XBox360 Season pass not working



  • It's nice to know their team has found love and gotten engaged but I'd really like a response I can't get from a Magic 8 Ball.

    ironside67 posted: »

    This is what msoft have to say:2/6/2014 1:09:25 AM CST: Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to p

  • edited February 2014

    I will say this once more, good luck with 4 games at once Telltale.....
    I love you guys but GEEEEEEEZ

  • Nice 1 darham like your sense of humor:)

    darham175 posted: »

    It's nice to know their team has found love and gotten engaged but I'd really like a response I can't get from a Magic 8 Ball.

  • Guyzz i'm froms te futre!!! It's been 2 years since this issue started and the update team has yet to change it's motto from "Well fix it tomorrow".Don't worry though every platorm is still waiting for episode 5 to be released, so were not even that far behind! Thanks Telltale for being one of the best company's ever, and not selling out by making too many games or something!

  • Hahaha, you are f*cking hilarious!

    darham175 posted: »

    It's nice to know their team has found love and gotten engaged but I'd really like a response I can't get from a Magic 8 Ball.

  • I doubt I will be able to really enjoy this game now and it may not be telltales fault that this glitch has happened but until the issue is fixed I will continue to complain as loud as I can, the first episode was given for free on xbox live 2 months after the loyal fans bought the season pass, so why not give this episode as a free download too, it would greatly improve your standing with your fans and although it would mean losing some income, what would you rather have, money or happy fans (who don't want refunds)

  • Out of curiosity, do we know who's actually at fault here? Doesn't a company like Telltale normally just hand this sort of thing off to Microsoft to deal with? Are they actually to blame or is Microsoft?

  • Depends who you ask if you ask Microsoft they've been saying its Telltale but if you ask Telltale they blame Microsoft so you're guess is as good as anyone else's.

    Out of curiosity, do we know who's actually at fault here? Doesn't a company like Telltale normally just hand this sort of thing off to Microsoft to deal with? Are they actually to blame or is Microsoft?

  • Someone asked that on twitter.

    @telltalegames @XboxSupport One last question, whos side was the fault on, telltales, or xbox's

    XboxSupport answered thusly:

    We wouldn't have any details about that I'm afraid, but please do let us know if we can help with any other questions. ^AD

    Out of curiosity, do we know who's actually at fault here? Doesn't a company like Telltale normally just hand this sort of thing off to Microsoft to deal with? Are they actually to blame or is Microsoft?

  • edited February 2014

    you buy the first episode and the season pass as a fan. Then they release the first episode free, you have to wait four months, they discount the season pass and now you can't even play the newest episode as a dedicated first adopter. :(

  • Niether are going to hold there hands up as they are laughing all the way to the bank with our money.

  • its obviously a fail from both sides, TTG should have made sure that season pass owners would not get double charged and should have checked with MS about that and they didnt!

  • Incompetence is a lack of ability or skill. I think you're just confused in general.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    You're confused about what the word "confused" means.

  • I found out where Microsoft is getting it's updates from.
    I asked "Does episode 2 of the wolf among us work for season pass holders yet?" and it told me "Ask again later."

  • So you think Microsoft has to check out if the Telltale crew has done its job well? Seriously?
    Theres nothing wrong with the marketplace, its just a matter of sloppy programming and not testing it good enough.

    short_stack posted: »

    its obviously a fail from both sides, TTG should have made sure that season pass owners would not get double charged and should have checked with MS about that and they didnt!

  • Is it still not fixed yet? ffs it was meant to be done yesterday!!!!!!!!

    Maybe some of us will NEVER get to play it.

  • Hmmm where have i heard "working to have a fix out for tomorrow" before.... it sounds familiar - dejavu perhaps?. LOl nice darham175.

    ironside67 posted: »

    This is what msoft have to say:2/6/2014 1:09:25 AM CST: Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to p

  • me - when will season pass holders of the wolf among us on xbox live be able to download episode 2

    Magic 8 - Contacting oracle.... my sources say NO!.

    lol wut?

    darham175 posted: »

    I found out where Microsoft is getting it's updates from. I asked "Does episode 2 of the wolf among us work for season pass holders yet?" and it told me "Ask again later."

  • Ha lol, i just typed no into the ask box and i got the "most likely" reply. Ah how amusing.

    me - when will season pass holders of the wolf among us on xbox live be able to download episode 2 Magic 8 - Contacting oracle.... my sources say NO!. lol wut?

  • So is it gonna be available today or tomorrow?

  • from the looks of things tomorrow, but it's a telltale game so i'd say give it a week or two for safe measure.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    So is it gonna be available today or tomorrow?

  • Well I hoped that it was fixed before I have to go to work and what a fucking surprise it hasn't. Worst part of it is that the episode has just been there, playable, taunting me throughout this... Damn you Telltale/Microsoft. This can add to the already million reasons to jump ship next generation.

  • I think I'm gonna say Fuck it and buy the episode... It's a lousy 5 bucks... Who cares....

  • ChaCHING!!! Money well spent..... DERP!

    I think I'm gonna say Fuck it and buy the episode... It's a lousy 5 bucks... Who cares....

  • I think it is not only about money but about "fuck you customer" attitude from both Telltale and microsoft. At least microsoft is giving refunds but telltale does not even say sorry.

    I think I'm gonna say Fuck it and buy the episode... It's a lousy 5 bucks... Who cares....

  • Ya sadly I finally caved as well

    ChaCHING!!! Money well spent..... DERP!

  • and personally i would rather wipe my ass with those five buck then give it to Telltale

    SiriusChico posted: »

    I think it is not only about money but about "fuck you customer" attitude from both Telltale and microsoft. At least microsoft is giving refunds but telltale does not even say sorry.

  • I just love that this is still not fixed. Seriously this sounds like the easiest thing in the world to do. Just make it so people who payed get what they paid for. Yet it is a multi day issue that seems no further from a solution then yesterday. Games go on sale all the time and the season pass for halo 4 worked the day the content came out.

    I have all the first season of walking dead but I bought that on sale for $10 on live after they all can out. And last year thinking with all the money and attention they got from walking dead with make it so the problems they usually have in the games would be minimized. So I bought the walking dead and the season pass. I was so happy with the start of that I was going to buy this full price and show my love but the time I got it the first one was free and the season was discounted. I thought it kind of weird but it was the holidays so a deal like that could not be passed up. But I see that maybe like the first season of walking dead I should have just waited. And since they now have two extra games added to the ones they already have I don't know if it was worth it now. By the rate they are going we might have to wait for December to play the last episode. And for us season pass buyers that means sometimes next year. Fix this telltale and Microsoft.

    I want to come here and give praise to the game. The first episode was awesome. All I want is to come back here and give praise to the second one smoke and mirrors and not say why the heck are you all making us live the episode. That is all I will say for the moment. Just needed to vent.

  • Well a Microsoft support person told I would get a refund so no that big of a deal but the lack of answers from telltale is ridiculous bot just answers but any useful info of the hole season pass problem but plenty of time to tell people ep.2 comes out for IOS on Thursday freaking ridiculous.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    and personally i would rather wipe my ass with those five buck then give it to Telltale

  • When I spoke with a Microsoft agent yesterday I was told I would be able to download the game within 24 hrs. I was a bit frustrated but I have today off so at least I'd still have time to play it right away. Now I see Microsoft is saying it will be ready tomorrow. Who know if it will be pushed back farther. It is just ridiculous to me that those who already paid in good faith are the ones being punished. I don't care who's fault this is. I just want to play the game I already paid for. And I don't think the solution is to pay again and wait for a refund. At least I have Fable to tide me over in the meanwhile.

  • So I take it a fix will not come today?

  • You've just been conned.


    dday6565 posted: »

    Ya sadly I finally caved as well

  • The only answer Microsoft gives is that it's being worked on/looked into/investigated/whatever and then a link to the xbox live status page which also gives absolutely zero information as well.

    dday6565 posted: »

    Well a Microsoft support person told I would get a refund so no that big of a deal but the lack of answers from telltale is ridiculous bot jus

  • Reply hazy try again.

    MosesARose posted: »

    So I take it a fix will not come today?

  • From my latest chat with a representative:
    "No worries Xbox is working on it along with the developer. We really apologize for the inconvenience. It will be fixed tomorrow. It should be already fixed but there was a glitch that they need to work on."
    " I will suggest you check our website from time to time, it might be fixed today but the sure thing is tomorrow."

    Also, be nice to the representatives guys. The one I spoke to was so thankful I was nice and polite. Seems like that is a rare exception in their day. It is not their fault these issues happen and unfortunately they have to deal with the brunt of everyone's frustration.

  • If it don't i'll just buy the damn thing

    MosesARose posted: »

    So I take it a fix will not come today?

  • edited February 2014

    Definitely no sooner than tomorrow, according to the XBox 360 Support page. I know a lot of people are belittling those of us who are complaining, both here and on the XBox Forum, but I don't like being sent to the back of the line when I've paid.

    MosesARose posted: »

    So I take it a fix will not come today?

  • That would be very awesome, for people starting to get into the series or just finding about the game or comics right now, but we will see what happens in the next few days!

    MosesARose posted: »

    I just think it would be much easier than trying to find a fix. Heck, they can even make it free for just a day to give us pass holders a chan

  • Ah ha, hush that fuss
    Everybody (with an Xbox season pass) move to the back of the bus

    TomX713 posted: »

    Definitely no sooner than tomorrow, according to the XBox 360 Support page. I know a lot of people are belittling those of us who are complaining, both here and on the XBox Forum, but I don't like being sent to the back of the line when I've paid.

  • Agreed. This is ridiculous. For Telltale to not apologize (whether it's their fault or not IT IS THEIR GAME), or compensate somehow is utterly ridiculous. I think we should all take $5 to the bathroom and show TTG money well spent.

    SiriusChico posted: »

    I think it is not only about money but about "fuck you customer" attitude from both Telltale and microsoft. At least microsoft is giving refunds but telltale does not even say sorry.

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