The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I love this community, makes me laugh everyday

  • edited January 2014

    This may be crap,but atleast I tried /:

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    Heres a edit - Screw this /:

  • Farting Under Beds At Russel

    Finding Unicorns Behind some Agitated Russels

  • edited January 2014

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    fixed it for ya :P

    This may be crap,but atleast I tried /: Heres a edit - Screw this /:

  • Oh no, we mentioned RACE! We are totally racist, right?

    Folks for United Brown Asians and Rubbishbins.

  • Inspired by @ArthurMatrix...what if Doug AND Carley survived the drugstore incident?

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  • Larry: "DOI!!!"

    Gengar posted: »

    Inspired by @ArthurMatrix...what if Doug AND Carley survived the drugstore incident?

  • Psh. Guybrush Threepwood fits a live dog and a ship's figurehead in his pocket at the same time.

  • in my second comment to you, i did. listen dude i already said its over and you are right so please stop responsing.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I realize that you told me later, but you said that the conversation didn't have to start because it was a joke, you only told me it was a joke later.

  • edited January 2014

    The difference? Larry had charm coming out of his ass.

    fixed it for ya :P

  • No Clem. Stop pls. Wrap your textures back up.

  • Wtf happened to her?? She's not cute anymore! D:

  • It's her texture, she's fine

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Wtf happened to her?? She's not cute anymore!

  • Let's see... I think Doug would have stayed at the motor inn and then followed Carley and Ben when they went to the St John Dairy. She and Doug would have gotten together somehow, I think, but Carley and Lee would still have that bond of trust, considering that you managed to save her too even though she knows you murdered someone. So Carley would still have had that talk with you on the walk to the St John Dairy. Then, in episode 3, Carley would still have talked to you about telling people you were a convicted killer, and Doug would have died to protect Carley.

    Hmm...and then that would mean Carley would still be alive...

    Gengar posted: »

    Inspired by @ArthurMatrix...what if Doug AND Carley survived the drugstore incident?

  • Her (non-existent) eyes...

    That blank stare for enternity...

    (Sad Eyes)

  • Imagine the slow zoom in on the textures with this audio, and replace "Silver" with "Clem".

  • Hmmmm...what happens if we add Kenny's mustache over her texture?

    Gengar posted: »

    It's her texture, she's fine

  • Check page 1 for the result

    Hmmmm...what happens if we add Kenny's mustache over her texture?

  • THIS is what happens XD

  • Someone make this video NOW!

  • edited January 2014

    Actually the sucking mechanic was probably broken, too.

  • She didnt get a salt lick in head yet... Well, when she will be badly after giving birth, Clem knows what to do.

    fixed it for ya :P

  • Yeah. I linked it for Arin's spaz-talking, not the game audio. You know how you sometimes see something incredibly gross, and want to show it to someone for some reason? That's why the Grumps played Sonic '06. Fun guys.

    So basically the talking in the video was supposed to be my pseudo-reaction to Clem's flat textures Cuz y'know. I thought it would be funny.

  • edited January 2014

    The "Help Them Both" scenario, continued. Sorry if the end of that last comment was misleading, but unfortunately I don't see a way around this.

    Duck: Carley will stay behind with Ben, Clem and Chuck. She'll also tell Lee what Chuck said to Clem(debating at that point and time isn't really the right time). When Ben admits to stealing supplies, Lee has the option of telling Carley.

    Omid and Christa: Carley will keep a lookout with Ben. She'll also go to the station with Christa to check out the noise. Then, after Omid falls, Carley will pull the person Lee doesn't pick onto the train.

    The House: She'll back Lee up when Christa starts bitching about the radio. She'll stay with Christa and Omid while Lee, Ben and Kenny search the house. She'll also stay at the house when Kenny and Lee go to the docks. Clem will still somehow slip out cuz she's smart.

    The Plan: Carley will support Lee's suggestion of either fighting or sneaking their way into Crawford. Kenny will only tell Lee about the size of the boat, not Carley.

    Crawford: Carley will keep watch at the command center with Ben and Clem. When the group votes on Ben, Carley will not get the chance to vote before Brie interrupts and gets eaten. Carley will be the second or first person to go down the ladder from the bell tower, leaving the choice with Ben completely up to Lee. If he chooses to let him die, he has the option of telling her the same thing you told Clem. Depending on earlier choices Lee made, she will either accept his assurance or hold him responsible for Ben's suicide.

    The Rescue: Carley will always opt to go with Lee. When Lee first blacks out and he doesn't make the choice himself, she will take that as a silent "I'm not ready" or a "no" if she's the only one there(if Kenny is there, that arm is coming off unless Lee explicitly says it's not, and if Christa isn't there, Kenny will still do it himself).

    Bell Tower: When Lee says "I got it, thanks", Carley will call bullshit and help him carry the ladder.

    The Boat: Carley will be just as furious at the cancer survivor group as Kenny, but calm. At the house, Carley will have a similar reaction to Lee's(not determinant) at Ben's outburst if he's still alive, but will also be quiet when Christa says. When the house is under a zombie attack, the pistol Ben had will be in her hands instead, but Ben will pick up Lee's when he drops it, if he's still alive.

    Trapped: Carley won't be arguing calmly whether Lee does or not, but the choice of whether to pick up the bust of Dickson Kent 3rd will still be present. Carley will move to protect Lee with the coat rack, but before she can, Kenny will throw the bust at the corroded wall. She will be the first to jab at the wall with the coat rack, and will also do the rest of the work on breaking through the wall instead of Omid. Once on the other side, she'll be the one to take the gun, not Kenny. During those heartfelt conversations, Lee has the option of asking Carley to be the one to take care of Clem.

    One Bullet: If Ben is still alive, he'll go before Carley, and Carley will catch him. Then she will create a makeshift plank with the very long buffet Christa was looking at(go look it up if you need a definition), and some things stacked on top of it(bed, couch, drawer chest, nightstands, etc). Ben will help if he's alive, and will also go first. The weight of a second person will cause the "plank" to break, and Carley falls in Ben's place. Fastforward: when the zombies are alerted to your presence, she'll take the initiative and shoot herself.

    If Ben is not alive for this, Carley will fall as normal and take initiative and shoot herself.

    Sacrifice: Later, Kenny will get lost to the herd just like it would have happened in the canon(determinant). The second conversation about Christa and Omid taking Clem resumes as normal. Whoever decides to go first, Ben will try to meet up with Christa and Omid whatever the suggested plan is if he is still alive, being a group-oriented individual. Lee's badassery continues as normal to the end of the season.

    Season 2: I haven't played it yet. I'll add a little something concerning Ben(determinant) when I do.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Let's see... I think Doug would have stayed at the motor inn and then followed Carley and Ben when they went to the St John Dairy. She and Do

  • A few quantum moments before the entirety of the universe crunched into an infinite singularity of a bad combination.

    DakhothTM posted: »

    When did The Walking Dead cross over into Silent Hill?

  • edited January 2014


    doesn't exist.


  • edited January 2014


    Five stages of grief:

    Negative Indifference <-- I'm here

    Denial <-- Ohyoupokedme is here

    Anger <--- Kenny was here

    Bargaining <--- Freddie is here

    Depression <---- Ben was here

    Acceptance <--- Milosuperspesh is always here

    edit : Five stages of grief: Denial <-- oh youpokedme is here Anger <--- quite a few people are here Bargaining <--- freddie is here Depression <---- not sure who is Acceptance <--- i'm always here...

  • edited January 2014

    As a southeast asian, I am offended.






    Syke! lol

    Folks for United Brown Asians and Rubbishbins.

  • edited January 2014

    Fucking Up Becca And Russel

    Hershel posted: »

    Farting Under Beds At Russel

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Her other textures are also a little creepy

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  • Change your damn profile picture.

  • what? pedo porn? let me guess some sick freak is out there

  • Hi I know this probably doesn't exactly belong here but I was trying to access the main content page for season 2 on my android phone and it glich jerked my age conformation on that page. B
    Have since changed age confirmation after setting up an account 1989 I'm 24 but apparently that's not old enough to view the content on the main page. Can anyone help please thought the age limit was 18 not 25

  • The age limit is 18, it's probably just a glitch but i'm not sure.

    Hi I know this probably doesn't exactly belong here but I was trying to access the main content page for season 2 on my android phone and it g

  • These textures are pretty beautiful.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Her other textures are also a little creepy

  • Jk.

    These textures are pretty beautiful.

  • don't even question it.

    Tyranniac posted: »

    I-... huh? What is this?

  • Clem, don't be sad. Lee may be dead but it's always warm in Luke's bed.

  • oh my god another Luklem fan please stop with this bullshit!

    Butt-head posted: »

    Clem, don't be sad. Lee may be dead but it's always warm in Luke's bed.

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