The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • Also, his neural sytem would be fucked anyway

    zenonek2000 posted: »

    Some people never had a serious injury, that sort of wound puts you in a shock, and in most cases does not hurt if not noticed yet. As he fell

  • I suppose it was sorta more a matter of comparison. Lee, Kenny and Christa were all more skilled/better. Clem is less than half his age and Omid was leg injured. I am sure if guys like Ben's other band members were there as well, most of us would look at Ben differently.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Unused audio clips are unused for a reason(s). That aside, one positive thing about him is he is a good scavenger, or at least he had the p

  • What do you mean? GoldFish27?! What the fuck do you mean?! - Andy

    GoldFish27 posted: »

    bad art. sry!

  • I haven't read the walking dead novels (Rise of the Governor, etc) but I've read all the comics, played the game, and seen the show. I thought that the comic book Lilly was definitely different from the game and book Lilly. And isn't the show Lilly like a weird mix of all of them?

    But each Lilly was originally supposed to be the same character.

  • I don't wanna be mean,i love Ben,but the last thing "did a virgin" cracked me up! XD

  • You obviously did not get it.. In the Telltale Games' "The Walking Dead", there are zombies. They are called Walkers. And since Paul WALKER is dead, it would have been sweet. So your point is invalid.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    No. You should go to a Fast & Furious forum and ask them. This is Telltale Games.

  • edited January 2014

    Also: Fucked Up Beyond All Repair

    What does that stand for? Edit: Military slang for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition"

  • Yep the thing came like right through his freaking spinal brain

    Also, his neural sytem would be fucked anyway

  • Spoiler

    I can deal with all of Ben's ineptitude, its all of the horrible decisions he's made. I can deal with the stupid drug deal thing. He was scared, he thought he could get his friend back. I get it. But at a certain point he should have told the rest of the group about it. They could have handled it much better than he could have, and it would have prevented Duck, and by extension Katjaa, from dying. Then, even worse, he doesn't admit to what he had done. He lets either Carly or Doug defend him/ get in the way of the bullet. This adds even more deaths to his "kill list." And even THEN, he doesn't admit to anything. At this point he's just an extremely unlikable character to me, but what he does next makes me lose any sympathy I had left for him. HE LEAVES CLEMENTINE TO FREAKING DIE! Seriously bro, she's right next to you, and you ditch. WTF? And now Chuck sacrifices himself to save Clem, WHO WOULD'VE BEEN FINE IF BEN HAD JUST PICKED HER UP. This has crossed the line of being inept, he's a walking liability. Every bad decision he makes gets people killed. When he took the hatchet that was blocking the door, I wasn't even upset. I expected stupid shit like that from him at that point. And surprise, it got Brie killed. Wow. I know the kid didn't have the best of luck, but damn. Just own up to your mistakes before you are being attacked by walkers. When it doesn't even really matter. Breathe Okay rant over.

    HERO_1000 posted: »

    I suppose it was sorta more a matter of comparison. Lee, Kenny and Christa were all more skilled/better. Clem is less than half his age and Om

  • That's one way to put it :D

    TeeRave posted: »

    Yep the thing came like right through his freaking spinal brain

  • this guy/gal is todays winner of the interwebz.

  • fudged upwards beyond all reason

    WowMutt posted: »

    Also: Fucked Up Beyond All Repair

  • both make good points,

    but any meme made with a dead person is likely to offend someone somewhere.

    nice idea i get why but it is a game forum not a film forum so if anything it should be put in the general chat section.

    Kobalt posted: »

    You obviously did not get it.. In the Telltale Games' "The Walking Dead", there are zombies. They are called Walkers. And since Paul WALKER is dead, it would have been sweet. So your point is invalid.

  • Oh, Ben...I owe a stache.

  • Just go with the presidents...

    George Washington...

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I assumed it had something to do with people compared to or called the devil/antichrist. Really, where'd you guys get the president thing?? Emanuel Lewis

  • edited January 2014

    Alt text

    Five stages of grief:

    Denial <-- We are here





  • To many Lillys...

    Mischka posted: »

    I haven't read the walking dead novels (Rise of the Governor, etc) but I've read all the comics, played the game, and seen the show. I thought

  • edit :

    Five stages of grief:

    Denial <-- oh youpokedme is here

    Anger <--- quite a few people are here

    Bargaining <--- freddie is here

    Depression <---- not sure who is

    Acceptance <--- i'm always here...

    Five stages of grief: Denial <-- We are here Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance

  • edited January 2014

    Finding Underwear for Ben And Rebecca

    fudged upwards beyond all reason

  • Jesus Christ.


  • Maybe Kirkman knew someone named Lilly? It's like how my father thinks Walt Disney's mother's name was Wendy, and that's why they use it so much. But yeah, they WERE supposed to be the same Lilly, but then Kirkman wrote Rise of the Governor, and it... It wasn't, you know...

    To many Lillys...

  • I'm laughing to hard! XD

    Finding Underwear for Ben And Rebecca

  • Forgetting umbrella's for british american racing.

    Finding Underwear for Ben And Rebecca

  • lolwut

    Jesus Christ.

  • edited January 2014

    Finding Unicorns Behind some Agitated Russels

    Forgetting umbrella's for british american racing.

  • what about a 4th option :

    Alt text

    Mikejames posted: »

    Silent Hill 2 is where it's at. CHOICE * Examine toilet. * Stick hand down toilet. * Fall down bottomless pit.

  • Friends Unknowingly Borrow Aunt's Rolex

    Finding Unicorns Behind some Agitated Russels

  • Nice. Is that what your parents told you when you were little, heard it and asked about it?

    Friends Unknowingly Borrow Aunt's Rolex

  • edited January 2014

    hbh it's just a play on words nothing else.

    also thanks for being the party pooping chain breaker

    Fred undermines bowling at rockpit

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Nice. Is that what your parents told you when you were little, heard it and asked about it?

  • YOU BROKE THE THREAD. NOOOOOOOOO. screams in fake horror

    Ben Franklin.


  • no you broke it

    a) not using reply on the last person who did it right

    b) not naming a potus.

    YOU BROKE THE THREAD. NOOOOOOOOO. screams in fake horror Ben Franklin.

  • a) didn't mean to
    B) what's a potus

    Andrew Jackson.

    no you broke it a) not using reply on the last person who did it right b) not naming a potus.

  • president of the united states.


    it's over now since the other person above wrecked it..

    a) didn't mean to what's a potus Andrew Jackson.

  • edited January 2014

    Folks for United Brown Asians and Rubbishbins.

    Friends Unknowingly Borrow Aunt's Rolex

  • Foreigners unite but applaud rihanna

    Folks for United Brown Asians and Rubbishbins.

  • I realize that you told me later, but you said that the conversation didn't have to start because it was a joke, you only told me it was a joke later.

    Dunn_dada posted: »

    yea until then i said it was a joke.

  • edited January 2014

    Alt text
    Alt text
    Alt text

  • That's me. Wrecking chains and not givin' a shit.

    I certainly hope there aren't any doctors with bees in their possession here...

    president of the united states. lol it's over now since the other person above wrecked it..

  • When did The Walking Dead cross over into Silent Hill?

  • edited January 2014

    Telltale is coming out with a game of thrones game, and I wanted to share this with you guys:

    Alt text

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