XBox360 Season pass not working



  • Seems that (most of) everyone is unleashing their inner Bigby wolves out, haha.

    Onlyonstage posted: »

    From my latest chat with a representative: "No worries Xbox is working on it along with the developer. We really apologize for the inconvenie

  • Well knowing my luck the season pass problem will be fixed in a couple of hours since I just bought it

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    You've just been conned. Sucker.

  • I don't get why so many people are phoning Xbox. Why not Telltale? Their number is on their contact page

  • Telltale has said it's a Microsoft issue. MIcrosoft has said they are working on it. That being said, I don't think I'll buy another season pass from Telltale again. First, the delays with episode 2 and now with this snafu, I think I'd rather just wait and play the entire game once it's been released.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    I don't get why so many people are phoning Xbox. Why not Telltale? Their number is on their contact page

  • I don't mind the delays between episodes so long as I get what I prepaid for when everyone else gets to play.

    Telltale has said it's a Microsoft issue. MIcrosoft has said they are working on it. That being said, I don't think I'll buy another season pa

  • Yeah long delays are a pain but it's to be expected. This sort of thing is a kick in the teeth pure and simple.

    darham175 posted: »

    I don't mind the delays between episodes so long as I get what I prepaid for when everyone else gets to play.

  • It's the adult equivalent of that kid down the street who gets all kinds of awesome new toys and lets everyone else play with them but when you ask to play with them are just told you're only allowed to watch me and everyone else play with them.

    Yeah long delays are a pain but it's to be expected. This sort of thing is a kick in the teeth pure and simple.

  • I have the season pass and downloaded it last night. Got charged for it but I just used the Microsoft live chat and asked for a refund. They are aware of the issue now and I had a refund processing within a minute & no fuss. If you can't wait to play maybe just download / pay and get a refund after?

  • thats what a said. TTG should have checked with MS not the other way around.

    norfen posted: »

    So you think Microsoft has to check out if the Telltale crew has done its job well? Seriously? Theres nothing wrong with the marketplace, its just a matter of sloppy programming and not testing it good enough.

  • it wasn't bad enough that season pass got a discount crapping on all original season pass holders.

  • What I don't understand is what TellTale has been doing for the last four months. Anyone that defends TellTale is either paid or is naïve. Imagine if this happened to GTA V or Skyrim or any other AAA title.

  • Damn still not fixed. Oh well I'll wait until tomorrow. Getting excited to play.

    And why is everyone getting so angry at TTG? Yes I understand season pass holders prepaid to get new episodes when it comes out, but it's not like they're the first company to have an issue like this happen to them. Some company's bigger than telltale have had it before. But then again saying that they were usually fixed within 24 hours not 48 (which is expected). Just be patient about it or do the refund process or even buy it again. But try not to get angry about because the angrier you are towards TTG the less you'll enjoy their games. And their games are great games.

  • You work for Telltale. Don't hide it

    Bradderz posted: »

    Damn still not fixed. Oh well I'll wait until tomorrow. Getting excited to play. And why is everyone getting so angry at TTG? Yes I underst

  • Anyone else think TTG is cooking a recipe for disaster of epic proportions? They’re buying up popular licenses and trying to produce them all at once. I love their games but their methods are kind of scary.

  • Online chat at

    Pwnzar posted: »

    What kind of support guy? Like Microsoft?

  • Its in the code they wrote. You notice there was an update when you loaded it? Then you notice how it goes into this long wait period where nothing is happening? Well guess what. That is the code not working right. Totally TT's fault here and MS is doing everything they can to help.

    darham175 posted: »

    There is PC and PS3 and Xbox. Telltale is involved with all 3 of them as it is their game. PC and PS3 don't have an issue with season pass and

  • edited February 2014

    That is actually a very good question. Why aren't they just giving us redeem codes? Seems like a better solution to me than having to listen to everyone ranting until Microsoft fixes the problem.

  • This was the first season pass i've bought for anything cos i really liked the first episode, but i'm fed up with this shit, delaying the game and keeping us in the dark is one thing, usually delays happen but keeping legit customers from playing something they already paid for is unacceptable so i'm just gonna torrent the damn thing and play it on the pc, they already have my money so fuck them.

  • edited February 2014

    Well hopefully it's because they are checking the season passes for season two of TWD. Have a song while we wait for an answer and or a resolution to this mess.

    Blackrising posted: »

    That is actually a very good question. Why aren't they just giving us redeem codes? Seems like a better solution to me than having to listen to everyone ranting until Microsoft fixes the problem.

  • It doesn't matter who's fault it is. The problem should have been fixed by now. The whole reason for me personally to buy the season pass, is not to save 5 bucks, but to have faith in the developer. I know Telltale is a great company that delivers quality products so yes I am willing to pay them ahead of time and give them my money knowing I won't be disappointed. But its been a couple of days and it hasn't been fixed. Steam got the game chapter early. Ok I can live with that. PSN is working fine. Ok fine. Xbox Live totally screwed us pass holders. Its one thing to be the last platform to release the game due to technical issues. But to give the Xbox 360 owners a chance to purchase it for 4.99 is a slap in the face. It shouldn't have been available at all until they know for sure that it was working for the pass holders and the regular download. My friends who are not loyal TellTale customers have played the chapter before me. Also I've accidently seen spoilers online about the chapter trying to see when this pass holder issues will be fixed.

  • [removed]

  • Still waiting patiently!

  • The mods have time to ban you, but not to change the threads that have spoilers in the thread name. FFS

  • That shit is what pisses me off. We've been trying to dodge spoilers for two days now while everyone else in the internet has played it and is running around all Snape kills Dumbledore.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    The mods have time to ban you, but not to change the threads that have spoilers in the thread name. FFS

  • It has happened to GTA V. We've been lied to about getting new info on heists in January and Rockstar has been keeping just as quiet as Telltale was. I could be wrong but doesn't Skyrim still have a lot of bugs on PS3 that never got fixed, and Bethesda has not said a thing? I could be wrong there because I never cared/played more than a hour of Skyrim.

    Arrowify posted: »

    What I don't understand is what TellTale has been doing for the last four months. Anyone that defends TellTale is either paid or is naïve. Imagine if this happened to GTA V or Skyrim or any other AAA title.


    darham175 posted: »

    That shit is what pisses me off. We've been trying to dodge spoilers for two days now while everyone else in the internet has played it and is running around all Snape kills Dumbledore.

  • yep. episode two is already ruined for me just by finding help on twitter. :/

    darham175 posted: »

    That shit is what pisses me off. We've been trying to dodge spoilers for two days now while everyone else in the internet has played it and is running around all Snape kills Dumbledore.

  • I spent the same amount on Duke Nukem Forever as I did the season pass and yet I regret the season pass more.

  • edited February 2014

    This type of game has to be played knowing absolutely nothing about the episode. If you know anything then you are making your decisions based on what you know is going to happen instead of your first reaction and to not be able to go with your first reaction cheapens the work that went into making it and robs the game of it's emotional impact.

    aaroncarney posted: »

    yep. episode two is already ruined for me just by finding help on twitter.

  • I was waiting all day for TWAU episode 2 yesterday I get home get on Xbox and see that my season pass doesnt work. At first I was like no big deal it will be fixed. Hours later still not fixed. Then wake up the next day still not fixed. bullshit.

  • Welcome to the club. Meetings are every other Tuesday.

    TheGeek11 posted: »

    I was waiting all day for TWAU episode 2 yesterday I get home get on Xbox and see that my season pass doesnt work. At first I was like no big deal it will be fixed. Hours later still not fixed. Then wake up the next day still not fixed. bullshit.

  • Still waiting "patiently" overs here too. What sucks is that I don't have a credit card attached to my live account, so I have no way of buying the episode and getting a refund. I'm a poor asshole who works 6 days a week and can't afford good games as they are released. I loved TWD series because I could pay $5, play a kickass game for a day or two, and talk about it with my friends. Anyway I loved TWAU Episode 1 so much that I "splurged" (yes, $15 was a splurge for me when it comes to spending cash on video games) and got the season pass immediately. Now I can play each episode when released! Yes! Then, at Christmas, episode one was free and the season pass was discounted $5 EVEN BEFORE EPISODE TWO WAS OUT (why?). That didn't bother me, as I feel that TWAU is absolutely worthy of a. $20 price tag.

    Now, this. I am upset, and I feel I have a right to be. I put my faith and money into this company because the games they make are AMAZING. these aren't people getting so upset because they like to complain. They are upset because they put their faith and money into this company and are being com

  • I was pissed off that we had to wait an extra day compared to PC & PS3. Now this is just a joke.

  • Yep SPEAK THE TRUTH BROTHA BECAUSE THE TRUTH SHALL SET YE FREE! or at least bother TTG and Microsoft until they finally fix this crap.

    I was pissed off that we had to wait an extra day compared to PC & PS3. Now this is just a joke.

  • Hope you are bringing the donuts. I got the coffee.

    darham175 posted: »

    Welcome to the club. Meetings are every other Tuesday.

  • Torrents will be getting torrent-ed. Don't mind playing this game twice. (once on pc then on xbox with season pass getting used.) for the different plot twist. But they won't get another penny from me. Only been waiting since October. :(

  • I find it funny that TTG and Microsoft keep tossing the blame and say the same PR bull. "We're working on the clock to fix this"
    Yeah right.....

  • You know what's funny I was gonna buy the season pass for TWD s2 today but now I'm very hesitant.

  • edited February 2014

    Well for me the 3rd day of waiting for either A) One company to take the blame and apologize or B) Fix the problem has officially begun slowly losing my will to play this game this experience has just been a pain nothing worse then knowing that there is a large group of people who are enjoying something more then you when you have already payed probably twice as much as the rest of them I'm seriously expecting for them to announce the release of episode 3 before this problem is fixed.

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