to chill out.

    dvg2016 posted: »

    I'm pretty upset. I'm not a fan of Borderlands or GOT so I'm keen on the idea that this will delay the games that everyone is TRULY looking fo

  • Go big or die trying.

    Telltale please delay this until 2015! I don't want you guys to die from overworking on all these games!

  • the simplest way to look at it is a repeat of what we have now.

    twd and twau being done at the same time but released when ready, so logic denotes g.o.t and tftb will be the same ?

    TJ3046 posted: »

    They'll need all the man power they can get in 2014...

  • edited December 2013

    plot twist: we could be playing as joffrey...

    yeah it could happen :P

    KCohere posted: »

    Im excited that its really going to happen. I so want to play as Cercei. I hate her but I love to hate her.

  • how is this escaping people ?

    obviously ttg will finish twd and twau first., they just like showing us whats coming when it's already been rumoured and hinted at, ttg cannot keep a secret for very long especially release dates :P

  • Go home Telltale, you're drunk :p Just kidding, I've always wanted to use that joke :p In all seriousness, this is pretty big news, and while I'm slightly worried that they're taking on a bit much, I think they can make something really awesome if they pull this off.

  • never watched the series before now but going to get the game on steam when it goes on sale so I know what to expect for when this game comes out next year

    OzzieMonkey posted: »

    Go home Telltale, you're drunk Just kidding, I've always wanted to use that joke In all seriousness, this is pretty big news, and while I'm

  • New game announcements do not equal delays for other games.

    As I said elsewhere:

    Telltale actually has small teams handle early game design prior to having large amounts of resources used to design a game. Don't worry; these two games are not going to have any notable effect on TWD or Wolf.

    dvg2016 posted: »

    I'm pretty upset. I'm not a fan of Borderlands or GOT so I'm keen on the idea that this will delay the games that everyone is TRULY looking fo

  • The twist would be that they'd make us all love Joffrey lol

    plot twist: we could be playing as joffrey... yeah it could happen :P

  • If there's any contact to be had with Joffrey, I want it to be in the form of a QTE where he's struck repeatedly.

    plot twist: we could be playing as joffrey... yeah it could happen :P

  • yeah just like they did with certain people in twd s1.

    KCohere posted: »

    The twist would be that they'd make us all love Joffrey lol

  • like lee did with andy st john ?

    yeah smash all his teeth....

    good times..

    Mikejames posted: »

    If there's any contact to be had with Joffrey, I want it to be in the form of a QTE where he's struck repeatedly.

  • edited December 2013

    Something like this ?

    Mashes Q like a madman

    Aha :D

    Mikejames posted: »

    If there's any contact to be had with Joffrey, I want it to be in the form of a QTE where he's struck repeatedly.

  • From what I've read, the ATLUS GoT is pretty bad. It's the Survival Instinct of Game Of Thrones games haha.

    drsjohnny posted: »

    never watched the series before now but going to get the game on steam when it goes on sale so I know what to expect for when this game comes out next year

  • Thus the Game of the Year was chosen.

    Byakuren posted: »

    Something like this ? Mashes Q like a madman Aha

  • I've tried to avoid laughing at this post in fear of sounding immature . I didn't make it .. xD

    Mikejames posted: »

    If there's any contact to be had with Joffrey, I want it to be in the form of a QTE where he's struck repeatedly.

This discussion has been closed.