XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Yeah I loved TWAU episode 1 I played through 2 times in my first sitting.

    Dravlen posted: »

    Well for me the 3rd day of waiting for either A) One company to take the blame and apologize or Fix the problem has officially begun slowly l

  • I know it's been suggested already, but I have to reiterate this: buy episode two and ask MS for a refund.

    I was as upset as any of you, but I decompressed, knew I wanted to play the game, so opted for a workaround instead of twiddling my claws, er, thumbs.

  • edited February 2014

    Yeah I know but Im too lazy to call MS support So im going to sit on my lazy ass til this blows over.

    I know it's been suggested already, but I have to reiterate this: buy episode two and ask MS for a refund. I was as upset as any of you, bu

  • I paid once and I am not paying twice. Also doing this just says they can walk on me and I will take it. No. I will wait. And if more complaining comes out it does. Everyone else, even iOS players, got this no problem I want the same thing. I really wish though I got this one psn.

    I know it's been suggested already, but I have to reiterate this: buy episode two and ask MS for a refund. I was as upset as any of you, bu

  • Definitely hear you on that one. Which is why I opted for the online chat support =P

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    Yeah I know but Im too lazy to call MS support So im going to sit on my lazy ass til this blows over.

  • I'm still pretty damn lazy.

    Definitely hear you on that one. Which is why I opted for the online chat support =P

  • edited February 2014

    I know that's what I should do but for some reason I cant bring myself to do it I mean isn't the season pass an agreement that I buy their game early and I get it later if the game turned out to be crap then that's partially my fault for buying the game before I did my research on it but this is a completely different situation it's like you've pre-ordered a game the game is at the store but neither the store nor the game creator is acknowledging your pre-order but everyone else who didn't pre-order the game at its ridiculous price are buying the cheaper copy and going home and having fun and your still standing in the store.

    I know it's been suggested already, but I have to reiterate this: buy episode two and ask MS for a refund. I was as upset as any of you, bu

  • TTG probably hates all of us right now but I dont care I just want this fixed

  • Thats mutual

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    TTG probably hates all of us right now but I dont care I just want this fixed

  • Yep

    Thats mutual

  • edited February 2014

    Yesterday I was hoping it would be fixed that day, which quickly changed to tomorrow. Now I'm hoping it will be fixed before the weekend. I guess I'll be hoping it will be fixed next week soon.

    Seriously, how the hell does something like this take so long? I'm sure MS is doing their best, but I cannot believe they are this incompetent. And Telltale keeps quiet. Classy. They sure like their fans.

  • Exactly TTG has kept quiet about TWAU issues for so long. They were completely quiet during the delay and now this happened.

    Forsythia posted: »

    Yesterday I was hoping it would be fixed that day, which quickly changed to tomorrow. Now I'm hoping it will be fixed before the weekend. I gu

  • edited February 2014

    Microsoft thinks we can't download season 2 of TWAU so that may have something to do with it.

    For whoever downvoted me, read this article. But I understand if you can't be bothered so here is the important part of that article with the salient point bolded.****“Some Xbox Live members may be experiencing temporary service issues with downloading season two of ‘The Wolf Among Us,’”** **A Microsoft representative told Game Informer via email. “Our engineering teams are working to fix the problem. In the meantime, our apologies for the interruption.” Ok I can;t get it to bold, my point stands though.

    Forsythia posted: »

    Yesterday I was hoping it would be fixed that day, which quickly changed to tomorrow. Now I'm hoping it will be fixed before the weekend. I gu

  • I worked and worked to cough up the $15 and I can't believe this is what I got.

  • You know, I prefer to be wined and dined before I get f***ed. Thanks Microsoft

  • lol

    Sky_Guy15 posted: »

    You know, I prefer to be wined and dined before I get f***ed. Thanks Microsoft

  • I bet TellTale and Microsoft made a deal where they'd wait until enough suckers bought the episode and split the profits.

  • I don't BLAME TellTaleGames for this, nor do I BLAME the Microsoft Corperation. I BLAME the butt-holic fudge-up who forgot to apply the Free-for-Season-Pass-Holders to the Episode 2: Smoke & Mirrors DLC. . .and the person responsible for training him/her. Which was probablly the same person who fudged up the Raam's Shadow DLC for Gears of War 3's Season Pass. Which was fixed by releasing Raam's Shadow 2 DLC, same dlc just released available free for the Season Pass Holders. I stated that info earlier this morning hoping either MS or TTG would see the post and fix it.

  • I came home today, thinking it would be fixed. Its been a good amount of time but I guess we must wait longer :/

  • I just really hope this gets fixed (or Telltale coughs up some redeem codes) before the weekend rolls around. I mean, it's not too much to ask to want to play a game you already paid for after working your ass off all week, right?

    (That said, I don't blame Telltale for this. I doubt they'd make us wait on purpose. Although I do think that they should have given everyone who bought a season pass a free download code for the 2nd episode when the problem first occurred. It seems like the obvious solution.)

  • Idk why Microsoft would have a marketplace if they CAN'T manage their products.

  • I just called Xbox live customer support and they refunded the whole season pass purchase within 10 mins. Painless call, the dude agreed it was an awesome game but not being delivered as promised and refunded the seasons pass with no issues, no arguments.

    Everyone bitching here just make the call and forget about TTG. Go to pirate bay and get the game for free. TTG should have fixed this or tried running the download themselves sometime in the past 4 months. Unacceptable behaviour by a company, and you can get your money back. You should. Is it even something your looking forward to playing anymore? For me, I gave up on even looking forward to it and they lost a TWD/TWAU loyal customer. I likely would have bought all of their future stuff too, but now I'll just download it if I even feel like playing it.

    It was seriously 10 minutes on the phone, most of that spent while the dude processed getting my money back. You could be flaming TTG on here while making the call, so do it. Don't support shitty companies. Get your money back!

  • Sincerely shocked that this still hasn't been resolved yet. I don't even know what to say about this more since its JUST the xbox league pass owners who are losing out. And considering Xbox is aware of the problem, they don't seem to be offering refunds any more either.

  • You know, this was the first time—FIRST TIME—I bought a season pass on a game after five minutes of playing it. Played the demo for five minutes, was so amazed and in love with it, I immediately bought the episode and the season pass. No questions asked. Immediate.

    And this is how I'm rewarded.

    Finally played The Walking Dead season 2 episode 1 last night, and thought for a half second, "I should buy the season pass."

    And then... "Oh yeah, not going to do THAT again."

    I know this isn't Telltale's fault, but it is definitely affecting my decisions to buy season passes from them and any other XBLA game.

    Microsoft owes Telltale more than an apology. This is seriously affecting your ability to sell season passes in the future. I won't say I'm sworn off of season passes, but it will be a long, long time before I buy one again on Microsoft's consoles. I won't question buying on on my PS4, but for the time being, I'm sworn off of buying them on the 360.

    Might I suggest, Telltale, since so many 360 owners jumped to the PS4... next time, release your games on PS4. TWAU and Walking Dead are the only reasons I boot up my 360 these days, and now not even that.

  • I like how the main comment has now edited out that it is an 'issue effecting multiple titles'. I asked which other titles were being effected and was ignored.

  • Haha Amen.

    I just called Xbox live customer support and they refunded the whole season pass purchase within 10 mins. Painless call, the dude agreed it wa

  • Yeah, while I am upset that I can't receive the game yet, you can't justify stealing the game as a justifiable course of action. It'd be completely different if you didn't get your refund back for the season pass, as in that case, I wouldn't even see it as stealing considering that you did pay for the product.

    I just called Xbox live customer support and they refunded the whole season pass purchase within 10 mins. Painless call, the dude agreed it wa

  • Well, I tried paying them. In fact, I didn't 'try', I did pay them. 4 months ago. So, when money doesn't work, I guess I have to buckle and go for the free option.

    Just_Is posted: »

    Yeah, while I am upset that I can't receive the game yet, you can't justify stealing the game as a justifiable course of action. It'd be comp

  • Didn't they already do that with Xbox One?

    Sky_Guy15 posted: »

    You know, I prefer to be wined and dined before I get f***ed. Thanks Microsoft

  • Anyone think I'd get away with just asking Xbox support to give me episode 2?

    I mean, it's basically the same as buying it and then asking for a refund. Except I don't have to loan them five bucks, I guess.

  • i have a xbox1, its badass lol

    MatthewPaul posted: »

    Didn't they already do that with Xbox One?

  • That´s it this is ridiculous. They have last hour and then I´m going to ask for refund for whole season.

  • Yeah I bought the season pass straight after playing the first episode I've never bought a season pass before and never will again, I've waited so long for this episode and now I have to wait even longer.. I really hope this episode is epic!

  • When Sony got taken offline by hackers they gave everyone a FREE month of PSN +, When this is over Microsoft will give us the most metal thing of all...NOTHING.

  • It's not I heard this episode is pretty short.

    PoIvy posted: »

    Yeah I bought the season pass straight after playing the first episode I've never bought a season pass before and never will again, I've waited so long for this episode and now I have to wait even longer.. I really hope this episode is epic!

  • I heard two hours to do a complete run through.

    Arrowify posted: »

    It's not I heard this episode is pretty short.

  • Two hours? I heard it last 45 minutes.

    darham175 posted: »

    I heard two hours to do a complete run through.

  • First and last time I will purchase a season pass. Won't be buying the rest of TWD either, until it is fully released at least. I knew of the problem last night and due to weather my college cancelled afternoon classes. I was pretty excited to finally play, but this is going on. I'm disappointed and I've lost a lot of faith in the episodic model.

  • Actually on the download menu, episode 2 did show the option to download and not purchase. The issue now is that for some reason its going straight to the purchase screen. Could it just not be registering the season pass?

  • I'd think that four months of work would result on 3+ hours of content, but obviously TellTale doesn't care much for their fanbase or open communication.

    Two hours? I heard it last 45 minutes.

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