I've been drawing for months and I only just realise that the software I use has a pen stabiliser that'll help me get smoother lines instead of me redrawing one line 20 times until it looks almost smooth.
Goddammit. So much time wasted redrawing lines and curves over and over again.
I've been drawing for months and I only just realise that the software I use has a pen stabiliser that'll help me get smoother lines instead… more of me redrawing one line 20 times until it looks almost smooth.
Goddammit. So much time wasted redrawing lines and curves over and over again.
You might even become a better artist if you have experience doing things without the computer assist. You have more flexibility when you know how to do things in different ways.
I've been drawing for months and I only just realise that the software I use has a pen stabiliser that'll help me get smoother lines instead… more of me redrawing one line 20 times until it looks almost smooth.
Goddammit. So much time wasted redrawing lines and curves over and over again.
You might even become a better artist if you have experience doing things without the computer assist. You have more flexibility when you know how to do things in different ways.
Now that i finished some Batman Arkham games i see that Telltale have picked up decent ammount of similarities from those games. I wish that they thinked of something new and original but they did for some parts like Vickie Vale. Just a thought i had, i still very much like telltale batman games.
Well, I just ordered a blu-ray copy of Spectacular Spider-Man. It should supposedly arrive later this week.
I don't think I ever finished watching the first season, so that should be fun. (The... ahem... service I watched the show on suddenly stopped working).
RIP. Twelve Forever has been cancelled as announced by a crew member of the show instead of Netflix who refuses to acknowledge its existence. Shame since I really enjoyed the the season and would have liked to see it continue and finish up the remaining plot threads but I get why it was cancelled (animation studio shut down before its release, creator is insane, zero advertising equating to low viewership numbers, etc).
As a recap: Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford originally said that he was told by the audio director that Troy had refused to return as Rhys. Troy has, on 2 occasions, seemingly called Gearbox and Randy out. At a panel, he voiced his feelings about recasting characters, saying that they shouldn't do it willy-nilly because it's a disservice to the fans and those characters. During a different interview, he said Randy's account is a lie, that he always wanted to come back and that he never turned it down.
In this recent interview, Troy says that, due to him being a part of the VA's union and Gearbox choosing to work with non-union VA's, Troy and Gearbox couldn't make it work.
“So they came to me, and they were like, ‘Do you want to do this?’,” Baker explained. “Which I said, ‘Absolutely.’ And then they made it impossible for me to do the role. It had nothing to do with money, it had nothing to do with money. They just simply would not go about doing it the way that we needed it to be done. So then it was like, I never said no.”
“No, it was simply a matter of they wouldn’t go union,” he replied. “And I can’t do a non-union gig. And without getting too deep into the weeds of that, we had long conversations about this. We always knew going into it, that this was going to be the thing. They were going to take these characters, and put them from the Tales from the Borderlands series from Telltale, into Borderlands proper. I’ve been waiting for this call. They were like, ‘Do you want to do this?’ And I said, ‘Yes’. They never, because they would never move from that position. I’m not mad. It’s invariably a completely different character, but it still stings.”
Gearbox's supposed unwillingness to work with union VA's is what kept Troy from coming back as Rhys; despite his insistence that he would love to return, Gearbox seemingly went out of their way to try and stop it. However, they got Ashly Burch to return as Tina, who is also a part of the union (she famously didn't play Chloe in LiS: Before the Storm because of a strike). I'm telling you, this just gets more confusing as time goes on. It honestly seems like both sides are lying, or at least not telling the full truth. Randy said Troy turned it down, but that doesn't seem to be the case as Troy voiced his desire to return, but Troy argues it wasn't union so he couldn't do it while other union actors/actresses did. If he wasn't actually under any sort of contractual obligation by the union to not accept a role like this, than in a way, he did actually turn the job down and Randy is somewhat vindicated.
Randy was always a fucking asshole. Every word he says is a lie. How can someone take him seriously when he refuses to admit the criticism of Aliens Colonial Marines?
I know it seems like beating a dead horse, but Troy Baker recently sat down for an interview where he was asked about Rhys and Borderlands 3… more.
“They wouldn’t go union” – Troy Baker on why Gearbox didn’t use him for Rhys in Borderlands 3
As a recap: Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford originally said that he was told by the audio director that Troy had refused to return as Rhys. Troy has, on 2 occasions, seemingly called Gearbox and Randy out. At a panel, he voiced his feelings about recasting characters, saying that they shouldn't do it willy-nilly because it's a disservice to the fans and those characters. During a different interview, he said Randy's account is a lie, that he always wanted to come back and that he never turned it down.
In this recent interview, Troy says that, due to him being a part of the VA's union and Gearbox choosing to work with non-union VA's, Troy and Gearbox couldn't make it work.
“So they came to me, and the… [view original content]
I dont think Troy is lying. Gearbox probably has contracts with these people before they joined unions back almost 10 years ago now and it works as a loop hole if those actors are now in a union. Troy however was hired by Telltale, not Gearbox, meaning he never had a Gearbox contract, so if they wanted Troy, Gearbox would have to actually go by the unions rules to get him.
I know it seems like beating a dead horse, but Troy Baker recently sat down for an interview where he was asked about Rhys and Borderlands 3… more.
“They wouldn’t go union” – Troy Baker on why Gearbox didn’t use him for Rhys in Borderlands 3
As a recap: Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford originally said that he was told by the audio director that Troy had refused to return as Rhys. Troy has, on 2 occasions, seemingly called Gearbox and Randy out. At a panel, he voiced his feelings about recasting characters, saying that they shouldn't do it willy-nilly because it's a disservice to the fans and those characters. During a different interview, he said Randy's account is a lie, that he always wanted to come back and that he never turned it down.
In this recent interview, Troy says that, due to him being a part of the VA's union and Gearbox choosing to work with non-union VA's, Troy and Gearbox couldn't make it work.
“So they came to me, and the… [view original content]
I know it seems like beating a dead horse, but Troy Baker recently sat down for an interview where he was asked about Rhys and Borderlands 3… more.
“They wouldn’t go union” – Troy Baker on why Gearbox didn’t use him for Rhys in Borderlands 3
As a recap: Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford originally said that he was told by the audio director that Troy had refused to return as Rhys. Troy has, on 2 occasions, seemingly called Gearbox and Randy out. At a panel, he voiced his feelings about recasting characters, saying that they shouldn't do it willy-nilly because it's a disservice to the fans and those characters. During a different interview, he said Randy's account is a lie, that he always wanted to come back and that he never turned it down.
In this recent interview, Troy says that, due to him being a part of the VA's union and Gearbox choosing to work with non-union VA's, Troy and Gearbox couldn't make it work.
“So they came to me, and the… [view original content]
I have no knowledge of who is a member of the union and who is a "scab." I just know Ashly is a member because of the whole Before the Storm fiasco. You might be right, which again, makes this all the more strange.
I get that Troy's contract was with Telltale, and he figured those characters would be implemented and used by Gearbox in future games, Troy himself acknowledged that. However, I'm still questioning certain aspects of both accounts. You might be right. Tina was Ashly Burch's first major voice role so she probably wasn't in any union when she first played Tina in BL2 back in 2012, but that only extends for the original length of the contract I'd imagine. Once that expires and a new one has to be negotiated (which I'm sure one has as 7 years have passed since then), Gearbox would have had to agreed to the union's terms in order to get her back. Unless we know the extent of Ashly's original contract, and maybe it does extend beyond BL2 for various sequels and DLC, we're sort of in the dark. And if @Ghetsis is right that Ray Chase is also a union voice actor, how were they able to get him? He's never done any work for Borderlands or Gearbox to my knowledge before this.
EDIT: I just checked, not only is Ray Chase a member of the union, so is ProZD (SungWon Cho), the voice actor for FL4K. So you have Ray Chase (who was apparently very vocal in arguing for unionization for voice actors, from what I've heard), Ashly Burch, and ProZD as union members all in Borderlands 3, but Troy Baker couldn't join because of the union. Right now, both of these stories stink and both seem quite guilty.
I dont think Troy is lying. Gearbox probably has contracts with these people before they joined unions back almost 10 years ago now and it w… moreorks as a loop hole if those actors are now in a union. Troy however was hired by Telltale, not Gearbox, meaning he never had a Gearbox contract, so if they wanted Troy, Gearbox would have to actually go by the unions rules to get him.
Why do people like Rockstar? Honestly I'm not a fan of their work anymore with all these updates to online and not offline with no singleplayer DLC. Screw you Rockstar. Also as a person who mods on GTA, it seems Take-Two and Rockstar are against it like there's no tomorrow. Honestly I think CD Project Red is more consumer friendly at this point, and even they support modding. Also I think even if Rockstar wasn't owned by Take-Two, they would still use greedy practices. And the stupid 10-100$ micro-transactions is so stupid why put in multiplayer game that costs 60$? And not to mention the stupid new Rockstar launcher they added. (Sorry about this rant but Rockstar and Take-Two are upsetting me)
ProZD too. Man, this is confusing. Ray Chase is Troy's replacement. Tbh I'm not all that clear on the jobs union actors are allowed to do and not allowed to do.
I have no knowledge of who is a member of the union and who is a "scab." I just know Ashly is a member because of the whole Before the Storm… more fiasco. You might be right, which again, makes this all the more strange.
EDIT: Ray Chase is in fact a part of the union.
I don't have much knowledge on the subject either, but from what I know:
Certain jobs looks for Union Actors, some look for Non-union.
Joining a Union is great in that it opens up new opportunities, (and gives you more financial assistance and what not) but it prevents you from taking non-union jobs.
(though I think Union-ers can still take some non-U jobs, but it requires a lot of negotiation and paperwork with the union and production company itself.)
Ray Chase is in fact a part of the union.
ProZD too. Man, this is confusing. Ray Chase is Troy's replacement. Tbh I'm not all that clear on the jobs union actors are allowed to do and not allowed to do.
I totally agree with you. Even though I loved RDR2, there are some things that makes me not want replay it ever again like:
Lack of fast travel. As much as I enjoy the environment of the map and some random events, it can get old pretty fast and all I want after the first playthrough is to just replay the main storyline only. I know there is some sort of fast travel, but guess what? Those train stations that consider themselves as "fast travel" can kiss my ass due to being like only 6 of them from what I remember. Even Spider-Man PS4 had a better way to travel towards a certain location if you get a little bit bored of swinging.
Horses. Those are probably some of the worst designed horse riding controls because I always happen to run into something that can launch me from my horse no matter how good you are at the game. Last time I checked, I don't think I remember being thrown from horses multiple times while playing RDR1. Horses letting themselves get hurt or slip is NOT realistic. Another way to ruin the environment of the game.
The main storyline is too long. There is nothing wrong with making the length big as long as you have enough story to tell but there are a lot of moments that didn't need to be there because they don't really affect the storyline. Best example is Chapter 5. As much as I love the Guarma section, it didn't really justify itself to exist because of the pacing.
No story DLC. Rockstar seems they don't care about single player games anymore, even if they say they do. They did announce updates on GTA 5 single player like a new storyline which never happened and probably won't be interested in RDR2 as well.
Multiplayer trophies in the main trophy list. How am I supposed to platinum this game if you're gonna force me to play your shitty multiplayer? Only 0.1% percent managed to do that and not everyone is going to have the same patience as them.
Rockstar hasn't been the same since they released GTA 5. Last time I checked, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the first and ONLY game of the 8th generation they have made. All they do now is support the online because it's their best way to make so much cash. All I want from them now is Bully 2. I don't really get why people want GTA 6, GTA 5 had such terrible storyline with boring characters, it was repetitive as shit and seeing how much they support the Online mode more than the story mode, I doubt they would be interested to make a story just as good as GTA 4 which I think had the best narrative in the franchise.
Why do people like Rockstar? Honestly I'm not a fan of their work anymore with all these updates to online and not offline with no singlepla… moreyer DLC. Screw you Rockstar. Also as a person who mods on GTA, it seems Take-Two and Rockstar are against it like there's no tomorrow. Honestly I think CD Project Red is more consumer friendly at this point, and even they support modding. Also I think even if Rockstar wasn't owned by Take-Two, they would still use greedy practices. And the stupid 10-100$ micro-transactions is so stupid why put in multiplayer game that costs 60$? And not to mention the stupid new Rockstar launcher they added. (Sorry about this rant but Rockstar and Take-Two are upsetting me)
Hey! I'm searching for a good channel name on Youtube. It's a channel about fan-trailers and movie edits. It's quite hard to come up with a name that has never been used before, but here are all the ideas I currently have:
Sparkling Studios
Fortune Studios
Immersive Studios
Immense Studios
M. P. Studio
It would be awesome if you guys could comment on this list. Which ones do you like the most? And of course if you have new ideas, feel free to share it with me! Thank you
hey gamers i'm trying to get a big group together to play halo 2. if you have a mediocre to solid computer, winrar, discord and an okay internet connection and you wanna play halo 2 with a bunch of bitch babies then dm me
So Gearbox put out a PR statement regarding Troy Baker with them continuing their claim that he declined to return and for some reason they think that they're the reason Troy Baker is famous?
To add onto this whole fiasco, SAG-AFTRA, the voice actors union, issued their own statement. According to them, members of the union are discouraged, or even prohibited, from participating in any roles that do not adhere to union standards in order to "remain in solidarity with their union members." Gearbox refused to engage in any talks with them.
We applaud any member who stands up for workplace fairness and the integrity of their creative work. It is a courageous decision to act in the best interests of one’s fellow SAG-AFTRA members and this honors all working people.
The misguided decision by Gearbox to deny their performers the opportunity to have fair union wages, a safe workplace and the possibility of health care coverage for their families, is unfortunate.
We attempted to sign Gearbox to a union agreement. They refused and disengaged from those talks.
We look forward to hearing from any Gearbox performer who is interested in the many protections a union agreement offers actors.”
But now going back to my previous point, both Ray Chase and Ashly Burch are prominent members of the union, how were they able to work on this game but Troy couldn't? SAG-AFTRA also responded to that as well, while also responding to Gearbox's previous statement as provided by @lupinb0y.
If indeed Gearbox meets or exceeds our contract standards in their treatment of performers, which we highly doubt, it would have cost them nothing to sign the union’s agreement and retain the original cast of their game. While SAG-AFTRA does not comment on member discipline matters, we observe that SAG-AFTRA members who work for certain non-union employers not only deprive themselves of the benefits of a union agreement, they lower the standards for all their peers and facilitate the abuse and exploitation of performers.
Basically, in protecting Troy Baker, they threw Ashly and Ray under the bus and indirectly said they are in the wrong for agreeing to work with Gearbox/Borderlands 3 because they fucked over the rest of the union members.
So here's what I'm able to gather: Gearbox did reach out to Troy Baker to reprise his role as Rhys, Troy expressed high enthusiasm at this and wanted to, but would only do so if Gearbox chose to meet the union's standards for voice work. Gearbox chose not to because Randy is a cheap asshole, and Troy, choosing to remain in solidarity with other union members, turned down the part without verbally saying it. Gearbox then decided to reach out to other actors, union or non-union, who would be interested in the part, enter Ray Chase, who, despite being a member of the union, chose to take the role anyway even though he knew it would land him in hot water with SAG-AFTRA (same could be said for Ashly Burch for Tina).
Troy certainly comes out of this looking better and makes him a hero among his other union members and others who support unionization/worker's rights, but he still kind of/sort of turned down the part, even if he says he didn't.
To add onto this whole fiasco, SAG-AFTRA, the voice actors union, issued their own statement. According to them, members of the union are di… morescouraged, or even prohibited, from participating in any roles that do not adhere to union standards in order to "remain in solidarity with their union members." Gearbox refused to engage in any talks with them.
We applaud any member who stands up for workplace fairness and the integrity of their creative work. It is a courageous decision to act in the best interests of one’s fellow SAG-AFTRA members and this honors all working people.
The misguided decision by Gearbox to deny their performers the opportunity to have fair union wages, a safe workplace and the possibility of health care coverage for their families, is unfortunate.
We attempted to sign Gearbox to a union agreement. They refused and disengaged from those talks.
We look forward to hearing from any Gearbox performer who is inter… [view original content]
I feel like the Union as a middle man is kinda what happened. Troy's original story was they got in contact with him and never heard from them after they said they wanted him back. After BL3 was revealed with Rhys he tweeted a ton asking to be involved, so he clearly didnt know negotiations fell through. He may have said "Yes I will do it" gave them details like the union, they went to the Union, the boy Randy wanted an extra 12 million to steal from his employees later and skipped out agreeing with them, so they just never got in contact with Troy again after talking to the Union because they didnt want to have any part with it.
Then enter Ray and Ashley, who Gearbox probably went straight up to them and didnt talk to the union in anyway or even if asked. (I mean cmon, if it was true they would love to work with Troy again saying the offer still stands, and seeing Troy constantly talking about wanting to reprise the role, and Troy was their original choice, they'd have recasted Ray Chase in protest. But they didnt. It seems pretty clear Gearbox made the choice and changed their mind and dont want to admit its over money. They didnt "deny" Troy the role because he is in the Union, they just decided to go for someone they could get and avoid the union because its cheaper and easier for them.)
To add onto this whole fiasco, SAG-AFTRA, the voice actors union, issued their own statement. According to them, members of the union are di… morescouraged, or even prohibited, from participating in any roles that do not adhere to union standards in order to "remain in solidarity with their union members." Gearbox refused to engage in any talks with them.
We applaud any member who stands up for workplace fairness and the integrity of their creative work. It is a courageous decision to act in the best interests of one’s fellow SAG-AFTRA members and this honors all working people.
The misguided decision by Gearbox to deny their performers the opportunity to have fair union wages, a safe workplace and the possibility of health care coverage for their families, is unfortunate.
We attempted to sign Gearbox to a union agreement. They refused and disengaged from those talks.
We look forward to hearing from any Gearbox performer who is inter… [view original content]
Lack of fast travel. As much as I enjoy the environment of the map and some random events, it can get old pretty fast and all I want after the first playthrough is to just replay the main storyline only. I know there is some sort of fast travel, but guess what? Those train stations that consider themselves as "fast travel" can kiss my ass due to being like only 6 of them from what I remember. Even Spider-Man PS4 had a better way to travel towards a certain location if you get a little bit bored of swinging.
Horses. Those are probably some of the worst designed horse riding controls because I always happen to run into something that can launch me from my horse no matter how good you are at the game. Last time I checked, I don't think I remember being thrown from horses multiple times while playing RDR1. Horses letting themselves get hurt or slip is NOT realistic. Another way to ruin the environment of the game.
I hated how you have to keep tapping buttons just to make your character or horse go faster. But imo Witcher 3's horse mechanics were better and easier. Plus you could call your horse from anywhere you want.
No story DLC. Rockstar seems they don't care about single player games anymore, even if they say they do. They did announce updates on GTA 5 single player like a new storyline which never happened and probably won't be interested in RDR2 as well.
They cancelled GTA V DLC because of the online mode unfortunately. As for RDR2 I actually saw this video recently about no dlc for RDR2. This guy thought GTA V sucked (he played all the GTAs from GTA 2)
Rockstar hasn't been the same since they released GTA 5. Last time I checked, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the first and ONLY game of the 8th generation they have made. All they do now is support the online because it's their best way to make so much cash. All I want from them now is Bully 2. I don't really get why people want GTA 6, GTA 5 had such terrible storyline with boring characters, it was repetitive as shit and seeing how much they support the Online mode more than the story mode, I doubt they would be interested to make a story just as good as GTA 4 which I think had the best narrative in the franchise.
I wouldn't be surprised if Bully 2 was a downgrade from Bully 1.
I totally agree with you. Even though I loved RDR2, there are some things that makes me not want replay it ever again like:
* Lack of f… moreast travel. As much as I enjoy the environment of the map and some random events, it can get old pretty fast and all I want after the first playthrough is to just replay the main storyline only. I know there is some sort of fast travel, but guess what? Those train stations that consider themselves as "fast travel" can kiss my ass due to being like only 6 of them from what I remember. Even Spider-Man PS4 had a better way to travel towards a certain location if you get a little bit bored of swinging.
* Horses. Those are probably some of the worst designed horse riding controls because I always happen to run into something that can launch me from my horse no matter how good you are at the game. Last time I checked, I don't think I remember being thrown from horses multiple times while playing RDR1. Horses l… [view original content]
Nah R* are one of the last good gaming companies out there, they games are always huge.
Fast travel
I get why people don’t like how there’s is no fast travel, but I personally like it that way because I get into exploration and diverge from the main path easily, I could ride from Roanoke to Gaptooth without getting bored.
These are the best horse riding mechanics in any game period. Sure they’re not refined, but if you’ve played red dead 1 you’d know it’s a huge improvement. It does get annoying the way your controls mess up in tight areas, but I like watching my guy go flying off of the thing so it’s sort of a win for me. There is a strategy to do it, and it’s sort of like riding a car irl, take your hand off of the x around trees and then hold it when you have your bearings, when you get the hang of it you’ll never crash for a good long while.
the main storyline is too long
Idk what’s wrong with that, I personally liked that because longer campaign=more time to develop characters, however that’s subjective so each to their own.
No story dlc
Yeah, I’m with you there. In the latest interviewer the guy said there are no plans yet, though that doesn’t mean we won’t get dlc, which probably means we definitely won’t be getting any, which really sucks. I’d love an undead nightmare 2 or red dead 1 remake. Mexico’s textures were updated a few months ago, however, seemingly out of the blue, so there’s that glimmer of hope that it’s just R* being their secretive old selves to surprise us.
Multiplayer trophies
Also subjective, but the multiplayer has gotten a lot better since launch, and is more or less a fully functioning online experience now. The frontier pursuits update sure did a treat for online, plus the multiplayer trophies aren’t too hard, I’m one trophy away from plat and it’s ‘concurrently own 5 unique horses’ which is where I’m stumped because I only ever use the one, with the rare free horse R* gifted me.
All that said red dead 2 is my favourite game of all time, and each R* game I’ve ever played are at least in my top 15 games of all time list, and when you look at other companies out there R* are among the greats, especially when compared to EA and Activision, and maybe even Bethesda if they manage to keep up their current pace.
I totally agree with you. Even though I loved RDR2, there are some things that makes me not want replay it ever again like:
* Lack of f… moreast travel. As much as I enjoy the environment of the map and some random events, it can get old pretty fast and all I want after the first playthrough is to just replay the main storyline only. I know there is some sort of fast travel, but guess what? Those train stations that consider themselves as "fast travel" can kiss my ass due to being like only 6 of them from what I remember. Even Spider-Man PS4 had a better way to travel towards a certain location if you get a little bit bored of swinging.
* Horses. Those are probably some of the worst designed horse riding controls because I always happen to run into something that can launch me from my horse no matter how good you are at the game. Last time I checked, I don't think I remember being thrown from horses multiple times while playing RDR1. Horses l… [view original content]
So recently I watched the Steven Universe movie and I ended up liking it quite a bit. There's a ton of fun songs and the animation is exceptionally good, especially for a tv movie. The plot itself is fairly straight forward but the characters more then make up for it, specifically the antagonist, Spinel who is by far the most well written character in the whole thing with a surprisingly tragic backstory backed up by a fantastic performance from her voice actress Sarah Stiles. She had two solo songs in the film and they were easily my favourite out of the 38 in the movie (not that the others were bad or anything, these two just stuck out to me in particular). She's just a really fun character overall and I really like her playful rubberhose animation design.
Unfortunately the ending does feel rushed/convenient and it pretty much goes where most people expected it to go, though in this case I'd say it's a bit more forgivable. The plotline of having Steven try and recover the memories of the other characters isn't super interesting but it does lead to some great interactions and songs.
Like I said I thought it was really enjoyable. If you're a fan of the series, yeah go ahead and watch it, even if you're not familiar with the show but like musicals I'd say still give it a go even if you don't want to watch 5 seasons of a tv show (it pretty much recaps everything anyway), you'll probably end up tapping your feet to the music more than a couple times.
After his death at the hands of Kylo Ren during the Attack on the Resistance fleet, Rey used it to escape from the First Order's flagship the Supremacy, then later abandoned it in space among the shattered ruins of the First Order's fleet.
Gearbox probably has contracts with these people before they joined unions back almost 10 years ago now and it works as a loophole if those actors are now in a union. Troy however was hired by Telltale, not Gearbox, meaning he never had a Gearbox contract.
I didn't even know this was a thing until now.
And I was completely justified for almost no one here acknowledging it because it does the same mistakes as the first film, if not even worse. Are they even trying? Because just like the first film, this movie rips off Aliens (1986) instead of adapting the source material from the games. No wonder it's a Direct to DVD film.
I dont know how it works for whatever deal they were doing but Im sure its possible some peoples contracts had "You have to return for whenever we make another" type of thing, like how actors get contracts that they need to appear in a certain number of movies made by this studio.
Gearbox probably has contracts with these people before they joined unions back almost 10 years ago now and it works as a loophole if those … moreactors are now in a union. Troy however was hired by Telltale, not Gearbox, meaning he never had a Gearbox contract.
Gearbox probably has contracts with these people before they joined unions back almost 10 years ago
So, they may have contracts with people who forgot they signed those contracts back 10 years ago?
Gearbox seems a little scummy here.
Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC will also be available to pre-order at the Epic Games store, Greenman Gaming, the Humble Store, GameStop and additional digital retailers starting October 23rd with a pre-order bonus of 25 Gold Bars for Red Dead Online.
It will also be released on Steam, albeit a month later.
Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC will also be available to purchase on Steam this December.
October is usually my month to do a bunch of reviews for my blog. The previous two years were pretty terrible for me so I didn't do anything, but it's better this year so I decided to start up the tradition again:
I've been drawing for months and I only just realise that the software I use has a pen stabiliser that'll help me get smoother lines instead of me redrawing one line 20 times until it looks almost smooth.
Goddammit. So much time wasted redrawing lines and curves over and over again.
Similar things (doing a job that hard way, only to discover a much easier) have happened to me. Sometimes you just want to scream into the heavens.
You might even become a better artist if you have experience doing things without the computer assist. You have more flexibility when you know how to do things in different ways.
Yeah I get what you mean but I'm still pretty shit so I'd rather let the computer help me with the one thing
Plus it makes things a bit less frustrating.
Now that i finished some Batman Arkham games i see that Telltale have picked up decent ammount of similarities from those games. I wish that they thinked of something new and original but they did for some parts like Vickie Vale. Just a thought i had, i still very much like telltale batman games.
Well, I just ordered a blu-ray copy of Spectacular Spider-Man. It should supposedly arrive later this week.
I don't think I ever finished watching the first season, so that should be fun. (The... ahem... service I watched the show on suddenly stopped working).
RIP. Twelve Forever has been cancelled as announced by a crew member of the show instead of Netflix who refuses to acknowledge its existence. Shame since I really enjoyed the the season and would have liked to see it continue and finish up the remaining plot threads but I get why it was cancelled (animation studio shut down before its release, creator is insane, zero advertising equating to low viewership numbers, etc).
I know it seems like beating a dead horse, but Troy Baker recently sat down for an interview where he was asked about Rhys and Borderlands 3.
“They wouldn’t go union” – Troy Baker on why Gearbox didn’t use him for Rhys in Borderlands 3
As a recap: Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford originally said that he was told by the audio director that Troy had refused to return as Rhys. Troy has, on 2 occasions, seemingly called Gearbox and Randy out. At a panel, he voiced his feelings about recasting characters, saying that they shouldn't do it willy-nilly because it's a disservice to the fans and those characters. During a different interview, he said Randy's account is a lie, that he always wanted to come back and that he never turned it down.
In this recent interview, Troy says that, due to him being a part of the VA's union and Gearbox choosing to work with non-union VA's, Troy and Gearbox couldn't make it work.
Gearbox's supposed unwillingness to work with union VA's is what kept Troy from coming back as Rhys; despite his insistence that he would love to return, Gearbox seemingly went out of their way to try and stop it. However, they got Ashly Burch to return as Tina, who is also a part of the union (she famously didn't play Chloe in LiS: Before the Storm because of a strike). I'm telling you, this just gets more confusing as time goes on. It honestly seems like both sides are lying, or at least not telling the full truth. Randy said Troy turned it down, but that doesn't seem to be the case as Troy voiced his desire to return, but Troy argues it wasn't union so he couldn't do it while other union actors/actresses did. If he wasn't actually under any sort of contractual obligation by the union to not accept a role like this, than in a way, he did actually turn the job down and Randy is somewhat vindicated.
Randy was always a fucking asshole. Every word he says is a lie. How can someone take him seriously when he refuses to admit the criticism of Aliens Colonial Marines?
I dont think Troy is lying. Gearbox probably has contracts with these people before they joined unions back almost 10 years ago now and it works as a loop hole if those actors are now in a union. Troy however was hired by Telltale, not Gearbox, meaning he never had a Gearbox contract, so if they wanted Troy, Gearbox would have to actually go by the unions rules to get him.
I thought Ray Chase was part of union too? Am I wrong?
I have no knowledge of who is a member of the union and who is a "scab." I just know Ashly is a member because of the whole Before the Storm fiasco. You might be right, which again, makes this all the more strange.
EDIT: Ray Chase is in fact a part of the union.
I get that Troy's contract was with Telltale, and he figured those characters would be implemented and used by Gearbox in future games, Troy himself acknowledged that. However, I'm still questioning certain aspects of both accounts. You might be right. Tina was Ashly Burch's first major voice role so she probably wasn't in any union when she first played Tina in BL2 back in 2012, but that only extends for the original length of the contract I'd imagine. Once that expires and a new one has to be negotiated (which I'm sure one has as 7 years have passed since then), Gearbox would have had to agreed to the union's terms in order to get her back. Unless we know the extent of Ashly's original contract, and maybe it does extend beyond BL2 for various sequels and DLC, we're sort of in the dark. And if @Ghetsis is right that Ray Chase is also a union voice actor, how were they able to get him? He's never done any work for Borderlands or Gearbox to my knowledge before this.
EDIT: I just checked, not only is Ray Chase a member of the union, so is ProZD (SungWon Cho), the voice actor for FL4K. So you have Ray Chase (who was apparently very vocal in arguing for unionization for voice actors, from what I've heard), Ashly Burch, and ProZD as union members all in Borderlands 3, but Troy Baker couldn't join because of the union. Right now, both of these stories stink and both seem quite guilty.
Why do people like Rockstar? Honestly I'm not a fan of their work anymore with all these updates to online and not offline with no singleplayer DLC. Screw you Rockstar. Also as a person who mods on GTA, it seems Take-Two and Rockstar are against it like there's no tomorrow. Honestly I think CD Project Red is more consumer friendly at this point, and even they support modding. Also I think even if Rockstar wasn't owned by Take-Two, they would still use greedy practices. And the stupid 10-100$ micro-transactions is so stupid why put in multiplayer game that costs 60$? And not to mention the stupid new Rockstar launcher they added. (Sorry about this rant but Rockstar and Take-Two are upsetting me)
ProZD too. Man, this is confusing. Ray Chase is Troy's replacement. Tbh I'm not all that clear on the jobs union actors are allowed to do and not allowed to do.
I don't have much knowledge on the subject either, but from what I know:
Certain jobs looks for Union Actors, some look for Non-union.
Joining a Union is great in that it opens up new opportunities, (and gives you more financial assistance and what not) but it prevents you from taking non-union jobs.
(though I think Union-ers can still take some non-U jobs, but it requires a lot of negotiation and paperwork with the union and production company itself.)
I totally agree with you. Even though I loved RDR2, there are some things that makes me not want replay it ever again like:
Rockstar hasn't been the same since they released GTA 5. Last time I checked, Red Dead Redemption 2 is the first and ONLY game of the 8th generation they have made. All they do now is support the online because it's their best way to make so much cash. All I want from them now is Bully 2. I don't really get why people want GTA 6, GTA 5 had such terrible storyline with boring characters, it was repetitive as shit and seeing how much they support the Online mode more than the story mode, I doubt they would be interested to make a story just as good as GTA 4 which I think had the best narrative in the franchise.
Hey! I'm searching for a good channel name on Youtube. It's a channel about fan-trailers and movie edits. It's quite hard to come up with a name that has never been used before, but here are all the ideas I currently have:
Sparkling Studios
Fortune Studios
Immersive Studios
Immense Studios
M. P. Studio
M.P. Trailers
Pure Trailers
Sparkling Trailers
Inspiring Trailers
Energetic Trailers
Fortune Trailers
Wild Trailers
Immense Trailers
It would be awesome if you guys could comment on this list. Which ones do you like the most? And of course if you have new ideas, feel free to share it with me! Thank you
I almost got run over on a pedestrian crossing and I can't even convince myself that I got lucky to escape that shit. This is how I would describe it:

hey gamers i'm trying to get a big group together to play halo 2. if you have a mediocre to solid computer, winrar, discord and an okay internet connection and you wanna play halo 2 with a bunch of bitch babies then dm me
So Gearbox put out a PR statement regarding Troy Baker with them continuing their claim that he declined to return and for some reason they think that they're the reason Troy Baker is famous?
To add onto this whole fiasco, SAG-AFTRA, the voice actors union, issued their own statement. According to them, members of the union are discouraged, or even prohibited, from participating in any roles that do not adhere to union standards in order to "remain in solidarity with their union members." Gearbox refused to engage in any talks with them.
But now going back to my previous point, both Ray Chase and Ashly Burch are prominent members of the union, how were they able to work on this game but Troy couldn't? SAG-AFTRA also responded to that as well, while also responding to Gearbox's previous statement as provided by @lupinb0y.
Basically, in protecting Troy Baker, they threw Ashly and Ray under the bus and indirectly said they are in the wrong for agreeing to work with Gearbox/Borderlands 3 because they fucked over the rest of the union members.
So here's what I'm able to gather: Gearbox did reach out to Troy Baker to reprise his role as Rhys, Troy expressed high enthusiasm at this and wanted to, but would only do so if Gearbox chose to meet the union's standards for voice work. Gearbox chose not to because Randy is a cheap asshole, and Troy, choosing to remain in solidarity with other union members, turned down the part without verbally saying it. Gearbox then decided to reach out to other actors, union or non-union, who would be interested in the part, enter Ray Chase, who, despite being a member of the union, chose to take the role anyway even though he knew it would land him in hot water with SAG-AFTRA (same could be said for Ashly Burch for Tina).
Troy certainly comes out of this looking better and makes him a hero among his other union members and others who support unionization/worker's rights, but he still kind of/sort of turned down the part, even if he says he didn't.
This story is just getting juicer and juicer.
The drama is enough to form it's very own soap opera. Like lies from Randy's mouth, so are the Days of Our Borderlands.
I feel like the Union as a middle man is kinda what happened. Troy's original story was they got in contact with him and never heard from them after they said they wanted him back. After BL3 was revealed with Rhys he tweeted a ton asking to be involved, so he clearly didnt know negotiations fell through. He may have said "Yes I will do it" gave them details like the union, they went to the Union, the boy Randy wanted an extra 12 million to steal from his employees later and skipped out agreeing with them, so they just never got in contact with Troy again after talking to the Union because they didnt want to have any part with it.
Then enter Ray and Ashley, who Gearbox probably went straight up to them and didnt talk to the union in anyway or even if asked. (I mean cmon, if it was true they would love to work with Troy again saying the offer still stands, and seeing Troy constantly talking about wanting to reprise the role, and Troy was their original choice, they'd have recasted Ray Chase in protest. But they didnt. It seems pretty clear Gearbox made the choice and changed their mind and dont want to admit its over money. They didnt "deny" Troy the role because he is in the Union, they just decided to go for someone they could get and avoid the union because its cheaper and easier for them.)
I hated how you have to keep tapping buttons just to make your character or horse go faster. But imo Witcher 3's horse mechanics were better and easier. Plus you could call your horse from anywhere you want.
They cancelled GTA V DLC because of the online mode unfortunately. As for RDR2 I actually saw this video recently about no dlc for RDR2. This guy thought GTA V sucked (he played all the GTAs from GTA 2)

I wouldn't be surprised if Bully 2 was a downgrade from Bully 1.
Ngl I thought driving lessons would be more exciting
Nah R* are one of the last good gaming companies out there, they games are always huge.
I get why people don’t like how there’s is no fast travel, but I personally like it that way because I get into exploration and diverge from the main path easily, I could ride from Roanoke to Gaptooth without getting bored.
These are the best horse riding mechanics in any game period. Sure they’re not refined, but if you’ve played red dead 1 you’d know it’s a huge improvement. It does get annoying the way your controls mess up in tight areas, but I like watching my guy go flying off of the thing so it’s sort of a win for me. There is a strategy to do it, and it’s sort of like riding a car irl, take your hand off of the x around trees and then hold it when you have your bearings, when you get the hang of it you’ll never crash for a good long while.
Idk what’s wrong with that, I personally liked that because longer campaign=more time to develop characters, however that’s subjective so each to their own.
Yeah, I’m with you there. In the latest interviewer the guy said there are no plans yet, though that doesn’t mean we won’t get dlc, which probably means we definitely won’t be getting any, which really sucks. I’d love an undead nightmare 2 or red dead 1 remake. Mexico’s textures were updated a few months ago, however, seemingly out of the blue, so there’s that glimmer of hope that it’s just R* being their secretive old selves to surprise us.
Also subjective, but the multiplayer has gotten a lot better since launch, and is more or less a fully functioning online experience now. The frontier pursuits update sure did a treat for online, plus the multiplayer trophies aren’t too hard, I’m one trophy away from plat and it’s ‘concurrently own 5 unique horses’ which is where I’m stumped because I only ever use the one, with the rare free horse R* gifted me.
All that said red dead 2 is my favourite game of all time, and each R* game I’ve ever played are at least in my top 15 games of all time list, and when you look at other companies out there R* are among the greats, especially when compared to EA and Activision, and maybe even Bethesda if they manage to keep up their current pace.
So recently I watched the Steven Universe movie and I ended up liking it quite a bit. There's a ton of fun songs and the animation is exceptionally good, especially for a tv movie. The plot itself is fairly straight forward but the characters more then make up for it, specifically the antagonist, Spinel who is by far the most well written character in the whole thing with a surprisingly tragic backstory backed up by a fantastic performance from her voice actress Sarah Stiles. She had two solo songs in the film and they were easily my favourite out of the 38 in the movie (not that the others were bad or anything, these two just stuck out to me in particular). She's just a really fun character overall and I really like her playful rubberhose animation design.
Unfortunately the ending does feel rushed/convenient and it pretty much goes where most people expected it to go, though in this case I'd say it's a bit more forgivable. The plotline of having Steven try and recover the memories of the other characters isn't super interesting but it does lead to some great interactions and songs.
Like I said I thought it was really enjoyable. If you're a fan of the series, yeah go ahead and watch it, even if you're not familiar with the show but like musicals I'd say still give it a go even if you don't want to watch 5 seasons of a tv show (it pretty much recaps everything anyway), you'll probably end up tapping your feet to the music more than a couple times.
Say, here's a question for you Star Wars spats: What happened to Snoke's escape craft?
After his death at the hands of Kylo Ren during the Attack on the Resistance fleet, Rey used it to escape from the First Order's flagship the Supremacy, then later abandoned it in space among the shattered ruins of the First Order's fleet.
So, they may have contracts with people who forgot they signed those contracts back 10 years ago?
Gearbox seems a little scummy here.
I didn't even know this was a thing until now.

And I was completely justified for almost no one here acknowledging it because it does the same mistakes as the first film, if not even worse. Are they even trying? Because just like the first film, this movie rips off Aliens (1986) instead of adapting the source material from the games. No wonder it's a Direct to DVD film.
I dont know how it works for whatever deal they were doing but Im sure its possible some peoples contracts had "You have to return for whenever we make another" type of thing, like how actors get contracts that they need to appear in a certain number of movies made by this studio.
Red Dead Redemption 2 has been announced for PC.
It will also be released on Steam, albeit a month later.
I ran into a minecraft hypixel streamer, I got to play with him in a party on stream. We did private games. Pretty LIT as the kids would say.
I completely forgot you can't post/reply in many threads anymore.

I'm still sad that we can't post in the walking dead section anymore. But reddit has helped to fill the void.
October is usually my month to do a bunch of reviews for my blog. The previous two years were pretty terrible for me so I didn't do anything, but it's better this year so I decided to start up the tradition again:
1st of October: Mario Bros.
1st of October: Shenmue
2nd of October: Donkey Kong
2nd of October: Hector: Badge of Carnage - Episode 1: We Negotiate With Terrorists
3rd of October: Donkey Kong Jr.
3rd of October: Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space: Episode 2 - Moai Better Blues
Now THIS is a surprise! Turns out Ms. Marvel is the main character of Crystal Dynamic's Avengers game!