The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • A six episode season? I mean, I know their an hour a piece, but still.

  • Every copy of Tales from the Borderlands is personalized.

  • big-titted vampire girl

    Ppl are literally going nuts over that lol like it is weird. Also the three vampire daughters of the Tall Vampire Lady. We don't know her name exactly. So obviously she is now the the big tall and big it vampire lady...yea they better give us a name soon lol. Also i really don't care either. But,the game looks alright. I might wait first for this game to be sure if it is great or not.

    I mean it is resident evil. But,i didn't much care about Resident Evil 7 that much either. It was scary and that is okay. But,idk i couldn't get into it. Looking forward to that ME legendary edition remastered. Waiting is the best way tbh

    Okay then, guess I’m the only one here who still doesn’t care about RE8 or big-titted vampire girl.

  • Huzzah One Of US!!!

    one of us! One Of Us!! ONE OF US!!!


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Every copy of Tales from the Borderlands is personalized.

  • It's Dimitrescu.

    strwar3 posted: »

    big-titted vampire girl Ppl are literally going nuts over that lol like it is weird. Also the three vampire daughters of the Tall Va

  • Looking forward to that ME legendary edition remastered.

    Just keep your expectations low. It's still an EA product and it is possible to be another Warcraft 3 Reforged situation.

    strwar3 posted: »

    big-titted vampire girl Ppl are literally going nuts over that lol like it is weird. Also the three vampire daughters of the Tall Va

  • man why did you have to remind me of warcraft 3 reforge so early in the morning, opening up old scars here : (

    AronDracula posted: »

    Looking forward to that ME legendary edition remastered. Just keep your expectations low. It's still an EA product and it is possible to be another Warcraft 3 Reforged situation.

  • edited February 2021

    Because I can : )

    man why did you have to remind me of warcraft 3 reforge so early in the morning, opening up old scars here : (

  • This looks awesome.

  • And just like that, my stock took a pretty big hit, thanks a lot boss.

    Love him or hate him, Jeff Bezos created one of the most beneficial and influential companies on the planet. What started as an online book seller has turned into a globally recognized business, dominating in numerous fields, employing hundreds of thousands of people across the world, and creating ever improving services and inventions that improve the quality of life for millions, if not billions, of people. He will still remain with Amazon, but the reigns of CEO will now belong to someone else. As an Amazon manager, I can only hope he has half the vision of Bezos.

  • This meme will totally not lose its luster if I make another, right?

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This meme will totally not lose its luster if I make another, right?

  • Tbh this meme never had any luster to me in the first place.
    'Cauuuuse I don't quite get it...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This meme will totally not lose its luster if I make another, right?

  • When the world need him most 6 years ago, he vanished.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This meme will totally not lose its luster if I make another, right?

  • You can make more, but these memes are too high IQ for me to understand

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This meme will totally not lose its luster if I make another, right?

  • edited February 2021

    So in my country, a brand of instant noodles collaborated with a local bubble tea (boba) franchise to create two boba flavoured instant noodles. One dry noodle and one soup noodle. Out of curiousity I got both (at seperate occassions). I tried the dry one first. It was actually alright. It had the nice flavour of the regular dry noodle but with an odd creamer/powdered tea hint to it. I mean I'd still rather eat the regular noodle but it was still aright.

    Then I got the boba noodle soup. This is might very well be the worst instant noodle I've ever had. It tasted like a heavily watered down milk tea with some chilli powder sprinkled in with some noodles. I could only manage to stomach like three bites before I had to toss it out. Absolutely vile. I want whoever created this monstrosity to be forced to eat this every day for the rest of their lives.

    10/10 would recommend for the experience.

  • Weeks later, the world had ground to a halt. But everything that has happened since March 1 has passed Flavill by, even though he caught Covid-19 while unconscious.

    How the hell does that happen?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You ever just... sleep through an entire pandemic?

  • Well, I imagine being in a hospital during a pandemic would contribute to that.

    Weeks later, the world had ground to a halt. But everything that has happened since March 1 has passed Flavill by, even though he caught Covid-19 while unconscious. How the hell does that happen?

  • edited February 2021

    I started watching a let's play of Little Hope, the next entry in the Dark Pictures Anthology and the sequel to Man of Medan, which I very vehemently expressed disappointment with in the past.

    Less than and hour in so far but the game feels like it was written by robots.

    And animated by robots.

    And directed by a robot.

    And edited by robots.

    And acted by robots.

    You could say I have very little hope for Little Hope so far.

  • I started playing man of medan a little while ago and oof you can tell they lost the budget after Until Dawn

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I started watching a let's play of Little Hope, the next entry in the Dark Pictures Anthology and the sequel to Man of Medan, which I very v

  • edited February 2021

    The thing is, the overall lack of polish in terms of voice acting and animation wouldn't be so bad if the writing and direction itself was actually good. There are plenty of other games with significantly lower budgets that manage tell well written stories. I'd take photorealistic people with jankly animated faces if the writing held up under scrutiny but unfortunately, in my opinion, it doesn't.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I started playing man of medan a little while ago and oof you can tell they lost the budget after Until Dawn

  • One of those days where it feels like everything is going to shit around me. From someone sleeping on the job, to people refusing to do the work assigned to them, to a dozen other problems. I was hoping for a nice and easy 2 day work week before I take a little mini vacation to see my parents, but God decided to throw a full week's worth of issues at me to balance it out. He really does have a sense of humor.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2021

    So after two years, one month, and two weeks, I finally finished the main story of Red Dead Redemption 2. I sped by the epilogue this past week, finished "American Venom" just the other day. I know it's weird to write my thoughts down for a video game that came out in October 2018, but whatever.

    Overall, what a great game. I especially enjoyed the quiet moments on horse in the middle of nowhere - from the snow of the West Grizzlies to the plains of New Hanover. The environment was seriously amazing, and I will still have to explore New Austin fully. There's something truly captivating about it. I played much of the game during the pandemic, so it was nice to see this wide, big world so beautifully realized.

    The characters were pretty great, although I wish we got more out of a few of them (specifically Javier - despite appearing in the original game, he didn't have much to do in the later part of the day). I will highlight the performances of Benjamin Byron Davis as Dutch van der Linde (a character who deserves to go down as one of the all-time greatest video game characters ever) and Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan (a character I connected to on a rare deep, personal level). The words "Tahiti," "money," "faith," "sure," and "mangoes" will never be the same for me.

    The game had several great moments, but several stood out. The funniest was either the legendary "A Quiet Time" mission (shout-out to the composer - the game had great tracks, but the one in that mission was brilliant) or the optional encounter with the Aberdeen siblings. On an awesome level, I loved the third-to-last (or, second-to-last, since the last two missions are done immediately after each) mission of Chapter 6, as well as the van der Linde gang's climatic fight in Chapter 3. On a tragic and emotional level, "Red Dead Redemption" took the cake, as well as the side missions with the Veteran and widow. Other memorable scenes included a walk in Rhodes that ended rather poorly, a headless horseman, a visit to the doctor, and a conversation with a blood-stained, revenge-obsessed character, destroying a ship, and hunting the Legendary Panther, which killed me the first time and was actually scary and a tough fight,.

    While the gameplay and mission structure could get repetitive, and the game was pretty long, this one will be rightfully remembered for a long time. Still, I'm not done with it yet, since I want to get 100% completion (at 93.7% right now). Maybe instead of milking Red Dead Online like GTA Online, Rockstar will develop the singleplayer DLC we deserve (cough Undead Nightmare 2 cough).

  • Maybe instead of milking Red Dead Online like GTA Online, Rockstar will develop the singleplayer DLC we deserve (cough Undead Nightmare 2 cough).

    As much as I hate to say it, that is not going to happen. Ever since the release of GTA 5, Rockstar has gotten greedy with the online mode and cares less about making more single player stuff. They never did a 10 year anniversary for GTA 4 (Like all the 3D games) and Red Dead Redemption which is still stuck on last gen consoles and instead, they chose to port GTA 5 into new platforms for the third goddamn time.

    So after two years, one month, and two weeks, I finally finished the main story of Red Dead Redemption 2. I sped by the epilogue this past w

  • People rediscovering weekly tv releases with WandaVision is wild.

  • I think this mostly is because the episodes are pretty short compared to a lot of popular TV shows that are weekly usually averaging 40 minutes while the longest episode of WV has been 30 with an average of 20-ish minutes.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    People rediscovering weekly tv releases with WandaVision is wild.

  • That's fair, but at the same time there have been many popular shows with weekly 20 minute runtimes so I think it's weird that there are some people treating this like some new thing. The binge format has definitely spoiled some people.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think this mostly is because the episodes are pretty short compared to a lot of popular TV shows that are weekly usually averaging 40 minutes while the longest episode of WV has been 30 with an average of 20-ish minutes.

  • I dont know, not really. Obviously that starts to get a bit subjective but a lot of popular shows that are 20 minutes are on Netflix or are episodic and dont have a seasonal arch. WandaVision having a grand story over the entire season with only 20 minute episodes I feel is whats making people wish it was released all at once (or at least keep the 2 episode a week release) because you can be left with that feeling of wishing there was more per week.

    I mean if anything its probably a good indicator that people like the show if the biggest complaint is "I wish I didn't have to wait to see more."

    lupinb0y posted: »

    That's fair, but at the same time there have been many popular shows with weekly 20 minute runtimes so I think it's weird that there are some people treating this like some new thing. The binge format has definitely spoiled some people.

  • Well, we finally (sort of) got Sweet Victory at the Super Bowl. It's a little too late, but it was something.

    Also, seriously Chiefs, what the hell was that first half? I've got money riding on this and I need you to win.

  • Agreed about Sweet Victory. Too bad I don't care at all for more streaming services, least of all Paramount Pictures.

    I was also rooting for the Chiefs, if only to see if Brady is gonna break his streak. Would be pretty disappointing though to see the guy retire on a loss.

    Well, we finally (sort of) got Sweet Victory at the Super Bowl. It's a little too late, but it was something. Also, seriously Chiefs, what the hell was that first half? I've got money riding on this and I need you to win.

  • Let’s go Buccaneers.

  • Was I the only one that got an ad for fucking Scientology, during the Super Bowl? Who the hell is the genius that allowed this cult to advertise during one of the most watched events of the year?

  • micheal pena bribed the producers

    Was I the only one that got an ad for fucking Scientology, during the Super Bowl? Who the hell is the genius that allowed this cult to advertise during one of the most watched events of the year?

  • Yes, this sure is a superb owl.

    I don't know, I'm not American.

  • It didn't show here, so it must have been on your local station.

    Was I the only one that got an ad for fucking Scientology, during the Super Bowl? Who the hell is the genius that allowed this cult to advertise during one of the most watched events of the year?

  • Holy shit. So I left on a playthrough of ANF as background noise while working and discovered something: you remember how in the flashback for episode 3, where the moment where Kate is talking to kidGabe distinctively has Sarah's theme playing behind it?

    Well I just realized that when he's convinced to leave the house, it then switched seamlessly into Luke's unused theme.

  • You know that moment when you show someone something you think is pretty cool and enjoyable, but it totally backfires and they express no reaction to it whatsoever... then it gets awkward... then it's just... [sigh]

    oh man

  • Was it like this?

    AChicken posted: »

    You know that moment when you show someone something you think is pretty cool and enjoyable, but it totally backfires and they express no reaction to it whatsoever... then it gets awkward... then it's just... [sigh] oh man

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