It was meant to be "ironic", because most established memes are downright retarded and obnoxious. Some guys thought "why not be purposely retarded, laughing at the entire concept". I'm not sure if the people here actually find it humorous, though.
ok read up on the origins, still don't get it, my conclusion - my generation is a bunch of idiots. example people who put things like this on facebook. "just went to mcdonalds #yummy #hashtags #are #fucking #stupid
You got it backwards: The St. Johns were supplying the bandits, and I don't think the bandits knew that it was human meat, so they wouldn't supply the St. Johns if they knew what kind of meat it was.
She may have called them rapists, but she just said they took her little girl into the woods. She also said the bandits were supplying the St. Johns; sort of a symbiotic relationship?
My point is that such a thing is nothing to freak out at. You'd have to be pretty naive to believe drawn child porn is something that would show how messed up humanity is. Especially when most depictions are unrealistic and made in Garry's Mod.
Jolene says - "Take a can of beans, take a little girl, it's all the fucking same to you"... "They're good buddies with your boyfriend here!" They knew.
You got it backwards: The St. Johns were supplying the bandits, and I don't think the bandits knew that it was human meat, so they wouldn't supply the St. Johns if they knew what kind of meat it was.
when do we want to ?
whenever we like
Yeah, yeah, I obviously forgot which thread I was in. Not generally that gullible. Kudos.
Same guy who made The Walking Liability and The Walking Feel on YouTube (Flimsii) - funny stuff.

No spoiler tag? ;-;
I already knew what happened myself but could you have at least warned others?
Obviously a different universe. They have no clue what zombies are, but the car industry is a couple years advanced.
Wait, where did you get this? I remember posting it a few pages back.......
You wouldn't have gotten it off of this forum did you?
It was meant to be "ironic", because most established memes are downright retarded and obnoxious. Some guys thought "why not be purposely retarded, laughing at the entire concept". I'm not sure if the people here actually find it humorous, though.
Season 2 surprise character.
Pornography of a fictional character? Truly, this is the end of times.
how you add gif
can you hide my comments please , i wanted to copy gif , not link
got it
I'm sure you could change your middle name if you wanted to, if not now then in the future.
Actully they never never stated the date it started, but the car is still to clean :I
Kenny = every single patriotic Kenny fan ever.
Well, if it's depicting a child in the act of pornography, I'd say that's pretty screwed up, fictional character or not.
You got it backwards: The St. Johns were supplying the bandits, and I don't think the bandits knew that it was human meat, so they wouldn't supply the St. Johns if they knew what kind of meat it was.
Press the landscape icon on the top of the toolbar, and insert the link in the box.
you could of edited the first post, instead of making new ones btw.
I remember when I was 8
He needs antibiotics and treatment immediately! Get him a hospital, damn it!
Whos Baby is It?
not working wmyc
I hope it works this time.

Props to Manslayer for this. Screenshot taken from one of his Walking Dead gamerpoop videos.
My point is that such a thing is nothing to freak out at. You'd have to be pretty naive to believe drawn child porn is something that would show how messed up humanity is. Especially when most depictions are unrealistic and made in Garry's Mod.
Jolene says - "Take a can of beans, take a little girl, it's all the fucking same to you"... "They're good buddies with your boyfriend here!" They knew.
there you go
it works if you leave the crap at the beginning of the URL out. Like this:
I like the sound effect that goes with it.
Thanks for the help!