The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yep. Couldn’t get on the past 24 hours or so.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Sooo considering the lack of activity I guess the site was down for everyone? I had problems with tons of websites so I couldn't know for sure.

  • edited August 2021

    Sam And Max: Save The World Remastered was announced and released for Xbox yesterday. So I guess a PS4 port is incoming... in at least 6 months probably.

    I wonder when they'll officially announce the sequel remaster. We got a tease at the start of the year that it's happening...

  • edited August 2021

    Why do I always seem to forget how much of a fucking awesome movie Field of Dreams is? It’s one of the few movies that actually gets me to cry, its such a masterpiece.

  • It seems that GTA Remastered Collection, featuring GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas, is confirmed. I am actually hyped for this because I never finished GTA 3, my first experience with Vice City was underwhelming and San Andreas is just the OG. I hope this doesn't just change the graphics, we need better controls, especially 3 and Vice City. This is much better than re-releasing GTA 5 for the third goddamn time.

  • tbh all three of those games control perfectly but since they're clearly rebuilding the engine from the ground up i can see them basing the controls off of that of red dead 2 and gta 5. either way i'm so fucking HYPED AHGHGHGH

    AronDracula posted: »

    It seems that GTA Remastered Collection, featuring GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas, is confirmed. I am actually hyped for this because I ne

  • This is much better than re-releasing GTA 5 for the third goddamn time.

    Dread it... Run from it... The 'next-gen' version of GTAV arrives, all the same...

    AronDracula posted: »

    It seems that GTA Remastered Collection, featuring GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas, is confirmed. I am actually hyped for this because I ne

  • I actually bought it, been meaning to get around to playing it but... work. I also need to give The Council a go as I haven't had a chance to touch it

    AChicken posted: »

    Sam And Max: Save The World Remastered was announced and released for Xbox yesterday. So I guess a PS4 port is incoming... in at least 6 mon

  • edited August 2021

    I played the open beta for Back4Blood. It’s okay.

    I actually kind of like the card system, it helps make each player feel and act more unique, and there are a ton of cards so there’s a bunch of different decks you could make. You could even go about making a melee only build. However I do think the number of cards could get overwhelming unless you’re super into them. There are a bunch of different guns that can be modified which is neat and you can end up getting some pretty powerful weapons that tear through hordes. There’s a nice sense of progression going on that I enjoyed. I may sound a bit psychotic but I also think that it’s cool that by the end of every level the characters and their weapons are just drenched in blood from head to toe.

    Everything else though is pretty blah. Characters in terms of both designs and writing are very bland (aside from one line of dialogue talking about how the virus spread which was funny but also felt super real considering the current state of the world lol), the maps are very forgettable except for maybe one involving a ship, the versus mode is boring, some of the special infected have too similar abilities and designs which make it hard to tell them apart, the difficulty gap between easy and normal is way too big, and the campaign finale for the beta ends in the most flaccid and underwhelming way possible. Which is especially disappointing since both Left 4 Dead game finales have had some really epic, over-the-top and fun finales.

    I do think the game overall is alright mostly because of the improvements and progression they added, however I can get everything else but done much better in Left 4 Dead 2 which at this point in time is dirt cheap with an incredible modding community.

  • Interesting.

    In terms of other modern L4D2 interpretations, this reminds me that World War Z game exists.
    I own it (I think thanks to PS Plus?) but I haven't touched it. I've heard some good things about it being a nice third-person successor to the L4D series, though is crammed with DLC.

    Apparently there's even another expansion coming out for the Game sometime this year, plus they're adding more features like a first-person mode.

    Speaking of zombies, I've recently finished the Dying Light: The Following expansion.
    Gosh, I forgot how fun and how terrifying the game can be. Driving around on your nimble new buggy is fun in this rural farm map, and there's plenty of spooky volatile hives to clear out (at night) instead of the usual quarantine zones. Lots of interesting side missions I've come across, and the main plot centering around this mysterious immune cult was fun.

    I find it a bit sad how there's no ending in which Crane "lives" though.
    You either get
    1. Crane becomes a zombie, (Night Hunter?), and stumbles outside the quarantine zone.
    2. The Mother convinces Crane to blow up Harran with a nuke.
    3. Secret ending: Find a nuke on the map and blow it up yourself.
    If the first ending (or this whole DLC) is at all canon, it could be a cool explanation as to how the rest of the world gets infected, and a new city is under siege like with DL2 coming soon...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I played the open beta for Back4Blood. It’s okay. I actually kind of like the card system, it helps make each player feel and act more un

  • Yeah, the first ending is definitely canon because if the whole city and island blew to bits, then the virus would cease. The thing that really bothers me about the ending is that everything Crane has done, after all the sacrifices commited, after stopping the city from being bombed, after killing Rais, after ditching the GRE support, was all for nothing. Nothing in Dying Light 1 Story matters anymore and new players are safe to just jump right into the sequel. Although it is possible for Techland to surprise us with some possible returning characters, like Brecken, the Tower doctor or Crane as a zombie boss.

    AChicken posted: »

    Interesting. In terms of other modern L4D2 interpretations, this reminds me that World War Z game exists. I own it (I think thanks to P

  • edited August 2021

    Today, my parents officially divorced. My mother and step-father have been married for only 12 years. This whole thing started when my mom was having an affair with her boss in October 2020. I probably should have done something about it because a parent cheating on their wife/husband is illegal but I didn't because it wasn't my business to get in their way. My mom was happy with the man she has been hanging out with but she wasn't planning to consider a divorce with my step-father. However, ever since my step-dad found out her secret in May 2021, he has been yelling at my mom like an animal for weeks. Hearing him scream made me go nuts and almost made me bust my door down. My mother tried everything she could to calm him down, like having a meeting between her, her boss and him to admit their mistakes. She told me that even though he said he accepted that my mom should be just "friends" with her boss, he still asked for trouble and scandal. My mom couldn't get it anymore and my dad finally decided to just divorce and move somewhere else.

    I understand why step-dad would be upset but him screaming like an immature over and over again made me sick and almost made me want to scream at him. Both my parents made stupid decisions but if one of them just keeps acting like children instead of making civilized decisions, I would just move to a place on my own. Hearing arguments between parents is nothing but an awful experience.

    I honestly don't know what to feel about this situation. Sometimes I am happy because my step-dad usually tells me what to do when I'm just minding my own business. I understand it was for a good health but sometimes, he should just let people do what makes them happy. Sometimes I feel bad because he actually helped my family a lot: moving to different place, building our houses, inspiring me to do workout, encouraging me to invite my high school classmates to a restaurant for a reunion. Either way, it's a shame this had to happen. I am a little bit worried about my future but I hope my mom is happy with her new friend and my step-dad manages to find a better life.

  • Looks like I missed my chance to post on one of the older threads. All the game forums seem to be locked. I've been putting it off for like 2 years now, but it's too late.

    I'm not gonna say who I was, that name is dead anyway. I'm just sorry? I was like 13 and really annoying to everyone. This was back in 2015-2016.

    A lot of things changed for me but I always look back at that thread. With a bit of sadness and regret. I feel bad for anyone that had to put up with me back then and I cringe looking back at some of the stuff i said/did (thankfully, most of my memory of that time is fuzzy)

    Sometimes I wonder if people still remember me? What do they say? Do they say I was that one annoying weird kid? Guess I'll never know. But I still think about a lot of you guys from time to time.

  • I'm really sorry to hear that Aron.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Today, my parents officially divorced. My mother and step-father have been married for only 12 years. This whole thing started when my mom w

  • I'm sorry man, sounds like a tough situation, but I know you'll figure things out, I got faith in you.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Today, my parents officially divorced. My mother and step-father have been married for only 12 years. This whole thing started when my mom w

  • It's always a great day when more people walk away from this cult. Reading about Scientology's actions and watching Leah Remini's series, walking away from Scientology is certainly not an easy thing to do, it's one of the hardest because of how ingrained the Church becomes in your life and how controlling it is. Sounds like being a mother woke her up to how dangerous the Church is (some of the most horrifying stories of the Church involve parents being forced to cut their children out of their lives, or children cutting out their parents, or the Church forcing parents to give their kids up/coercing abortions, that last one is easily the most sickening to me, and that's saying a lot considering this Church also locks people up in prison cells and once tried to frame a journalist for a bomb plot).

  • @MetallicaRules @DeliciousDeku Thank you for your kind words

  • No worries, everyone looks back and cringes at some of the things they did when they were younger. Part of being young is doing stupid stuff that you learn not to do anymore. :)

    TheMrHyde posted: »

    Looks like I missed my chance to post on one of the older threads. All the game forums seem to be locked. I've been putting it off for like

  • Sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad, though, that you realize it's about them and not about you. It sounds like the worst is over.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Today, my parents officially divorced. My mother and step-father have been married for only 12 years. This whole thing started when my mom w

  • PC Gamer wrote an interesting article about Accessibility in Gaming, and how it may not be all that expensive if Accessibility is something conceptualized during the early stages of development instead of being brought in later in the games development.

    A major development for the XAG came earlier this year when Microsoft announced developers can ship their Xbox or PC game over to Microsoft for analysis and validation against the XAG guidelines to see if it's up to standard as a part of its new Gaming Accessibility Testing Service. With that in mind, it seemed only fitting to speak with Microsoft regarding the XAG and the response it has received from developers so far.
    And who better to explain it than Anita Mortaloni, director of Accessibility at Xbox.
    "One of the common misconceptions in the development process is that accessibility is expensive," Mortaloni says. "And if you wait until the end of a game's development process to retrofit accessibility, it will be.
    "But if you start with accessibility in mind, it isn't costly and ultimately means more people can play your game."

    This has been somewhat enlightening for me as I previously considered accessibility to be an expensive endeavor, and I do think for indies that is still the case, but for major players in the industry, it is a drop in the bucket for them, so like...why is accessibility still relatively rare? Artistic vision can still be upheld with accessibility being baked in, and allows more people to experience it how they see fit.

    If they want to play on an impossible difficulty, slide that slider up to the max, if they're present for the story, have an easier difficulty available. And to make abundantly clear, despite the language I've used, adding in this stuff is easier said than done, it's not as simple as slapping on a difficulty and that's it, there's fine tuning and a whole array of work that needs to be done, I am not ignorant to that, but accessibility should be more prevalent in today's industry than it actually is. I appreciate the strides taken, they're laying the groundwork for the future, but there can always be improvement.

    Link to the PC Gamer article:

  • I'm sorry you've had to go through that, but please don't feel that you are to blame in any shape or form, as it's not you, it's between them. I personally was the same with my parents, where they were back and forth and I thought it was me, but it was just between them, but I do not want to make this about me.

    Keep in contact with him, because by the sounds of it he sounds like a good man that has been there for you as you were growing up, you are an adult so who you choose to associate with is completely your decision.

    I think it's fair that you feel worried about your future, but that worry will pass, it's just a temporary feeling by the events you've experienced, but things will pan out alright.

    It's easier said than done, but keep that head up, and remember you still have both of them that care for you and that won't change.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Today, my parents officially divorced. My mother and step-father have been married for only 12 years. This whole thing started when my mom w

  • edited August 2021

    Trailer for the Star Wars anime series just dropped. It comes out on September 22nd. (Didn't this just get announced like earlier this year?)
    Japanese Dub Trailer

    English Dub Trailer

    It'll be animated by 7 different Japanese animation studios, and if this video's anything to go by, the visuals are going to be stellar!! (Pun not intended)

    The Studios announced are:
    Kamikaze Douga
    Geno Studio (Twin Engine)
    Studio Colorido
    Trigger -- animating 2 episodes
    Kinema Citrus
    Science Saru -- animating 2 episodes
    Production IG

  • edited August 2021

    I can’t wait to see all the crazy shit these studios come up with. I’m especially looking forward to the Studio Trigger episodes. They’re going to be so over the top it’ll be great. I’m also interested in the Tatooine Rhapsody episode as that’s supposed to be a musical.

    AChicken posted: »

    Trailer for the Star Wars anime series just dropped. It comes out on September 22nd. (Didn't this just get announced like earlier this year?

  • Finally after one million years, Twelve Minutes is finally getting released! Reviews for it so far are pretty darn good to divisive (everyone’s favourite word) so I’m interested to see what’s going on with the story. An average play through is supposedly 4-5 hours long which sounds like a good length, though it can apparently go over 10 if you want to do absolutely everything.

  • Reviews seems to range between loving the game and its story, to hating the story and the gameplay.

    The point-and-click elements really hinge on whether or not you enjoy that style of gameplay, as well as it being on the more difficult side like old point-and-click titles. Very little guidance.

    Very, very light spoilers

    Unfortunately I read a review where they mentioned their distate "for the twist ending". They didn't say what it was, but the fact that they revealed there was some sort of twist is just in bad taste. There's a mystery, I get it, but now I know there's some element people don't like that'll completely flip the game on its head.
    Man, now I'm gonna be playing the whole game with some set expectation of a twist, and whether or not it turns out in my favour or not could really colour my impressions afterwards.

    Apparently in an interview with the creator, during playtesting they got a similar divisive opinion on the gameplay and frustration around it, so this stuff was expected, at the least.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Finally after one million years, Twelve Minutes is finally getting released! Reviews for it so far are pretty darn good to divisive (everyon

  • edited August 2021

    Interested in Tatooine Rhapsody

    Studio Colorido is supposed to be animating that episode, so it should be great. They've got this great soft artstyle, colour-palette. And have some pretty dynamic animation from time to time.

    Speaking of, watch the film Penguin Highway. It was their debut project, and really scratches that "summer childhood nostalgia" itch (though I now realise you're a Southern Hemisphere guy... so I guess it's winter for you right now)
    A young genius and his school friends start an investigation on the sudden appearance of penguins in their suburbs, and try to figure out why/how they're appearing.
    Not sure where it is for you, but here in Canada, Amazon Prime recently added it

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I can’t wait to see all the crazy shit these studios come up with. I’m especially looking forward to the Studio Trigger episodes. They’re go

  • The PS5 Restock Issue is still driving me nuts so you know what? I decided to buy a PS4 Pro because my old PS4 is almost 6 years old and I can tell it's not about to last long, at least for the new PS4 releases. I just want a more powerful PS4 in which I can actually record gameplay in 1920x1080p and play the games in a smooth way. My old PS4 still works but definitely outdated.

  • @MetallicaRules if you haven't played it yet, get the game Control for your swanky new PS5.

    You get the benefit of having the DLC included, plus options for Ultra Ray Tracing graphics or normal graphics/smooth 60fps which the PS4 version doesn't have.

  • I've looked into it, might want to get a few other games first though.

    AChicken posted: »

    @MetallicaRules if you haven't played it yet, get the game Control for your swanky new PS5. You get the benefit of having the DLC includ

  • I got a haircut after something like 8 months without one

    The past 3 months is the first time I've ever had to use a ponytail.
    Apologies for the first picture, my hair was recently drying from a shower and it just got all tangled.

  • Where are you. I’m looking at the pictures for a chicken but all I see is a dude.

    AChicken posted: »

    I got a haircut after something like 8 months without one (Spoiler) The past 3 months is the first time I've ever had to use a ponytail. Apologies for the first picture, my hair was recently drying from a shower and it just got all tangled.

  • edited August 2021

    Aw damn it! I knew I couldn't trust that guy to get a good picture of me.
    He was such a pompous, vain motherclucker.

    Side-note-- I am neither pompous nor vain in real life

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Where are you. I’m looking at the pictures for a chicken but all I see is a dude.

  • edited August 2021


  • The Geoff-com Opening stream is happening this Wednesday night.

    We'll finally get some new footage for the Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga game, along with some others and a bunch new announcements Keighley could secure.

  • 7/10 too much Rhyiona propaganda.

    I loved The Suicide Squad, so at least that's good.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • This would imply the scene in the movie is Rick Flag Harley Quinn propaganda

  • Honestly, if you argue the whole movie was that I might agree with you.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    This would imply the scene in the movie is Rick Flag Harley Quinn propaganda

  • No no no you see I was saying by you saying I was posting Rhyiona Propaganda, that would mean in context to the scene in the movie would imply a Rick Flag and Harley Quinn relationship which there is not, thus I rest my case, no Rhyiona Propaganda here, simply only coincidence.

    Unless of course we have discovered InGen's new favorite ship :o

    Honestly, if you argue the whole movie was that I might agree with you.

  • Interesting. I said that in response to what you said because like, I genuinely felt like the The Suicide Squad was very pro-Rick Flag and Harley Quinn (NOT in a relationship - just like, it always painted those characters in a good light - and well, I loved the movie, so I had no problem with that). I suppose for some reason I forgot we were talking about shipping, lol.


    Poogers555 posted: »

    No no no you see I was saying by you saying I was posting Rhyiona Propaganda, that would mean in context to the scene in the movie would imp

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