The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • What's on the Playstation that might actually interest me?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Well, time to get a PlayStation then.

  • edited September 2018

    *Redirected to TWD section

  • Recently finished we happy few on ps4 now gotta wait for the dlcs to pop

  • kiss from a rose is one of the best songs of all time and it was made for a fucking batman movie

  • Can’t wait to play Life is Strange 2. I wanna hear all the good songs they’ve got in store.

  • Try this one.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What's on the Playstation that might actually interest me?

  • omg I LOVE that spiderman opening. I dont think that spiderman game is worth getting a PS4. Maybe GOW

    J-Master posted: »

    Try this one.

  • Im in my english class rn, and my professors speaking so low, I have no idea wtf hes talking about. Its kinda funny because he’s over here smiling and seems to be getting really into whatever the fuck it is hes talking about

  • Just wanna say, I am sorry about that and if my comment bothered ya. I hope your stuff can be fixed/is okay in the end. I'm bad at reading stuff at times. Sorry again.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Ah yeah, sure. Eat popcorn at my inconvenience and downright loss.

  • It's fine-ish. I was being partially melodramatic/salty/sarcastic anyway..
    Most of the stuff has been replaced, with the Xbox being a pending until I get another power chord to be sure the system itself wasn't damaged according to Gamestop.

    Just wanna say, I am sorry about that and if my comment bothered ya. I hope your stuff can be fixed/is okay in the end. I'm bad at reading stuff at times. Sorry again.

  • Name a pizza better than sausage and pepperoni? I'll wait.

  • edited September 2018

    The best pizza flavour. Happy meal.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Name a pizza better than sausage and pepperoni? I'll wait.

  • Ah man, that looks pretty tempting

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The best pizza flavour. Happy meal.

  • Well, I wasn't aware of that.

    That sucks, especially the Xbox One; hopefully it is just a matter of a faulty power cord with that one.

    So it basically stuffed up your entertainment system? That's literally not fun.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The fact that it blew out my modem, main TV receiver(and DVR), and possibly my Xbox One? Nah, not much.

  • Not really a fan of sausage on pizza, so I'd have to try that sometime.

    @lupinb0y The best pizza flavour. Happy meal.

    My heart!!
    Low key, I am curious as to how mariana would taste on nuggets and/or fries.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Name a pizza better than sausage and pepperoni? I'll wait.

  • I know, I just said fuck lightning storms without context.

    That sucks, especially the Xbox One; hopefully it is just a matter of a faulty power cord with that one.

    Yeah, seriously.
    Hell, I was literally about to finally start Wolf Among Us when I discovered it had been effected as well.

    Luckily, Gamestop claims that the powerbox essentially acts as a surge protector/decoy and that I could potentially just buy another chord & get back to playing unscathed.

    Well, I wasn't aware of that. That sucks, especially the Xbox One; hopefully it is just a matter of a faulty power cord with that one. So it basically stuffed up your entertainment system? That's literally not fun.

  • Ummm Do you mean Marinara? I'm gonna hurl ?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not really a fan of sausage on pizza, so I'd have to try that sometime. @lupinb0y The best pizza flavour. Happy meal. My heart!! Low key, I am curious as to how mariana would taste on nuggets and/or fries.

  • What, you don't like marinara?

    Ummm Do you mean Marinara? I'm gonna hurl ?

  • So I was up until 2am watching breaking bad but decided it was time to ko, so I did. Not sure if I even went to sleep or not because I don’t feel like I just woke up. When I wake up I usually go back to sleep right after, but I didn’t do that, so I don’t know if I’ve even slept.

  • No, Marinara is fine. But the way you worded that before, are you by any chance a cannibal?

    DabigRG posted: »

    What, you don't like marinara?

  • No, that's just a recurring habit/joke of mine due to the similar spelling and pronunciation.

    No, Marinara is fine. But the way you worded that before, are you by any chance a cannibal?

  • Alright.

    But as always, I'll be watching

    DabigRG posted: »

    No, that's just a recurring habit/joke of mine due to the similar spelling and pronunciation.

  • Anyone who's played RE7's 21+, part of the Banned Footage DLC, would know just how annoying this piece of shit is :D

  • Yes, this was one of the most frustrating hard modes I've ever played. When I played the DLC for the first time, I had mixed feelings about Hoffman but playing the hard modes made me hate this piece of cheater sooo much, especially when he turns into a Molded. I cheered so hard and gave him a huge middle finger when he died in 21+.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Anyone who's played RE7's 21+, part of the Banned Footage DLC, would know just how annoying this piece of shit is

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited September 2018

    I STILL haven't beat 21+ and I've been playing it since Banned footage Vol.2 came out :D The highest I ever made it to was one guy after Mr. Bighead.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yes, this was one of the most frustrating hard modes I've ever played. When I played the DLC for the first time, I had mixed feelings about

  • why does life suck so hard first of all no girl ever seems interested in me then a girl i used to speak to on psn goddamn ignores me she was online as well i dont fucking get it am i such a freak that no one seems interested in me

  • Girls are overrated. Relationships are overrated. Love is overrated. Affection: overrated. Emotions: overrated. All jokes aside, women and relationships are overrated. They're not a necessity.

    why does life suck so hard first of all no girl ever seems interested in me then a girl i used to speak to on psn goddamn ignores me she was online as well i dont fucking get it am i such a freak that no one seems interested in me

  • that is literally the only kind of pizza i have ordered from pizza hut for the past 9 months

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Name a pizza better than sausage and pepperoni? I'll wait.

  • see, I always knew you were a genius

    that is literally the only kind of pizza i have ordered from pizza hut for the past 9 months

  • ...CABA!

    Also, I swear it looked like he was shoving a sword down his throat and yet getting consumed himself at first.

    Alright. But as always, I'll be watching

  • It's normal to feel this way when you're a teen/young adult and your mind is pushing you to care about relationships through hormones. The question is do you feel like a whole man without a girl to be in a relationship with? It's always a normal goal to want to be in a relationship but, while it will complete the family you might want to have, it never completes who you are as a person. You're not a puzzle piece that needs to click with someone to justify their place in this world, you are your own completed picture with your own identity and story to tell, and a girlfriend is just an addition that complements that, and vice versa.

    I know it hurts but does this girl really deserve to tear you apart so much? Assuming she's not just busy or having a hard time and wants to be alone (which always needs to be considered), if she really wants to ghost you and be a nobody in your life why is she worth fretting over anymore? It's no chip off your dignity. You are how you were made to be and the people in your life will respect that or leave. Your emotions will try to tell you otherwise but even if you deny them they didn't give you a choice in feeling attraction towards this girl. Love tries to sweep you off your feet whether you're ready for that commitment or not. Your emotions had their chance to help push you towards a happier life, and now they're telling you to feel like a freak and incapable of love because they can't accept that some relationships don't work out, or At some point you have to override them and show who's really in charge of your mind because you never deserve disrespect, not even from your own mind.

    And hey I still have trouble with this kind of stuff too, as do many young men, so you're not alone, but that doesn't mean girls like that have any right to have strings over your self-esteem, or anyone for that matter. You are your own man no matter what and you don't need anyone on this earth to justify you're place in it, whether it's a girl or not.

    why does life suck so hard first of all no girl ever seems interested in me then a girl i used to speak to on psn goddamn ignores me she was online as well i dont fucking get it am i such a freak that no one seems interested in me

  • edited September 2018

    Soooo last week there was this one really cold day -- cold for summer at least -- the temp dropped from 28° one day, to 15° the next, and then back up to ~28° for the rest of the week.
    (Why? I don't know. Maybe God decided to save on his heating bill or something lol.)

    Point is, is that it's my first week of school and I've had a cold since Monday. That sucks.

    EDIT: I write way too much.

  • hey since it's on my brain and something i've been mentioning here a lot, what's your guys' favorite pink floyd album or song if any?

  • edited September 2018

    And that is when you need to turn gay.

    For real tho, desperate people are creepy, and if you seem desperate, you will scare any potential lover away.

    So here's what you should do; Pretend to be gay. Uh-huh. You read that right. Pretend to be gay and hang out with a lot of girls and just be their friend. Get close to them and wait until you find a girl you grow feelings for and if you're a good friend they'll see that under that desperate exterior, theres a good guy underneath (right...?), and then when she least expects it...Boom!! Reveal that you're not gay and you want to date her.


    Y'know what, dont do that either.

    Real advice: Just look for friends. Seriously. A guy can have female friends, and after you get to know them, one might become more than just a friend. I dont think anyone finds true love when they're looking for it. It always comes when you least expect it (unless you're just looking for sex, in which case, you gotta be looking for it. Dont enter a real relationship if all you want is sex. Just hire a prostitute or something, dont play with someone's heart.)

    I dunno. I get that it can be frustrating. But just be patient. You'll find love sooner or later. (BTW, I dont mean to offend anyone with any content in my post, if such situation occurs, I apologize deeply.)

    why does life suck so hard first of all no girl ever seems interested in me then a girl i used to speak to on psn goddamn ignores me she was online as well i dont fucking get it am i such a freak that no one seems interested in me

  • And that is when you need to turn gay.

    If you're a straight dude but feel like you can't get a girl, and wanna try being gay, I say go for it. who is anyone to judge you? Just uh.....refrain from doing any butt-stuff until you're sure :D

    Acheive250 posted: »

    And that is when you need to turn gay. For real tho, desperate people are creepy, and if you seem desperate, you will scare any potential

  • This looks so good, I'd actually consider dropping out just to play this everyday. Too bad it doesn't have a story mode. :/

  • Coming out as straight... :D

    Acheive250 posted: »

    And that is when you need to turn gay. For real tho, desperate people are creepy, and if you seem desperate, you will scare any potential

  • All jokes aside, women and relationships are overrated. They're not a necessity.

    Try getting pregnant as a guy then.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Girls are overrated. Relationships are overrated. Love is overrated. Affection: overrated. Emotions: overrated. All jokes aside, women and relationships are overrated. They're not a necessity.

  • Try getting pregnant as a guy then.

    That's IF you want a kid in the first place

    All jokes aside, women and relationships are overrated. They're not a necessity. Try getting pregnant as a guy then.

  • Real advice: Just look for friends. Seriously. A guy can have female friends, and after you get to know them, one might become more than just a friend. I dont think anyone finds true love when they're looking for it.

    I'm sure most people know It's possible to be friends with a girl. It's just like you said, you can't really control who you become attracted to, and that's going to skew a friendship and start tension between you two if you're not on the same wavelength, and that makes it harder to keep it afloat unless you know how to overrule your emotions (and with teens, hormones and immaturity make that near impossible).

    (unless you're just looking for sex, in which case, you gotta be looking for it. Dont enter a real relationship if all you want is sex. Just hire a prostitute or something, dont play with someone's heart.)

    I think the only problem with that is most of the time it's not black and white. Many young men are torn between love and lust because they're too immature to understand the difference. If you really just want sex alone there's no shame in owning up to it, but it really is the emotional connection that makes it something truly fulfilling, which you can't get with a prostitute.

    I'll say this, even when you remove the religious aspect the seven deadly sins are still something worth appreciating because when you indulge in them you unwittingly give up the ability to establish your own self-esteem. You tell yourself that you can't be satisfied with who you are until you've made your wealth, or your libido/desire to be in a relationship is fulfilled, or you've forced your abusers to appreciate the pain they brought you, and you become a slave to your own id in the process. Wanting those things is a definitely a natural thing to do when your impulses are kept under control (the need to correct injustice when it comes to wrath), but not if it's to fill a void in your self-esteem. You have to achieve that nirvana by coming to terms with yourself first and learning how to define your own happiness outside of worldly desires.

    (I'm coming to terms with these things too though so I'm not saying I'm above it all. I hope OP can become content with who they are without being validated by a girl)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    And that is when you need to turn gay. For real tho, desperate people are creepy, and if you seem desperate, you will scare any potential

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