Just finished watching Spider-Man Far From Home. And you know what? That movie ROCKS. This is everything I wanted for a Spider-Man MCU film. Memorable villain, Spider-Man's fear of responsibilities, more Spidey action and OMG, did the middle credits scene blow my mind.
It was MUCH and yes, MUCH better than Homecoming. I personally didn't like that movie as much as everyone else because it felt less like a Spider-Man film. It felt like I was watching a Disney Channel movie instead, with all the boring teenage drama.
I don't understand why some people didn't like it or that it's worse than Homecoming. My only flaw with this film is that an action set piece from the trailers didn't end up in the actual film. Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version? This is nothing but a stupid bait. Maybe they'll add it in a blu-ray release? Who knows?
NOW I'm so disappointed with the deal between Disney and Sony. Both are idiots but Disney is to blame here imo. Disney is nothing but a greedy ass studio who wants to own EVERYTHING in this whole world, why can't they just leave everyone alone? I'm hoping for them to get their fucking shit together and let Sony make Spider-Man the successor of Iron Man in the franchise. Disney doesn't deserve everything and you know it. Look at Star Wars for example.
That being said, I love this movie and here is my placement for it on my ranking:
Just finished watching Spider-Man Far From Home. And you know what? That movie ROCKS. This is everything I wanted for a Spider-Man MCU film.… more Memorable villain, Spider-Man's fear of responsibilities, more Spidey action and OMG, did the middle credits scene blow my mind.
It was MUCH and yes, MUCH better than Homecoming. I personally didn't like that movie as much as everyone else because it felt less like a Spider-Man film. It felt like I was watching a Disney Channel movie instead, with all the boring teenage drama.
I don't understand why some people didn't like it or that it's worse than Homecoming. My only flaw with this film is that an action set piece from the trailers didn't end up in the actual film. Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version? This is nothing but a stupid bait. Maybe they'll add it in a blu-ray release? Who knows?
NOW I'm so disappointed with the deal b… [view original content]
My only flaw with this film is that an action set piece from the trailers didn't end up in the actual film. Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version? Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version?
Oh, you haven't heard? The action setpiece and "Peter Parker here to pick up a passport please" scenes were re-added to the film just over two weeks ago for a "special re-release" in theatres. The footage in total amounts to 3 bonus minutes to the film. Yes. Three. And apparently, it really helps the opening not seem so fast-paced and antsy to get out of New York.
They seriously wanted to pull an Endgame (oh boy we'll be cool too and have trailer scenes not featured in the final film, and we'll rerelease the film 2 months later with just a few minutes of bonus content).
Except this time it's literally like held-back DLC content for a film. It's all about dat money.
Just finished watching Spider-Man Far From Home. And you know what? That movie ROCKS. This is everything I wanted for a Spider-Man MCU film.… more Memorable villain, Spider-Man's fear of responsibilities, more Spidey action and OMG, did the middle credits scene blow my mind.
It was MUCH and yes, MUCH better than Homecoming. I personally didn't like that movie as much as everyone else because it felt less like a Spider-Man film. It felt like I was watching a Disney Channel movie instead, with all the boring teenage drama.
I don't understand why some people didn't like it or that it's worse than Homecoming. My only flaw with this film is that an action set piece from the trailers didn't end up in the actual film. Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version? This is nothing but a stupid bait. Maybe they'll add it in a blu-ray release? Who knows?
NOW I'm so disappointed with the deal b… [view original content]
Just finished watching Spider-Man Far From Home. And you know what? That movie ROCKS. This is everything I wanted for a Spider-Man MCU film.… more Memorable villain, Spider-Man's fear of responsibilities, more Spidey action and OMG, did the middle credits scene blow my mind.
It was MUCH and yes, MUCH better than Homecoming. I personally didn't like that movie as much as everyone else because it felt less like a Spider-Man film. It felt like I was watching a Disney Channel movie instead, with all the boring teenage drama.
I don't understand why some people didn't like it or that it's worse than Homecoming. My only flaw with this film is that an action set piece from the trailers didn't end up in the actual film. Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version? This is nothing but a stupid bait. Maybe they'll add it in a blu-ray release? Who knows?
NOW I'm so disappointed with the deal b… [view original content]
Okay so I'm trying out Disney+ right now and so far I'm not really convinced. It's mostly stuff I've already seen or stuff that just doesn't interests me.
You're in the Netherlands? Or did it also release somewhere else?
It's just a soft release at the moment to make sure nothing breaks so it doesn't have all of their catalogue and whatever new content that will release on launch.
Okay so I'm trying out Disney+ right now and so far I'm not really convinced. It's mostly stuff I've already seen or stuff that just doesn't interests me.
Woah, those are some pretty big changes but it also sounds like it was exciting. Congrats to both of your sisters, and congrats to you for becoming an uncle - or if you already were one - congrats on having a new niece/nephew!
Ooh, psychology! That sounds really fascinating! I wish you all the best with your course as well! How has it been so far?
And thanks! I wouldn't be doing this course if I had to be the sharpest tool in the shed, haha. I consider you pretty intelligent so I don't think you'd have a problem with game development if you were to pursue it.
A mix of both mate, but overall, it was pretty good. My sister got married, and one of my other sisters had a child, so pretty good. I start… moreed college last week, I am doing a course in Psychology, it's alright so far. I wish you the best with your game design course It's something I'd like to do too, but I wouldn't be the sharpest tool in the shed
Hmmm, that's a good question. At the moment, I don't have a particular idea for a game that I've wanted to make, but this course kinda gives us a taste of a few different areas, like 2D games, 3D modelling, script writing etc. so I hope that I'll have a better idea of what I'd like to focus on after I'm done.
Oh, Happy belated birthday!
Yeah my birthday is coming up soon but it feels like it's already come and gone. Things have been fine.
… moreIt's cool that you're taking game design courses. If you don't mind me asking, what type of games do you think of making?
Yea I'm in the Netherlands.
I suppose that's true. Just wanted to see some new stuff but I'll guess I wait for that. But for example Avengers: Endgame is not available in the app, even though they could've easily put that one in. That's what's frustrating to me. It could be that they are waiting for the Blu-ray version, but it's already out so that can't be the issue.
You're in the Netherlands? Or did it also release somewhere else?
It's just a soft release at the moment to make sure nothing breaks so it doesn't have all of their catalogue and whatever new content that will release on launch.
Yea I'm in the Netherlands.
I suppose that's true. Just wanted to see some new stuff but I'll guess I wait for that. But for example Avenge… morers: Endgame is not available in the app, even though they could've easily put that one in. That's what's frustrating to me. It could be that they are waiting for the Blu-ray version, but it's already out so that can't be the issue.
Yeah it was quite a lot to handle over such a short span of time, but I came out of it alright! And thank you for the kind wishes, I really like it so far.
In my first week, I didn't like it, as I am not a fan of change, the new surroundings, not having any of my close friends going to College, it has taken a while to settle in, but I feel pretty settled in now. Today I joined the Student Union, which would look good on my CV/Resumé when applying for a job.
And it really means a lot that you look at me in such a way, that provided a much needed and welcome confidence boost, so thank you so much man!
Game development intrigues me, as games have the potential to positively impact the lives of players, to use Telltale's games as an example, they taught me the value of my Choices and how they matter, how they shape my relationships with others, and what I may miss out on if I refuse to make a Choice. I'd love to be in that sort of position to positively influence people and have them come away from a game with a better understanding of themselves. Games are a powerful tool to accomplish anything, and it is a dream of mine to create a game that benefits the player.
Woah, those are some pretty big changes but it also sounds like it was exciting. Congrats to both of your sisters, and congrats to you for b… moreecoming an uncle - or if you already were one - congrats on having a new niece/nephew!
Ooh, psychology! That sounds really fascinating! I wish you all the best with your course as well! How has it been so far?
And thanks! I wouldn't be doing this course if I had to be the sharpest tool in the shed, haha. I consider you pretty intelligent so I don't think you'd have a problem with game development if you were to pursue it.
I have finally finished the main story for Borderlands 3 (holy hell is there a lot of side content for the game, so needless to say there's still a lot to do).
* Easily the best gameplay of all the Borderlands games to date. Some people are saying it's pretty much the same thing as previous Borderlands games with a couple of enhancements, but honestly, why is that necessarily a bad thing. True under certain circumstances it is, but Borderlands is not necessarily a series that needs to reinvent the wheel with every new installment. There's a reason why Borderlands 2 is still widely played today, just do what Borderlands 2 did and improve on it, and that's what they did.
* LOOT!!! Seriously, the loot in this game, especially once you finish the main story and enter Mayhem Mode, is insane. Even during the game there was some great loot. Comparing guns and determining which is the better weapon is made a lot simpler as every item has an Item Score. Now you may find that a gun with a lower item score fits your need more (I look for guns that have good damage and fire rate, some may look more at accuracy and magazine size), but it definitely helps in choosing what you want. One of my favorite aspects is a sort of weapon loyalty program, where if you use a company's weapons a lot, they mail you gear.
* Endgame: Even before all the DLC drops, there's a ton of endgame content. Circle of Slaughters, side missions, challenges in almost every location, proving grounds, and the aforementioned Mayhem Mode, which makes the game harder but rewards you with better loot, XP, and cash.
* Enemy designs and bosses are some of my favorite in the series. There are some really creative designs for the big baddies we face throughout where even I, who usually doesn't pay attention to that type of stuff, really appreciated the level of thought and care that went into it.
* Exploring new planets and leaving Pandora really expands the lore of this series. It's not just Pandora now, we see the galaxy at large by visiting several other planets, all with their own unique style to them. This also gives us new enemies, new areas, new characters, and even some new vehicles.
* Rhysha is (supposedly) canon.
* New characters with various skills increases the replay value as you experiment with different play styles and skills. Some characters can have two of their three skills active, while others can only use one of their three, another can have an animal companion fight alongside them, etc.
* The Calypso Twins are kind of disappointing. I won't say they're bad, but certainly not the level we would expect from a game like Borderlands. Honestly, many of the DLC villains from previous games (General Knoxx, Colonel Hector, 5H4D0W-TP) were overall better. And then, of course, you have Handsome Jack, who is pretty much the upper echelon of video game villains. They pale in comparison to him. I wasn't expecting them to be able to fill Jack's shoes, and maybe I would have liked them more had it not been for Jack, but it's hard to not compare them, and they're just not as charming, funny, entertaining, or antagonistic as Jack was.
* Shock value over making sense. There's certain story beats or events that happen to try and get shock us, even if they don't fit and whether or not they feel forced. Now granted the same could be said for the other games in general, but there's one scene in particular that really irks me. Those that played probably know which one I'm talking about.
* Recasting (we all know who I'm talking about)
* While the lore is expanded, some of it doesn't always add up. Maybe I need to play it a couple more times to make sure I get it, but I'm left asking questions over how this could happen when we did this, or how this and that makes sense. Consistency has never always been a strong point of Borderlands, and like I said, maybe it requires just a little more digging to fully grasp it, but sometimes it does feel like the writers want to do this, so it happens.
Overall though, I had fun and thought it was great. While not as good as Borderlands 2 where it counts (story and villains), it improves on the gameplay and will give you hours and hours of entertainment. I'd have to give it an 8/10.
Idk. I guess I wasn't really interested in the idea that it was centered around kids and teenagers. Might sound silly but I feel like it isn't worth my time.
Idk. I guess I wasn't really interested in the idea that it was centered around kids and teenagers. Might sound silly but I feel like it isn't worth my time.
Good news for the game Stranded Deep.
Since Telltale died about a week before they would publish the game on consoles, it never saw the light of day. However, apparently they found a new publisher since then and we might see it actually release for real this time?
Excited to share first details on PlayStation’s next State of Play, which will air Tuesday, September 24 at 1:00pm Pacific Time / 4:00pm Eastern TIme.
We’re preparing a pretty hefty show, weighing in at around 20 minutes and sporting a fresh new look. And we’ll have some great news to share with you, including new game reveals, new content from PlayStation’s Worldwide Studios, and a host of other updates. Should be fun!
Oh, and it probably bears mentioning: Don’t expect any updates related to our next-gen plans in this episode.
well to be fair, bad devs have put out great games before. even though scott cawthon is most famous for the five nights are freddy's games, which range from "ehhh" to hell on earth, he actually got his start making really impressive and interesting platformers. before stardew valley, all chuckefish put out was mediocre shovelware titles with the occasional flawed gold here and there. even Ubisoft still puts out some really great titles every now and again despite it's less than stellar recent history. i'd say don't write off the game until it's come out and we have a good luck at what they've got.
besides, people like to forget that reef also put out an incredibly solid remake of steel empire in between the releases of rambo and this game so there's always room to improve.
I have finally finished the main story for Borderlands 3 (holy hell is there a lot of side content for the game, so needless to say there's … morestill a lot to do).
* Easily the best gameplay of all the Borderlands games to date. Some people are saying it's pretty much the same thing as previous Borderlands games with a couple of enhancements, but honestly, why is that necessarily a bad thing. True under certain circumstances it is, but Borderlands is not necessarily a series that needs to reinvent the wheel with every new installment. There's a reason why Borderlands 2 is still widely played today, just do what Borderlands 2 did and improve on it, and that's what they did.
* LOOT!!! Seriously, the loot in this game, especially once you finish the main story and enter Mayhem Mode, is insane. Even during the game there was some great loot. Comparing guns and determining which is the better weapon is made a lot simpler as every item has a… [view original content]
The big ones are def Claptrap and Rhys, Im not to sure if anyone else got recasted.
Claptrap is a lot closer to the original Claptrap voice though, you can still tell it isnt the same person, but it isnt as noticeable as Rhys which is very clearly not Troy Baker.
The new Claptrap voice comes close at times to sounding like David Eddings, but when he’s trying to do the high pitch screams, it’s painfully noticeable it’s not the same guy.
The big ones are def Claptrap and Rhys, Im not to sure if anyone else got recasted.
Claptrap is a lot closer to the original Claptrap voi… morece though, you can still tell it isnt the same person, but it isnt as noticeable as Rhys which is very clearly not Troy Baker.
I really do want this game to be good. It uses James Cameron's vision of Future War in the first 2 films, not the crappy one that was Salvation. But I have a bad feeling that it's going to be just a generic Call of Duty copy with Terminator theme with short storyline and repetitive gameplay. I sure hope I'm wrong though.
well to be fair, bad devs have put out great games before. even though scott cawthon is most famous for the five nights are freddy's games, … morewhich range from "ehhh" to hell on earth, he actually got his start making really impressive and interesting platformers. before stardew valley, all chuckefish put out was mediocre shovelware titles with the occasional flawed gold here and there. even Ubisoft still puts out some really great titles every now and again despite it's less than stellar recent history. i'd say don't write off the game until it's come out and we have a good luck at what they've got.
besides, people like to forget that reef also put out an incredibly solid remake of steel empire in between the releases of rambo and this game so there's always room to improve.
A new Playstation State of Play finally announced.
The date? September 24th.
Gimme that TLOU 2 details!!!
https://twitter.com/playstat… moreioneu/status/1174700003933261825
From the blog
Excited to share first details on PlayStation’s next State of Play, which will air Tuesday, September 24 at 1:00pm Pacific Time / 4:00pm Eastern TIme.
We’re preparing a pretty hefty show, weighing in at around 20 minutes and sporting a fresh new look. And we’ll have some great news to share with you, including new game reveals, new content from PlayStation’s Worldwide Studios, and a host of other updates. Should be fun!
Oh, and it probably bears mentioning: Don’t expect any updates related to our next-gen plans in this episode.
The big ones are def Claptrap and Rhys, Im not to sure if anyone else got recasted.
Claptrap is a lot closer to the original Claptrap voi… morece though, you can still tell it isnt the same person, but it isnt as noticeable as Rhys which is very clearly not Troy Baker.
Something as simple as the common cold sucks because it makes you feel like crap. Had it for a week and I'm only now starting to get back to normal. (and I sure hope I didn't spread it)
I recently underwent oral surgery, had a front tooth removed and the Dr. sutured the hole (this is all so my braces can have a new layout + more space and shift things around better.)
This sucks because until I return to their office in 2 weeks for the suture to be removed and checked on, I've got to be on a diet of soft foods.
(I'm currently at a celebratory BBQ because us first years just presented our very first devised theatre piece to the 2nd & 3rd years, and faculty. I can't eat these delicious hamburgers I'm surrounded by.)
Both are fine but theres points where you can very easily tell it isnt them. Like MetallicaRules said when Claptrap does a higher voice its a lot more noticeable, and honestly Ray Chase isnt even that bad at Rhys, but the problem also of people who played Tales just automatically feel it isnt right to not have Troy return. Like Rhys title card in BL3 is pretty accurate to how Troy Baker speaks for the most part, but most of the time it just makes me wish it was the real Troy Baker speaking instead of someone doing an impression.
(also I still find it a bit annoying they said they couldnt afford Troy but get actually celebrities in the game for small parts. Like you can tell Ice-T was only at the studio for one day.)
Just finished watching Spider-Man Far From Home. And you know what? That movie ROCKS. This is everything I wanted for a Spider-Man MCU film. Memorable villain, Spider-Man's fear of responsibilities, more Spidey action and OMG, did the middle credits scene blow my mind.
It was MUCH and yes, MUCH better than Homecoming. I personally didn't like that movie as much as everyone else because it felt less like a Spider-Man film. It felt like I was watching a Disney Channel movie instead, with all the boring teenage drama.
I don't understand why some people didn't like it or that it's worse than Homecoming. My only flaw with this film is that an action set piece from the trailers didn't end up in the actual film. Why the fuck are they adding an interesting scene in trailers only to delete them in the final version? This is nothing but a stupid bait. Maybe they'll add it in a blu-ray release? Who knows?
NOW I'm so disappointed with the deal between Disney and Sony. Both are idiots but Disney is to blame here imo. Disney is nothing but a greedy ass studio who wants to own EVERYTHING in this whole world, why can't they just leave everyone alone? I'm hoping for them to get their fucking shit together and let Sony make Spider-Man the successor of Iron Man in the franchise. Disney doesn't deserve everything and you know it. Look at Star Wars for example.
That being said, I love this movie and here is my placement for it on my ranking:
You didn't watch the movie in theaters?
Nope, I was gone to my homecountry at that time and had an event for 4 days.
Oh, you haven't heard? The action setpiece and "Peter Parker here to pick up a passport please" scenes were re-added to the film just over two weeks ago for a "special re-release" in theatres. The footage in total amounts to 3 bonus minutes to the film. Yes. Three. And apparently, it really helps the opening not seem so fast-paced and antsy to get out of New York.
They seriously wanted to pull an Endgame (oh boy we'll be cool too and have trailer scenes not featured in the final film, and we'll rerelease the film 2 months later with just a few minutes of bonus content).
Except this time it's literally like held-back DLC content for a film. It's all about dat money.
What action set piece are you talking about?
Okay so I'm trying out Disney+ right now and so far I'm not really convinced. It's mostly stuff I've already seen or stuff that just doesn't interests me.
You're in the Netherlands? Or did it also release somewhere else?
It's just a soft release at the moment to make sure nothing breaks so it doesn't have all of their catalogue and whatever new content that will release on launch.
The one where Spider-Man in his IW suit fighting some bad guys in a restaurant.
Woah, those are some pretty big changes but it also sounds like it was exciting. Congrats to both of your sisters, and congrats to you for becoming an uncle - or if you already were one - congrats on having a new niece/nephew!
Ooh, psychology! That sounds really fascinating! I wish you all the best with your course as well! How has it been so far?
And thanks! I wouldn't be doing this course if I had to be the sharpest tool in the shed, haha. I consider you pretty intelligent so I don't think you'd have a problem with game development if you were to pursue it.
Heheh, thanks!
Hmmm, that's a good question. At the moment, I don't have a particular idea for a game that I've wanted to make, but this course kinda gives us a taste of a few different areas, like 2D games, 3D modelling, script writing etc. so I hope that I'll have a better idea of what I'd like to focus on after I'm done.
I see. Shame that isn't in the movie
Yea I'm in the Netherlands.
I suppose that's true. Just wanted to see some new stuff but I'll guess I wait for that. But for example Avengers: Endgame is not available in the app, even though they could've easily put that one in. That's what's frustrating to me. It could be that they are waiting for the Blu-ray version, but it's already out so that can't be the issue.
Avengers Endgame will reportedly be added to the service in early December.
Yeah it was quite a lot to handle over such a short span of time, but I came out of it alright! And thank you for the kind wishes, I really like it so far.
In my first week, I didn't like it, as I am not a fan of change, the new surroundings, not having any of my close friends going to College, it has taken a while to settle in, but I feel pretty settled in now. Today I joined the Student Union, which would look good on my CV/Resumé when applying for a job.
And it really means a lot that you look at me in such a way, that provided a much needed and welcome confidence boost, so thank you so much man!
Game development intrigues me, as games have the potential to positively impact the lives of players, to use Telltale's games as an example, they taught me the value of my Choices and how they matter, how they shape my relationships with others, and what I may miss out on if I refuse to make a Choice. I'd love to be in that sort of position to positively influence people and have them come away from a game with a better understanding of themselves. Games are a powerful tool to accomplish anything, and it is a dream of mine to create a game that benefits the player.
Me playing Borderlands 3 (those that got to this point know what I’m talking about).
I have finally finished the main story for Borderlands 3 (holy hell is there a lot of side content for the game, so needless to say there's still a lot to do).
* Easily the best gameplay of all the Borderlands games to date. Some people are saying it's pretty much the same thing as previous Borderlands games with a couple of enhancements, but honestly, why is that necessarily a bad thing. True under certain circumstances it is, but Borderlands is not necessarily a series that needs to reinvent the wheel with every new installment. There's a reason why Borderlands 2 is still widely played today, just do what Borderlands 2 did and improve on it, and that's what they did.
* LOOT!!! Seriously, the loot in this game, especially once you finish the main story and enter Mayhem Mode, is insane. Even during the game there was some great loot. Comparing guns and determining which is the better weapon is made a lot simpler as every item has an Item Score. Now you may find that a gun with a lower item score fits your need more (I look for guns that have good damage and fire rate, some may look more at accuracy and magazine size), but it definitely helps in choosing what you want. One of my favorite aspects is a sort of weapon loyalty program, where if you use a company's weapons a lot, they mail you gear.
* Endgame: Even before all the DLC drops, there's a ton of endgame content. Circle of Slaughters, side missions, challenges in almost every location, proving grounds, and the aforementioned Mayhem Mode, which makes the game harder but rewards you with better loot, XP, and cash.
* Enemy designs and bosses are some of my favorite in the series. There are some really creative designs for the big baddies we face throughout where even I, who usually doesn't pay attention to that type of stuff, really appreciated the level of thought and care that went into it.
* Exploring new planets and leaving Pandora really expands the lore of this series. It's not just Pandora now, we see the galaxy at large by visiting several other planets, all with their own unique style to them. This also gives us new enemies, new areas, new characters, and even some new vehicles.
* Rhysha is (supposedly) canon.
* New characters with various skills increases the replay value as you experiment with different play styles and skills. Some characters can have two of their three skills active, while others can only use one of their three, another can have an animal companion fight alongside them, etc.
* The Calypso Twins are kind of disappointing. I won't say they're bad, but certainly not the level we would expect from a game like Borderlands. Honestly, many of the DLC villains from previous games (General Knoxx, Colonel Hector, 5H4D0W-TP) were overall better. And then, of course, you have Handsome Jack, who is pretty much the upper echelon of video game villains. They pale in comparison to him. I wasn't expecting them to be able to fill Jack's shoes, and maybe I would have liked them more had it not been for Jack, but it's hard to not compare them, and they're just not as charming, funny, entertaining, or antagonistic as Jack was.
* Shock value over making sense. There's certain story beats or events that happen to try and get shock us, even if they don't fit and whether or not they feel forced. Now granted the same could be said for the other games in general, but there's one scene in particular that really irks me. Those that played probably know which one I'm talking about.
* Recasting (we all know who I'm talking about)
* While the lore is expanded, some of it doesn't always add up. Maybe I need to play it a couple more times to make sure I get it, but I'm left asking questions over how this could happen when we did this, or how this and that makes sense. Consistency has never always been a strong point of Borderlands, and like I said, maybe it requires just a little more digging to fully grasp it, but sometimes it does feel like the writers want to do this, so it happens.
Overall though, I had fun and thought it was great. While not as good as Borderlands 2 where it counts (story and villains), it improves on the gameplay and will give you hours and hours of entertainment. I'd have to give it an 8/10.
I still haven't played TWDG Season 4 to this day.
Are you going to play it?
Neither have I, tbh.
Maybe. I'll try. But there isn't much bringing me to play it.
Why's that?
I haven't replayed since July or August
Idk. I guess I wasn't really interested in the idea that it was centered around kids and teenagers. Might sound silly but I feel like it isn't worth my time.
So you're just disappointed then
Good news for the game Stranded Deep.
Since Telltale died about a week before they would publish the game on consoles, it never saw the light of day. However, apparently they found a new publisher since then and we might see it actually release for real this time?
Epic game store is nailing it with free games. Im actually surprised i have to praise epic games. Its so insane.
I almost got excited for this game.

Then I heard it's made by the same studio who made Rambo: The Video Game.
Oh wow, this has been in development for six years. I'm surprised it's not a rail shooter like they usually do.
A new Playstation State of Play finally announced.
The date? September 24th.
Gimme that TLOU 2 details!!!
From the blog
well to be fair, bad devs have put out great games before. even though scott cawthon is most famous for the five nights are freddy's games, which range from "ehhh" to hell on earth, he actually got his start making really impressive and interesting platformers. before stardew valley, all chuckefish put out was mediocre shovelware titles with the occasional flawed gold here and there. even Ubisoft still puts out some really great titles every now and again despite it's less than stellar recent history. i'd say don't write off the game until it's come out and we have a good luck at what they've got.
besides, people like to forget that reef also put out an incredibly solid remake of steel empire in between the releases of rambo and this game so there's always room to improve.
It's more than just Rhys too, right? Claptrap too, and some other people?
The big ones are def Claptrap and Rhys, Im not to sure if anyone else got recasted.
Claptrap is a lot closer to the original Claptrap voice though, you can still tell it isnt the same person, but it isnt as noticeable as Rhys which is very clearly not Troy Baker.
The new Claptrap voice comes close at times to sounding like David Eddings, but when he’s trying to do the high pitch screams, it’s painfully noticeable it’s not the same guy.
I really do want this game to be good. It uses James Cameron's vision of Future War in the first 2 films, not the crappy one that was Salvation. But I have a bad feeling that it's going to be just a generic Call of Duty copy with Terminator theme with short storyline and repetitive gameplay. I sure hope I'm wrong though.
(It's been over 14 months...)
how's it going!!
That’s funny because I think it’s the other way around 😕
Something as simple as the common cold sucks because it makes you feel like crap. Had it for a week and I'm only now starting to get back to normal. (and I sure hope I didn't spread it)
I recently underwent oral surgery, had a front tooth removed and the Dr. sutured the hole (this is all so my braces can have a new layout + more space and shift things around better.)
This sucks because until I return to their office in 2 weeks for the suture to be removed and checked on, I've got to be on a diet of soft foods.
(I'm currently at a celebratory BBQ because us first years just presented our very first devised theatre piece to the 2nd & 3rd years, and faculty. I can't eat these delicious hamburgers I'm surrounded by.)
Both are fine but theres points where you can very easily tell it isnt them. Like MetallicaRules said when Claptrap does a higher voice its a lot more noticeable, and honestly Ray Chase isnt even that bad at Rhys, but the problem also of people who played Tales just automatically feel it isnt right to not have Troy return. Like Rhys title card in BL3 is pretty accurate to how Troy Baker speaks for the most part, but most of the time it just makes me wish it was the real Troy Baker speaking instead of someone doing an impression.
(also I still find it a bit annoying they said they couldnt afford Troy but get actually celebrities in the game for small parts. Like you can tell Ice-T was only at the studio for one day.)