The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I watched Saw 5 and omg, the ending was amazing, I think I like it better than Saw 1 ending.

  • edited March 2017

    hi :3

    Megumin posted: »

    Hi there

  • Today marks 20 years since Biggie Smalls was shot and killed.

    enter image description here

  • For those who appreciate black comedy, this commercial is as dark as midnight.

  • I just thought I'd leave this here... any Anadel fans around?

    As I'm posting this, they need $4185 with seventeen days left.

  • enter image description here

    papai46 posted: »


  • Hello to you too!

    Green613 posted: »


  • Anybody buy GRW? I'm really enjoying it

  • what's that? =l

    Megumin posted: »

    Anybody buy GRW? I'm really enjoying it

  • Ghost Recon Wildlands

    rabbitrun posted: »

    what's that? =l

  • It's good to know she was able to break free of that hatred.

    She's grown into quite the intelligent and beautiful young woman.

  • Has Telltale's panel in PAX happened yet?

  • Nope. Here's the countdown timer so you can figure out when it'll be in your timezone. Also the panel discussion thread is here.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Has Telltale's panel in PAX happened yet?

  • I haven't commented for the past days, so why not now

  • "you cursed it, but rehearsed it / I drop unexpectedly like bird shit."

    Clemenem posted: »

    Today marks 20 years since Biggie Smalls was shot and killed.

  • I've watched a few vids, not bad.

    Megumin posted: »

    Anybody buy GRW? I'm really enjoying it

  • I hereby declare this as Link's official voice and personality.

  • enter image description here

    Holy moly that's a lot of activity for 4 Resident Evil drawings. Most traffic I had in ages on DA! o_o

  • One day, one day I will take over the world! Mwaahahahhahahahhaahahhahahhhhiiihihihihihihihiihi!!

    Megumin posted: »

    Howdy! Also tobi???

  • Hi anadel, beg elsewhere

    hemfbg posted: »

    I just thought I'd leave this here... any Anadel fans around? As I'm posting this, they need $4185 with seventeen days left.

  • If you can watch this entire video you deserve an award. And also medication for your eardrums.

  • edited March 2017

    I need some advice or else it's stuck in my head for weeks because I will see my mentor over two weeks

    Friend: I lost faith in humanity
    Me: I have lost faith in humanity a long time ago
    Mentor: Josh why don't you kill yourself (or something like that)

    Seriously he knows I have depression and knows about my scars on my arms WTF! what do I need to do tell my parents? was it a joke? help me please

    Edit: I just upvoted every comment on this page:)

  • I can honestly say that Anadel has some of the most amazing, supportive, passionate fans

    enter image description here

    hemfbg posted: »

    I just thought I'd leave this here... any Anadel fans around? As I'm posting this, they need $4185 with seventeen days left.

  • I'm sure it was a joke he thought was harmless. But telling him you don't feel comfortable with that kind of humor is the best way to go about it.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I need some advice or else it's stuck in my head for weeks because I will see my mentor over two weeks Friend: I lost faith in humanity

  • Mentor? Is that your therapist or what?

    But in the end, whoever he is, that was awful. What kind of a person can say something as cruel as that?

    joshua007 posted: »

    I need some advice or else it's stuck in my head for weeks because I will see my mentor over two weeks Friend: I lost faith in humanity

  • Mentor is my teacher

    Look I make some suicide jokes myself with my friends once in a while and they know I have it but my freaking teacher? wtf

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Mentor? Is that your therapist or what? But in the end, whoever he is, that was awful. What kind of a person can say something as cruel as that?

  • Do you always make depressing comments like that

    I lost faith in humanity a long time ago

    It can realy drag people down emotionally when the conversation around them is always negative. People forget teachers and mentors have their own hardships and make mistakes too maybe they have been having a hard time themself and hearing negative comments like that can make them miserable.

    Maybe because by your own admission you have a dark sense of humour they thought you would find it funny

    joshua007 posted: »

    I need some advice or else it's stuck in my head for weeks because I will see my mentor over two weeks Friend: I lost faith in humanity

  • Do you always make depressing comments like that

    Ooh no most of my conversations on school are fun and lighthearted they call me crazy fun guy sometimes:)

    Maybe because by your own admission you have a dark sense of humour they thought you would find it funny

    Perhaps I do have a dark humor

    Do you always make depressing comments like that I lost faith in humanity a long time ago It can realy drag people down emotio

  • edited March 2017

    (not my pics)

    Out of the hundred or so color morphs domesticated red foxes come in, I'd have to say this one, called collicott, is my favorite.


    (not my pics) Out of the hundred or so color morphs domesticated red foxes come in, I'd have to say this one, called collicott, is my favorite.

  • It's weird, for sure..Maybe he's into dark humor..too much.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Mentor is my teacher Look I make some suicide jokes myself with my friends once in a while and they know I have it but my freaking teacher? wtf

  • edited March 2017

    Such a beautiful animal.

    (not my pics) Out of the hundred or so color morphs domesticated red foxes come in, I'd have to say this one, called collicott, is my favorite.

  • Hello, im new here. Hows everyone doing? How do I change my avatar?

  • Hi

    You can make a custom avatar using gravatar you have to use the same email for your telltale and gravatar account for it to work

    Hello, im new here. Hows everyone doing? How do I change my avatar?

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