XBox360 Season pass not working



  • edited February 2014

    I already own the game. I've already given Telltale my god damn money. I had a long god damn day, and I just wanted to come home and play the game I should have fucking had yesterday.

    I wouldn't have to fucking do this if someone would just give us all free codes to the game, or some fucking info. If it makes you feel better, I didn't do it, because I don't have the patience or time to replay episode 1.

    talking about piracy on the companies forum... not smart.

  • So... we are going to wait another day... fantastic....

  • I sure wish we could get any sort of update or ETA. I'm very disappointed in both Microsoft and Telltale.

  • "Aum" is the spelling of the sound I think you're going for. Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    Ammmm Ohmmm........... Fuck it I´m going play Far Cry 3.

  • You're really wound up, aren't you? At least the people complaining here are directing their frustrations at who they're angry with and in an appropriate place, instead of attacking other gamers for their righteous anger. Why are you even in this thread? From the title, you should've known what to expect.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    I think you think too much. Just turn off your brain like everyone else that's crying on this site. Maybe the lack of thoughts will take your

  • edited February 2014

    Mircosoft has just sent me a code to download episode 2. I'm not bullshitting, everyone just wait and you should get it sent straight to your gamertag in a message.

  • I signed up specifically to let you guys know that I got a message over live with a code for ep. 2. You should check your live inbox really quick.

  • just got a redeem code from XBOX as well

  • I'm not "wound up" at all. I've been enjoying trolling you crybabies. It's been fun but Microsoft just sent me a code to download episode 2 so my work here is done. Enjoy this pathetic community of butthurt kids.

    nomnomine posted: »

    You're really wound up, aren't you? At least the people complaining here are directing their frustrations at who they're angry with and in an

  • Apparently they're sending season pass owners free codes now.

    Thank you, Telltale.
    I feel really bad about my earlier rage now. To all the people that downvoted that post- I understand how stupid it was, and I'm sorry.

  • edited February 2014

    Yay! We got codes! I feel much better now! Thank you Telltale and Microsoft!

    Mukora posted: »

    Apparently they're sending season pass owners free codes now. Thank you, Telltale. I feel really bad about my earlier rage now. To all the people that downvoted that post- I understand how stupid it was, and I'm sorry.

  • ooooooo time to go on xbox :D

  • Do they send the codes if you ask for them coz im not seeing one in my inbox :s

  • Oh well it's about time!!! Oh and don't think that this will be forgotten about!!!!!

  • Thanks for the heads up. I got the code sent to my live inbox as well. I wouldn't have known about this if I didn't come here.

    I signed up specifically to let you guys know that I got a message over live with a code for ep. 2. You should check your live inbox really quick.

  • Yes i got my code too.yip he.this just says to me it was never going to fixed in the 24/48hrs.But good on them for sorting it this way

  • edited February 2014

    Downloading finaly some clever solution. But I think they could do this 24 hours ago.

  • Got my code like 5mins ago, just checked XBL out of the chance, then noticed I had a message! Fuck going to bed now lol

  • I didnt ask them and i got the codes, im sure you get them soon.

    Do they send the codes if you ask for them coz im not seeing one in my inbox

  • So I redeemed my free code from Xbox, and it still wants me to pay… I better be doing something wrong.

  • Dont give up. Fuck the work or shool. Come to play with us.

    Got my code like 5mins ago, just checked XBL out of the chance, then noticed I had a message! Fuck going to bed now lol

  • regardless you suggested/hinted at it

    and that is one of the biggest rules you do not break on a company forum

    oh and even ediiting your comments to hide it won't work cos mods can still see them..

    boy you done goofed.

    Mukora posted: »

    I already own the game. I've already given Telltale my god damn money. I had a long god damn day, and I just wanted to come home and play the

  • edited February 2014

    i had my doubts but these are legit
    Alt text

    Got my code like 5mins ago, just checked XBL out of the chance, then noticed I had a message! Fuck going to bed now lol

  • edited February 2014


    i think to clarify this.

    i redeemed my code on the website,

    i then went to my xbox and it was active in my download queue and i then mid download checked to see of the game had recognised the episode, and it hadn't!! Even though it was still downloading (pending) ?! so i let it finish and then went back in the game and there was ep2 ready to play..

    all sorted.

    Tordek42 posted: »

    So I redeemed my free code from Xbox, and it still wants me to pay… I better be doing something wrong.

  • Mine is still downloading, but I'll let you know what I see. Someone please tell us their code has worked.

    Tordek42 posted: »

    So I redeemed my free code from Xbox, and it still wants me to pay… I better be doing something wrong.

  • just used my code.100% working

    Ooigle posted: »

    Mine is still downloading, but I'll let you know what I see. Someone please tell us their code has worked.

  • edited February 2014

    Yep XBL sent me a redeem code too, IT WORK WHOOOP

    Alt text


  • Yep. Definitely works. Yay! More Bigby!

    I just hope they get this issue, whatever it was, fixed before Episode 3- or, actually, Episode 2 of The Walking Dead

  • Thank you telltale and Microsoft. Now I can play and stop bitching.

  • Thank you!!!! Ah, all is well in xbox town

    I signed up specifically to let you guys know that I got a message over live with a code for ep. 2. You should check your live inbox really quick.

  • I did my code online (probably a dumb idea with hindsight), I don't think it downloaded but when I redeem on the xbox it says it's been used so I'll see what happens in the next few minutes.

    ironside67 posted: »

    just used my code.100% working

  • all i hope is

    a) they do work and thus we don't need to pay.

    b) they don't fuck up the season pass for the rest of the episodes.

    c) twd s2 ep2 doesn't have the same issue.

    TheGovernor posted: »

    Yay! We got codes! I feel much better now! Thank you Telltale and Microsoft!

  • Agreed we dont want a repeat for all the other eps.

    Mukora posted: »

    Yep. Definitely works. Yay! More Bigby! I just hope they get this issue, whatever it was, fixed before Episode 3- or, actually, Episode 2 of The Walking Dead

  • and by short you mean how long compared to ep1 ?

  • Thanks to everyone in this post for sharing information, for being so nice, it was a fucking delay but now we can play it! It was fun to read tou all your comments and you make easier the time until the problem was fixed.

    Have fun! ( theres anyone who received two codes?, they send me a couple, i dunno if its a mistake or a compensation for the problems)

  • anyone else wonder why this 'redeem code thing wasn't done sooner ?

    i'm glad and all but still, maybe something to consider doing pretty much straight away ?

  • So it seems redeeming on a computer instead of on the xbox was a bad idea lol, hasn't appeared in active downloads and still wants me to pay. it did say I own the episode now and that the code has already been redeemed, and turning the xbox on and off hasn't done anything. Hmmm lol

  • if only but it seems on these forums there is always a few 'vocal people' who feel the need to vent their spleens 24/7.

    when i see most of the rage i just sit back and pork out on pop corn.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Yeah, I'm sure they are not enjoying this either. People just need to realize that mistakes happen and move on with their lives.

  • Playing it now it works everyone.

    ironside67 posted: »

    just used my code.100% working

This discussion has been closed.