The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Same, I haven’t worked out since my high schools years back in 09 - 2010 I was in shape at that time and wanna go back too weight lifting those were the best memories at those times that including food preparation which was funny as well.

    Class clowns left and right it was too much.🤣

    Awesome, I wish I could go to the gym, my college has a gym that's available for use, but I haven't used it for a while, I thought what's th

  • I'm not used to weightlifting, as my athleticism stems from 100m sprints, that was my bread and butter throughout my childhood. Not to be cocky, but if I ran, there was very little chance that anyone would've caught up to me at that time. I still have a bit of pace, but my stamina is even worse than what it was. I carry a lot more weight, which is in the form of muscle (really trying to not make myself out to be this amazing athlete), but there is a bit of fat and stiffness from inactivity that slow me down.

    I hope I didn't appear as an arrogant prick or anything, I don't like talking about myself out of fear I sound like I am full of myself

    Same, I haven’t worked out since my high schools years back in 09 - 2010 I was in shape at that time and wanna go back too weight lifting th

  • Not really, your just expressing what you’ve experienced back at those days I wouldn’t call that arrogant or cocky your jest expressing your past experience.

    That’s fine with me.

    I'm not used to weightlifting, as my athleticism stems from 100m sprints, that was my bread and butter throughout my childhood. Not to be co

  • are the forums done talking about star wars because I've been replaying the wolf among us and would like to talk about how fucking metal it is but if every other post is about star wars still im just gonna bail for a while longer lol

  • I think so, hopefully

    are the forums done talking about star wars because I've been replaying the wolf among us and would like to talk about how fucking metal it is but if every other post is about star wars still im just gonna bail for a while longer lol

  • The internet hasn't shut up about Star Wars in the past ten years and shows no sign of stopping any time soon.

    are the forums done talking about star wars because I've been replaying the wolf among us and would like to talk about how fucking metal it is but if every other post is about star wars still im just gonna bail for a while longer lol

  • I'm playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order so I can forget about the sequel trilogy.

    are the forums done talking about star wars because I've been replaying the wolf among us and would like to talk about how fucking metal it is but if every other post is about star wars still im just gonna bail for a while longer lol

  • well good to know at least you're distracted with better star wars media

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order so I can forget about the sequel trilogy.

  • I hate the internet so much man god damn it never ends

    ralo229 posted: »

    The internet hasn't shut up about Star Wars in the past ten years and shows no sign of stopping any time soon.

  • *hugs

    I know, bro. I know.

    I hate the internet so much man god damn it never ends

  • Hey look we made it to page 4444

    in other news, I think I recently passed 10,000 likes here. Hooray for validation!

  • edited December 2019

    Y’all, I need advice. Should I get a Nintendo Switch Lite for $298 AUD to play Stardew Valley? (+ Animal Crossing: New Horizons when it comes out)

    I already have it on PC but I really miss handheld games. And I think it would be nice to sit and play video games away from my hot computer screen over the summer.

    I’m hesitating a little because I paid for half of a Wii U (my sister paid for the other half) and hardly ever used it. On the other hand, I played so much Animal Crossing: New Leaf on my 3DS that I think the cost of the console was justified.

    Thoughts? If they have one at the shop today, should I get it?

    EDIT: I bought it!

  • You gotta get back into lifting man, I’ve lifted 6 days a week for around 16 months. I’m totally obsessed with it. The bodybuilding community is where I found myself after the Telltale community collapsed. It’s really great for your health, both mentally and physically.

    Same, I haven’t worked out since my high schools years back in 09 - 2010 I was in shape at that time and wanna go back too weight lifting th

  • edited December 2019

    That sounds right. It's like the only time I get some internal peace is when I'm out busting my ass pushing carts for my job. Just got to lift all the pain away.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    You gotta get back into lifting man, I’ve lifted 6 days a week for around 16 months. I’m totally obsessed with it. The bodybuilding communit

  • the rise of skywalker was... not great. i'm feeling a 4/10 rn but i need to let it sit. i rewatched the force awakens and the last jedi today, and those are both really good still, might even raise my rating for TFA. but TROS is like... man... i need to sit on it.

  • are the forums done talking about star wars because I've been replaying the wolf among us and would like to talk about how fucking metal it is but if every other post is about star wars still im just gonna bail for a while longer lol. I hate the internet so much man god damn it never ends.

    Wait you are the same person right? Please use the TROS discussion thread.

    the rise of skywalker was... not great. i'm feeling a 4/10 rn but i need to let it sit. i rewatched the force awakens and the last jedi toda

  • Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • So that's Horizon Zero Dawn.
    On a unrelated note, was there some weird reception/performance of the game early on or am I thinking of another game?

    Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • sorry, i posted that at 3am after being locked out of my house for 20 minutes so i wasn't thinking about where i was posting it. my bad fully

    Ghetsis posted: »

    are the forums done talking about star wars because I've been replaying the wolf among us and would like to talk about how fucking metal it

  • 3 am is the devils hour that’s rotten luck .😐

    sorry, i posted that at 3am after being locked out of my house for 20 minutes so i wasn't thinking about where i was posting it. my bad fully

  • It’s also the perfect time to eat a Krabby Patty.

    3 am is the devils hour that’s rotten luck .😐

  • While I love Clem more than any fictional character, I can definitely understand, and even agree with to an extent, putting Aloy first.

    Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • I’m going to mess 2019 , had some great moments st that time, hopefully 2020 will be even better I’m so exited to get RE3 Remake.

    It’s also the perfect time to eat a Krabby Patty.

  • edited December 2019

    Top 10 Youtube Channels running out of ideas

    Number one : WatchMojo

    Ah..WatchMojo back with another shitty list.

    And it's pathetic that Shepard didn't even get a mention lol,i'm aware the first game launched in 2007 but the second and third game came out in 2010 and 2012 come on now.

    Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • That's like adding the Soulsborne protagonist (Dark Souls and Bloodborne). Like you're asking "Where is the Chosen Undead? What about Good Hunter?

    Shepard isn't a scripted character. It's your OWN character, doesn't matter if he/she has an official name.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Top 10 Youtube Channels running out of ideas Number one : WatchMojo Ah..WatchMojo back with another shitty list. And it's pathetic

  • That was a disappointing video at the end, putting Clementine in 2nd place.

    I was in a way triggered by that ranking alone since she was apost to be the top tier character. 😤😡🤬

    Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • edited December 2019

    At least she's in Top 3, I'll take it.

    Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • edited December 2019

    Just got my Christmas gift a bit early, a new 60 inch LG smart TV with 4K for my new apartment. You know what that means...time for an Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch on Blu-ray, and perhaps Breaking Bad afterwards.

  • edited December 2019

    Why is freaking stadia everywhere?!


  • Nice , I love LG televisions had one fore 12-13 years it was a blast watching movies on demand.

    Beautiful memories.☺️

    Just got my Christmas gift a bit early, a new 60 inch LG smart TV with 4K for my new apartment. You know what that means...time for an Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch on Blu-ray, and perhaps Breaking Bad afterwards.

  • Damn, that sounds awesome.

    Party at Metallica's House, everyone!! I'll bring the snacks!

    Just got my Christmas gift a bit early, a new 60 inch LG smart TV with 4K for my new apartment. You know what that means...time for an Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch on Blu-ray, and perhaps Breaking Bad afterwards.

  • I’ll bring in The Vodka and Virgin alcohol drinks .

    AChicken posted: »

    Damn, that sounds awesome. Party at Metallica's House, everyone!! I'll bring the snacks!

  • I'll stand awkwardly in the corner like I normally do at parties.

    I’ll bring in The Vodka and Virgin alcohol drinks .

  • Oh God no, no Vodka allowed in my apartment. Last time I had it I spent the whole night throwing up into a garbage can and blacked out.

    I’ll bring in The Vodka and Virgin alcohol drinks .

  • How about Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier Beer?

    Oh God no, no Vodka allowed in my apartment. Last time I had it I spent the whole night throwing up into a garbage can and blacked out.

  • Well it’s Christmas Eve , can’t be more excited than ever.🎄

  • People are gonna get pissed off by this, but.....
    watchmojo are pussys

    Clem got 2nd place in the Top Ten Female protagonists of the decade. Only beaten by Aloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn which from playing the game can agree on.

  • Even though I’m subscribed to Watchmojo I’m barley on that channel unless if they got my attention on A certain video game character or video game .

    Like I was trolling Watchmojo when they had COD : Mobile tips video I just trolled on saying PUBG is better and the graphics aren’t as good ether.

    People are gonna get pissed off by this, but..... watchmojo are pussys

  • edited December 2019

    I have spoken - Mandalorian Guy

  • Fortnite owns Bigby Wolf and Clementine .
    Darn you FortNite!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I have spoken - Mandalorian Guy

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