Sick of people saying that I seen a few say that, Mcgregor did an awesome job and should receive the praise for all the hard work that took him to get to that level of performance all this fix stuff is a silly joke, I personally think a lot of people wanted Aldo to win so when big mouth Mcgregor knocked him out in 13 seconds they needed to make up this fix stuff to calm the butthurt imo that punch would knock anyone out. You can never please everyone but Mcgregor is champion and I congratulate him on performance and proving the doubters wrong
I know it isn't but a part of me will always think it was fixed just for the fact that Ronda Rousey just lost and Dana White would have had a stroke if his other big star lost.
Nor didI say it would be fatal. But I imagine, it would still be rather uncomfortable feeling your body slowly succumb to paralysis until you get the injection.
Well, there goes what was my second favourite active thread, although I can see why it was closed. I will miss our time piling shit on Trump.
If people were angry from us merging the Forum of the Dead Lounge with this thread, I wonder how bad the fallout would be if those two threads were merged. :P
Either way, I'd have to make a boatload of popcorn.
Next on my 007 Review series, the 2nd of Brosnon's Bond movies: Tomorrow Never Dies.
The story had an interesting twist to the usual Bond plots, rather rediculous but interesting. This time we see a mass media power taking a corrupt turn, attempting to trigger WWIII to get exclusive ratings and increased wealth for a 100 years. The organization is the Carver Media Group, led by Elliot Carver (knocks on your cabin door) who runs his group. He is able to topple governments with a single blow, and he owns a large armored ship with his own private army and specialized drill to sink ships, along with a stealth device. He uses a stolen encoder to trick other armies' radar singles to ignite tension between China and Britain and is in deal with a Chinese General who give him broadcasting rights in return of overthrowing current politians to run China. Bond has 48 hours to investigate and stop Carver, with the help an old friend who's now Carver's wife, Paris, and a chinese agent, Wei Ling. I found the plot intriguing as never before in a Bond film was a media organization the main villains. And ironically today, our world runs on information from the media. Carver's organization and goal had a faint reminence of Blofeld's plan and organization.
Once again, Bond gets a little more character in this film. We learn a little more about his connection to the women he comes in contact with. While some may be for mysogenism, an old friend he meets is actually someone he cared about, we learn that he left this friend because of the job he does, and shows regrets when in private with this person. And when he gets sad about this friend's death, it sheds more light on his emotions as a human being. Interestingly, here and the next movie, you see more emotion in him over a girl he likes dies, I think the years are kinda taking a toll on him emotionly inside. A nice touch was seeing Bond wear his British commander uniform, reminding us of who he was before becoming 007. Plus seeing Bond dual weilding is rare and was a nice touch to the final scene.
Elliot Carver is the main antagonist and is the media mogul planning to start a war for wealth and ratings of his news network. His outfit is shadowy reminder of Blofeld. Except this guy has a bit more element to his character, especially being married and getting jealous/betrayed by said loved one for who helps Bond mid way. Although he is still ruthless as he has his spouse killed later, even his own henchman. We also learn a little background of this villain that he's always been in the media world, intertwined with informative ambition since studying under his mentor. He's also fluent of knowledge between cultures it seems, since he seems to know some things in China mythology, which is not surprising. The performer for this character did an excellent job (forgot his name but he was also in Haunted Honeymoon and was a villain as well) and the villain was every bit entertaining whenever on screen.
Paris Carver is Eliot's wife. She once was with Bond until he abandoned her, she hold contempt to him but eventually started to have old feelings for him lingered. The scene where the two romance it's pretty easy by the expression on their faces that they really loved each other long ago (of course she cheated on her husband lol) The final scene where Bond makes buries his face on her in regret when she lays dead shows how much she meant to him.
Wai Lin was fun to watch on screen and often always on her toes. She worked for the Chinese government to investigate Carver's intentions. She often bumped into Bond whenever he was doing his job, until finally they started working together. The two kicked ass and had great chemistry on screen. The bike scene where the two fought for the control on the bike was funny to watch.
General Chang had little screen time and is only mentioned a few times. He's the motivation Carver has to trigger a war through a conspiracy, to earn exclusive broadcasting rights. Chang intended to wipe out current politicians and generals with Carver's nuclear rocket he stolen from a sucken British Navy ship. Chang provided Carver the artillery he needed to see through the plan. This helped make sense of how Carver has such a private army and powerful artillery.
Stamper is like a male version of Xenia, who instead takes pleasure from the pain he recieves. He serves as Carver's bodygaurd and was a tough SOB. He was sadistic and vengeful towards Bond, who killed his mentor. He wasn't very bright but the intense look in his eyes just screamed "DON'T MESS WITH THIS GUY!" Of course Bond would, and only managed to kill him by exploding the missile they were on after a stab on the arm and chest! He reminded me of Hans from You Only Live Twice.
Henry Gupta was another computer programmer, he was okay just meh. Boris will always rule, for his performance is invincible!
M showed a little more character in the film and was still awesome to see on screen. Interestingly, despite how she feels about Bond's sexism and mysogeny, she adviced him to "pump" information out Eliot's wife to learn what he's up to. I was like, "wait, did she really say that?"
Admiral Roebuck was a reckless higher up in the film that almost costed Bond's intro mission and his life due to his hastiness. Seeing M wipe him on the floor was always good as he annoyed me.
Dr. Kaufmann was your typical evil German doctor that Eliot personally contacts. He assassinates Paris himself and was Stamper`s mentor. Bond eventually killed him. The whole sequence between the two was a good scene and had slight humor (of Kaufman) despite the situation at hand. "I could shoot you from Stutgardd und still create ze proper effect."
Much of the settings were warm and comforting, a nice contrast to the ominous shadows pulling the strings to what could be a catastrophic disaster. It had a very civilized tone to the city settings, but you can see how much media has taken over and how much power it has over civiliaztion, with little awareness of it to the masses. The setting where Bond and Ling were going to the South China Sea by boat before the final battle constantly reminds me of the scene where Bond approaches Blofeld's volcano by boat in You Only Live Twice.
I liked the digital theme they were going for, as much of the world focuses on digital access. The CG animations were great for a 90s film.
Favourite Quote
"You forgot the first rule of mass media, Elliot! Give the people what they want!" -Bond, James Bond
Some Issues
General Chang, despite his involvement with the conspiracy, had his fate left open and was never concluded. Serious plot-hole there! Wish he was in Carver's ship too and Wai Lin squared off with him at least.
In the final act on the boat, whenever Wai screamed "Yah!" when she fired her machine guns at one of the gaurds and the ship engine I just end up cringing and facepalming at how unneeded that was. It's just as bad as the whistle sound in Live and Let Die.
While the opening sequence was good, I felt it was trying to be an improved Goldeneye opening due to the problems that opening had. Seeing Bond struggle and fight through a militia was what should've been in Goldeneye for his escape. Oh well, at least they were aware of the problems from before.
In the beginning Bond punched a guy when he was smoking and said "Filthy habit.". Nice punch line and all; it seemed like he doesn't like smoking but if I remember correctly, Bond in older films smoked. So unless he quit smoking, then I guess it was a minor confusion of his character.
The plot Carver was pursuing was slightly rediculous despite the enjoyable ride it gave. And the similarity of Blofeld and Hans to Elliot and Stamper was impossible to ignore. You can tell how much they wanted to try making another Spectre organization. So it weakened the originality and was trying to be something it's not.
And of course, how can I forget this thrilling car chase that I loved since childhood. I liked how Bond is having fun like a kid at one moment and quickly retains his posture for the situation. Bond always did enjoy Q's gadgets.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Good film, interesting cast interactions and enjoyable adventure, but has a slightly rediculous plot (kinda hard to see a media group have THAT much power, and the villain just causing all this for ratings, ya?), some holes in characters/plot, and has some rehashing of old films/characters.
I'm so sorry for you, if I had slept for 20 hours, I would be so pissed at myself. One thing that I absolutely despise is sleeping, if I didn't have to, I wouldn't.
Star Trek Beyond trailer, idk what's wrong with it. I'm not really a Star Trek fan but I like the new ones but something just feels weird with this trailer to me
One of my friend's dad was killed recently and another got into a soccer accident and got a concussion and neck injury.
The universe is fucking ruthless.
The music choice is quite a bit odd given the franchise, and they're focusing on action over everything else (probably because it's directed by the Fast and Furious director, which is highlighted half way through).
The trailer definitely doesn't make it look that great, but I did enjoy the previous two films (although I agree with George Takei's comments about the second film). So, I'll probably end up watching this (but I'll likely rent it on Blu-Ray when it comes out rather than see it in the theaters, like I'm planning on doing with Star Wars Episode VIII), unless it ends up getting stellar reviews, then I might cave and watch it in the theater after all (especially if people say they have cool effects in the 3D version, as I'm a sucker for a well done 3D film).
Star Trek Beyond trailer, idk what's wrong with it. I'm not really a Star Trek fan but I like the new ones but something just feels weird with this trailer to me
enter link description here
One of my friend's dad was killed recently and another got into a soccer accident and got a concussion and neck injury.
The universe is fucking ruthless.
Better yet merge the Rhysha and Rhyiona thread together.
Holy shit. What about winters? I can already imagine it doesn't go under 0 degrees (still talking celcius), but is it still as hot in winters?
Winters are mild but variable. Depending on the current front, it usually ranges from 50 to 70° F
Sick of people saying that I seen a few say that, Mcgregor did an awesome job and should receive the praise for all the hard work that took him to get to that level of performance all this fix stuff is a silly joke, I personally think a lot of people wanted Aldo to win so when big mouth Mcgregor knocked him out in 13 seconds they needed to make up this fix stuff to calm the butthurt imo that punch would knock anyone out. You can never please everyone but Mcgregor is champion and I congratulate him on performance and proving the doubters wrong
So what you're saying is that your winters are like our summers :-D I couldn't imagine a winter without snow, especially christmas without snow.
Yeah, that is a very scary thought.
In Darth Vader's voice:NOOOOOOOO !
In all seriousness though,it was fun while it lasted,and it gave a very good message to his followers.
Independence Day Resurgence trailer is out, go watch it.
I don't know if this would be a dream..or a nightmare.
If people were angry from us merging the Forum of the Dead Lounge with this thread, I wonder how bad the fallout would be if those two threads were merged. :P
Either way, I'd have to make a boatload of popcorn.
For the lasy ones :P
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Anyone else waiting for the Jack the Ripper DLC to come out for Syndicate on Tuesday?
Steam's holiday sale is going to leave me poor again.
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Ugh I'm so bored if you are to here is the best medicine
That is a great trailer, i liked the first movie so i am looking forward to seeing this one.
I missed you bro :,)
Now if only Blue would comeback i this day would be amazing.
Me .
Well were still here at least.
Nightmare, either at first or overtime.
Cool, hope it works
I just hope they don't say who the ripper is, even thought i doubt it.
Next on my 007 Review series, the 2nd of Brosnon's Bond movies: Tomorrow Never Dies.
The story had an interesting twist to the usual Bond plots, rather rediculous but interesting. This time we see a mass media power taking a corrupt turn, attempting to trigger WWIII to get exclusive ratings and increased wealth for a 100 years. The organization is the Carver Media Group, led by Elliot Carver (knocks on your cabin door) who runs his group. He is able to topple governments with a single blow, and he owns a large armored ship with his own private army and specialized drill to sink ships, along with a stealth device. He uses a stolen encoder to trick other armies' radar singles to ignite tension between China and Britain and is in deal with a Chinese General who give him broadcasting rights in return of overthrowing current politians to run China. Bond has 48 hours to investigate and stop Carver, with the help an old friend who's now Carver's wife, Paris, and a chinese agent, Wei Ling. I found the plot intriguing as never before in a Bond film was a media organization the main villains. And ironically today, our world runs on information from the media. Carver's organization and goal had a faint reminence of Blofeld's plan and organization.
Once again, Bond gets a little more character in this film. We learn a little more about his connection to the women he comes in contact with. While some may be for mysogenism, an old friend he meets is actually someone he cared about, we learn that he left this friend because of the job he does, and shows regrets when in private with this person. And when he gets sad about this friend's death, it sheds more light on his emotions as a human being. Interestingly, here and the next movie, you see more emotion in him over a girl he likes dies, I think the years are kinda taking a toll on him emotionly inside. A nice touch was seeing Bond wear his British commander uniform, reminding us of who he was before becoming 007. Plus seeing Bond dual weilding is rare and was a nice touch to the final scene.
Elliot Carver is the main antagonist and is the media mogul planning to start a war for wealth and ratings of his news network. His outfit is shadowy reminder of Blofeld. Except this guy has a bit more element to his character, especially being married and getting jealous/betrayed by said loved one for who helps Bond mid way. Although he is still ruthless as he has his spouse killed later, even his own henchman. We also learn a little background of this villain that he's always been in the media world, intertwined with informative ambition since studying under his mentor. He's also fluent of knowledge between cultures it seems, since he seems to know some things in China mythology, which is not surprising. The performer for this character did an excellent job (forgot his name but he was also in Haunted Honeymoon and was a villain as well) and the villain was every bit entertaining whenever on screen.
Paris Carver is Eliot's wife. She once was with Bond until he abandoned her, she hold contempt to him but eventually started to have old feelings for him lingered. The scene where the two romance it's pretty easy by the expression on their faces that they really loved each other long ago (of course she cheated on her husband lol) The final scene where Bond makes buries his face on her in regret when she lays dead shows how much she meant to him.
Wai Lin was fun to watch on screen and often always on her toes. She worked for the Chinese government to investigate Carver's intentions. She often bumped into Bond whenever he was doing his job, until finally they started working together. The two kicked ass and had great chemistry on screen. The bike scene where the two fought for the control on the bike was funny to watch.
General Chang had little screen time and is only mentioned a few times. He's the motivation Carver has to trigger a war through a conspiracy, to earn exclusive broadcasting rights. Chang intended to wipe out current politicians and generals with Carver's nuclear rocket he stolen from a sucken British Navy ship. Chang provided Carver the artillery he needed to see through the plan. This helped make sense of how Carver has such a private army and powerful artillery.
Stamper is like a male version of Xenia, who instead takes pleasure from the pain he recieves. He serves as Carver's bodygaurd and was a tough SOB. He was sadistic and vengeful towards Bond, who killed his mentor. He wasn't very bright but the intense look in his eyes just screamed "DON'T MESS WITH THIS GUY!" Of course Bond would, and only managed to kill him by exploding the missile they were on after a stab on the arm and chest! He reminded me of Hans from You Only Live Twice.
Henry Gupta was another computer programmer, he was okay just meh. Boris will always rule, for his performance is invincible!
M showed a little more character in the film and was still awesome to see on screen. Interestingly, despite how she feels about Bond's sexism and mysogeny, she adviced him to "pump" information out Eliot's wife to learn what he's up to. I was like, "wait, did she really say that?"
Admiral Roebuck was a reckless higher up in the film that almost costed Bond's intro mission and his life due to his hastiness. Seeing M wipe him on the floor was always good as he annoyed me.
Dr. Kaufmann was your typical evil German doctor that Eliot personally contacts. He assassinates Paris himself and was Stamper`s mentor. Bond eventually killed him. The whole sequence between the two was a good scene and had slight humor (of Kaufman) despite the situation at hand. "I could shoot you from Stutgardd und still create ze proper effect."
Much of the settings were warm and comforting, a nice contrast to the ominous shadows pulling the strings to what could be a catastrophic disaster. It had a very civilized tone to the city settings, but you can see how much media has taken over and how much power it has over civiliaztion, with little awareness of it to the masses. The setting where Bond and Ling were going to the South China Sea by boat before the final battle constantly reminds me of the scene where Bond approaches Blofeld's volcano by boat in You Only Live Twice.
I liked the digital theme they were going for, as much of the world focuses on digital access. The CG animations were great for a 90s film.
Favourite Quote
"You forgot the first rule of mass media, Elliot! Give the people what they want!" -Bond, James Bond
Some Issues
General Chang, despite his involvement with the conspiracy, had his fate left open and was never concluded. Serious plot-hole there! Wish he was in Carver's ship too and Wai Lin squared off with him at least.
In the final act on the boat, whenever Wai screamed "Yah!" when she fired her machine guns at one of the gaurds and the ship engine I just end up cringing and facepalming at how unneeded that was. It's just as bad as the whistle sound in Live and Let Die.
While the opening sequence was good, I felt it was trying to be an improved Goldeneye opening due to the problems that opening had. Seeing Bond struggle and fight through a militia was what should've been in Goldeneye for his escape. Oh well, at least they were aware of the problems from before.
In the beginning Bond punched a guy when he was smoking and said "Filthy habit.". Nice punch line and all; it seemed like he doesn't like smoking but if I remember correctly, Bond in older films smoked. So unless he quit smoking, then I guess it was a minor confusion of his character.
The plot Carver was pursuing was slightly rediculous despite the enjoyable ride it gave. And the similarity of Blofeld and Hans to Elliot and Stamper was impossible to ignore. You can tell how much they wanted to try making another Spectre organization. So it weakened the originality and was trying to be something it's not.
Top Scenes
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The setting and scenery, along with the interactions of the characters made this a memorable scene to me. Plus: nice Star Wars easter egg.
enter image description here
This atmosphere was great and dark, of course the humorous jabs of a cliche doctor makes it slightly comical as well. A nice, odd blend.
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And of course, how can I forget this thrilling car chase that I loved since childhood. I liked how Bond is having fun like a kid at one moment and quickly retains his posture for the situation. Bond always did enjoy Q's gadgets.
Rating: 8.5 out of 10
Good film, interesting cast interactions and enjoyable adventure, but has a slightly rediculous plot (kinda hard to see a media group have THAT much power, and the villain just causing all this for ratings, ya?), some holes in characters/plot, and has some rehashing of old films/characters.
I woke up about an hour ago and I just realized I slept for 20 hours....this is not good.
If only I could sleep for 20 hours... that would be one of my best sleeps ever... ;-;
Do you have super powers?
Is that a Whisperman?
I'm so sorry for you, if I had slept for 20 hours, I would be so pissed at myself. One thing that I absolutely despise is sleeping, if I didn't have to, I wouldn't.
Tell me your secret master
Congratulations to the French people for striking a blow against the wingnuts!
National Front kept out of power!
Star Trek Beyond trailer, idk what's wrong with it. I'm not really a Star Trek fan but I like the new ones but something just feels weird with this trailer to me
enter link description here
Uh oh my phone is at 6% and it's an HTC, rip me.
Holy fuck I have HTC too, they die in like 30 seconds.
The struggle of HTC users
Today I had it at 100% and in 30 minutes it was at 50% the fuck
lol three guys in my class are roasting each other rn
Leave 2 apps running, and you're already out of time.
My Samsung s4 has been dying quickly too. Seriously I charge it to 100% and it goes down like 2% every minute.
One of my friend's dad was killed recently and another got into a soccer accident and got a concussion and neck injury.
The universe is fucking ruthless.
woah, what is it with your friends? Something always seems to be happening
The music choice is quite a bit odd given the franchise, and they're focusing on action over everything else (probably because it's directed by the Fast and Furious director, which is highlighted half way through).
The trailer definitely doesn't make it look that great, but I did enjoy the previous two films (although I agree with George Takei's comments about the second film). So, I'll probably end up watching this (but I'll likely rent it on Blu-Ray when it comes out rather than see it in the theaters, like I'm planning on doing with Star Wars Episode VIII), unless it ends up getting stellar reviews, then I might cave and watch it in the theater after all (especially if people say they have cool effects in the 3D version, as I'm a sucker for a well done 3D film).
Bloody hell. At this rate, a meteor will probably hit you. Sorry about the rough year you are having.