XBox360 Season pass not working



  • The official response to this has been poor, and does little to convince me of my earlier statement....that buying season passes is obviously a poor practice.

  • Ya because that makes total sense... Lets stop playing Telletale games just because you don't get to play the game on the 5th of Feb... boo fucking hoo.

    ISavedDoug2 posted: »

    I hope Telltale goes out of business after this fucking fiasco. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for this shit. Not after waiting for 4 months.

  • Hopefully this will all be resolved by tomorrow morning and we can all go our merry ways, but remember Telltale: "The community will remember that.", for sure.

  • So, they're not only not telling us anything, but they aren't telling us anything, AND are editing the swear words we call them. Oh man, Telltale.

    aaroncarney posted: »

    what's frustrating is that most of us here were/are loyal telltale fans. I for one paid for episode one... why are late comers getting it free

  • This just perpetuates the issue....If customers continue to purchase 2 copies of something, but only receive 1, the major companies will only continue this type of behavior or laziness when it comes to Quality Assurance and testing their products thoroughly...

    Fuze987 posted: »

    so just under $20 for the lot then. Even if this thing goes completely sideways and we have to buy the episodes again, It'll only cost $40 a

  • God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense of entitlement elsewhere and quit whineing that you don't get to play Ep2.

    Sheesh I feel like I'm reading a thread written by 5 year olds who didn't get to go to McDonalds for breakfast.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Hey guys, it sounds like there's some misinformation going around with that alleged 2-week ETA. Please don't put too much stock in any ETAs that haven't been published via the official Microsoft or Telltale accounts.

  • (English) WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (Spanish) Por quéeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (French) Pourquoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (Me) jioajfersijginbfsvnormvresmgesmvormvoisfgdsfklgmserngspeongsodfkjgnrespoogifdj

  • We wouldn't have 2 week rumor and conjecture to rely on if there were any real updates other than forwarding to the same FAQs and "Issue Resolution" posts. I understand that stuff happens...seriously, I get it... but to be doing nothing from a PR standpoint lends itself some negative connotations.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Hey guys, it sounds like there's some misinformation going around with that alleged 2-week ETA. Please don't put too much stock in any ETAs that haven't been published via the official Microsoft or Telltale accounts.

  • Did you pay 20 bucks in advance because you thought episode one was so good and you wanted to play the rest asap, only to find out you have to wait longer because you paid more?

    Trencher posted: »

    God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense

  • That is a possibility and a very undesirable outcome. If indeed the games market and companies within see this as a way to make a fast profit. However I was merely suggesting that while those of us who can't wait for this issue to be resolved, would not be out of pocket by that much. even adding the $5 for this episode.

    This just perpetuates the issue....If customers continue to purchase 2 copies of something, but only receive 1, the major companies will only

  • edited February 2014

    Be fair, though, what do you guys expect when you don't give us any real updates? I mean, even an explanation of why you CANT give us updates would be fine for me.

    I understand that expecting transparency may be a bit much in this day and age, but... I dunno. Thanks for mentioning that the rumours are, indeed, rumours, though.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Hey guys, it sounds like there's some misinformation going around with that alleged 2-week ETA. Please don't put too much stock in any ETAs that haven't been published via the official Microsoft or Telltale accounts.

  • Sorry we feel entitled to have the item we already paid for that everyone else already has,

    Trencher posted: »

    God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense

  • I did pay $20 for the game.. and Yes I'm annoyed I have to wait.. but there's annoyed.. and then there's what you guys are doing and its just childish and reminds me of my 10 month old daughter when she wants dinner.

    Did you pay 20 bucks in advance because you thought episode one was so good and you wanted to play the rest asap, only to find out you have to wait longer because you paid more?

  • I didn't for a second assume it to be true...

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Hey guys, it sounds like there's some misinformation going around with that alleged 2-week ETA. Please don't put too much stock in any ETAs that haven't been published via the official Microsoft or Telltale accounts.

  • As an adult, working in the real world and having to deal with people like this face to face, and the service that I'm expected to give, I just feel that the situation is being handled extremely poorly, and from a software development standpoint, there is no excuse for it to be a fully functioning piece of content in 5 other formats, yet this is the only one with an issue. I agree there are many childish/asinine reactions to this issue, but I'm trying to mask or shift blame to the paying fans is not the right approach.

    Trencher posted: »

    I did pay $20 for the game.. and Yes I'm annoyed I have to wait.. but there's annoyed.. and then there's what you guys are doing and its just childish and reminds me of my 10 month old daughter when she wants dinner.

  • i wouldn't mind a free pass for a possible xbox one or PS4 port when all the episodes are done!

    jmdv1 posted: »

    Pretty disappointed at this issue, was really looking forward to play this today. Curious as to what people would consider would be the pro

  • With the quality and mechanical issues that the current TTG titles have, I wouldn't wager on any New-Gen ports....

    ziomatrix posted: »

    i wouldn't mind a free pass for a possible xbox one or PS4 port when all the episodes are done!

  • That was too hilarious

    Mukora posted: »

    I found this. (Note- it's a gif)

  • edited February 2014

    Then why are you here? Seriously, do you have a life? Because if you did you wouldn't be here complaining about others complaining. Atleast they have a suitable reason for their complaints. You on the other hand have a circumlocutory issue with people here that can be simply rectified by just not reading what others have posted and moving on. So if we have no life, guess what, you're as lifeless as us. Welcome to the club!!

    Trencher posted: »

    God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense

  • I think as compensation for this horrific mess they need to release Ep. 3 to 360 season pass holders earlier than all the others....if thats even possible.

  • edited February 2014

    Well aren't you just [REDACTED]

    Trencher posted: »

    I didn't for a second assume it to be true...

  • It's a nice pipedream...but in all reality, TTG will probably punish SSN Pass holders by delaying that for 2 weeks because we've all been so outspoken and outraged by the issue.

    Sky_Guy15 posted: »

    I think as compensation for this horrific mess they need to release Ep. 3 to 360 season pass holders earlier than all the others....if thats even possible.

  • This time they slightly reworded the check back in an hour message. I'm really starting to consider not buying another year of gold when I run out.

  • To me this just points at this being a TTG issue and Microsoft is trying to be the good guys by actually TRYING to do some damage control...I guess we won't know for certain until the dust settles though.

    darham175 posted: »

    This time they slightly reworded the check back in an hour message. I'm really starting to consider not buying another year of gold when I run out.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2014

    Everyone is more than welcome to vent here while Microsoft and Telltale work on resolving the issue, but please keep the language at least somewhat civil.

    perturbed1 posted: »

    Well aren't you just [REDACTED]

  • Exactly, it's one thing to make a point and be's another to turn into the raging 12 year old brats we all try to avoid online....

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Everyone is more than welcome to vent here while Microsoft and Telltale work on resolving the issue, but please keep the language at least somewhat civil.

  • Any news on the situatin

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Everyone is more than welcome to vent here while Microsoft and Telltale work on resolving the issue, but please keep the language at least somewhat civil.

  • I was going to buy it on Friday, but not now.

    darham175 posted: »

    But I already bought the TWD Season 2 pass. :'(

  • People are entitled to recieving what they have paid for.

    Trencher posted: »

    God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense

  • I just wish they would say something other than check again in an hour.

    To me this just points at this being a TTG issue and Microsoft is trying to be the good guys by actually TRYING to do some damage control...I guess we won't know for certain until the dust settles though.

  • These Xbox Live service "updates" are literally just the exact same thing over and over.

    Seriously, why even bother?

  • Anyone remember the Halo 4 season pass fiasco where exactly the same thing happened even though Halo is now owned by Microsoft. The only way they resolved this was by giving the first map pack away for free for everyone, then in a patch about a week or so later they prevented anyone who'd got it free without a season pass from using the maps. Then they stated that the maps were only given away free for a 'trial period' as if they meant to do it all along. I don't think that 'give it away free temporarily and then fix the problem later' is going to work for story DLC like TWAU and the difficulty they had in fixing the Halo 4 season pass glitch has got me worried that this won't be fixed quickly. I am sympathetic up to a point because unforeseen problems can easily arise, but given that this has happened before can't they test if it's going to work on release day?

  • That's what I was just arguing with them on twitter about.

    Mukora posted: »

    These Xbox Live service "updates" are literally just the exact same thing over and over. Seriously, why even bother?

  • edited February 2014

    Just chatted with MS technical support... Support has no idea when it will be resolved, advised to just try to download again every couple of days.

    Exemplary customer service would be to credit all season pass holders with ownership of Ep2 so that we could just download it free independent of the season pass. That makes early investors whole.

    Good customer service would have been to promise to email all TWAU season pass holders the minute the issue is resolved.

    "We're working on it and have no ETA" is fairly mediocre. I recognize that there is a desire from Telltale not to miss yet another deadline.

    This was the first and last game I will buy in episodes prior to being complete. The model seems suited for very slow eaters who don't mind repeated teasing... My "Kick him again, girl!," arm-ripping-off Telltale personality profile likely informs them that I don't fit the patient waiter profile.

  • It makes sense. The game is up to download, so Microsoft did it's job. The ability to read the season pass in game, isn't that telltale's area? Whenever I boot up Assassin Creed or COD it always says searching for downloadable content, in game text.

    My guess is that Telltale fucked something up. They woke up today and realized there mistake, and spent the morning quickly making a patch. Then they submitted it to Microsoft, who has an extensive updating process. Microsoft is used to having at least a week to test all game updates, i know this from past experience because i read game developers in the past saying they made a game update and that it wont be released for a while because of Microsoft's process.

    This also fits in with the person who said a a Microsoft rep told him it would take a week or 2 to update, because thats the usual time it takes for game updates to be released to the public. Microsoft is probably hurrying up the process as we speak.

    Enjoy paying Microsoft for all that extra work telltale

    To me this just points at this being a TTG issue and Microsoft is trying to be the good guys by actually TRYING to do some damage control...I guess we won't know for certain until the dust settles though.

  • edited February 2014

    And I totally agree.. but when I go to lets say.. Disneyland and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride is down I don't go screaming my head off about how I'm never going to Disneyland again and I want a refund and blah blah blah blah... And if you did complain to the park management they would just say "I'm sorry but there are plenty of other rides you can go on until Pirates is fixed"..

    Yes you paid for a game that you can't currently play due to a bug but no ones stopping you from EVER playing the game.. You just have to wait a bit longer for it to be available to you. The f***ing sense of "NOW NOW NOW" is just painful.

    As an adult, working in the real world and having to deal with people like this face to face, and the service that I'm expected to give, I jus

  • The updates demonstrate that the company is actively working on a resolution and attempting to keep paying customers as updated as possible. I prefer to see actual updates (even if they say the same thing), rather than a vague single statement left unchanged until the issue is fully resolved.

    Mukora posted: »

    These Xbox Live service "updates" are literally just the exact same thing over and over. Seriously, why even bother?

  • I'm refreshing the page ever so often while I play another game in the background (see, there are other games out there you can play instead of complaining about not playing this one). I figure once things are fixed this will be the best place to find out. What I didn't expect to find was this thread full of Adults (or at least you should all be adults being that this is rated M for mature) sounding like children.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Then why are you here? Seriously, do you have a life? Because if you did you wouldn't be here complaining about others complaining. Atleast th

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