Geez if someone cared so much about my opinion that they responded with a full blown essay including references I’d be flattered.
No hate, you do you guys.
@dylanwoods777 and @MetallicaRules
If it's ok with you guys I'm actually gonna share your views on the topic with my cousins. I'm actually glad you guys brought it up and I'm learning something new.
Edit: Wow you guys kept going at without getting bored. Don't know how you guys have made this many long posts on one topic. I would've probably given up before half of your guys discussion. I feel lazy now
@dylanwoods777 and @MetallicaRules
If it's ok with you guys I'm actually gonna share your views on the topic with my cousins. I'm actually… more glad you guys brought it up and I'm learning something new.
Edit: Wow you guys kept going at without getting bored. Don't know how you guys have made this many long posts on one topic. I would've probably given up before half of your guys discussion. I feel lazy now
Nevermind, I actually made a comment critiquing Telltale over a month ago, not as thorough, or as long as my recent comments, but there is definitely a critique that exists from me
It looks like they wanted to set it up to let people subscribe to a mailing list but messed up the site in the process. Good thing the forums are kinda separate.
In other news, I ran over a possum . It was dark and it was a bend and going up a hill and he just appeared ((. I feel terrible I've never hit an animal.
... Really weird situation but a couple otters popped up in my neighbourhood lake. I'm almost certain they're definitely someone's illegal pet, or at the very least abandoned there since where I'm at is pretty far away from any rivers or natural bodies of water, not to mention all the traffic they'd have to maneuver their way around.
Luckily the lake they're in has fish in it and it's fairly clean, but still.
That is actually pretty good news because it means they are preparing to show news lol. Summer Game Fest hopefully the game will appear. If it doesn't I don't see it releasing this year at all. However, Expanse did also kind of decide to announce its release date close to launch.
inb4 Summer Game Fest, Geoff says "And now, let's here from Telltale!" and its whatever the 3rd ip is lmao
It looks like they wanted to set it up to let people subscribe to a mailing list but messed up the site in the process. Good thing the forums are kinda separate.
I wonder that if Batman: The Enemy Within released in a different time, like just a bit earlier or even later, that John Doe would have become a Tumblr Sexyman.
I'm still alive by the way, and hooo boy you guys really like talking about money. Lol.
Well, I'm still waiting with bated breath of literally anything from Wolf 2.
I've started (a veeery expensive yeesh) testing program for ADHD. There's been signs for a while now and I just want confirmation and tips on how to handle... my scattered brain attention span heheh.
Also @MetallicaRules might want to keep an eye on Fortnite next month.
They just revealed this year's Season 3 for Battle Royale -- a post-apocalypse mad-max wasteland, with the "main theme song" being Fuel by Metallica as seen in all the ads.
And here's the kicker: Fortnite now has a rhythm game mode, added last year from the devs behind Rock Band.
There was a leak a few months ago that totally spoiled the Billie Eilish-centric season for the music mode, and there's a high chance that if it's 100% correct, the headliner in a couple weeks will switch over to Metallica, in which we'll get a whole bunch of their songs added to the catalogue/store.
(They just recently added Fuel to the catalogue as well)
I'm still alive by the way, and hooo boy you guys really like talking about money. Lol.
Well, I'm still waiting with bated breath of lite… morerally anything from Wolf 2.
I've started (a veeery expensive yeesh) testing program for ADHD. There's been signs for a while now and I just want confirmation and tips on how to handle... my scattered brain attention span heheh.
Also @MetallicaRules might want to keep an eye on Fortnite next month.
They just revealed this year's Season 3 for Battle Royale -- a post-apocalypse mad-max wasteland, with the "main theme song" being Fuel by Metallica as seen in all the ads.
And here's the kicker: Fortnite now has a rhythm game mode, added last year from the devs behind Rock Band.
There was a leak a few months ago that totally spoiled the Billie Eilish-centric season for the music mode, and there's a high chance that if it's 100% correct, the headliner in a couple weeks will switch over to Metallic… [view original content]
I think you mean "updated at all". Epic abandoned the mode
And yeah, I took a loooooong break from Fortnite until late last year, when I got lured back in with their Festival music mode.
And now it's basically the only thing I play in it.
It's forgiving to "free" players since the available songs to play (regardless of ownership) rotates every day. And if you play with randoms, any songs they own is available for you to pick in the lobby.
It's just... I got really burnt out and frustrated with their FOMO Battle Pass scheme for BR back in the day and made peace with the fact that I can't and shouldn't grind my way to own things I'm not having fun with.
But I still wish they'd let people earn stuff through older passes. Fuck FOMO.
It's just... I got really burnt out and frustrated with their FOMO Battle Pass scheme for BR back in the day and made peace with the fact that I can't and shouldn't grind my way to own things I'm not having fun with.
But I still wish they'd let people earn stuff through older passes. Fuck FOMO.
If your talking about keeping battlepasses forever after buying them yeah I'm suprised Epic hasn't done this yet. Some (not all) other games actually now let you keep battlepasses forever after you buy them. If they brought back the battlepasses from all the way they started back in 2017 I'd probably have a few, since currently I have 3200 Vbucks from playing Save the World.
I think you mean "updated at all". Epic abandoned the mode
And yeah, I took a loooooong break from Fortnite until late last year, when I… more got lured back in with their Festival music mode.
And now it's basically the only thing I play in it.
It's forgiving to "free" players since the available songs to play (regardless of ownership) rotates every day. And if you play with randoms, any songs they own is available for you to pick in the lobby.
It's just... I got really burnt out and frustrated with their FOMO Battle Pass scheme for BR back in the day and made peace with the fact that I can't and shouldn't grind my way to own things I'm not having fun with.
But I still wish they'd let people earn stuff through older passes. Fuck FOMO.
So I'm gonna ask this, does anyone think that there can be a possibility Telltale shuts down again ever since the layoffs and the glassdoor reviews? It happened before and worse it was right before TWDG S4 EP 2 released. I'm saying this because I still think it's a possibility we might not even get Wolf 2 (yeah we've seen images and it looks good but those are just concept). It makes me wish Telltale held off the Expanse until after Wolf 2 would be finished. Let's face it, if Expanse didn't release first, Wolf 2 would've already long been out by now.
I've been told I can be quite negative, but I do think it's a possibility. I also think if TWAU2 does release, it may not be as good as we hope it is. I know that there are cases where it doesn't apply (rare I mean), but games trapped in development hell usually don't come out as a quality product. My fingers are crossed that TWAU2 doesn't end up that way, but with everything going on at Telltale, after they released a game that did bomb, I'm not confident on that.
So I'm gonna ask this, does anyone think that there can be a possibility Telltale shuts down again ever since the layoffs and the glassdoor … morereviews? It happened before and worse it was right before TWDG S4 EP 2 released. I'm saying this because I still think it's a possibility we might not even get Wolf 2 (yeah we've seen images and it looks good but those are just concept). It makes me wish Telltale held off the Expanse until after Wolf 2 would be finished. Let's face it, if Expanse didn't release first, Wolf 2 would've already long been out by now.
I do think that the layoffs did slow down the development of Wolf 2. I think thats also why there's very little communication about it from the devs to the fans.
I've been told I can be quite negative, but I do think it's a possibility. I also think if TWAU2 does release, it may not be as good as we h… moreope it is. I know that there are cases where it doesn't apply (rare I mean), but games trapped in development hell usually don't come out as a quality product. My fingers are crossed that TWAU2 doesn't end up that way, but with everything going on at Telltale, after they released a game that did bomb, I'm not confident on that.
Oh yeah that is a definite. Like I question why The Expanse came out first, maybe they thought it would do well and their split from the sales in acting as a publishing body would fund development for TWAU2, Telltale games don't typically sell all that well, but to me, although I may be very biased, I think TWAU2 would've sold more than The Expanse and performed well for a Telltale game.
Maybe they knew they'd take their time with it, but given that TWAU2 was announced 4 1/2 years ago, and still looks to be in early stages based on the screenshots which doesn't show a whole lot, and taking into account the pandemic, working from home, etc. it's not on me to put a timeframe on things, but I think it should have released in maybe Q3 2023. I don't have much faith in Telltale to deliver a quality sequel, I really hope I'm proven wrong about this, but it doesn't look like a thing that'll have a happy ending for all parties.
I do think that the layoffs did slow down the development of Wolf 2. I think thats also why there's very little communication about it from the devs to the fans.
So with the Xbox 360 marketplace going offline on July 29th, I've been looking at games to pick up before they're gone forever. The Wolf Among Us and Batman: The Telltale Series are still available to buy, so I got them, they're not backwards compatible, but I have an Xbox 360 I can use to play them. Even going back through to The Walking Dead, which I bought the three Xbox 360 games back a few years ago, I can download all the old trailers and Playing Dead Episodes with Greg Miller when he was at IGN, which is neat. It makes me sad though, remembering an era like that which is so far in the past, but I remember the thoughts and feelings I experienced when I played these games for the first time. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to play TWAU or Batman with the move looming ever closer, and a busy work schedule to see through until my notice period is up next week.
I intend on giving the Xbox 360 to my brothers, and having my existing catalogue of backwards compatible games installed so they can enjoy them as much as I did and understand why I treasure those Telltale games and the rest of my catalogue.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is amazing. It's the first game in the series I ever 100% completed and I'm going through the DLC now.
It sucks that the New Game + is DLC only, but that's on Sega management, not Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio - the latter really pulled out all the stops on this one. The Pokemon and Animal Crossing games parody mini games are fun to play all on their own - especially the latter.
It's amazing just how much you can do in the game. It's also crazy to me that M2 is now emulating the Sega Model 3 arcade games that the RGG team made when the studio was first formed.
The RGG Studio founder, Toshihiro Nagoshi, started at AM2, along with most of the staff who started the studio. AM2 made games that have been included in the RGG games way back when they first started having emulated games in 2012 with Yakuza 5. Tangentially, Sega AM2 arcade games were also included in Shenmue - which was the game the RGG founder and former studio head was brought in to finish because Yu Suzuki couldn't bring it to the finish line as the game was constantly plagued with feature creep. Nagoshi used the knowledge he gained from working on Shenmue to create Yakuza, which was named Ryu Ga Gotoku, or Like a Dragon in Japan. Yakuza wasn't the studio's first game but it's the one that put it on the map, and the one that gave the studio its current name.
But now, the Like a Dragon games include emulated Sega AM11 games. Daytona USA 2: Power Edition is in Like a Dragon Gaiden, and SpikeOut: Final Edition is in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
Sega AM11 was the first iteration of the team that is now Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, founded way back in June 1998. In Sega terms, that's the beginning of the end of the Saturn era and the period of time right before the Dreamcast era. The latter console holds a special place for me because it was the first console I bought new with my own money when I was a teenager. I imported it from Japan at launch in 1998 from the now-defunct company Lik Sang. That company was the Play-Asia of its time.
The only other Sega AM11 game besides the two they included in the most recent games is Virtua Striker 2 Version '99. It would be great if they included that in Like a Dragon 9, Judgment 3, or whichever game is coming up next.
AM11 was renamed Sega Software R&D Dept. 4 in May 1999. This iteration of the studio made Dreamcast and NAOMI arcade games. The NAOMI was basically a Dreamcast with twice as much RAM. The NAOMI games were Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000 and Virtua NBA. The Dreamcast game was the final iteration of Virtua Striker 2, ver. 2000.1, released simply as Virtua Striker 2 in North America.
It would blow my mind if they started including NAOMI games in the Like a Dragon series. As a huge Dreamcast fan, official home versions of NAOMI games would be a dream come true for me.
I get notified of lots of new rock songs by independent bands, including death metal. Today, a song was released with the title, "Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes", and I just keep thinking over and over today, "Well, I'm glad there's a chapter about that not happening."
Hope you enjoyed the show.
@dylanwoods777 and @MetallicaRules
If it's ok with you guys I'm actually gonna share your views on the topic with my cousins. I'm actually glad you guys brought it up and I'm learning something new.
Edit: Wow you guys kept going at without getting bored. Don't know how you guys have made this many long posts on one topic. I would've probably given up before half of your guys discussion. I feel lazy now
Sure thing broski
You caused so much of a distraction that no one noticed Wolf 2 was canceled last week
If only someone had a critique for corporate decisions...
I'm on it
Nevermind, I actually made a comment critiquing Telltale over a month ago, not as thorough, or as long as my recent comments, but there is definitely a critique that exists from me
Just for me that the telltale website doesn't work, except this forum part. 403 stuff.
No matter what happens to the rest of the website, we will always be trapped here.
It looks like they wanted to set it up to let people subscribe to a mailing list but messed up the site in the process. Good thing the forums are kinda separate.
Yeah, I had some issues but here now.
In other news, I ran over a possum
. It was dark and it was a bend and going up a hill and he just appeared
((. I feel terrible I've never hit an animal.
The Telltale janitor trying to save the site from the Russian hackers looking for revenge for Batman S1:
... Really weird situation but a couple otters popped up in my neighbourhood lake. I'm almost certain they're definitely someone's illegal pet, or at the very least abandoned there since where I'm at is pretty far away from any rivers or natural bodies of water, not to mention all the traffic they'd have to maneuver their way around.
Luckily the lake they're in has fish in it and it's fairly clean, but still.
God I want Rian Johnson and Daniel Craig to make as many of these as they're able, they're so fun!
Rian Johnson once talked about how he wanted to change up the tone for the 3rd movie, so I wonder if it'll be a little more serious bar Benoit Blanc.
That is actually pretty good news because it means they are preparing to show news lol. Summer Game Fest hopefully the game will appear. If it doesn't I don't see it releasing this year at all. However, Expanse did also kind of decide to announce its release date close to launch.
inb4 Summer Game Fest, Geoff says "And now, let's here from Telltale!" and its whatever the 3rd ip is lmao
I wonder that if Batman: The Enemy Within released in a different time, like just a bit earlier or even later, that John Doe would have become a Tumblr Sexyman.
I'm still alive by the way, and hooo boy you guys really like talking about money. Lol.
Well, I'm still waiting with bated breath of literally anything from Wolf 2.
I've started (a veeery expensive yeesh) testing program for ADHD. There's been signs for a while now and I just want confirmation and tips on how to handle... my scattered brain attention span heheh.
Also @MetallicaRules might want to keep an eye on Fortnite next month.

They just revealed this year's Season 3 for Battle Royale -- a post-apocalypse mad-max wasteland, with the "main theme song" being Fuel by Metallica as seen in all the ads.
And here's the kicker: Fortnite now has a rhythm game mode, added last year from the devs behind Rock Band.
There was a leak a few months ago that totally spoiled the Billie Eilish-centric season for the music mode, and there's a high chance that if it's 100% correct, the headliner in a couple weeks will switch over to Metallica, in which we'll get a whole bunch of their songs added to the catalogue/store.
(They just recently added Fuel to the catalogue as well)
I'm probably one of the only people who have fortnite just for Save the World. Wish it was updated more
I think you mean "updated at all". Epic abandoned the mode
And yeah, I took a loooooong break from Fortnite until late last year, when I got lured back in with their Festival music mode.
And now it's basically the only thing I play in it.
It's forgiving to "free" players since the available songs to play (regardless of ownership) rotates every day. And if you play with randoms, any songs they own is available for you to pick in the lobby.
It's just... I got really burnt out and frustrated with their FOMO Battle Pass scheme for BR back in the day and made peace with the fact that I can't and shouldn't grind my way to own things I'm not having fun with.
But I still wish they'd let people earn stuff through older passes. Fuck FOMO.
But I still wish they'd let people earn stuff through older passes. Fuck FOMO.
If your talking about keeping battlepasses forever after buying them yeah I'm suprised Epic hasn't done this yet. Some (not all) other games actually now let you keep battlepasses forever after you buy them. If they brought back the battlepasses from all the way they started back in 2017 I'd probably have a few, since currently I have 3200 Vbucks from playing Save the World.
So I'm gonna ask this, does anyone think that there can be a possibility Telltale shuts down again ever since the layoffs and the glassdoor reviews? It happened before and worse it was right before TWDG S4 EP 2 released. I'm saying this because I still think it's a possibility we might not even get Wolf 2 (yeah we've seen images and it looks good but those are just concept). It makes me wish Telltale held off the Expanse until after Wolf 2 would be finished. Let's face it, if Expanse didn't release first, Wolf 2 would've already long been out by now.
I've been told I can be quite negative, but I do think it's a possibility. I also think if TWAU2 does release, it may not be as good as we hope it is. I know that there are cases where it doesn't apply (rare I mean), but games trapped in development hell usually don't come out as a quality product. My fingers are crossed that TWAU2 doesn't end up that way, but with everything going on at Telltale, after they released a game that did bomb, I'm not confident on that.
I do think that the layoffs did slow down the development of Wolf 2. I think thats also why there's very little communication about it from the devs to the fans.
Oh yeah that is a definite. Like I question why The Expanse came out first, maybe they thought it would do well and their split from the sales in acting as a publishing body would fund development for TWAU2, Telltale games don't typically sell all that well, but to me, although I may be very biased, I think TWAU2 would've sold more than The Expanse and performed well for a Telltale game.
Maybe they knew they'd take their time with it, but given that TWAU2 was announced 4 1/2 years ago, and still looks to be in early stages based on the screenshots which doesn't show a whole lot, and taking into account the pandemic, working from home, etc. it's not on me to put a timeframe on things, but I think it should have released in maybe Q3 2023. I don't have much faith in Telltale to deliver a quality sequel, I really hope I'm proven wrong about this, but it doesn't look like a thing that'll have a happy ending for all parties.
I am not dead. Lotsa shit happened.
Welcome back, hope everything is okay with you now, I am deeply sorry that you went through what you may have went through.
So with the Xbox 360 marketplace going offline on July 29th, I've been looking at games to pick up before they're gone forever. The Wolf Among Us and Batman: The Telltale Series are still available to buy, so I got them, they're not backwards compatible, but I have an Xbox 360 I can use to play them. Even going back through to The Walking Dead, which I bought the three Xbox 360 games back a few years ago, I can download all the old trailers and Playing Dead Episodes with Greg Miller when he was at IGN, which is neat. It makes me sad though, remembering an era like that which is so far in the past, but I remember the thoughts and feelings I experienced when I played these games for the first time. I'm not sure if I'll have the time to play TWAU or Batman with the move looming ever closer, and a busy work schedule to see through until my notice period is up next week.
I intend on giving the Xbox 360 to my brothers, and having my existing catalogue of backwards compatible games installed so they can enjoy them as much as I did and understand why I treasure those Telltale games and the rest of my catalogue.
Thanks man, appreciate it. Life gets rough for sure but it feels great to return.
DM's are always open if you ever wish to chat, I'm never too far away to provide support and a listening ear to those who want or need it.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is amazing. It's the first game in the series I ever 100% completed and I'm going through the DLC now.
It sucks that the New Game + is DLC only, but that's on Sega management, not Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio - the latter really pulled out all the stops on this one. The Pokemon and Animal Crossing games parody mini games are fun to play all on their own - especially the latter.
It's amazing just how much you can do in the game. It's also crazy to me that M2 is now emulating the Sega Model 3 arcade games that the RGG team made when the studio was first formed.
The RGG Studio founder, Toshihiro Nagoshi, started at AM2, along with most of the staff who started the studio. AM2 made games that have been included in the RGG games way back when they first started having emulated games in 2012 with Yakuza 5. Tangentially, Sega AM2 arcade games were also included in Shenmue - which was the game the RGG founder and former studio head was brought in to finish because Yu Suzuki couldn't bring it to the finish line as the game was constantly plagued with feature creep. Nagoshi used the knowledge he gained from working on Shenmue to create Yakuza, which was named Ryu Ga Gotoku, or Like a Dragon in Japan. Yakuza wasn't the studio's first game but it's the one that put it on the map, and the one that gave the studio its current name.
But now, the Like a Dragon games include emulated Sega AM11 games. Daytona USA 2: Power Edition is in Like a Dragon Gaiden, and SpikeOut: Final Edition is in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.
Sega AM11 was the first iteration of the team that is now Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, founded way back in June 1998. In Sega terms, that's the beginning of the end of the Saturn era and the period of time right before the Dreamcast era. The latter console holds a special place for me because it was the first console I bought new with my own money when I was a teenager. I imported it from Japan at launch in 1998 from the now-defunct company Lik Sang. That company was the Play-Asia of its time.
The only other Sega AM11 game besides the two they included in the most recent games is Virtua Striker 2 Version '99. It would be great if they included that in Like a Dragon 9, Judgment 3, or whichever game is coming up next.
AM11 was renamed Sega Software R&D Dept. 4 in May 1999. This iteration of the studio made Dreamcast and NAOMI arcade games. The NAOMI was basically a Dreamcast with twice as much RAM. The NAOMI games were Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000 and Virtua NBA. The Dreamcast game was the final iteration of Virtua Striker 2, ver. 2000.1, released simply as Virtua Striker 2 in North America.
It would blow my mind if they started including NAOMI games in the Like a Dragon series. As a huge Dreamcast fan, official home versions of NAOMI games would be a dream come true for me.
State of Play tomorrow for any and all PlayStation users on here
Also a sale on PlayStation Direct for PlayStation 5's, PS5 plates, controllers, and a discount on games.
Thanks, bud. I really appreciate the warm welcome.
The prophecy is true.
I get notified of lots of new rock songs by independent bands, including death metal. Today, a song was released with the title, "Chapter for Not Being Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes", and I just keep thinking over and over today, "Well, I'm glad there's a chapter about that not happening."
Blast from the past.
Welcome back.
Are you a zombie? Undead?
"This guy is never going to return!"

Somehow "ABigBadWolf" returned...
When I am in a returning competition and my opponent is ABigBadWolf