XBox360 Season pass not working



  • and within 10 minutes of getting off the phone, the coin is back in my paypal account. That was painless!

    ElToppo posted: »

    I have a season pass but paid again last night when it became available on my Xbox. Just got off the phone with MS Support. Got a full refund

  • You're confused about what the word "confused" means.

    nomnomine posted: »

    I think you're confused about what the word incompetence means...

  • edited February 2014

    ^^^ So much butthurt.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Crying about having to wait an extra 24 hours is incompetence.

  • Please post an update once you know more. I will be checking on it myself tonight.

    I dunno why my post got cut off, but here's the rest of the quote: Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being

  • Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but:
    "Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for "Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged and working to have a fix out for you tomorrow."

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Please post an update once you know more. I will be checking on it myself tonight.

  • edited February 2014

    Well said, your experience pretty much mirrors my own. Enjoyed the first episode and bought the season pass immediately on the strength of that product. Feeling pretty disappointed about the whole experience, but I am a believer in second chances so I'm not ready to walk away from Telltale just yet.

    NickJacques posted: »

    This whole experience has just been terrible. I bought the game the day that it released, right after finishing the first episode I bought the

  • This still hasn't been fixed? Bloody hell.

  • edited February 2014

    But I could get my money back from EB games if I wanted to. Plus in that situation others don't have the game either. But in reality, other people on different platforms have already played episode 2 and people here haven't. So if other people in your scenario was able to obtain the same pre-order as me from EB games, but I still couldn't receive it. Yeah I'd complain, because that's not fair. Other people had received their pre-orders while I got nothing, even though we both paid for the same product at the same time, at the same place.

    Trencher posted: »

    Do you go down to EB games and complain to them when you preorder a game and the games delayed 6 months?.. They took your money and gave nothing in return.

  • edited February 2014


    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    ^^^ So much butthurt.

  • What department did you phone up, and if possible what number did you ring? Would really appreciate it :)

    ElToppo posted: »

    and within 10 minutes of getting off the phone, the coin is back in my paypal account. That was painless!

  • On the Microsoft service update page, it says they will have a fix for it TOMORROW!
    I have already waited all day yesterday and now I have to wait until tomorrow?!

  • I just hope the same shit dosen't happen when episode 2 comes out for the walking dead.

  • That wasn't directed at you but the others that were upset. But thanks for showing that you are butthurt as well.

  • edited February 2014

    "Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for "Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged and working to have a fix out for you tomorrow."

    So we'll have to wait another day. :(

  • You're like some little kid who fools himself into thinking that if anyone disagrees with you, it is only because they are wrong and/or upset. You have a lot of growing up to do, my friend.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    That wasn't directed at you but the others that were upset. But thanks for showing that you are butthurt as well.

  • Pics or it didn't happen.

    Ok, so I just downloaded the standalone version and it won't install it. I keep hitting "A" to install and it does nothing.

  • The number I rang was 1800 555 741, but that is an Australian phone number. Otherwise, hit up @XboxSupport on Twitter. They were helpful. It took 15 minutes or so for them to respond, then they were sensational.

    Maisner posted: »

    What department did you phone up, and if possible what number did you ring? Would really appreciate it

  • This sucks. I can already imagine internet memes with this. Somethink like: Bought season pass on day of release, play second episode last.

  • I think it's better to look at this page, then copying here what is posted there.

  • edited February 2014

    I misread this as our scam is engaged and hard at work trying to get this fixed. In my defense I literally just woke up and checked my 360. Still nothing.

    I dunno why my post got cut off, but here's the rest of the quote: Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being

  • edited February 2014

    We (me at least) have been posting it in thread so people don't have look for it. 48hrs since pc, psn and whatever else got it 24hrs since everyone else on 360 got it. At the very least I'd like a new F5 key because mine is worn out.

    Xymie posted: »

    I think it's better to look at this page, then copying here what is posted there.

  • edited February 2014

    This is seriously BS. Just post the episode for free for everyone already.

  • edited February 2014

    That's probably not Telltale's call, it is however, Microsoft's though. Doubt they would make the 2nd for free considering that they've made the first episode free back on Christmas day I think. It would be cool if they did that to help ease the pain, but, you know, Micro$oft.

    MosesARose posted: »

    This is seriously BS. Just post the episode for free for everyone already.

  • I'm sure they will just link me to the status page but I just sent this to Xbox unSupport on twitter.

    What's the ETA on The Wolf Among US pass fix? Everyone else has had it for 24-48hrs and I don''t have the funbucks to buy x2

    Hopefully they give us an answer because I'm sure I'm not the only one without funbucks or a cc to repurchase just so I can play the game I paid for.

  • edited February 2014

    I just think it would be much easier than trying to find a fix. Heck, they can even make it free for just a day to give us pass holders a chance to get the episode. By the way things are looking, I doubt they'll find a fix tomorrow. So they need a plan B.

    That's probably not Telltale's call, it is however, Microsoft's though. Doubt they would make the 2nd for free considering that they've made t

  • Allow me to reiterate my previous Xbox don't cur. They have our money and in the end won't offer anything more than a form letter apology. Our time ceases to be worth anything once they get our money.

    Rhi4nnon posted: »

    On the Microsoft service update page, it says they will have a fix for it TOMORROW! I have already waited all day yesterday and now I have to wait until tomorrow?!

  • edited February 2014

    No you're not the only one :) there's no way I'm going to buy episode 2 a second time, nor should I have to.

    darham175 posted: »

    I'm sure they will just link me to the status page but I just sent this to Xbox unSupport on twitter. What's the ETA on The Wolf Among US p

  • Holy hell this hasn't been fixed yet... wow... just.....wowwwww. I mean seriously how freaking hard is it too do?. It's almost funny how long it's taking them, if this happens with the WTD ep 2 i will go all angry bigby on the customer support line.

  • People were saying about Xfail refunding them for the second purchase so I look at it kind of like unlocking the stuff I already paid for like I don't know some sort of pass for the episodes this season so I could play them as they come out and not have to worry about paying for them per episode. Man, they should really have something like that. It seems like it would be pretty convenient.

    MosesARose posted: »

    No you're not the only one there's no way I'm going to buy episode 2 a second time, nor should I have to.

  • edited February 2014

    I just sent a twitter to IGN, I doubt itll actually do anything but since we can't play the game we might as well voice our opinions loudly at whoever might listen. Here it is in case you guys wanna try to trend some hashtags or something in your free time.

    @IGN The Wolf Among Us Xbox Season pass issue still not fixed. PC/PS3 got it 48hrs ago, Non pass Xbox got it 24ago #Xfail #XboxUnsupport

    For the record by XboxUnsupport I was making a reference to the XboxSupport twitter accounts and their "It's been an hour? Ok check back in an hour" status updates and general lack of actual info.

    Holy hell this hasn't been fixed yet... wow... just.....wowwwww. I mean seriously how freaking hard is it too do?. It's almost funny how long it's taking them, if this happens with the WTD ep 2 i will go all angry bigby on the customer support line.

  • edited February 2014

    Same problem, I find some info from yesterday ( but as I see season pass still did not work... :( Realy was not good idea bought season pass, grrrr. I do not understand what is damned so complicate fix it on MSlive side (probably it is not hot error when Microsoft will not some more money through correction). - so Tomorrow we will see more about Microsoft promises

  • Registered just to tell you how stupid you sound with yout anti-Microsoft remarks. It's Telltale that should feel the frustration of their customers, I'm sure they don't mind those impatient people who buy their stuff twice. And so far, Microsoft are the only ones doing something for this issue by offering refunds while Telltale made YOU wait 4 months instead of "1-2" (as it says in their FAQs page) and cut the Season Pass' price down to almost -50% in order to squeeze out what was left, screwing up early adopters. And let's not forget, they have not mentioned a SINGLE WORD on the issue and it's been far too long already. But hey, enjoying free Money it seems.

    darham175 posted: »

    I just sent a twitter to IGN, I doubt itll actually do anything but since we can't play the game we might as well voice our opinions loudly at

  • There is PC and PS3 and Xbox. Telltale is involved with all 3 of them as it is their game. PC and PS3 don't have an issue with season pass and Xbox does. So either Telltale didn't make episode 2 for PC and PS3 but someone else did or Xbox messed up something on their end. When you eliminate the impossible whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth.

    Wael90 posted: »

    Registered just to tell you how stupid you sound with yout anti-Microsoft remarks. It's Telltale that should feel the frustration of their cus

  • I know, its disgusting. They are just going to shoot themselves in the foot, because everyone who has been affected, will be weary of ever buying a season pass again

    darham175 posted: »

    Allow me to reiterate my previous Xbox don't cur. They have our money and in the end won't offer anything more than a form letter apology. Our time ceases to be worth anything once they get our money.

  • Apparently Game Informer asked Microsoft for comment on this and Microsoft responded with this.

    “Some Xbox Live members may be experiencing temporary service issues with downloading season two of ‘The Wolf Among Us,’” A Microsoft representative told Game Informer via email. “Our engineering teams are working to fix the problem. In the meantime, our apologies for the interruption.”

  • edited February 2014

    Microsoft has an extensive certification process on their game updates. There used to having a week or more to roll out the updates onto xbox live. Everyone should blame Telltale, who forgot to add sometime that seems so simple into their game.

    What's also bad is the lack of communication. Can't telltale tell us exactly what happened? They obviously only see us as dollar signs, since they are already getting their mods to sticky threads advertising Episode 3. Another slap in the face.

    Fuck you Telltale. I was hesitant on buying the walking dead season 2, but this experience has showed me I should never give you guys money again. Going to get into touch with MS and try to get my season pass refunded

  • This is what msoft have to say:2/6/2014 1:09:25 AM CST:

    Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for "Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged and working to have a fix out for you tomorrow.

  • Calling people kids on the internet, very original. Maybe you need to grow up and quit complaining about 90 minutes worth of content in a videogame.

    KJay25 posted: »

    You're like some little kid who fools himself into thinking that if anyone disagrees with you, it is only because they are wrong and/or upset. You have a lot of growing up to do, my friend.

  • Your right...I do feel entitled. Entitled to be able to play the game as the game becomes available WITHOUT having to pay again, as I already paid in advance to help fund the creation of these episodes. Damn straight I feel entitled. Its not like were crying that we wanted to get game content before everyone else. Just get it when its came out.

    You all are a sorry bunch of whiners with entitlement problems. Grow up and realize the world is an imperfect place and mistakes happen, Tellt

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