@MyTwoCents posted this in another thread, and I though I would share it here...
Have fun! Make a good laugh! .. And don't do anything Bigby wouldn't do!
just so you know, if you are using the "winter is coming" meme, it is necessary to end the meme with "x is coming" or else it ruins the point of the meme.
just so you know, if you are using the "winter is coming" meme, it is necessary to end the meme with "x is coming" or else it ruins the point of the meme.
just so you know, if you are using the "winter is coming" meme, it is necessary to end the meme with "x is coming" or else it ruins the point of the meme.
once you have the 'direct link' no tags no prefix are needed, post in the comments and then either highlight the address and click on the tab that looks like a landscape
or just post the link in that box instead of posting it in the comments
hope that helps, my it looks professional doesn't it ?
use photo bucket/imgur
or use the address of the picture
once you have the 'direct link' no tags no prefix are needed, post in the comme… morents and then either highlight the address and click on the tab that looks like a landscape
or just post the link in that box instead of posting it in the comments
hope that helps, my it looks professional doesn't it ?
Hahahaha this is funny, also thanks I happened to unfortunate enough for somebody to call my name from the living room when they showed this scene and didn't want to play it again just to see it. (Im sure i'll have a few hundred times to replay during the wait for episode 3, then 4, then 5 now im sad )
Is mondomonkey gonna have to choke a bitch...?
You'd think i put my lips on it....LOL
Give that bitch a puppet.
Bitches love puppets.
Maybe when we have more shit to turn into memes
Hey I drew this myself :P

Sorry if it's bad in any way, I'm still learning
That makes two of us...
lol I wrote that before thanksgiving
That was my exact expression after I played episode one for a couple thousand times...still waiting tho...
My friend...
this thread is dying quick
I guess it'll rise again when the episodes is complete
Keep that thing away from your beans.
Read it in Lee's voice.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
Dude,we can't even see your drawing.
just so you know, if you are using the "winter is coming" meme, it is necessary to end the meme with "x is coming" or else it ruins the point of the meme.
I've seen too much...
Something i just made lol
At least it's not Ichabod up there.
Staring at a soda machine in disgust
"This shit will kill you..."
Takes a long puff from his cigarette
i was going to say that there should be crane in its place
Okay,now THIS is funny.
Hey,i'm kinda desperate to keep this thread ALIVE here.I'm fucking trying,at least.So Boo-Fucking-Hoo.
This is damn good!
That's EXACTLY what i tought!
Venom vs Wolverine in "The Ultimate Spiderman" for ps2!
One question how do I upload pics?
image is a bit small
use photo bucket/imgur
or use the address of the picture
once you have the 'direct link' no tags no prefix are needed, post in the comments and then either highlight the address and click on the tab that looks like a landscape
or just post the link in that box instead of posting it in the comments

hope that helps, my it looks professional doesn't it ?
Very professional btw thanks!
Hahahaha this is funny, also thanks I happened to unfortunate enough for somebody to call my name from the living room when they showed this scene and didn't want to play it again just to see it. (Im sure i'll have a few hundred times to replay during the wait for episode 3, then 4, then 5
now im sad