I’ve honestly read fan fiction better than what was made for this. I’d trust the 14 year old with a fanfiction.net account over Walden at this point, the comic was that bad.
Okay, so it looks like other parts of the world got the first Skybound X comic featuring Clementine. After seeing and hearing some stuff abo… moreut it, I am pretty glad I didn’t waste my money on this.
I said one of two options was going to happen, (I won’t say out of spoilers) and yep, one of those things happened, and it was even worse than I could have possibly imagined. Art looks horrendous too. All I can say is I’m not even remotely optimistic for the graphic novel series. This comic did the unimaginable, it made me hate Clementine, like actually come to despise what was my all time favorite character. Even ANF didn’t manage to do that, holy fuck. But Tillie Walden, she was able to do it in only 12 pages
I’ve always hated when someone argues something they don’t like attached to a series they claim to enjoy is “not canon” (I see this from Avatar fans in regards to The Legend of Korra all the time), but this comic makes a very good argum… [view original content]
This comic did the unimaginable, it made me hate Clementine, like actually come to despise what was my all time favorite character.
First time though? That's the same I felt for TLOU2, which the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I hated Ellie's character in it. I am fucking tired of finished stories that get a continuation for no reason other than lazy fanservice.
Okay, so it looks like other parts of the world got the first Skybound X comic featuring Clementine. After seeing and hearing some stuff abo… moreut it, I am pretty glad I didn’t waste my money on this.
I said one of two options was going to happen, (I won’t say out of spoilers) and yep, one of those things happened, and it was even worse than I could have possibly imagined. Art looks horrendous too. All I can say is I’m not even remotely optimistic for the graphic novel series. This comic did the unimaginable, it made me hate Clementine, like actually come to despise what was my all time favorite character. Even ANF didn’t manage to do that, holy fuck. But Tillie Walden, she was able to do it in only 12 pages
I’ve always hated when someone argues something they don’t like attached to a series they claim to enjoy is “not canon” (I see this from Avatar fans in regards to The Legend of Korra all the time), but this comic makes a very good argum… [view original content]
Honestly, if they wanted to make a Clementine comic so bad, why not set it during the time Clem was looking for AJ or even right after she found him instead of, you know, ruining the ending of TFS. Gee, thanks Skybound.
Eh, gonna treat it as non-canon anyway. (which I would probably do regardless lol)
I’ve honestly read fan fiction better than what was made for this. I’d trust the 14 year old with a fanfiction.net account over Walden at this point, the comic was that bad.
This comic did the unimaginable, it made me hate Clementine, like actually come to despise what was my all time favorite character.
… moreFirst time though? That's the same I felt for TLOU2, which the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I hated Ellie's character in it. I am fucking tired of finished stories that get a continuation for no reason other than lazy fanservice.
Well, I'm one of those people who never asked for a sequel to it because it felt like a perfect standalone story. Fans demanded it for years and now TLOU in general lost its potential.
This comic did the unimaginable, it made me hate Clementine, like actually come to despise what was my all time favorite character.
… moreFirst time though? That's the same I felt for TLOU2, which the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I hated Ellie's character in it. I am fucking tired of finished stories that get a continuation for no reason other than lazy fanservice.
I think people should maybe try to cool it with the comments about Tillie Walden's ability to write, before anyone tries shrieking at me with "freedom of speech", if I called into anyone's place of work to talk down on their ability to do their job, remark how bad they are, and say they are lazy, chances are that isn't going to be received well and problems will arise. It's hardly constructive, if anything, it adds to the stereotype that video game players are toxic beasts that just smash, and truth be told I don't fancy having that label when I consume a medium that I enjoy immensely.
I've read SKYBOUND X Issue #1, I can say I think from the content provided, I think what was shown was emotional, but I wish Clementine's Story was left alone instead of going the way it is going, Clementine's Story should've ended in The Walking Dead: The Final Season, I think that should have been the end of it. It was the perfect place to draw that curtain.
But my God, how does anyone expect to be taken seriously when it's insult after insult, abuse and abuse towards a writer entrusted to write the story who cares for Clementine? I completely understand that plenty here care for Clementine, as do I, no excuse though to go all caveman and bash your chest. Come at me all you want, call me a "blind fanboy" or something, say I'm part of the problem I am disappointed that this is the route that is being taken with Clementine, I wanted her Story to be kept as it was. but I'm mature enough to constructively say that without attacking the ability of Tillie Walden.
What you said is exactly what I said when I first saw what happened. It should have just been something set between ANF and S4, that way, you don't have to worry about the Ericson kids and previous choices, easy work around.
I never said she was a bad writer, I've never read any of her stuff before this. She could be a great writer outside of this, but this is certainly not a good example of her abilities. I just said I don't trust her with this series after what I saw. No one is going after her personally, or saying she's a terrible person/writer, at least from what I've seen, but judging it solely on the quality of the comic, which was bad. And offering legitimate critiques in regards to how Clem was portrayed is more than fair, considering what she does is the antithesis to how Clem acted throughout most of the series. It's a disservice to her character, and I just feel that a purported fan of the series would understand the basic elements of the character to know not to do what she did. It's not going cave man and bashing of the chest.
I think people should maybe try to cool it with the comments about Tillie Walden's ability to write, before anyone tries shrieking at me wit… moreh "freedom of speech", if I called into anyone's place of work to talk down on their ability to do their job, remark how bad they are, and say they are lazy, chances are that isn't going to be received well and problems will arise. It's hardly constructive, if anything, it adds to the stereotype that video game players are toxic beasts that just smash, and truth be told I don't fancy having that label when I consume a medium that I enjoy immensely.
I've read SKYBOUND X Issue #1, I can say I think from the content provided, I think what was shown was emotional, but I wish Clementine's Story was left alone instead of going the way it is going, Clementine's Story should've ended in The Walking Dead: The Final Season, I think that should have been the end of it. It was the perfect place to draw that curtai… [view original content]
Never said you specifically, I meant in general, I didn't have you in mind when I typed my comment, I did read your comments, but I wasn't typing mine thinking "This'll show that MetallicaRules guy, I'll give him what for!", in the circles I've been in that have spoke about this, it's a flurry of going straight at Tillie Walden and her writing ability. So rest assured my comment was a response to that and how criticism that is screamed rather than spoken, criticism that attacks and doesn't make any effort to give any amount of praise, criticism that's destructive and not constructive, it doesn't help anyone involved.
I haven't a problem with legitimate critique that's not what I'm against here, but I'd not consider criticism that call her lazy, or go for Tillie as "legitimate", it's child-like behaviour, it has certainly been something that people have been doing. As for Clementine, characters grow and change, you probably aren't the same person you were five years ago, I for sure am not, my point there is that with the experience of the Series under her belt, and leading Ericson's for what appears to be a couple of years, that growth has led to her doing what she has doing. Frankly, I think that very specific action with that very specific character shows just how much of a good and effective Leader she was, and how she made things safe for everyone.
I am disappointed with the Comic as well, I don't hate it, I enjoyed aspects of it, but I would've preferred if Clementine was left alone, this Comic and the Books are something I am not pleased with, but I've been constructive with my criticism. Do I deserve a Blue Peter Badge? If they're being handed out I'll take one. I'm not saying nobody should be unhappy, or disappointed, I am feeling both, I wanted Clementine's Story to end, but the discourse and the reception of the Comic has been far from mature and very poor, and that is what I was commenting on with my comment.
I never said she was a bad writer, I've never read any of her stuff before this. She could be a great writer outside of this, but this is ce… morertainly not a good example of her abilities. I just said I don't trust her with this series after what I saw. No one is going after her personally, or saying she's a terrible person/writer, at least from what I've seen, but judging it solely on the quality of the comic, which was bad. And offering legitimate critiques in regards to how Clem was portrayed is more than fair, considering what she does is the antithesis to how Clem acted throughout most of the series. It's a disservice to her character, and I just feel that a purported fan of the series would understand the basic elements of the character to know not to do what she did. It's not going cave man and bashing of the chest.
I think people should maybe try to cool it with the comments about Tillie Walden's ability to write, before anyone tries shrieking at me wit… moreh "freedom of speech", if I called into anyone's place of work to talk down on their ability to do their job, remark how bad they are, and say they are lazy, chances are that isn't going to be received well and problems will arise. It's hardly constructive, if anything, it adds to the stereotype that video game players are toxic beasts that just smash, and truth be told I don't fancy having that label when I consume a medium that I enjoy immensely.
I've read SKYBOUND X Issue #1, I can say I think from the content provided, I think what was shown was emotional, but I wish Clementine's Story was left alone instead of going the way it is going, Clementine's Story should've ended in The Walking Dead: The Final Season, I think that should have been the end of it. It was the perfect place to draw that curtai… [view original content]
I dont think there is going to be that much attacking of the writer, although I am sure it will still happen. I think its pretty important that we all realize, especially after everything that broke when Telltale shutdown, that the writers dont have as much freedom as we think. Skybound approved all of it and hired someone to write a follow up comic to a video game series that should've ended years ago, and then when it finally ended it is now being reopened. It was inevitably going to be bad because it shouldnt even exist in the first place. There isnt a large time jump in the real world to let TFS marinate or in the game to tell a newer more adult Clem story, so now the writer is stuck with the classic Telltale Season 2 task of "How to make everything that came before meaningless- oh Clem just goes away byyyyeeee."
I'd wait to hold judgement until a larger picture forms, but I am sure it will be disappointing regardless because if your entire series is "Season happens and then clean slate" every damn time it is only natural to not care and be cynical because every outing basically tells you nothing matters, so why even get invested at all? (And now after the series "ended" you re-open it like 2 years later, do the same thing, and think people will be invested again ? Really hard sell, Skybound should've just let it be.)
I think the fans thought that their was no way in hell Naughty Dog could fuck it up. But,they did. Thank to Neil(,who is by farrrr the worst writer and director of a video game franchise) like this guy made his own staff hate the game and I feel bad for Laura Bailey. The more i heard how much hate this Last of Us 2 game gets. The more i feel sad for her. She didn't deserve any hate. She is a Telltale game favorite for us. She is awesome.
But,man dude. Why don't the idiots go after just the character or even dumbass writer Neil (whatever his stupid last name is) never go after the person who felt she or he was excited at first,before realizing how much this franchise when down hill in a flaming dumpster fire. Like they are already making a reboot of the first....lol omg. Good luck to defending that fans.
Well, I'm one of those people who never asked for a sequel to it because it felt like a perfect standalone story. Fans demanded it for years and now TLOU in general lost its potential.
Gonna have to recommend Fire Punch, really good manga, just breezed through it in a day and had a good time with the fun characters and neat plot. I will warn there's definitely some fucked up shit that might be triggering for some in the first 13 or so chapters, but never really gets that bad again afterwards. Besides, when one of your main villain's motivations is this, you know you're in for a good time (Chapter 39 spoiler):
Gonna have to recommend Fire Punch, really good manga, just breezed through it in a day and had a good time with the fun characters and neat… more plot. I will warn there's definitely some fucked up shit that might be triggering for some in the first 13 or so chapters, but never really gets that bad again afterwards. Besides, when one of your main villain's motivations is this, you know you're in for a good time (Chapter 39 spoiler):
kiiiinda wish tlou2 talk would stay out of general chat for once given there's a whole thread for it. gets a little tiring seeing the same four negative posts on this thread every week when we could be talking about anything else.
I read Skybound X. I will preface that I’ve actually read Tillie Walden’s previous work and enjoyed them immensely. She is a wonderfully talented writer and artist. Everything I’ve read from her felt like deeply personal stories full of emotion, and I remained cautiously optimistic with the upcoming trilogy is because I actually like her work. This is also her first foray into writing for an established universe as think. I’ve already seen some pretty horrendous shit being said about her outside of this place and I’d prefer of that didn’t make it’s way in here.
I like the art, specifically the backgrounds which are really nice detailed and, in my opinion, remind me a lot of Charlie Adlard’s work from the original comics. Aside from that I’m pretty disappointed with it. It really does damage Clementine as a character with her reasoning for leaving being about as sturdy as “Somehow, Palpatine’s returned.” Best example I could think of, don’t turn this into whole ‘nother thing please lol.
And since I’m consistent, of course this isn’t suddenly going to make me hate her as a writer or rethink my opinion of her work. I’m just kinda disappointed with this thing, but that’s about it lol.
Skybound why are u digging up the legacy of a well known character whose story has finished, for her to just go against all her values in a new comic with poor graphics?
I dont think there is going to be that much attacking of the writer, although I am sure it will still happen. I think its pretty important t… morehat we all realize, especially after everything that broke when Telltale shutdown, that the writers dont have as much freedom as we think. Skybound approved all of it and hired someone to write a follow up comic to a video game series that should've ended years ago, and then when it finally ended it is now being reopened. It was inevitably going to be bad because it shouldnt even exist in the first place. There isnt a large time jump in the real world to let TFS marinate or in the game to tell a newer more adult Clem story, so now the writer is stuck with the classic Telltale Season 2 task of "How to make everything that came before meaningless- oh Clem just goes away byyyyeeee."
I'd wait to hold judgement until a larger picture forms, but I am sure it will be disappointing regardless because if your e… [view original content]
kiiiinda wish tlou2 talk would stay out of general chat for once given there's a whole thread for it. gets a little tiring seeing the same four negative posts on this thread every week when we could be talking about anything else.
And since I’m consistent, of course this isn’t suddenly going to make me hate her as a writer or rethink my opinion of her work. I’m just kinda disappointed with this thing, but that’s about it lol.
Yeah, since you've praised her when this was first announced, I'm sure she's got some great work under her belt, so I'm not going to dismiss her as a good writer/artist.
I read Skybound X. I will preface that I’ve actually read Tillie Walden’s previous work and enjoyed them immensely. She is a wonderfully tal… moreented writer and artist. Everything I’ve read from her felt like deeply personal stories full of emotion, and I remained cautiously optimistic with the upcoming trilogy is because I actually like her work. This is also her first foray into writing for an established universe as think. I’ve already seen some pretty horrendous shit being said about her outside of this place and I’d prefer of that didn’t make it’s way in here.
I like the art, specifically the backgrounds which are really nice detailed and, in my opinion, remind me a lot of Charlie Adlard’s work from the original comics. Aside from that I’m pretty disappointed with it. It really does damage Clementine as a character with her reasoning for leaving being about as sturdy as “Somehow, Palpatine’s returned.” Best example I could think of, don’t… [view original content]
Yeah I totally get that. Just that I’m personally not one to go really hard on being disappointed in things. Also I find it slightly annoying when a person has their entire career dismissed because they release something polarising, regardless of my own thoughts on it.
And since I’m consistent, of course this isn’t suddenly going to make me hate her as a writer or rethink my opinion of her work. I’m just ki… morenda disappointed with this thing, but that’s about it lol.
Yeah, since you've praised her when this was first announced, I'm sure she's got some great work under her belt, so I'm not going to dismiss her as a good writer/artist.
But the work here is just very disappointing...
Omg "i have break that promise"!! Also LoL 😂 "i am not happy" are you fuckin kidding me!?!? Wtf lol so i guess Clementine wasn't happy with your Romance option or happy to be with AJ in the final season of game where we(the players of this franchise) thought she would stay there. This can't be canon. If it is? Then Wow! What a fuckin slap in the face for the fans. Wow
Everything below is available with a single, PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade, that only costs 10$ USD.
New tools: Cargo Catapult, Robot Cargo Buddy, New Support Skeleton, Jump Ramp
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Half-Life Content and Cyberpunk 2077 Update included
Included PS5 Features... Haptics, Audio, Trigger sensitivity, 4k/60fps or 4k/HDR
PS4 Players who upgrade to PS5, will get access to the "Director's Cut Digital Deluxe Upgrade", for just 10$!!!
This also includes things like the Soundtrack, Art Book, Gold/Silver In-Game items, and an Avatar set.
Kojima Productions > Sucker Punch
https://blog.playstation.com/2021/07/08/death-stranding-directors-cut-launches-on-ps5-september-24-2… more021/
Everything below is available with a single, PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade, that only costs 10$ USD.
* New tools: Cargo Catapult, Robot Cargo Buddy, New Support Skeleton, Jump Ramp
* New weapons: MULE stun gun, mounted weapons, new melee moves
* New modes: Firing Range, RACING MODE!!
* New story missions, expanded story and progression experience.
* Half-Life Content and Cyberpunk 2077 Update included
* Included PS5 Features... Haptics, Audio, Trigger sensitivity, 4k/60fps or 4k/HDR
PS4 Players who upgrade to PS5, will get access to the "Director's Cut Digital Deluxe Upgrade", for just 10$!!!
This also includes things like the Soundtrack, Art Book, Gold/Silver In-Game items, and an Avatar set.
I am seriously impressed.
I have a lot of new games in my PS4 library, downloaded Horizon Zero Dawn, played it a little bit a while ago and what am I doing now? Playing Dark Souls 3. I dunno, I am feeling very empty now when it comes to gaming. I don't feel like playing games which many people praise for.
I gotta ask, has anyone here who owns a PS4 ever happen to hear 3-time-beeping while starting their console or when starting a game from the main screen? Because it happens to me now recently. It does it in a random time. Is it because my PS4 is outdated or something? I had it for 5 years now.
I actually used to type my notes on my iPad for uni as well and I found it really useful but it’s been a while so it’s just something I have to get used to again. It’s just me not being used to getting no physical feedback when typing and me fat fingering things.
I’d definitely recommend using a tablet for studying. If you find it a bit difficult typing stuff then I’d say get a keyboard attachment, though I have no idea how much that is.
Wow. That's just stupid. Plain and simple. I honestly don't know what so say.
Yeah, I've been seeing stuff along those lines. What the hell happened?
First time though? That's the same I felt for TLOU2, which the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much I hated Ellie's character in it. I am fucking tired of finished stories that get a continuation for no reason other than lazy fanservice.
Welp, this is worse than I imagined.
Honestly, if they wanted to make a Clementine comic so bad, why not set it during the time Clem was looking for AJ or even right after she found him instead of, you know, ruining the ending of TFS. Gee, thanks Skybound.
Eh, gonna treat it as non-canon anyway. (which I would probably do regardless lol)
Well I'd hardly say tlou2 was fanservice. Nor lazy to be honest. Just mighty disappointing.
Well, I'm one of those people who never asked for a sequel to it because it felt like a perfect standalone story. Fans demanded it for years and now TLOU in general lost its potential.
Oh, Ellie's the worst in that game, but I struggle to see how anything about that game is fanservice.
I think people should maybe try to cool it with the comments about Tillie Walden's ability to write, before anyone tries shrieking at me with "freedom of speech", if I called into anyone's place of work to talk down on their ability to do their job, remark how bad they are, and say they are lazy, chances are that isn't going to be received well and problems will arise. It's hardly constructive, if anything, it adds to the stereotype that video game players are toxic beasts that just smash, and truth be told I don't fancy having that label when I consume a medium that I enjoy immensely.
I've read SKYBOUND X Issue #1, I can say I think from the content provided, I think what was shown was emotional, but I wish Clementine's Story was left alone instead of going the way it is going, Clementine's Story should've ended in The Walking Dead: The Final Season, I think that should have been the end of it. It was the perfect place to draw that curtain.
But my God, how does anyone expect to be taken seriously when it's insult after insult, abuse and abuse towards a writer entrusted to write the story who cares for Clementine? I completely understand that plenty here care for Clementine, as do I, no excuse though to go all caveman and bash your chest. Come at me all you want, call me a "blind fanboy" or something, say I'm part of the problem
I am disappointed that this is the route that is being taken with Clementine, I wanted her Story to be kept as it was. but I'm mature enough to constructively say that without attacking the ability of Tillie Walden.
What you said is exactly what I said when I first saw what happened. It should have just been something set between ANF and S4, that way, you don't have to worry about the Ericson kids and previous choices, easy work around.
Joel flashbacks but what I mean is that I think the sequel because fans demanded it. They refused to let TLOU be just one game.
I never said she was a bad writer, I've never read any of her stuff before this. She could be a great writer outside of this, but this is certainly not a good example of her abilities. I just said I don't trust her with this series after what I saw. No one is going after her personally, or saying she's a terrible person/writer, at least from what I've seen, but judging it solely on the quality of the comic, which was bad. And offering legitimate critiques in regards to how Clem was portrayed is more than fair, considering what she does is the antithesis to how Clem acted throughout most of the series. It's a disservice to her character, and I just feel that a purported fan of the series would understand the basic elements of the character to know not to do what she did. It's not going cave man and bashing of the chest.
Never said you specifically, I meant in general, I didn't have you in mind when I typed my comment, I did read your comments, but I wasn't typing mine thinking "This'll show that MetallicaRules guy, I'll give him what for!", in the circles I've been in that have spoke about this, it's a flurry of going straight at Tillie Walden and her writing ability. So rest assured my comment was a response to that and how criticism that is screamed rather than spoken, criticism that attacks and doesn't make any effort to give any amount of praise, criticism that's destructive and not constructive, it doesn't help anyone involved.
I haven't a problem with legitimate critique that's not what I'm against here, but I'd not consider criticism that call her lazy, or go for Tillie as "legitimate", it's child-like behaviour, it has certainly been something that people have been doing. As for Clementine, characters grow and change, you probably aren't the same person you were five years ago, I for sure am not, my point there is that with the experience of the Series under her belt, and leading Ericson's for what appears to be a couple of years, that growth has led to her doing what she has doing. Frankly, I think that very specific action with that very specific character shows just how much of a good and effective Leader she was, and how she made things safe for everyone.
I am disappointed with the Comic as well, I don't hate it, I enjoyed aspects of it, but I would've preferred if Clementine was left alone, this Comic and the Books are something I am not pleased with, but I've been constructive with my criticism. Do I deserve a Blue Peter Badge? If they're being handed out I'll take one. I'm not saying nobody should be unhappy, or disappointed, I am feeling both, I wanted Clementine's Story to end, but the discourse and the reception of the Comic has been far from mature and very poor, and that is what I was commenting on with my comment.
It's also worth questioning whether there were mandates over her head, especially as far as the premise goes.
Oh yeah, half of the Joel flashbacks were pretty clearly fluffed.
Eh, I question the weight of that considering everything else around the first game, but I wouldn't know.
I dont think there is going to be that much attacking of the writer, although I am sure it will still happen. I think its pretty important that we all realize, especially after everything that broke when Telltale shutdown, that the writers dont have as much freedom as we think. Skybound approved all of it and hired someone to write a follow up comic to a video game series that should've ended years ago, and then when it finally ended it is now being reopened. It was inevitably going to be bad because it shouldnt even exist in the first place. There isnt a large time jump in the real world to let TFS marinate or in the game to tell a newer more adult Clem story, so now the writer is stuck with the classic Telltale Season 2 task of "How to make everything that came before meaningless- oh Clem just goes away byyyyeeee."
I'd wait to hold judgement until a larger picture forms, but I am sure it will be disappointing regardless because if your entire series is "Season happens and then clean slate" every damn time it is only natural to not care and be cynical because every outing basically tells you nothing matters, so why even get invested at all? (And now after the series "ended" you re-open it like 2 years later, do the same thing, and think people will be invested again ? Really hard sell, Skybound should've just let it be.)
I think the fans thought that their was no way in hell Naughty Dog could fuck it up. But,they did. Thank to Neil(,who is by farrrr the worst writer and director of a video game franchise) like this guy made his own staff hate the game and I feel bad for Laura Bailey. The more i heard how much hate this Last of Us 2 game gets. The more i feel sad for her. She didn't deserve any hate. She is a Telltale game favorite for us. She is awesome.
But,man dude. Why don't the idiots go after just the character or even dumbass writer Neil (whatever his stupid last name is) never go after the person who felt she or he was excited at first,before realizing how much this franchise when down hill in a flaming dumpster fire. Like they are already making a reboot of the first....lol omg. Good luck to defending that fans.
Gonna have to recommend Fire Punch, really good manga, just breezed through it in a day and had a good time with the fun characters and neat plot. I will warn there's definitely some fucked up shit that might be triggering for some in the first 13 or so chapters, but never really gets that bad again afterwards. Besides, when one of your main villain's motivations is this, you know you're in for a good time (Chapter 39 spoiler):
Is this... Is this an edit?
Nope, isn't it great?
kiiiinda wish tlou2 talk would stay out of general chat for once given there's a whole thread for it. gets a little tiring seeing the same four negative posts on this thread every week when we could be talking about anything else.
I read Skybound X. I will preface that I’ve actually read Tillie Walden’s previous work and enjoyed them immensely. She is a wonderfully talented writer and artist. Everything I’ve read from her felt like deeply personal stories full of emotion, and I remained cautiously optimistic with the upcoming trilogy is because I actually like her work. This is also her first foray into writing for an established universe as think. I’ve already seen some pretty horrendous shit being said about her outside of this place and I’d prefer of that didn’t make it’s way in here.
I like the art, specifically the backgrounds which are really nice detailed and, in my opinion, remind me a lot of Charlie Adlard’s work from the original comics. Aside from that I’m pretty disappointed with it. It really does damage Clementine as a character with her reasoning for leaving being about as sturdy as “Somehow, Palpatine’s returned.” Best example I could think of, don’t turn this into whole ‘nother thing please lol.
And since I’m consistent, of course this isn’t suddenly going to make me hate her as a writer or rethink my opinion of her work. I’m just kinda disappointed with this thing, but that’s about it lol.
Writing on an iPad is such a fuckin’ pain lmao.
Skybound why are u digging up the legacy of a well known character whose story has finished, for her to just go against all her values in a new comic with poor graphics?
Watch Kenny return in the follow up comic
How dare you?! I’ll have you know that The Last of Us Part 2 poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague onto our houses!
Yeah, since you've praised her when this was first announced, I'm sure she's got some great work under her belt, so I'm not going to dismiss her as a good writer/artist.
But the work here is just very disappointing...
No! But are we going to wait around until it does?!
Yeah I totally get that. Just that I’m personally not one to go really hard on being disappointed in things. Also I find it slightly annoying when a person has their entire career dismissed because they release something polarising, regardless of my own thoughts on it.
I say, we tip something over!
Really? I’m actually considering getting an iPad for notes for my next semester… any insight would be helpful!
Hey, hey, hey!
They did?!

I made this video just to make fun of this situation with TWD.

Omg "i have break that promise"!! Also LoL 😂 "i am not happy" are you fuckin kidding me!?!? Wtf lol so i guess Clementine wasn't happy with your Romance option or happy to be with AJ in the final season of game where we(the players of this franchise) thought she would stay there. This can't be canon. If it is? Then Wow! What a fuckin slap in the face for the fans. Wow
Kojima Productions > Sucker Punch
Everything below is available with a single, PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade, that only costs 10$ USD.
PS4 Players who upgrade to PS5, will get access to the "Director's Cut Digital Deluxe Upgrade", for just 10$!!!
This also includes things like the Soundtrack, Art Book, Gold/Silver In-Game items, and an Avatar set.
I am seriously impressed.
Glad I didn't buy Ghost of Tsushima right away.
I have a lot of new games in my PS4 library, downloaded Horizon Zero Dawn, played it a little bit a while ago and what am I doing now? Playing Dark Souls 3. I dunno, I am feeling very empty now when it comes to gaming. I don't feel like playing games which many people praise for.
I gotta ask, has anyone here who owns a PS4 ever happen to hear 3-time-beeping while starting their console or when starting a game from the main screen? Because it happens to me now recently. It does it in a random time. Is it because my PS4 is outdated or something? I had it for 5 years now.
Knocks something over.
I actually used to type my notes on my iPad for uni as well and I found it really useful but it’s been a while so it’s just something I have to get used to again. It’s just me not being used to getting no physical feedback when typing and me fat fingering things.
I’d definitely recommend using a tablet for studying. If you find it a bit difficult typing stuff then I’d say get a keyboard attachment, though I have no idea how much that is.