not really, no. whenever my opinion on a film changes it's usually through my own notice upon rewatching said film and finding something I can love more, or less than before. for example, revenge of the sith used to be my favorite star wars film, however that opinion didn't change because outside influences told me "prequels r bad u cant liek them!!11", it changed because i rewatched it later in my life and i found it tiring, obnoxious, pretentious and barely finished. on the complete opposite side of the spectrum however, i despised spider-man 3 upon my first viewing, but rewatching it as an adult i feel it has more to say than people give it credit for, and i noticed some more details that nobody had pointed out to me before.
listen, if you hate the force awakens, more power to you. the film is full of various jumps in logic, the plot is indeed a retread of a new hope, the music can feel pandering at times and abbrams style doesn't particularly fit the star wars lore. there's more reasons than that someone could have i'm sure, but i totally get not liking it. however, i would at least ask that you form your own opinion and take some time to rewatch the film clear of any thoughts but your own. don't listen to some youtube guy tell you what to think, aron. you are way too fucking smart for that.
and it's also worth noting that mauler is NOTORIOUSLY a piece of shit, and regularly associates with borderline white supremacists like rags. most of his videos are mean spirited and dedicated to telling people what to feel or dictating what is and isn't objective. if you want a legitimate criticism of the force awakens, mauler is the last person you should be watching. instead check out the plinkett review which has a fair and unbiased look at the film while injecting comedy in for levity.
You never heard of details that can changed the movies you loved forever? When I first watched The Amazing Spider-Man movies, I cared for nothing but fan-service but when viewing them for the second time, I dislike them big time
mauler is NOTORIOUSLY a piece of shit, and regularly associates with borderline white supremacists like rags.
Ah yes, Mauler and his league of extraordinary assholes. The fact that these dinguses are earning income from their racist/sexist ass content makes me sad. Especially when someone on here links their stuff here in support of them.
not really, no. whenever my opinion on a film changes it's usually through my own notice upon rewatching said film and finding something I c… morean love more, or less than before. for example, revenge of the sith used to be my favorite star wars film, however that opinion didn't change because outside influences told me "prequels r bad u cant liek them!!11", it changed because i rewatched it later in my life and i found it tiring, obnoxious, pretentious and barely finished. on the complete opposite side of the spectrum however, i despised spider-man 3 upon my first viewing, but rewatching it as an adult i feel it has more to say than people give it credit for, and i noticed some more details that nobody had pointed out to me before.
listen, if you hate the force awakens, more power to you. the film is full of various jumps in logic, the plot is indeed a retread of a new hope, the music can feel pandering at times and abbrams style doesn't parti… [view original content]
so glad somebody else sees mauler and rags as the assholes they are. everywhere i turn i see people defending their braindead takes and endless racism.
mauler is NOTORIOUSLY a piece of shit, and regularly associates with borderline white supremacists like rags.
Ah yes, Mauler and his… more league of extraordinary assholes. The fact that these dinguses are earning income from their racist/sexist ass content makes me sad. Especially when someone on here links their stuff here in support of them.
Actually, you know what, since people wanna be mad about Star Wars, I'll bite: What is the purpose of bringing back Palpatine?
(And no, I don't mean from a meta perspective.)
... No one is asking anyone to be mad? We're just saying don't promote assholes on here.
What is the purpose of bringing back Palpatine?
They're probably drawing stuff from Legends which has had Palpatine return and pull strings in certain ways. He's definitely not alive though and I doubt he'll be in it much, he's probably a spirit as it's hinted in other forms of media (Clone Wars, comics, etc) that like the Jedi, Sith can return as spirits, however they're forced to haunt objects, places, etc, and he's just haunting what remains of the Death Star and our rag tag group of protagonists have to go there for some reason.
Actually, you know what, since people wanna be mad about Star Wars, I'll bite: What is the purpose of bringing back Palpatine?
(And no, I don't mean from a meta perspective.)
She's a fuckin' great character so I'm really excited!
You're thinking of Captain Marvel. Different things.
Ms. Marvel (if I've done my research correctly) recently ended up being Marvel Comics' first Muslim character and superhero lead. She's got shapeshifting powers and super strength, I believe.
I also read that she got her powers in the same way Captain Marvel did, but they'll probably have to change that a bit for the MCU, since that already happened. She then got her super name because she trained under Captain Marvel.
I also read that she got her powers in the same way Captain Marvel did, but they'll probably have to change that a bit for the MCU, since that already happened. She then got her super name because she trained under Captain Marvel.
Carol gets caught in an explosion that fused her with Kree DNA (like in the movie) and trains under Mar-vell, the original Captain Marvel. Long after he dies she eventually takes up the mantle of Captain.
Kamala gets her powers from Terrigenesis Mist which made her into an Inhuman. She takes up the mantle of Ms. Marvel because she's a huge fan of Carol's Captain Marvel. She never actually trains under her though.
You're thinking of Captain Marvel. Different things.
Ms. Marvel (if I've done my research correctly) recently ended up being Marvel Comic… mores' first Muslim character and superhero lead. She's got shapeshifting powers and super strength, I believe.
I also read that she got her powers in the same way Captain Marvel did, but they'll probably have to change that a bit for the MCU, since that already happened. She then got her super name because she trained under Captain Marvel.
I also read that she got her powers in the same way Captain Marvel did, but they'll probably have to change that a bit for the MCU, since th… moreat already happened. She then got her super name because she trained under Captain Marvel.
Carol gets caught in an explosion that fused her with Kree DNA (like in the movie) and trains under Mar-vell, the original Captain Marvel. Long after he dies she eventually takes up the mantle of Captain.
Kamala gets her powers from Terrigenesis Mist which made her into an Inhuman. She takes up the mantle of Ms. Marvel because she's a huge fan of Carol's Captain Marvel. She never actually trains under her though.
A lot of news websites have been talking about the leaked PS5 dev kit, and how many people are really pleased about its design, but to me it just looks so outdated and bulky.
Yeah, the V design is interesting, but the console looks too large, has too many ports at the front, and the whole shape doesn't please me. A square box with a raised vent system in the shape of a vague V.
Of course, it's just the leaked Dev Kit design, and not the final product.
You're thinking of Captain Marvel. Different things.
Ms. Marvel (if I've done my research correctly) recently ended up being Marvel Comic… mores' first Muslim character and superhero lead. She's got shapeshifting powers and super strength, I believe.
I also read that she got her powers in the same way Captain Marvel did, but they'll probably have to change that a bit for the MCU, since that already happened. She then got her super name because she trained under Captain Marvel.
for me personally, ewan mcgregor and the mandalorian show are just the icing on a very delicious cake rather than something "finally going right about star wars"
Lol there was a stall at my university giving out free waffles with insects on them (crickets, mealworms and one other thing I didn't see) with the tagline "Food of the future", but when I got there all they had left were the mealworms. I was curious so I asked for one mealworm waffle.
Honestly it wasn't bad, the raspberry jam under the worms overpowered the overall taste and it had a pretty nice crunch.
7/10 would get again if it was free. I ain't payin' money to eat worms.
Rey turning to the dark side is something that I never thought of. Her becoming the antagonist could actually be the redemption of the character. I never liked her being the hero of this whole trilogy. Now I'm rooting for Kylo Ren to win.
Rey turning to the dark side is something that I never thought of. Her becoming the antagonist could actually be the redemption of the character.
It's probably some Disney trailer trickery. Either they change the saber colouring in the final cut, or it's an out-of-context clip meant to make you think she's gone dark side.
Theories on reddit are mostly revolving around a Dagobah-style cave illusion, kind of like a "face your shadow self" battle.
Yup, I'm hyped. WOOOOO.
Rey turning to the dark side is something that I never thought of. Her becoming the antagonis… moret could actually be the redemption of the character.
It's probably some Disney trailer trickery. Either they change the saber colouring in the final cut, or it's an out-of-context clip meant to make you think she's gone dark side.
Theories on reddit are mostly revolving around a Dagobah-style cave illusion, kind of like a "face your shadow self" battle.
There's a ongoing comic called Animosity that I've been enjoying a lot. It's about what if animals suddenly gained sapience. They start thinking and talking like human beings and the series follows the ensuing fallout. There's some weird ass shit that happens but it's a pretty fun series.
If you're feelin' a little super I've been hearing a lot of good buzz with The Immortal Hulk which started a few months ago. It's been outselling DC's main Batman series which is a surprise. It's a horror comic starring the Hulk and there's some crazy stuff happening in it. There's also the Vision (2015) which came out a few years that also pretty fantastic. It's extremely unsettling and borderlines on horror. The upcoming tv series Wandavision seems to be taking inspiration from it as well.
Of course if you hadn't already, read The Walking Dead which ended recently.
There's a ongoing comic called Animosity that I've been enjoying a lot. It's about what if animals suddenly gained sapience. They start thin… moreking and talking like human beings and the series follows the ensuing fallout. There's some weird ass shit that happens but it's a pretty fun series.
If you're feelin' a little super I've been hearing a lot of good buzz with The Immortal Hulk which started a few months ago. It's been outselling DC's main Batman series which is a surprise. It's a horror comic starring the Hulk and there's some crazy stuff happening in it. There's also the Vision (2015) which came out a few years that also pretty fantastic. It's extremely unsettling and borderlines on horror. The upcoming tv series Wandavision seems to be taking inspiration from it as well.
Of course if you hadn't already, read The Walking Dead which ended recently.
Just finished Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus. I really really enjoyed this one. It’s a lot funnier than I thought it would be. Lots of jokes both big and small, though some of them do drag on a bit too long. The cast unsurprisingly do a fantastic job with their over the top performances, especially Zim. The movie looks great too, it feels like a natural evolution from the original series in terms of design. The animation was buttery smooth as well, from a couple scenes during the first few minutes of the special. Like the Rocko special, I kinda hope that they give this show another season, but I get it if they’d rather not.
Nickelodeon has been absolutely killing it with the nostalgia trip. I interested to see what other shows they could revive, I’d like to see them bring back Teenage Robot or Chalkzone (shows that are relatively timeless), but as of right now, Rugrats is up next I think.
So... "Welcome to Pandora, kiddos" Can now be used literally.
(Fortnite just collaborated with Borderlands 3, including a small 'Pandora' area on their map... I'm guessing that was probably part of their Epic Games Store deal.)
So... "Welcome to Pandora, kiddos" Can now be used literally.
(Fortnite just collaborated with Borderlands 3, including a small 'Pandora' … morearea on their map... I'm guessing that was probably part of their Epic Games Store deal.)
Lol I can see why.
The Borderlands channel video has fans that are mad because of the association with Fortnite, and the Fortnite channel's video has fans that are mad due to recent game updates. (so, business as usual)
I think the like-dislike ratio gives a good indication as to what people think about it.
EDIT: Sorry, I thought the link was to the video on the official Borderlands channel. That video has a lot of unhappy Borderlands fans.
Lol I can see why.
The Borderlands channel video has fans that are mad because of the association with Fortnite, and the Fortnite channel's video has fans that are mad due to recent game updates. (so, business as usual)
not really, no. whenever my opinion on a film changes it's usually through my own notice upon rewatching said film and finding something I can love more, or less than before. for example, revenge of the sith used to be my favorite star wars film, however that opinion didn't change because outside influences told me "prequels r bad u cant liek them!!11", it changed because i rewatched it later in my life and i found it tiring, obnoxious, pretentious and barely finished. on the complete opposite side of the spectrum however, i despised spider-man 3 upon my first viewing, but rewatching it as an adult i feel it has more to say than people give it credit for, and i noticed some more details that nobody had pointed out to me before.
listen, if you hate the force awakens, more power to you. the film is full of various jumps in logic, the plot is indeed a retread of a new hope, the music can feel pandering at times and abbrams style doesn't particularly fit the star wars lore. there's more reasons than that someone could have i'm sure, but i totally get not liking it. however, i would at least ask that you form your own opinion and take some time to rewatch the film clear of any thoughts but your own. don't listen to some youtube guy tell you what to think, aron. you are way too fucking smart for that.
and it's also worth noting that mauler is NOTORIOUSLY a piece of shit, and regularly associates with borderline white supremacists like rags. most of his videos are mean spirited and dedicated to telling people what to feel or dictating what is and isn't objective. if you want a legitimate criticism of the force awakens, mauler is the last person you should be watching. instead check out the plinkett review which has a fair and unbiased look at the film while injecting comedy in for levity.
basically just me making note on how mauler is a dickhead
Ah yes, Mauler and his league of extraordinary assholes. The fact that these dinguses are earning income from their racist/sexist ass content makes me sad. Especially when someone on here links their stuff here in support of them.
so glad somebody else sees mauler and rags as the assholes they are. everywhere i turn i see people defending their braindead takes and endless racism.
Actually, you know what, since people wanna be mad about Star Wars, I'll bite: What is the purpose of bringing back Palpatine?
(And no, I don't mean from a meta perspective.)
... No one is asking anyone to be mad? We're just saying don't promote assholes on here.
They're probably drawing stuff from Legends which has had Palpatine return and pull strings in certain ways. He's definitely not alive though and I doubt he'll be in it much, he's probably a spirit as it's hinted in other forms of media (Clone Wars, comics, etc) that like the Jedi, Sith can return as spirits, however they're forced to haunt objects, places, etc, and he's just haunting what remains of the Death Star and our rag tag group of protagonists have to go there for some reason.
Christ, I can not escape Mauler no matter what I do.
She's a fuckin' great character so I'm really excited!
Isn't she already?
You're thinking of Captain Marvel. Different things.
Ms. Marvel (if I've done my research correctly) recently ended up being Marvel Comics' first Muslim character and superhero lead. She's got shapeshifting powers and super strength, I believe.
I also read that she got her powers in the same way Captain Marvel did, but they'll probably have to change that a bit for the MCU, since that already happened. She then got her super name because she trained under Captain Marvel.
Carol gets caught in an explosion that fused her with Kree DNA (like in the movie) and trains under Mar-vell, the original Captain Marvel. Long after he dies she eventually takes up the mantle of Captain.
Kamala gets her powers from Terrigenesis Mist which made her into an Inhuman. She takes up the mantle of Ms. Marvel because she's a huge fan of Carol's Captain Marvel. She never actually trains under her though.
Ah, cool. Never mind then.
A lot of news websites have been talking about the leaked PS5 dev kit, and how many people are really pleased about its design, but to me it just looks so outdated and bulky.
Yeah, the V design is interesting, but the console looks too large, has too many ports at the front, and the whole shape doesn't please me. A square box with a raised vent system in the shape of a vague V.
Of course, it's just the leaked Dev Kit design, and not the final product.
I've really gotta watch that movie.
Breaking Bad movie, hell yeah.
I really need to get back watching the show. I finished the first season last month.
Hello There. Finally something goes right about Star Wars

for me personally, ewan mcgregor and the mandalorian show are just the icing on a very delicious cake rather than something "finally going right about star wars"
Lol there was a stall at my university giving out free waffles with insects on them (crickets, mealworms and one other thing I didn't see) with the tagline "Food of the future", but when I got there all they had left were the mealworms. I was curious so I asked for one mealworm waffle.
Honestly it wasn't bad, the raspberry jam under the worms overpowered the overall taste and it had a pretty nice crunch.
7/10 would get again if it was free. I ain't payin' money to eat worms.
Bigby looks great! Honestly I think you should apply for work in the Comic Book Industry, you are very talented!
Are there any good Comic Books out there that I should read?
Anything in particular you're interested in? Superheroes? Fantasy? Sci Fi? Or is anything fine?
Got me them big chills running down my spinal cord!
Why is this getting me excited? I hated TLJ.
Rey turning to the dark side is something that I never thought of. Her becoming the antagonist could actually be the redemption of the character. I never liked her being the hero of this whole trilogy. Now I'm rooting for Kylo Ren to win.
Anything at all mate
Yup, I'm hyped. WOOOOO.
It's probably some Disney trailer trickery. Either they change the saber colouring in the final cut, or it's an out-of-context clip meant to make you think she's gone dark side.
Theories on reddit are mostly revolving around a Dagobah-style cave illusion, kind of like a "face your shadow self" battle.
I was honestly not sure what this was at first.
Looks sorta coolish, but don't know how to feel about it.
Yeah, I shouldn't fall for this. I remember being fooled by The Last Jedi trailers and hype.
There's a ongoing comic called Animosity that I've been enjoying a lot. It's about what if animals suddenly gained sapience. They start thinking and talking like human beings and the series follows the ensuing fallout. There's some weird ass shit that happens but it's a pretty fun series.
If you're feelin' a little super I've been hearing a lot of good buzz with The Immortal Hulk which started a few months ago. It's been outselling DC's main Batman series which is a surprise. It's a horror comic starring the Hulk and there's some crazy stuff happening in it. There's also the Vision (2015) which came out a few years that also pretty fantastic. It's extremely unsettling and borderlines on horror. The upcoming tv series Wandavision seems to be taking inspiration from it as well.
Of course if you hadn't already, read The Walking Dead which ended recently.
They all sound good, I'll figure out a time to start reading those, thank you
Just finished Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus. I really really enjoyed this one. It’s a lot funnier than I thought it would be. Lots of jokes both big and small, though some of them do drag on a bit too long. The cast unsurprisingly do a fantastic job with their over the top performances, especially Zim. The movie looks great too, it feels like a natural evolution from the original series in terms of design. The animation was buttery smooth as well, from a couple scenes during the first few minutes of the special. Like the Rocko special, I kinda hope that they give this show another season, but I get it if they’d rather not.
Nickelodeon has been absolutely killing it with the nostalgia trip. I interested to see what other shows they could revive, I’d like to see them bring back Teenage Robot or Chalkzone (shows that are relatively timeless), but as of right now, Rugrats is up next I think.
Anyone notice how the comment box in the Walking Dead section has disappeared?
I did. That's strange
So... "Welcome to Pandora, kiddos" Can now be used literally.
(Fortnite just collaborated with Borderlands 3, including a small 'Pandora' area on their map... I'm guessing that was probably part of their Epic Games Store deal.)
So anyone know why only The Walking Dead section is all fucked up?
no clue.
even the 'Community' section seems fucked up too. There's no other tabs on the upper bar than just 'community'.
@AChicken @Poogers555 The only way around it was if you had Drafts in a thread you could open it through. If not, outta luck.
I think the like-dislike ratio gives a good indication as to what people think about it.
EDIT: Sorry, I thought the link was to the video on the official Borderlands channel. That video has a lot of unhappy Borderlands fans.
Lol I can see why.
The Borderlands channel video has fans that are mad because of the association with Fortnite, and the Fortnite channel's video has fans that are mad due to recent game updates. (so, business as usual)
It also reminds them that BL3 is an Epic exclusive for 6 months.