XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Microsoft sent a message on xbox containing code for ep 2

  • CODE? COME ON! I PAYED FOR SEASON PASS! NOT FOR THE DAMN CODE! At least i can play the damn game after 3 days...

  • edited February 2014


  • Surely I am angry I didn't get to play ep2 on release, but it seems the game needs to be patched, and giving these codes is the fastest solution. I'm glad they did this, they could've let us wait even more. So thank you for this solution, Telltale!

  • Thanks for what?
    Telltale did.. nothing. It was finally Microsoft who send us the codes.
    Telltale didnt even make a statement yet. Thats pretty poor costumer support.

    Forsythia posted: »

    Surely I am angry I didn't get to play ep2 on release, but it seems the game needs to be patched, and giving these codes is the fastest solution. I'm glad they did this, they could've let us wait even more. So thank you for this solution, Telltale!

  • They did make a statement:

    And I think it's unfair to keep being mad at Telltale, as I'm sure this is the best they could do in such short notice. I'll be enjoying the game now, and all is good and well. I just hope this doesn't happen again.

    norfen posted: »

    Thanks for what? Telltale did.. nothing. It was finally Microsoft who send us the codes. Telltale didnt even make a statement yet. Thats pretty poor costumer support.

  • Finally I could play episode 2, after I got the code from MS. I really enjoyed TWAU so far. The quality of the story and the art style of the game let me forget the waiting time pretty quick. Telltale, keep up the good work. You're creating unique games here. And no, I wasn't payed for that comment ;) looking forward to episode 3 !!!

  • Ok, I loved ep. 2 and I don't really care if its MS or TTG fault at this point, but I do still think we should get some kind of compensation for being these guys guinea pigs and paying for that misfortune. TTG, whether or not this is your or MS fault you have a lot of fans wary not only of future episodes but of your company as a whole, and that's going to take us a while before we make any more SP purchases for your games. I think that rewarding those of us who've stuck with our SP purchases deserve a little something nice for sticking with you guys. I loved TWD and I'm definately excited for the next ep. Of TWAU. I just hope you guys can handle 4 IP's at the same time and make sure the content matches the patience your fans have given. Otherwise I don't know how stable the future is.

  • You logged in here so log onto and you will be able to see if you have a message there and you can even copy and paste the code to redeem it right there as well so it will be ready to download once you get home and turn on your Xbox.

    Blackrising posted: »

    Aargh, I'm at work right now and can't go and see if I got a code. Just 7 hours to go...guess I'll go and cry silently into the books I'm sorting.

  • I received the code last night. I'm glad they did something. However I don't understand why they didn't do that to begin with. It's not like they are producing a physical disk.

    All frustrations aside, I too like others have enjoyed the storytelling of TWAU, and the episode was interesting. I'm interested to see how the rest of the series plays out. (both as a release and game)

    Forsythia posted: »

    They did make a statement: And

  • I bought the season pass last night and still haven't gotten a message with a code. Come on, Microsoft.

  • i think i need a translator for that,

    how is stating facts based on experience trolling ?

    how is stating an opinion based on common sense trolling ?

    how is stating all the above based on a common business practices trolling ?


    IIJamzyII posted: »

    Do u work for MS or TTG? Or do u just get a buzz from trolling? If you liked being walked all over then I suppose that's your call. Just don't

  • well it took them between 24- 48 hours but if you count business hours only half of that time frame.

    surely someone beta tested it prior to release ?

    surely some quality assurance group would confirm it was working on both season pass and stand alone once it was 'live' (obviously not)

    surely after the first influx of complaints it was a pretty obvious solution right ?

    so maybe what took time was setting up/generating the codes to 'by pass' the season pass ? and then detecting the accounts needing it ?

    First you have to trouble shoot. Then you have to come up with the plan. Then you have to execute said plan. Actually all things considered I think they did a wonderfully fast job of getting it "fixed" in a timely matter.

  • edited February 2014

    wow dude that seems excessive and the xbox version needs better optimising cos it's a bit juddery and slow to load but then again my hdd is pretty full so maybe my fault anyone else have these issues ?

    i wonder if you actually just spent a little too much time in the pudding n pie 'tossing' 'dollars' at narissa ?


    LukaszB posted: »

    It was very smooth. passed it 3 times and I played almost all day. It was an hour longer than episode 1. When I played my moderate silent version it took probably 5 hrs to finish.

  • well you'll have to replay a certain section at least twice per episode.

    and even though i do sometimes lose interest in a game once the cheevo's are done i find you miss out on some great stuff in these ttg games when trying different options, even a different combo of previous can yield new stuff,

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    I'm not going to be replaying this 4 times over. I'll get the Achievements and that's it.

  • not all mods are staff .

    there is speaking the truth as it is and then there's telling the truth in a sarcastic/offensive/stupid manner..

    judging by this post you made i reckon it's the later.

  • might have to contact support about it,

    otherwise they may not have detected your purchase so maybe give it a day or two, or you just happened to buy it after the inital code send out was over.

    I bought the season pass last night and still haven't gotten a message with a code. Come on, Microsoft.

  • make sure you download it from the redeem code before booting up twau.

    ironside67 posted: »

    Playing it now it works everyone.

  • "All The Wolf Among Us Season Pass owners will be sent Xbox 360 console system message codes that will allow them to download episode 2 for no additional charge. If you intended to buy a Season Pass for The Wolf Among Us, but haven’t yet, you can continue to do so. New Season Pass purchasers will also receive codes by console system message while the title update is in progress. Please note there may be a delay of up to 48 hours in receiving the console system message for new Season Pass purchases made prior to the title update release."

    I bought the season pass last night and still haven't gotten a message with a code. Come on, Microsoft.

  • so basically what i said lol

    "All The Wolf Among Us Season Pass owners will be sent Xbox 360 console system message codes that will allow them to download episode 2 for no

  • I think episode 2 was astounding and worth the wait, besides the frame rate hiccups and buggy animations. If you think of it like the season being the full game, and the developers giving you parts of it as they make it, then I think it's harder to get mad at TellTale. That's just my opinion.

  • Got beat up by Beast till he tries to choke me. Not answering to anyone, with a few exceptions of 1 second. Then it takes a lot longer. Going to Snow after talking to Toad Jr. and the mirror and repeating it till Snow repeats herself. Beauty's monologue when Bigby describes everything. It takes a long ass time. I exaggerated a little. Started at 10 ended at 16, 10 AM 4 PM. Relative game time therefore is 3 hrs.

    wow dude that seems excessive and the xbox version needs better optimising cos it's a bit juddery and slow to load but then again my hdd is pr

  • ok then :)

    LukaszB posted: »

    Got beat up by Beast till he tries to choke me. Not answering to anyone, with a few exceptions of 1 second. Then it takes a lot longer. Going

  • I went it bought it seperately and now they've kindly sent a code. sigh If I'd known it only would have been a two day wait, I'd have just waited. Oh well, I either need to take the $6.95 loss or go through Microsoft's refund process.

    Cool episode though. Hopefully we see the next one by April.

  • Contact XBOX Technical Support. You'll get a refund, I did. We are impatient like Bigby.

    I went it bought it seperately and now they've kindly sent a code. sigh If I'd known it only would have been a two day wait, I'd have just wai

  • Yeah I spoke to someone on their call center. They said someone will email me in the next few days. Hopefully it should all work out, I've just never had to get a refund for an online purchase before.

    I take it this whole process worked out well for you?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Contact XBOX Technical Support. You'll get a refund, I did. We are impatient like Bigby.

  • Good ol' M$....

  • I highly disagree that I wrote that in a "stupid" manner. It's obviously sarcastic but i'm only venting my frustrations, as it is after all true. I'm entitled to do so.

    not all mods are staff . there is speaking the truth as it is and then there's telling the truth in a sarcastic/offensive/stupid manner.. judging by this post you made i reckon it's the later.

  • i really hope this doesn't happen with the later episodes :/

  • yeah! im always good and then bad :)

    LukaszB posted: »

    It feels that way, when it's really not. It's actually 3 hours of content multiplied by 4 for variations. Don't forget that a variation is alw

  • ok then...

    aaroncarney posted: »

    I highly disagree that I wrote that in a "stupid" manner. It's obviously sarcastic but i'm only venting my frustrations, as it is after all true. I'm entitled to do so.

  • one thing...


    that was the Troll.

    i think i need a translator for that, how is stating facts based on experience trolling ? how is stating an opinion based on common sense trolling ? how is stating all the above based on a common business practices trolling ? seriously..

  • wat i don't even...

    IIJamzyII posted: »

    one thing... that was the Troll.

  • Jesus someone help, having the same problem :( and i have not received any message Gt: Hostile Burgerr

  • So TWD got delayed by several weeks supposedly due to a rating issue in my country, cool whatever I still bought a season pass.. episode 1 of TWAU goes for free a week or so after I bought it.. a little annoying sure but I enjoyed it so it didnt really matter too much, so i notice episode 2 is FINALLY out yeno what i think ill buy the season pass.. boom now this shit, granted its only been about 24 hours since i bought the pass.. but this is getting ridiculous.. anyway enough ranting to those who received their code does it appear in your messages or is it a pop up style alert?

  • People are still having problems with the 2nd episode? Damn, they better make another title update soon for this series before the 3rd episode comes out, preferably one that's over 2 megabytes, seriously!

  • Been waiting a week, and still no code, and still no fix, good job I have patience of a saint

  • Whilst some people are going a bit overboard ("fuck you telltale you fucking fuck fuckers" etc, relax, your waiting for a game, it's not worth the possible heart attack), part of me shares in the frustration. The only reason I'm not throwing a fist full of fucks about myself is probably because I got episode 1 free at Xmas, only decided to play it Saturday, loved it, downloaded the season pass and here I am. Whilst it's not the end of th world I do have some issues with this, and fears for the future too. Firstly, when I downloaded the pass, this issue had been going for almost 5 days. Why the hell was there no disclaimer put up with detail of the problem, it'd have given me the choice to maybe just buy ep2, which I probably would have done as my gaming time is limited and I had a rare free day. Secondly, I'm a longtime fan of telltale, but the quality is slipping and I'm worried for future games. I forgave TWD it's glitches and quirks as the game was simply too good to let them distract you too much, I'm also currently ignoring the massive slow downs I'm experiencing in TWAU. I don't think that forgiveness will last forever though and I'm already in 2 minds on whether to buy season 2 of TWD (I'll definitely pass on the season passes until I know that problem has been resolved). With 2 more IP's on the horizon , are these issues gonna worsen? I hope not, but I'm yet to be convinced.

  • or better still flag new purchases of the season pass so that when the purchase is made they give you a code straight away until a patch is brought out which will probably be several weeks due to how microsoft handle updates, it does give warning on were barely anyone will see when initially buying it.

    verbalevo posted: »

    Whilst some people are going a bit overboard ("fuck you telltale you fucking fuck fuckers" etc, relax, your waiting for a game, it's not worth

  • edited February 2014

    I got the message from XBL a couple of days ago, entered the code etc. on, yet while I was online I had a notification alerting me that the download 'failed'. I went on to TWAU and it is still asking me to pay the full price for the episode. I still have the message from XBL, but when I try to redeem it again it says the code has already been redeemed. What do I possibly do now?

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