The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It's pretty badass. Way better than the later Reapers, Harbinger is a chump.

    On the teaser, it is a cool armor design. I'm not sure what the angle is here - is this tying to Andromeda somehow? Maybe, maybe. That might be a new character IMO.

    WE GOT FEET!!! Also, love that scene. It's literally Sovereign's only real scene, and it's immaculate. "You exist because we allow it. An

  • edited November 2023

    Is it a direct sequel to the trilogy? Andromeda 2?

    It will be both i remember them hinting at merging both the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

    Based on the teasers we already know a bit Cerberus could be back in some form you can see some bombs behind when the person in the coat is walking (the new protagonist maybe) with cerberus colors pattern on them same colors as the last relay they teased in the last N7 day.

    That planet also kinda seems to have the same atmosphere as the planet from that relay in the other teaser (although i could be wrong here) so maybe they're infiltrating it.

    Anyway my guess is that we're playing as an agent of the Shadow Broker (Liara) investigating whatever new threat there seems to be.

    We got the full teaser now for N7 Day I'm a little peeved because they're still not really telling anything in regards to the game. I

  • I personally am not very excited but I can at least respect them for finally communicating.

  • Very unlikely gta 6 will be bad despite Rockstar's recent misses. They are a very weird studio that put a ton of effort into their main project but then half ass all their other stuff. So I really doubt gta 6 would be any less than red dead 2. Now why Rockstar puts 0 effort or quality control into their side stuff I have no idea.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I personally am not very excited but I can at least respect them for finally communicating.

  • edited November 2023

    It's not about the game being bad. My question is that what will make this game worth the wait besides gameplay? This is more of a personal thing but the open world genre became oversaturated these days with a few exceptions. Bigger never meant better. GTA 5's story was just as good as a Fast and Furious movie and the side content was underwhelming. I have no motivation to ever revisit that game. Last time I touched that game was 2016 and I intend to leave it that way.

    It's hard for me to be impressed with so much focus on realism because RDR2 already did it first. If GTA 6 manages to have a good story like RDR2, GTA 4 and San Andreas, then I'll consider giving it a shot.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Very unlikely gta 6 will be bad despite Rockstar's recent misses. They are a very weird studio that put a ton of effort into their main proj

  • That's fair. I think for a lot of people all they really want is more of the same but better from gta v though. I think me personally I would like to see some more open ended missions and exploration because even though Red Dead 2 is great a lot of the mission stuff feels really old school. Even if they stick with this kind of thing for missions I personally wouldn't really mind but I would like to see that change.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It's not about the game being bad. My question is that what will make this game worth the wait besides gameplay? This is more of a personal

  • The fact that this happens so soon after Dunkey posts a compilation of all the "predictions" of GTA6 never happening is the perfect hilarious conclusion to this...

  • edited November 2023
  • I feel like WB has always been greedy. Ever since mobile gaming became a thing they've really monetized many things whether it's mobile or console gaming. Still wish they would treat fighting games without monetizing them.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Should I laugh or should I cry?

  • I really wish we didn't have to wait over ten years just for another GTA game. Now to think of it, the amount of time just to wait for a single Rockstar game keeps increasing. Between GTA 5 and RDR2 was 5 years. It's probably gonna keep increasing, which worries me because we won't get to seem the same voice actors as they tend to leave after a certain time. Like Lazlow Jones.

  • The problem with Harbinger is that ME2 built him up, and he could have been just as if not more intimidating and threatening. And then he only got one scene at the very end of ME3, and doesn't speak.

    I honestly hope it's Shepard. But I do believe the game director, Mike Gamble, has said that the sequel will tie both games. I just don't know how that's going to be possible without time dilations, worm holes, or Conrad's dark matter doctoral thesis connecting them. There have been two years hinted at, 2193 (hinting original trilogy), and 2819 (Andromeda).

    It's pretty badass. Way better than the later Reapers, Harbinger is a chump. On the teaser, it is a cool armor design. I'm not sure what the angle is here - is this tying to Andromeda somehow? Maybe, maybe. That might be a new character IMO.

  • I did see a video where the backgrounds are more visible, and I want to say I do see a Cerberus logo on it. The strange structure in last year's teaser, which looks like an under construction mass relay, also has Cerberus colors. And considering the strange haze you see outside, it would match with one of the concept arts we saw last year, where we saw a bunch of people walking outside with masks and external breathers on. The planet with the mass relay, that art, and in this teaser are all probably the same place.

    I don't think we'll play as Liara, I just don't see that working out in an RPG style game. Shepard makes sense because of nostalgia/giving them a more satisfying send off than what ME3 gave, but they really want to keep it in the dark. Hell, we don't even know if the person in the teaser is the protagonist, they could be a villain or antagonist.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Is it a direct sequel to the trilogy? Andromeda 2? It will be both i remember them hinting at merging both the Milky Way and the And

  • How Telltale gonna be when they change all their socials to be Wolf 2 themed when the trailer drops posting "That's right. Telltale's back. And we're coming back HARD!" when someone brings up Expanse

  • One thing I really want to see is the amount of interaction implemented into gameplay. It is already expected to be probably the best looking game of the generation. You can't just spend 2 billion bucks just to make the game look like a movie.

    I want to see content that were missing in GTA 5 and some of the new ones. Like enterable buildings, a fully customizable protagonist, destructable environment, buying properties for manual saving, a huge variety of driveable vehicles etc. Just make the game look alive with a lot of interaction.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That's fair. I think for a lot of people all they really want is more of the same but better from gta v though. I think me personally I woul

  • edited November 2023

    I don't think we'll play as Liara

    I meant working with Liara who i imagine is still the Shadow Broker and play as one of her agents which to me would make sense since they seem to be going more in a spy/espionnage kind of direction for this new Mass Effect but i'm just taking a wild guess.

    Shepard makes sense because of nostalgia/giving them a more satisfying send off than what ME3 gave

    I'm personally fine with not having Shepard in future games going forward despite the ME3 endings Shepard's story to me was over in that game but i'm conflicted because that would be pretty awesome depending on how they do it guess we'll just have to see what they come up with eventually.

    I did see a video where the backgrounds are more visible, and I want to say I do see a Cerberus logo on it. The strange structure in last ye

  • guess we'll just have to see what they come up with eventually.

    Wait, this is the exact mentality that gave us the crappy endings to begin with. But at the same time, I do really want it. I'm conflicted.

    iFoRias posted: »

    I don't think we'll play as Liara I meant working with Liara who i imagine is still the Shadow Broker and play as one of her agents

  • edited November 2023

    Maya Hawke is Anxiety! 10/10 casting. The other emotions will be Embarrassment, Ennui and Envy.

    One of the writers from the original movie is writing this so I'm cautiously optimistic! I loved the first movie and as one of many people who deals with horrific anxiety, I'm sure there's gonna be some painfully related stuff again.

  • I am soo disappointed that Spider-Man 2 and Alan Wake 2 were soo easy to platinum.

  • guess we'll just have to see what they come up with eventually. Wait, this is the exact mentality that gave us the crappy endings to begin with. But at the same time, I do really want it. I'm conflicted.

  • Ummm, not bad, I guess? That's my first impression.

  • edited November 2023

    Eh, I’m not putting stock into that. The author is basing it off of Dragon Age Dreadwolf’s timeline from what I heard, and that game was cancelled and restarted twice. Started originally in 2015, cancelled around 2017 since it couldn’t have live service elements, restarted in 2018 with live service elements, and then that was canned around 2021 due to success of Fallen Order/failure of Anthem. In a single player, story driven format, it doesn’t sound like this version of it has existed that long, so I doubt ME, which hasn’t been reported to have those troubles, will experience similar delays to push it back until 2029. While the studio has put more of its time into Dreadwolf in order to finish it and get it out, it doesn’t seem as though the Mass Effect team has had that much in terms of hiccups or shakeups. If Dreadwolf is able to stick to a 2024 release, barring more complications, I can see Mass Effect being 2026 or 2027. And frankly I’m hesitant to trust anything from anonymous sources, regardless of what their reasoning might be. It could happen, or it might not, we’ll see. But this reeks of just being a clickbait headline grabber meant to drum up clicks considering the recent N7 Day.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • edited November 2023

    I would very much like to thank The Dragon Prince animators for fueling my nightmares for the next several days.

    Jesus fuck Claudia, what the hell?! That being said, watch as this horrifying and gruesome scene, is probably followed by a fart joke or something, as is typical with the show.

  • Wait? Already Season 6? I didn't even know Season 5 came out

    I would very much like to thank The Dragon Prince animators for fueling my nightmares for the next several days. Jesus fuck Claudia,

  • Yeah, it’s been out since July. They actually surprise dropped it a week or so before the originally planned release date after their panel at SDCC.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Wait? Already Season 6? I didn't even know Season 5 came out

  • Bigby and Snow in some dank basement examining a dead body


    Bigby: Are you wearing silk lingerie, Snow?

  • edited November 2023

    I can fix her.

    Or she can make me worse... or kill me.

    I would very much like to thank The Dragon Prince animators for fueling my nightmares for the next several days. Jesus fuck Claudia,

  • One of those shows where I don't mind waiting too much because the animation is absolutely spectacular. With that said, they didn't have to leave it on such a huge cliffhanger, so it's good to finally have an estimated release date. :D

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • Most likely kill you, she’s already covered in blood

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I can fix her. (Spoiler)

  • edited November 2023

    I am sorry to all Alan Wake enjoyers here but I must say. I have been playing the sequel and I have to say I am not really digging it. I only finished the first 2 chapters but I honestly find it to be pretty boring. I like the 2 partner characters but 2 hours in and pretty much all I've done is walk around and frankly I ain't finding the game very scary either. I feel like nearly 2 hours without getting into meaningful gameplay is not really how you get someone into your game. I'm going to keep playing but someone tell me I am not alone in thinking the first 2 hours are really boring.

    Also I find the whole detective board thing not great and I am honestly surprised to hear such positive things about it. I am hoping that because I am still early on it opens up more but right now it feels kind of pointless? Find clue open the board and then place it down. You can now continue. It isn't really detective work at all. It looks neat but what you are doing could be automated. Not to mention Anderson then just unlocks the "Tell me where it is" prompt and suddenly she just knows things. I was expecting something a bit more puzzle based from what I was hearing (unless this changes later on) because right now it feels repetitive and could just update itself. Take clue you found, drag clue on board, go to the Anderson thinks extra hard button, continue. When really it could just be "find all clues to continue" without all the clue dragging and button presses.

  • Slow starts are personally my jam. Alan Wake 2 takes a much slower approach than the first game and Control, which I think works for the introduction to Saga Anderson before you get the chance to swap to the other story.

    As for the clue board, I'd say it's a very simple mechanic, I've just always found them satisfying (and no, it's not really puzzle based, just lining up your info).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I am sorry to all Alan Wake enjoyers here but I must say. I have been playing the sequel and I have to say I am not really digging it. I onl

  • As for the clue board, I'd say it's a very simple mechanic, I've just always found them satisfying (and no, it's not really puzzle based, just lining up your info).

    It's also more of a completionist thing. I ended missing quite a few clues and couldn't really close a couple of the cases.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Slow starts are personally my jam. Alan Wake 2 takes a much slower approach than the first game and Control, which I think works for the int

  • edited November 2023

    Eh, it's definitely a lot of atmospheric build-up and creating the strange mystery surrounding Alan Wake's original town (and how long its been since the original events) that should be your hook into it.i was really invested already with the narrative surrounding Nightingale and the return to Cauldron Lake.
    But Saga's gameplay is a lot slower paced and about uncovering clues, with occasional areas meant to keep you prepared for combat.

    Once you unlock Alan Wake's side, you'll have areas with lots of enemies and dummy enemies that should keep you on guard a lot more.

    Personally, I can see how certain moments in the game might be a little tedious on multiple playthroughs, but you don't need to interact with the Case Board every time you find a clue.

    There's quite a few times where you can power through the story, and once you revisit the Board, it'll automatically fill in details you've already solved.

    And regarding Saga's "I just know things" ability. They touch upon what that is later. There's a bit of a reason why she's so unfazed by the weird stuff.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I am sorry to all Alan Wake enjoyers here but I must say. I have been playing the sequel and I have to say I am not really digging it. I onl

  • edited November 2023

    Got to playing some more. I like the Alan stuff more but not by much. Mostly like it more because it isn't in the woods which I was finding very easy to get lost in and not in a fun way. I don't know I feel like there is not a lot of gameplay at all. I'd probably say this game is far closer to a walking sim than a horror game. And that's not to knock on walking sims at all its just I was really not expecting my experience to basically be holding forward for hours and finding enemy encounters to be really rare.

    Also I was really confused with after you find Alan on the beach with how you can explore or return to the car. Had no idea if I was doing it right because Alan and Casey just stop talking and stand on the beach until you take the long ass walk all the way to the car. Felt super weird to me and had me thinking I was even doing it correctly which is kind of another issue I have because the objective stuff feels kind of aimless as well plus never encountering anything makes me feel like I am doing nothing.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Slow starts are personally my jam. Alan Wake 2 takes a much slower approach than the first game and Control, which I think works for the int

  • edited November 2023

    Screw it, I have the Alan Wake skin in Fortnite, and I feel no shame making him do the goofiest dances and poses using emotes now.

    If he can have a surreal choreographed musical number in We Sing, then he can dance like a maniac in Fortnite. I will make him dance like a maniac in Fortnite. I am the Dark Presence, turning him insane.

  • The game is already filled with so many challenging puzzles that aren't Saga's detective stuff. Cult stashes, rhymes, computer codes etc. Some of them puzzles are Math based which can either be a pain or easy to solve depending on your Math skills. That for me was already enough to have such challenge.

    I'm going to keep playing but someone tell me I am not alone in thinking the first 2 hours are really boring.

    I also found myself yawning a lot in the first two hours. But after two chapters, the game get much better because it now lets you to make your own pace. I hope it doesn't spoil it for you but what I mean is that it's going to let you either play Saga's or Alan's campaing from start to finish or you can just play one chapter from one campaign, then play one chapter from the other campaign.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I am sorry to all Alan Wake enjoyers here but I must say. I have been playing the sequel and I have to say I am not really digging it. I onl

  • I'd probably say this game is far closer to a walking sim than a horror game

    This statement hurts me a lot. The first Alan Wake wasn't any better gameplaywise. All I remember the most about that game is go from point A to point B, flash and shoot some enemies, repeat and repeat. That game didn't have much to offer besides a story about writer. Alan Wake 2 is more about exploring areas, solving puzzles and inventory management. It takes more of a Resident Evil 2 approach as they marketed. As much as I loved Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 remakes, they were way too action packed which isn't a bad thing but doesn't make them very Survival Horror-ish. Alan Wake 2 reminded me why Resident Evil 1 Remake is my favorite horror game of all time.

    I'll give you a better example of a walking sim: The Callisto Protocol. That is the most soulless video game I have played this year. It has nothing going for besides amazing visuals.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Got to playing some more. I like the Alan stuff more but not by much. Mostly like it more because it isn't in the woods which I was finding

  • Fuckin' David Zaslav... Jeez, man...

  • edited November 2023

    Would you look at that, seems more people than just Poogers thinks Alan Wake 2 is too slow!

    I haven't seen many complaints so far about the pace, but I quickly got interested and invested in savoring every moment of this game I could. Really wanted to take my time.

    Let's Just Slow Down And Stop Complaining About Alan Wake 2’s Slow Pace

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