XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Too bad TellTale will only take a hit from Xbox users as for some reason we're the only ones that are having these awful problems.

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    i have honestly lost almost all interest in playing TWAU after this B.S. from telltale and microsoft. i was teetering with an interest level a

  • Telltale is implying that it's an ongoing issue with other titles at the present moment, rather a problem that has occurred in years past. Which is disingenuous as all get-out. They want to make it sound like a generalized issue with Live, instead of an issue solely with their title, which happens to be similar to issues previously experienced at other times by other games in a totally different environment.

    Unless there is at least one other title experiencing the issue right now, Telltale's spin on things is deliberate dishonesty, and will cause more ill-will than it cures in the end.

    gears of war 3 (epic) i have seen this happen. the walking dead season 1 (telltale) halo 4 (xbox/343)

  • I hope they don't delay.

    darham175 posted: »

    As regards the latest update. All the updates are in the Central time zone which means we have around a half hour to 45 minutes to wait possibly.

  • What about a realistic ETA, it's not like we're getting compensated for the lack of service. I won't be buying a Season Pass again, at least no on the 360 and not getting an XBone. Will probably go back to PC gaming this year.

    Honestly I'm waiting for a repeat of the '83 gaming crash.

    non disclosure agreements.

  • Hope it doesn't take longer than that. It's getting late here and I gotta work tomorrow. They better give us good news.

    darham175 posted: »

    As regards the latest update. All the updates are in the Central time zone which means we have around a half hour to 45 minutes to wait possibly.

  • Hopefully we find out soon.

  • edited February 2014

    wow dude just wow..

    Shrander posted: »

    Telltale is implying that it's an ongoing issue with other titles at the present moment, rather a problem that has occurred in years past. Whi

  • Talk to billing support, not games. And if a supervisor there hangs up on you or feeds you the line of BS about content not being 'available' for season pass holders until weeks later / june / whatever, it might be worth letting them know your Attorney General will be getting a letter about bait-and-switch marketing, which is illegal. And then WRITE YOUR AG. Remember that a person cannot contractually waive their legal rights; a TOS is no defense against breaking the law.

    I got the ep refunded yesterday and I'm still only very slightly joking about this,,, The software industry has held itself above consumer protection laws for too long. I'm not angry at Telltale, just exhausted and depressed by the same shenanigans getting pulled by company after company, year after year.

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    i have honestly lost almost all interest in playing TWAU after this B.S. from telltale and microsoft. i was teetering with an interest level a

  • But spend even more money buying them all separately? Seems legit.

    Arrowify posted: »

    We shouldn't have to put up with this! When Borderlands and GOT is released we should all show TellTale a thing or two and NOT buy the season pass!

  • TOS?

    Shrander posted: »

    Talk to billing support, not games. And if a supervisor there hangs up on you or feeds you the line of BS about content not being 'available'

  • Really, they have nothing to lose by doing this, and everything to gain.

    TehAzark posted: »

    The least they should do for making those of us WHO ARE SO DEVOTED TO THEIR CONTENT THAT SOME OF US PAYED IN FULL FOR ALL THE EPISODES is giving those of us who waited a free episode of TWG season 2, or an episode of our choosing.

  • Terms Of Service

    WindWhiskey posted: »


  • well steam/pc/origin supposedly didn't connect or show ep2 has online/available.

    i think psn was also having some download issues.

    Arrowify posted: »

    Too bad TellTale will only take a hit from Xbox users as for some reason we're the only ones that are having these awful problems.

  • I don't like being blatantly lied to, is that so weird?

    And I'll freely admit I've just gotten some really lousy personal medical news so I am seeing everything SUPER seriously for a while. Would really like it if my choice of mindless escapism could be just that, without all ... THIS baggage.

    wow dude just wow..

  • a realistic eta would assume they know about the problem and know how to fix it.

    NghtFox17 posted: »

    What about a realistic ETA, it's not like we're getting compensated for the lack of service. I won't be buying a Season Pass again, at least n

  • blatantly lied too is a bit strong..

    if no one knows the answer how can they solve a problem ?

    i figure is waiting again so bad ? just means less time to wait for ep3 after finishing ep2.

    Shrander posted: »

    I don't like being blatantly lied to, is that so weird? And I'll freely admit I've just gotten some really lousy personal medical news so I

  • edited February 2014

    I think you think too much. Just turn off your brain like everyone else that's crying on this site. Maybe the lack of thoughts will take your mind off this minor issue until it's fixed. Or you can keep bitching about it if that makes you happy. Either way, I don't care. I know I will be able to play it eventually.

    nomnomine posted: »

    Incompetence is a lack of ability or skill. I think you're just confused in general.

  • So tempting to watch youtubers play through it

  • the thing is the season pass is for all episodes.

    and they aren't all out yet.

    no one will get a refund for it unless they DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE GAME at all. (without buying it all over again.)

    SiriusChico posted: »

    Melisa is bitch. It seems to me that it heavily depens on who you get. But Microsoft propably now put hold on all season pass refunds.

  • I totally agree and am glad that finally someone else sees this. I blame them both, but Microsoft has been at least updating us. Yes, the updates have been mostly uninformative, but they have helped MANY people with refunds and have been very servicing and giving out any information they have. Telltale? What have they done? They have said things that don't add up with the hourly updates we received from Microsoft. "Do do blah blah, but why blame TTG at all if it's only happening on the Xbox do de da?" Notice how it updates once you go into TWAU? Microsoft has things set up properly to send players to the correct directories, but TTG has failed to code the season pass correctly. I, for one, think this was going to be a problem the day the code for TWAU season pass was written. Telltale is the ultimate offender, but Microsoft is doing their best to actually keep their customers. This is just my take on things, though. (I almost think that Telltale only said multiple titles were affected to keep us off their back for awhile because they're already in hot water for the delay. But who knows, maybe I've been reading up about too many conspiracy theories lately for a school project I'm doing. :p)

    Shrander posted: »

    Telltale is implying that it's an ongoing issue with other titles at the present moment, rather a problem that has occurred in years past. Whi

  • Threatening a massive corporation like Microsoft with an Attorney over a $5 DLC that's 90 minutes long. ROFL! Wow that's the funniest shit I've read in a long time. Thank you so much for that. Wow this community is pathetic.

    Shrander posted: »

    Talk to billing support, not games. And if a supervisor there hangs up on you or feeds you the line of BS about content not being 'available'

  • Maybe we need to a group chant like a spiritual ceremony

  • imo ttg make the game and xbox/steam/origin/psn decide how it will be released updated.

    so once again because ttg limit their exposure they are once again branded as responsible despite microsoft clearly taking the lead and making 'some attempt to fix it..

    to me that is saying xbox cocked up NOT TTG.

    Ooigle posted: »

    I totally agree and am glad that finally someone else sees this. I blame them both, but Microsoft has been at least updating us. Yes, the upda

  • forgot how bigby sounds like because its been so long

  • Ammmm Ohmmm........... Fuck it I´m going play Far Cry 3.

    McDigitalS posted: »

    Maybe we need to a group chant like a spiritual ceremony

  • sounds like they tried to bribe you with a one time offer ..

    Daveinbk posted: »

    I went to xbox 360 support and clicked "Service". Originally they had offered to refund me the $4.99 if I wanted to repurchase ep. 2, but I fo

  • this

    and potentially have the standalones 'not available' when the season pass is cos i swear i saw that happen in gears 3.

    twa556 posted: »

    But spend even more money buying them all separately? Seems legit.

  • Tell me about it... Some people complain like these people.. and some of us just wait.. but I guess working in Technical support all the years I've done it I know that shit just happens.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Threatening a massive corporation like Microsoft with an Attorney over a $5 DLC that's 90 minutes long. ROFL! Wow that's the funniest shit I've read in a long time. Thank you so much for that. Wow this community is pathetic.

  • i'm a bit annoyed it hasn't been 'fully released' as was hoping to play it like everyone else.

    but i look at it as reducing the wait till ep3...:D

    Trencher posted: »

    Tell me about it... Some people complain like these people.. and some of us just wait.. but I guess working in Technical support all the years I've done it I know that shit just happens.

  • Dead Island is the free game of the month if that will bridge anybody's wait. Just saying...

  • They always say "No refunds" anyway don't they?

  • But sad thinks is that after they repair it. We will go on with our lives and we will never form community like this again.

  • Yeah I feel bad for Microsoft's Customer Service reps. I'm sure they're getting bitched at for something that isn't their fault. Whoever is in charge of marketplace content is to blame, not the CS reps. I've never seen a bigger bunch of crybabies in my life.

    Trencher posted: »

    Tell me about it... Some people complain like these people.. and some of us just wait.. but I guess working in Technical support all the years I've done it I know that shit just happens.

  • Is it still not working? Damn this is a big shame this is the last time i am buying any season pass. I am worried that this might happen to TWDS2 i really hope not. I hope this issue is solved asap this is one big joke wow

  • talking about piracy on the companies forum...

    not smart.

  • Hey look someone else that's just happy to be a Gamer instead of crying about this. Props to you.

    TheGovernor posted: »

    Dead Island is the free game of the month if that will bridge anybody's wait. Just saying...

  • spread some of that sympathy to ttg too :P

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Yeah I feel bad for Microsoft's Customer Service reps. I'm sure they're getting bitched at for something that isn't their fault. Whoever is in

  • Oh screw this! I've had a very very bad day and I can't go to see the Nerdist Podcast (thank god I didn't hand over the money for that!) and I still can't play TWAU. I'm gonna pick up the newest issue of Fables instead and play AC3 or 4 again

  • I hoped we could get the episode by today. I'll be damned.

  • Yeah, I'm sure they are not enjoying this either. People just need to realize that mistakes happen and move on with their lives.

    spread some of that sympathy to ttg too :P

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