XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Pretty disappointed at this issue, was really looking forward to play this today.

    Curious as to what people would consider would be the proper way to rectify this?

    They bungled this season pass thing sure, but I'd like to think they could make it right somehow. A free season pass to one of their upcoming games would go a long way, imo.

  • I hope Telltale goes out of business after this fucking fiasco. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for this shit. Not after waiting for 4 months.

  • That's how I look at it. An apology for the hassle (from ms and or tt) would be nice, some Microsoft funbucks would be awesome but ultimately I just want to play the game I ALREADY paid for.

    siavm posted: »

    As soon as I can play without repay I will be cool. This one looks good just like the first one.

  • I just made an account today to post my frustration. I was an idiot and bought the season pass as soon as I finished episode one when it released, and the wait sucked... But I was so excited to play it and I tried to be understanding of the delay. But now I'm being punished for being excited and buying the season pass? While others are playing episode 2 I may have to wait 2 weeks because I was pumped and purchased all the episodes in advanced? That's complete bullshit. I want a refund for my season pass. I'd rather buy all the god damn episodes. Especially after episode one became free like a month ago.

  • I agree. Especially in order to rekindle our enjoyment for their games considering what their fans have been through lately.

    jmdv1 posted: »

    Pretty disappointed at this issue, was really looking forward to play this today. Curious as to what people would consider would be the pro

  • edited February 2014

    Hopefully there next update is that the game is now ready to play.

    darham175 posted: »

    They updated it. Here it what it says now (along with date and time) 2/5/2014 5:39:02 PM CST: Are you a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass

  • edited February 2014

    Sorry, i haven't seen every update on this. Where is the "two weeks" time-frame coming from? If it's that long this is pretty shitty.

    People on here have been saying that you can buy the episode normally then ask MS to refund it and they will.

    I just made an account today to post my frustration. I was an idiot and bought the season pass as soon as I finished episode one when it relea

  • This forum should be renamed TWAO XBOX SEASON PASS RAGE!!!!!!!!!!

  • sooo legit.............

    1 post to applaud TT and just joined today? Seems legit....

  • to much XD

    and what its a good game are people not allowed to say that they like it??

    darham175 posted: »

    So how much did you get to say that?

  • But I already bought the TWD Season 2 pass. :'(
    jmdv1 posted: »

    Pretty disappointed at this issue, was really looking forward to play this today. Curious as to what people would consider would be the pro

  • Newest update from Microsoft "It’s come to our attention that our members who previously purchased “The Wolf Among Us” Season Pass are being asked to pay for “Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors,” and we’re here to help! Thanks for your patience while we work. We’ll update you again in 60 minutes."

  • Go back like 1 page in this thread, a lot of people have brought it up

    What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "We've been contacted by alot of our Wolf Among Us Season Pass holders, and sorry about that but Episode is not yet available for Season pass" and " It will take the game developers a week or 2 to integrate the new Game Episode to the Season Pass in-game marketplace. Until then, we'll just have to wait Sorry. :( "

    The Fallen posted: »

    Sorry, i haven't seen every update on this. Where is the "two weeks" time-frame coming from? If it's that long this is pretty shitty. People on here have been saying that you can buy the episode normally then ask MS to refund it and they will.

  • New status update:

    2/5/2014 6:40:35 PM CST:

    It’s come to our attention that our members who previously purchased “The Wolf Among Us” Season Pass are being asked to pay for “Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors,” and we’re here to help! Thanks for your patience while we work. We’ll update you again in 60 minutes.

    In other words "Outlook unclear, try again later,"

  • Quoted post from earlier by NghtFox17:

    What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "We've been contacted by alot of our Wolf Among Us Season Pass holders, and sorry about that but Episode is not yet available for Season pass" and " It will take the game developers a week or 2 to integrate the new Game Episode to the Season Pass in-game marketplace. Until then, we'll just have to wait Sorry. :( "

    When bought up that the season pass said that episodes were promised content as it was released (aka made available), and that this was a failure to provide services paid for. Their reply was only " I know it wasn't clear, but what it really meant was, you can download new episodes when they are available for Season Pass. As you can see, you've purchased your Season Pass for a cheaper price. It's basically a marketing strategy from the developer's end and I'm sorry if that wasn't clear to you guys in the first place."

    So I'm not expecting anything soon. I did leave feedback, and I will not be continuing with Microsoft products for the next generation of games.

    The Fallen posted: »

    Sorry, i haven't seen every update on this. Where is the "two weeks" time-frame coming from? If it's that long this is pretty shitty. People on here have been saying that you can buy the episode normally then ask MS to refund it and they will.

  • Swear to god they better fix this before walking dead s2 e2 is out.. Didn't but wolf season But DID buy walking dead season.

  • edited February 2014

    what's frustrating is that most of us here were/are loyal telltale fans. I for one paid for episode one... why are late comers getting it free? Then to top it off I also paid for a season pass FOR THE ONLY REASON that I thought I could download the episodes as soon as they were released before plot details and spoilers are all over twitter. PUNISHED FOR BEING FANS. THANKS TELLTALE!!! A STERLING job as usual you [REDACTED]

  • I give up, spent my day off from work waiting around hoping it was going to happen sometime today. Hope I can play it sometime tomorrow before I go to work. Otherwise it's going to be a shit day lol

  • :3

    Fuze987 posted: »

    With you on this one Chrisk

  • Same here. :(

    I give up, spent my day off from work waiting around hoping it was going to happen sometime today. Hope I can play it sometime tomorrow before I go to work. Otherwise it's going to be a shit day lol

  • hmmm, i wonder why no one ever thought about that? (Quote from puzzlebox saying that its microsofts problem in the title that YOU made)

    Good point. Maybe it's Microsoft making Telltale games look like a bunch of assholes.

  • Lol, so did I.

    They have some interesting stuff coming up that I wouldn't mind checking out though (provided they do something to make amends, of course).

    darham175 posted: »

    But I already bought the TWD Season 2 pass. :'(

  • Its weird that everyone is getting such conflicting info. I spoke with a Microsoft representative and was told I would be able to download the episode within 24 hours.

  • Exactly, my one day off, where this was the ONLY ambition I had today was to sit, and relax, and play TWAU.....And as it's been stated, for BUYING Episode 1, and the season pass IMMEDIATELY thereafter...same with TWD 1&2, yet we are penalized....It's because TT already got our money from the loyal customers, so what do they care...

    I give up, spent my day off from work waiting around hoping it was going to happen sometime today. Hope I can play it sometime tomorrow before I go to work. Otherwise it's going to be a shit day lol

  • how much was the season pass, as i cant remember what i paid?

  • I had the same issue here. I felt quite upset when season pass on Xbox live always get 2nd level treatment...

  • $4.99USD for Episode 1, $14.99USD for Episodes 2-5,

    Fuze987 posted: »

    how much was the season pass, as i cant remember what i paid?

  • $5 for Episode one and then $15 for the last four, so $20 total. It's a $5 savings if you actually get to play the games.

    Fuze987 posted: »

    how much was the season pass, as i cant remember what i paid?

  • edited February 2014

    Seems to conflict with with what Telltale have said that "Microsoft is actively working to resolve the issue" and i've seen Xbox support tweeting that they were still "investigating" long after the early posts in this thread would have been made. Hopefully "two weeks" is just misinformation. If not then this is way worse than i thought. Especially if it's a coding issue on Telltale's part.

    This is the first "season pass" I've ever bought as well. Not super thrilled with the concept so far.

    Go back like 1 page in this thread, a lot of people have brought it up What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "W

  • They just keep telling us what we already know

    darham175 posted: »

    New status update: 2/5/2014 6:40:35 PM CST: It’s come to our attention that our members who previously purchased “The Wolf Among Us” Sea

  • This. 100% agree with this.

    aaroncarney posted: »

    what's frustrating is that most of us here were/are loyal telltale fans. I for one paid for episode one... why are late comers getting it free

  • No no no! That's not it. We're not being phucked over like that. We're getting the episode soon and that's just it!!! God damn the frustration though!!!

    John_Keat posted: »

    No kidding? Wait until the whole game is released? WAIT UNTIL SUMMER WHEN TELLTALE PROMISED THAT WE COULD PLAY?

  • edited February 2014

    I kind of feel bad for getting Ep. 1 for free now :/. Seems kinda wrong for me to be upset.

    aaroncarney posted: »

    what's frustrating is that most of us here were/are loyal telltale fans. I for one paid for episode one... why are late comers getting it free

  • Same here, feels totally like I'm being played for a sucker. Eff TT, I've learned my lesson, not touching their products until after all episodes are out and I can get them for so much cheaper... Not worth putting up with this bullshit.

    Exactly, my one day off, where this was the ONLY ambition I had today was to sit, and relax, and play TWAU.....And as it's been stated, for BU

  • *facepalms
    Tried posting the picture of "heavy breathing cat" and "you think this is a game cat". Posts links instead.

    Rucker posted: »

    TTG, I love ya but I heard it'll take two weeks to get this season pass issue fixed. Really? http

  • Idiot.

    Rucker posted: »

    *facepalms Tried posting the picture of "heavy breathing cat" and "you think this is a game cat". Posts links instead.

  • Really....

    Rucker posted: »


  • I'm just saying.

    Rucker posted: »


  • so just under $20 for the lot then. Even if this thing goes completely sideways and we have to buy the episodes again,
    It'll only cost $40 all in all.
    I know! before someone snipes me that its extra cost and it not what we paid for blah blah blah...
    but i know i splash more than that on new games that turn out to be terrible.

    Fuze987 posted: »

    how much was the season pass, as i cant remember what i paid?

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