I said something positive about Kenny, you said something negative. Which since it was a joke, I wouldn't normally care but...
a) Humor doesn't come across in text most of the time
b) You replied directly to me.
sometimes using lots of fullstops/periods can imply sarcasm
a smiley face can imply cheekiness
a lol can imply a joke
a winking smiley face can imply a mix of the above.
because it was a play off of your comment. but whatever you are right, anything to stop this pointless conversation that I already said shouldnt have gone this far because i said it was a joke about a character.
I said something positive about Kenny, you said something negative. Which since it was a joke, I wouldn't normally care but...
a) Humor doesn't come across in text most of the time
b) You replied directly to me.
I guess my problem is that Doug does his growing on his own. There's barely any interaction between Lee and Doug. You can cheer him up and tell him he's useful or give him something to do, but telling him he shouldn't have left the motor inn doesn't sound like it would deviate from the results of the former if the former didn't change a thing. I am proud of him doing what he did, but I'm dissatisfied with how there was no "bonding" like with Carley, no "hey you and me are pals, can I tell you something?" Which is another thing. If you want to tell the group about your past, you have to choose Carley and that's really not fair to the player. The narrative basically arbitrates that choosing Doug instead of Carley automatically means that in addition to whatever reasons the player had for doing so, the player also didn't want anyone to know about his past, and that's really unfair.
now thatu brought this up i hav never had a dream where i was in a video game or cartoon or even had fictional characters in my dreams.... iv just realized i will never be able to meet clem or goku :,(
I'll just throw this out: A few nights ago, I had a dream where Lee and Christa were sitting in a boat, talking. Then, Christa randomly grabbe… mored Lee and made out with him. Then, she said, "Don't tell Omid. He will fuck you up." And then she got out of the boat (it was docked) and walked away. As she walked away, Lee goes, "Welp, at least now I know pregnant women are good kissers." What. The. Fuck.
I never noticed that the eyes focus on the cursor... but still why does he do this in this particular part of the game? if you could play scumbag lee somehow worst they should add a dialogue option this dumb bitch doesn't know how batteries work and that would be a good enough reason for the molesto stare.
because it was a play off of your comment. but whatever you are right, anything to stop this pointless conversation that I already said shouldnt have gone this far because i said it was a joke about a character.
I never noticed that the eyes focus on the cursor... but still why does he do this in this particular part of the game? if you could play scum… morebag lee somehow worst they should add a dialogue option this dumb bitch doesn't know how batteries work and that would be a good enough reason for the molesto stare.
not really, he only does this stare at this part of the game. find me a pic of him in another episode giving somebody the pedo stare and ill completely agree with you.
I never noticed that the eyes focus on the cursor... but still why does he do this in this particular part of the game? if you could play scum… morebag lee somehow worst they should add a dialogue option this dumb bitch doesn't know how batteries work and that would be a good enough reason for the molesto stare.
In issue 38's Letter Hacks, Robert Kirkman wrote the following:
"The Walking Dead takes place in our world, as if this stuff had started happening in October 2003 and continued from there. Now, in the book it's still only like...June 2004 at this point (If you're keeping track)."
That was the one I was looking for. I couldn't find it and wasn't bothered to actually play through 400 Days again to get the screenshot myself, so I just used the closest one I could find in Google Images.
That moment when you realise all of them are dead now, except maybe Christa (and Kenny)

I said something positive about Kenny, you said something negative. Which since it was a joke, I wouldn't normally care but...
a) Humor doesn't come across in text most of the time
b) You replied directly to me.
I didn't dislike. :C
Here, have a like
sometimes using lots of fullstops/periods can imply sarcasm
a smiley face can imply cheekiness
a lol can imply a joke
a winking smiley face can imply a mix of the above.
but but star wars is awesome !

a very big amount ?
Ha yeah man its hilarious!
Yes, and he did none of that.
i noticed
Credits to @Omid for the first pic:
That statue is the head that Lee threw at Kenny but missed and hit the wall in Season 1 Episode 5.
Which one's the necromorph
because it was a play off of your comment. but whatever you are right, anything to stop this pointless conversation that I already said shouldnt have gone this far because i said it was a joke about a character.
Kinda like if Konami decided to create a Silent Hill adaptation of Walking Dead.
I can do that too.
Ronald Reagan.
Well, being pregnant definitely is a problem...for a MAN.
Hey... Christa still has hands, don't she
I guess my problem is that Doug does his growing on his own. There's barely any interaction between Lee and Doug. You can cheer him up and tell him he's useful or give him something to do, but telling him he shouldn't have left the motor inn doesn't sound like it would deviate from the results of the former if the former didn't change a thing. I am proud of him doing what he did, but I'm dissatisfied with how there was no "bonding" like with Carley, no "hey you and me are pals, can I tell you something?" Which is another thing. If you want to tell the group about your past, you have to choose Carley and that's really not fair to the player. The narrative basically arbitrates that choosing Doug instead of Carley automatically means that in addition to whatever reasons the player had for doing so, the player also didn't want anyone to know about his past, and that's really unfair.
Anyway, back to the memes!
I was saying that it would be a problem for a man. As in if a man was pregnant.
Oh.... well that works too...
it was clem holding something other then Lees hand.
It'd be great if someone could shop some images together for these three lines:
Lee: "Getting bitten's not that bad."
Ben: "Really?"
Lee: "No. It's a death sentence."
Fuck you Lee.
Fly you fools.....
now thatu brought this up i hav never had a dream where i was in a video game or cartoon or even had fictional characters in my dreams.... iv just realized i will never be able to meet clem or goku :,(
Lol, cool dude!
Kenny be like: I'll get all the urbans...
I don't mind star wars, I think its the fans that keep me from watching it... yet I play pokemon x and y knowing im way too old to still play
why does lee make this face? I laugh my ass off for a good 10 minutes every time I play ep 1
His eyes are supposed to wander with your cursor, but sometimes the result is disastrously bad.
I never noticed that the eyes focus on the cursor... but still why does he do this in this particular part of the game? if you could play scumbag lee somehow worst they should add a dialogue option this dumb bitch doesn't know how batteries work and that would be a good enough reason for the molesto stare.
^most pointless argument ever.....
It's just his normal expression. The player just walked into Carley repeatedly and took a screenshot and made gold with it.
not really, he only does this stare at this part of the game. find me a pic of him in another episode giving somebody the pedo stare and ill completely agree with you.
I like clicking on "look" options for dialogue that doesn't ever change and imagine some sort of rhythm or beat that goes along with it.
I mean that if you select a person with your cursor, Lee will look at that person. I don't know if it occurs outside of episode 1.
Anyways, if he is at a certain angle, his eyes will go crazy, as shown above.
In issue 38's Letter Hacks, Robert Kirkman wrote the following:
"The Walking Dead takes place in our world, as if this stuff had started happening in October 2003 and continued from there. Now, in the book it's still only like...June 2004 at this point (If you're keeping track)."
Go there, download it, and do your thing 'k? I don't wanna bother, so you're welcome.
Hell yeah bro
The Dead Wolf Walking Among Us