The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Don't think you can use the wallet code in the first place if it's the wrong currency. The wallet code must match your PSN account region for it to work.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I have a question for PS4 players: If I'm using a PSN code that adds 50 euros in my account, does it turn into pounds (£)? Because my PS4 uses pounds.

  • don't worry baby i'm doin the long con

    watch this

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I'm disappointed in you, my hubby. I see 28 different ways you could've gotten out of that situation. The most obvious one being that you

  • edited August 2018


    I'm not dead.

    That's right.

    He killed the wrong guy. I lost him in the crowd, but it seems that Charlie fell victim to his brutality. Yes, that Charlie. Sorry Charlie.

    So, I live another day! I have escaped!

    See you in court, Cocoa. You just admitted to homicide... of the unlawful variety. Boom.

    R.I.P. Charlie the Chicken

  • Little did you know Chicken, your "arrest" was merely a gambit to draw out the real target. That's right, Charlie was actually your Dad who traveled into the future and assumed a fake identity in hopes of preventing your would-be assassination. The sucker played right into my hands and left my henchmen with a nice feast to boot! (We're not even real cops >:D) Enjoy your stay in the soul crushing void of nonexistence Mr. Rotisserie!

    AChicken posted: »

    ATTENTION. @COCOA2736 HAS BEEN FOOLED. I'm not dead. Yeah. That's right. He killed the wrong guy. I lost him in the crowd, but it

  • If you think about it, wouldn't it take more effort not to try anything in general since you're always trying to do something no matter how small? You're trying to breathe right now and assuming you're still conscious you're succeeding, and you can't say you're not trying something new because every breath has new particles sucking into your lungs. Wouldn't it be harder to not try breathing than it would be just taking things one breath at a time? What's the point of even trying not to try if you're just doomed to try anyways ?

    Anyways drugs!

    In that case... Why does anyone want to try anything? The usual driving force behind trying something new (that I can think of

  • Aw yeah! Just got my copy of 'The Quotable Negan' with a Robert Kirkmans signature in it!

  • this is on my mind. He looks cool.

  • edited August 2018

    (GIF's working now. What would I do without you?)

    AChicken posted: »

    ATTENTION. @COCOA2736 HAS BEEN FOOLED. I'm not dead. Yeah. That's right. He killed the wrong guy. I lost him in the crowd, but it

  • edited August 2018

    Edit: You did it!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    (GIF's working now. What would I do without you?)

  • edited August 2018

    Edit: At the time of posting this Cocoa's gif was not working. I was winning...

    Well then, answer me this Mr. Cup of Cocoa: Why would he travel to the future to prevent my death, how would he know of such a thing??

    Your plan has failed, it seems. Your 'evidence' of my eternal damnation, my suffering within the void of non-existence has disappeared.
    Welcome to paradox-land, where every which way is the wrong way to go and the only way forward is nowhere.

    Nothing is everything. Everything is nothing. Life is death. Death is life. You follow?

    I don't think so.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Little did you know Chicken, your "arrest" was merely a gambit to draw out the real target. That's right, Charlie was actually your Dad who

  • edited August 2018

    Well, I'd say it depends.

    We are so used to breathing; it's an automatic, natural, subconscious, instinctual function of our body. Yes, it would be harder to not try breathing because you'll be going against your instincts, your subconscious, and your body's amazing will to live. But I don't think you can take that rule for that situation and apply it to everything else.

    My definition of "trying something new" is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, whether that be a significant thing or not, or a good thing or bad thing. Inhaling new particles into your lungs is something we do all of the time, so that isn't outside of our comfort zone, unless you've lived in a completely sterile environment your entire life.

    My definition of "trying something" is attempting to do something without the knowledge, expectation, or confidence that you'll necessarily be successful in it. By that definition, you aren't "trying to breath" because it comes naturally, unless you have respiratory difficulties.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    If you think about it, wouldn't it take more effort not to try anything in general since you're always trying to do something no matter how

  • I mean, it worked on Steam, isn't it possible in PS4 as well?

    Don't think you can use the wallet code in the first place if it's the wrong currency. The wallet code must match your PSN account region for it to work.

  • PSN and Steam work differently. There's PSN wallet codes for every region, and they only work if your region matches the wallet code.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I mean, it worked on Steam, isn't it possible in PS4 as well?

  • @AChicken, @Cocoa2736, and @Acheive250, you guys are awesome, mmkay? :D

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender fans, along with getting new comics in the near future, we'll also be getting full fledged novels. Written in consultation with series co-creator Michael Dante Dimartino, the first novel will focus on Avatar Kyoshi and is set for a July, 2019 release.

  • Anyone here from Oregon? I wanna know what it's like out there.

  • LMAO I honestly can't :D :D "Doo-dee doo-dee doo"

  • Silly goose, you're just a minor character being jerked around in my craftily woven narrative. You have no entitlement to comprehend the plot unless the narrator believes it will drive the story to where he wants it to go. Still, it's nice to see you live up to your Father's legacy: a hapless, feather-brained pawn foolishly trying to show up powerful unknowns he couldn't even begin to understand.

    You want to know the funny thing about being a sentient cup of cocoa with power over quantum mechanics? Liquid has no solid form. Freed from it's confines it can leak and spill into all the cracks and holes of reality. All it's fabrics have been thoroughly stained by my machinations. Father Time will not protect you now. The only resemblance of an existence you have now is through my will, and now I can dispose of you with ease whenever you get in my way >:D

    You're right, without the juxtaposition between the Yins and the Yangs, they're meaningless and empty. Congratulations, you were plunged into a world where all value is lost and acted like you owned the place. Nice to see you're starting to accept where you belong :wink:

    woo chickens

    AChicken posted: »

    Edit: At the time of posting this Cocoa's gif was not working. I was winning... Well then, answer me this Mr. Cup of Cocoa: Why would he

  • I'll get to your other post in a bit (mostly when I figure out if I want to take it seriously or make a fool of myself trying to justify my thoughtless shitpost lol)

    @AChicken, @Cocoa2736, and @Acheive250, you guys are awesome, mmkay?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited August 2018

    What if there's some sort of......SUPER regenerative cheeseburger out there, one that no matter how many bites you take out of it, there's STILL much more burger that has yet to be eaten?

  • Wow, they're really puttin material out, huh?

    Nice to hear.

    Avatar: The Last Airbender fans, along with getting new comics in the near future, we'll also be getting full fledged novels. Written in con

  • So like the Infinite pizza slice?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    What if there's some sort of......SUPER regenerative cheeseburger out there, one that no matter how many bites you take out of it, there's STILL much more burger that has yet to be eaten?

  • Had to look that up :D , but yeah

    DabigRG posted: »

    So like the Infinite pizza slice?

  • Awesome, though I wonder use it too many times consecutively.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Had to look that up , but yeah

  • The kinda, not-really "point" I wanted to make with my post (aside from the irony of trying too hard to push the idea that there's no point in trying) is that life brings you new things to experience all the time without having to force yourself to "try". Life is in perpetual motion, even when you feel like you're doing nothing your mind and body are doing several things, building yourself up out of your perceived inaction being one of them. You're naturally going to get yourself into new ideas, new conversations, new trauma, and etc, without going out of your way to seek them, and they are going to make you susceptive to changes in your lifestyle no matter how small. Eventually you're going to be doing something new because you don't get to decide when life throws you a curveball. There's a good part of you that isn't in control of when your future self decides to try something new either, because your future self is going to have their outlook shifted from yours since they've experienced things that you haven't, and it's going to influence their worldview in ways you sometimes would've never predicted.

    Comfort is something to be sought after, not to run from. If you're running from it then it's because you've been made uncomfortable with how comfortability has stagnated you, or you've become bored and dissatisfied with the size of your comfort zone and feel the need to expand upon it. Life has already taken you out of your comfort zone when you feel that way, in fact a lot of the times you're not actually in control of your comfort zone at all; you can never fully sever your mind and safe space from the strings of reality as long as you exist in it. The choice you have to make is how you build upon that comfort zone to ensure life can't thrust you out of it more often, and sometimes that means venturing out of it and conquering more luxuries, but that doesn't mean your comfort zone is synonymous with stagnation, and if you feel like yours is then it isn't a comfort zone at all.

    Well, I'd say it depends. We are so used to breathing; it's an automatic, natural, subconscious, instinctual function of our body. Yes, i

  • I mean, would you really trust whatever supernatural bullshit is making the cheeseburger regenerate inside your belly? Sure it could give you regeneration powers but it could also turn your skin a sickening blueish-purple hue, burn your insides and make you hear demonic chants and hymms, with one of them going "Thank you for eating at McDonald's!"

    Probably best to give it to some scientists for experimentation.

    or to just burn it lol

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    What if there's some sort of......SUPER regenerative cheeseburger out there, one that no matter how many bites you take out of it, there's STILL much more burger that has yet to be eaten?

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited August 2018

    would you really trust whatever supernatural bullshit is making the cheeseburger regenerate inside your belly

    Hmm. Let me think.... hell yeah

    Sure it could give you regeneration powers but it could also turn your skin a sickening blueish-purple hue

    that would be cool as fuck. I'd feel special, like i'm some sort of chosen one

    burn your insides

    All jokes aside, I believe i've experienced the worst kind of stomach pain possible, and this pain lasted some many hours. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me, so I don't think the internal pain this mystical burger could bring me would be any worse than what i've felt before :D

    and make you hear demonic chants and hymms

    Can't be any worse than actually going to hell after taking 3 bites of this

    Probably best to give it to some scientists for experimentation

    I'd bite off half so that both halves regenerate, and sell one to science for $1B

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I mean, would you really trust whatever supernatural bullshit is making the cheeseburger regenerate inside your belly? Sure it could give yo

  • i never did any real psychedelics and i'm curious. unless you count salvia which was a total letdown.

    Why do you want to try mushrooms?

  • no threats or anything besides some kinda warning or whatever about absences because a while back i skipped a full week and i'm still not sure why. my lack of fuck giving is immeasurable.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    so let's say you're like totally done with school but not in a graduation kinda way but in like a fuckit kinda way. would you rather get kic

  • what is going on with the chickens in this thread

  • i skipped a full week and i'm still not sure why

    How tf did you even get away with that :D ? If I tried that my aunt would've been all over me like white on rice. She couldn't hit me or anything but I'd never hear the end of it :D

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    no threats or anything besides some kinda warning or whatever about absences because a while back i skipped a full week and i'm still not sure why. my lack of fuck giving is immeasurable.

  • edited August 2018

    Hey, what do you think would happen if someone created a Telltale account with the username "notifications"? Would no one be able to view their profile?

    Click on this nonexistent username and see what I mean: @notifications

  • Dude, stay away from drugs. They may feel good now, but it's gonna cause a helluva lot of problems in your future. And you may be at that stage in life where you dont care about your future, but if you're strong, the future always comes. And trust me, something's gonna come along that's worth caring about and you're really gonna regret those mushrooms you ate all these years ago, because they're addictive, and they destroy your body. And your body is a miracle, dont waste it.

    Ultimately, its up to you, but I think the negatives outweigh the positives.

    sarahsenpai posted: »

    i never did any real psychedelics and i'm curious. unless you count salvia which was a total letdown.

  • edited August 2018

    To honor the 50th anniversary of Space Odyssey 2001, they released it in Russian theatres on a huge screen with subtitles and IMAX sound. I went to see the movie yesterday, because I always wanted to check it out and couldn't miss such an amazing chance. Kubrick is a genius. I was mesmerized for 2.5 hours straight. Constant eargasm and eyegasm. God bless everyone who came up with this idea.

  • I can’t get over this robot ?

    I never saw Charlies Angels, but I think its cool he references them

  • Honestly, the thing regenerating in your stomach alone is cause for some serious problem..

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I mean, would you really trust whatever supernatural bullshit is making the cheeseburger regenerate inside your belly? Sure it could give yo

  • The way I look at it, only the largest part of the burger regenerates.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Honestly, the thing regenerating in your stomach alone is cause for some serious problem..

  • "Probability 'P' of your favorable outcome 'F O' approaches 0"

  • It's not like she wants to try meth/crack/cocaine/heroin :D

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Dude, stay away from drugs. They may feel good now, but it's gonna cause a helluva lot of problems in your future. And you may be at that st

  • So I am thinking about pre-ordering a game a some point later on this month. But I really really really don't want to pre-order Battlefield 5 or Anthem. But I have a feeling that The Wolf Among Us Season 2 will have pre-order cause The Walking Dead Final Season had it? So why not The Wolf Among Us Season 2?

    I think if I wait and probably buy the game after reviews are done,but I could get good early access to a game if it is exciting enough.

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