The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Fiona book next, very excited!

  • Fear not, it was pretty good!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Fiona book next, very excited!

  • I advise you to put a spoiler bar of these statements. Some individuals here didn't play the game all the way through

    Jennifer posted: »

    There's so many: (Spoiler)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Thanks. I don't know why I didn't think of it when I posted, but I did so now.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I advise you to put a spoiler bar of these statements. Some individuals here didn't play the game all the way through

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I've been eating so well, it's so good for Investigations 2 to finally have an official translation.

    lupinb0y posted: »


  • ...

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Fear not, it was pretty good!

  • Now if only they'd announced a new game.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I've been eating so well, it's so good for Investigations 2 to finally have an official translation.

  • Spoiler
    Classics. My favorites are the high-honor conversation with Sister Calderon, final train job, the battle at the refinery, the attack on the Braithwaite manor, the conversation between Sadie and Arthur if you help her kill off the O'Driscolls, Dutch's many crazy moments, and, of course Lenny and Arthur's drunken bender. Man, I love the character of Arthur. I related to him in a way I never had before with a video game character: reading his journals early on made me realize that this character was special.

    Man, it has great music, a great original score and soundtrack, and a fantastic game world. Just thinking about it wants me to go back and play it....

    Jennifer posted: »

    There's so many: (Spoiler)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2024

    I loved all of those moments too.

    I can't believe I didn't mention Dutch's descent into madness. That was enjoyable, and surprisingly believable.

    Oh, and I loved crashing into things head first on horses. Especially when I picked up a German stranger, crashed into a tree and the mission ended because the "Stranger was attacked". Attacked by a tree.

    I'm in Mexico in Red Dead Redemption now. It's weird playing this after playing the prequel. The writing is still good, although it leans into stereotypes a lot more. That and the game interface makes this one feel more like Grand Theft Horse.


  • It's weird playing this after playing the prequel.

    That's one of the reasons I actually didn't play RDR1 and ended up watching a playthrough. I felt that the story was kinda lacking in the storytelling (like alot of things that characters do aren't explained well enough like in RDR2) and gameplay, especially with John's horse. I'm glad RDR2 improves pretty much everything RDR1 had and added more.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I loved all of those moments too. (Spoiler) Oh, and I loved crashing into things head first on horses. Especially when I picked up a

  • edited June 2024

    Oh, and I loved crashing into things head first on horses.

    Have I got a video for you. My brother was going through the prologue for RDR2, decided to check his phone during it, and what happened made me burst out laughing and crying, we would watch it over and over again and laugh at the stupidity of it, it still cracks me up after all these years.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I loved all of those moments too. (Spoiler) Oh, and I loved crashing into things head first on horses. Especially when I picked up a

  • Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to joining the discussions and getting to know everyone better.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    LOL. Great comedic timing there.

    I'm a little further in Red Dead Redemption. I just accomplished the first of John's main goals. I'm starting to get interested in the story now. It's a slow burn, and the stereotypes are off-putting, especially after how Red Dead Redemption II treated the native American storyline with such finesse. But, I do like how the reason John is brought back into the outlaw life is revealed little by little as the story progresses. It's finally making me want to play the game instead of feeling like I'm trudging through it.

    The stable system in RDR2 is definitely better than the horse deed system in 1. I guess I lucked out as I never had an issue with it because I went to the store and bought a deed as soon as I could so I never was without a horse.

    Oh, and I loved crashing into things head first on horses. Have I got a video for you. My brother was going through the prologue for

  • I've got both, bought RDR2 first, but I honestly struggled to get into it because the prologue is a slow burn, and as much as I enjoy open world's, I think its open world is too big, I find it a trudge to travel through, now these are my thoughts from years ago, I haven't touched it since as I have been replaying some old games and wanting to chip away at my backlog, but I will get to RDR2 at some stage and do my best to plow on through if I still feel it is a drag. Haven't touched the first game yet, may do that after I eventually get to and beat the second game, I've got a fair few indie titles on my backlog I want to beat first, I'm also replaying the Gears of War Series which has occupied a lot of my free time when I'm not working.

    Jennifer posted: »

    LOL. Great comedic timing there. I'm a little further in Red Dead Redemption. I just accomplished the first of John's main goals. I'm sta

  • edited June 2024

    It's a game that's part of a genre I don't have the most love for because of the reputation for being difficult, but I caved and bought Elden Ring, including the new DLC Shadow of The Erdtree.

    I don't have a lot of love for the genre as it's notoriously difficult, I have dyspraxia which affects my gross and fine motor skills, basically my coordination, it affects my ability to play games too as I struggle to keep up with games like that, get frustrated and drop it. Did the same with Cuphead, that game fried my brain. It does sadden me a bit as if I'm playing online games, I know I am the weakest link on the team, I have always wanted to be good at Halo multiplayer but I can't keep up with it. That's why I wish that more games had more accessibility settings, I remember being part of a conversation on here years ago about it and how adding a toggle for difficulty "meddles with the creative vision of the Devs", but like, there are plenty of vocal people that complain about the creative vision of Devs when they have a diverse cast and all, it's just I feel games should be open to everyone to play, that one, two or several shouldn't feel that they can't play a game because it doesn't offer options to cater to their disabilities.

    Back to Elden Ring, any advice that I should take heed of before I venture in? I am looking forward to it, but I know the genre, I know it will frustrate me beyond what words can convey, but any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Back to Elden Ring, any advice that I should take heed of before I venture in? I am looking forward to it, but I know the genre, I know it will frustrate me beyond what words can convey, but any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes. Instead of rushing through some particular bosses, you should explore the world around you. The more you explore your surroundings, the more your character gets upgraded. The most important items to get are Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears. These would upgrade your health items.

    If you don't wanna get stuck on a boss, don't feel bad for using summons. You have to meet a certain character to give you a bell for those. The game has a variety of summons, like wolves, soldiers, ogres etc.

    If you are having trouble with some particular bosses, you can just get past them and fight them later.

    It's a game that's part of a genre I don't have the most love for because of the reputation for being difficult, but I caved and bought Elde

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2024

    The map you can purchase for Arthur's tent in RDR2 gives you fast travel which helps a lot.

    In RDR1, you can fast travel anywhere by going straight to a waypoint via campsite. It's the only thing I think RDR1 does better than RDR2.

    I finished RDR1 a few minutes ago. I did cry buckets during my playthrough, and I was definitely not prepared.

    I didn't have any issue finding out what to do next until the epilogue. If I hadn't googled it I doubt I would have figured it out. That's a shame because it was pretty straightforward otherwise.

    It's an even sadder ending, and I didn't think that was possible. Jack's revenge in the epilogue is a lot less satisfying than John's too, which leaves the whole thing feeling a lot more melancholy.

    I've got both, bought RDR2 first, but I honestly struggled to get into it because the prologue is a slow burn, and as much as I enjoy open w

  • Capcom just cooked something special in less than 6 hours.

  • I appreciate the advice, I am looking forward to jumping in when I'm ready to. For now, gotta wrap up Gears of War :joy:

    AronDracula posted: »

    Back to Elden Ring, any advice that I should take heed of before I venture in? I am looking forward to it, but I know the genre, I know it w

  • See I didn't get that far into RDR2, I think I did one or two missions after the prologue and just never went back to it. At the time I had the Xbox One X, and with how big games are these days, even with a 1TB hard drive, it fills up surprisingly quick, so I had to cut RDR2, my download times in my old home were atrocious also, especially at that time, but I've got 5TB external storage so I have the game installed on that. It's on my list of games to play for sure. It's good to know there is fast travel, because as much as I like open world's, I found traversing the very expansive open world via horseback to be a bit boring all those years ago.

    Jennifer posted: »

    The map you can purchase for Arthur's tent in RDR2 gives you fast travel which helps a lot. In RDR1, you can fast travel anywhere by goin

  • That looks more like a straight up remake than a remaster. It's even using the new RE engine,

    AronDracula posted: »

    Capcom just cooked something special in less than 6 hours.

  • edited June 2024

    The fiona book has missing spaces between words. This happens multiple times. Dude.

  • Spoiler
    What is especially tragic is RDR2 establishes retroactively that John's choice to ignore Arthur's advice ("Revenge is an idiot's game") is what caused the end of his life; the credits of RDR2 show how the Bureau found Beecher's Hope and John via investigating Micah's corpse. Agent Ross is actually in RDR2; he is Agent Milton's sidekick (go back and rewatch the scene where Agent Milton first meets Arthur and you might appreciate that scene more). John really couldn't escape the gang life because of who he was at his core. Jack's revenge being empty is deliberate too; the old West is gone. His family is gone. Revenge is all he has left at trying to fill a hole.

    Jennifer posted: »

    The map you can purchase for Arthur's tent in RDR2 gives you fast travel which helps a lot. In RDR1, you can fast travel anywhere by goin

  • edited June 2024

    tfw what was in the vault gets answered and what it is isn't that bad, but the execution is so awful that it actually does make it incredibly bad.

  • Alright when's your summary of the book coming?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw what was in the vault gets answered and what it is isn't that bad, but the execution is so awful that it actually does make it incredibly bad.

  • Couldn't disagree more, I think that part felt the most tftb of all. I've only read about half the book so far, and while I think that the first couple chapters are the best part thus far, I'm thoroughly enjoying the book. Much better than expected for me

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw what was in the vault gets answered and what it is isn't that bad, but the execution is so awful that it actually does make it incredibly bad.

  • edited June 2024

    It seems so. It's like the same situation with The Last of Us Part 1, but vice-versa.

    I'm not really a fan of Frank's new look, he looks too old and reminds me too much of Bill Murray. Also, I first thought TJ Rotolo was back to reprise, but it seems that it's actually a new voice actor. That's weird because when he said his name, it did sound like TJ but when he said the next line, yeah that's a different story.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    That looks more like a straight up remake than a remaster. It's even using the new RE engine,

  • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Remaster is coming on August 14th!

  • At. last.

    Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Remaster is coming on August 14th!

  • edited June 2024

    I'm also at about half way through but I really do not like how the vault was handled. Although I do ironically agree that the early chapters actually are the strongest so far. I don't want to get to into it until I finish reading but there are some things in here I really don't like, and some poor character traits that feel like the exact opposite as they were in the game.


    When it comes to the vault granting a wish, I actually like this idea. However, I do not like how Rhys wishes to "own Atlas" because for whatever reason it was changed so Rhys "doesn't actually own Atlas" so he wishes to "actually own Atlas" instead. I really don't like this because all this really does is make it so Rhys does not actually make a wish because its arbitrary and the game obviously ended with the intention that Rhys already owned Atlas.

    Then Fiona gives her wish to Sasha who wishes for the figurine so they can sell it. It just feels really dumb and Its very anti climatic. However, what I actually really do not like about this at all, is after they leave the vault, they just immediately say "ok lets leave Pandora now and sell this thing I have some pocket change to travel out of here." as if during the game they didn't constantly talk about how they need money to leave Pandora. Fiona wouldn't have that money unless it was the Felix ending, which it seemingly isn't.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Couldn't disagree more, I think that part felt the most tftb of all. I've only read about half the book so far, and while I think that the f

  • edited June 2024


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Alright when's your summary of the book coming?

  • I REALLY have to get around to playing these games lol.

    I've bought the first two remasters thanks to the nice original-version owner discount they offer, but I still haven't played... 😅
    Save me TTG community. Save me.

    Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse Remaster is coming on August 14th!

  • 7 years ago was 2017

  • That's pretty cool! Kinda blurry line in the remake/remaster resurgence, but it definitely looks great!

    I've played the original Dead Rising on PS4, but never finished it.
    I found the time limit system to be pretty frustrating, as well as being kinda bad at it, getting swarmed a lot.
    Maybe I should try again, it's been a few years.

    There's a Capcom showcase next week on the 1st of July where they'll reveal more details!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Capcom just cooked something special in less than 6 hours.

  • edited June 2024

    We are gathered here today in memory of the sisters, Sasha and Fiona.

    Really did not like it. I'll go more into it later but there was a lot I really did not like. Not New Tales bad but honestly same vibe.

  • Also the Rhys voice change was given a canon reason. That is so cool!

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Red Dead Redemption (especially the scene you highlighted) definitely is very good from a story perspective (notwithstanding the stereotypes), but it is a wee bit lacking from a gamer's perspective compared to its prequel.

    Red Dead Redemption 2 definitely makes Red Dead Redemption better. It adds so much to the overall story, which is the perfect way to do a prequel. Both Red Dead Redemptions should be experienced to get the whole story.

    I'm planning on playing Red Dead Revolver next. Although it has nothing to do with the Redemption games, it will be fun to experience the game that set those games in motion.


  • I heavily recommend you give them a try.
    They're actually games in which you have to solve puzzles by collecting items and conversing with various characters who are quite chaotic and entertaining, each episode has it's own self-contained plot tied to a overarching mystery plot, each season is nuttier than the last.
    The third season is the best in terms of the story and the ending will hit you like a truck.

    AChicken posted: »

    I REALLY have to get around to playing these games lol. I've bought the first two remasters thanks to the nice original-version owner discount they offer, but I still haven't played... 😅 Save me TTG community. Save me.

  • edited June 2024

    Tried my best to describe the important parts!


    It starts with a flashback where Fiona and Sasha first met Felix. It then recounts the ending of the game where Sasha sacrifices herself and Rhys and Fiona enter the vault.

    The vault is a sarcastic booming voice. Rhys wishes for signed Atlas papers so he owns Atlas (because even though he did, he didn’t!) and Fiona accidentally wishes for Sasha to help her choose what to wish for, which teleports her into the vault, but then the vault jokes that won't be Fiona's real wish, and then Fiona decides to let Sasha make the real wish. They want to ask for money but worry it would be too heavy so instead Sasha wishes for the vaultlander that they plan to sell. They then immediately leave Pandora to sell it.

    They reach Eden-5 and it is divided between the poor and ultra wealthy with security bots that chain people with debt collars, Fiona and Sasha quickly are fined and have collars placed on them. They meet up with a rich woman named Holloway who will buy it for 10 billion. Before they make a deal Gaige bursts in and attacks which destroys the vaultlander. Gaige accidentally killed Holloways daughter so she killed her dad and now Gaige wants revenge. Fiona and Sasha protect Holloway and Gaige leaves.

    Fiona decides to collect the bounty Holloway has on Gaige which is about just as much as the vaultlander now that it was destroyed. Fiona then locks Sasha away to protect her because she spends half the book worrying about Sasha after she almost died.

    Fiona tracks down Gaige and tries to ambush her but Gaige ambushes her instead, Sasha escaped and saves Fiona and they stop Gaige and she gets locked up and tortured as they collect the bounty and buy a billion dollar home and end up living there for a few weeks.

    Fiona and Sasha enjoy being rich, Fiona wants to stay here because it is safe. Sasha starts to feel bored but is also mad at Fiona for being over protective and decides she wants to save Gaige and go vault hunting with her. She bribes all the guards to get her out and then they fly to a moon, enter a vault and kill the monster and then Sasha still isn’t satisfied because it wasn’t the high she thought it was going to be.

    They return and Fiona is mad at Gaige and then Sasha says she wants to kill Holloway to help Gaige get her revenge because it will make her feel like she is doing something to help others after they've found their own wealth. Holloway visits them and Sasha thinks about killing her but stops when she reveals all the other elites will track them down if she is killed.

    Fiona also suddenly realizes she feels bad for treating her servants poorly who came with the house, who all are in the debt collars and starts releasing them. Fiona and Sasha then decide they want to free everyone from their debts. They plan to trick all the other elites into donating money to a cause to oppress the poor people more and then use that money to pay all the debts.

    At the fund raiser Holloway exposes them revealing she bugged their house as she expected they had something to do with Gaige escaping and exposes them for trying to con everyone. This causes them to also have all their wealth revoked. She also knows Gaige is in the poor town and uses some massive laser to basically blow half of it up just to get Gaige. It works and Gaige is captured again.

    Fiona and Sasha then feel all sad and decide to start a revolution and use Rhys to supply weapons for the uprising. They go form a plan to attack Holloway at a party she is having with all the other elites. Holloway discovers this and starts using some massive laser thing to try and kill all the poor people until the laser breaks her own safety room. They tell her to give all of her money to them to remove everyone's debts, she says no and Gaige kills her.

    That is pretty much the end. Fiona and Sasha decide to go Vault Hunting and it ends with Fiona sending Rhys an email about their plans. It is also signed as Fiona Dillon because Fiona and Sasha also needed a pointless last name.

    Things I didn’t include were these 2 kids who are meant to mirror Fiona and Sasha as kids who’s dad tries to steal the vaultlander when they first arrive but is killed right away. The other characters have pretty small roles, Fiona Sasha Gaige and Holloway are the most important, then the 2 kids. After that the rest of the characters are kind of just there and don't do all that much in order of importance would probably be Rhys, Fiona and Sasha's butler, some of the poor town workers and some elites. There isn't that many characters.

    Weird errors


    This has to be some kind of computer/printing error but sometimes the text is randomly squished as if there are missing spaces between words. So you end upwithasentencethatlookslikethisandthenfixes itself on the next line. It isn’t completely unspaced either which is what makes it weird when it happens. More like the size suddenly becomes a fourth the size of a regular space.

    The chapters are separated by either Fiona, Sasha and sometimes Gaige. During Sasha and Gaige’s chapters, the story is told in third person. During Fiona's, it is told in the first person. At one point during a Fiona chapter a sentence switches to third person for a moment and I guess no one noticed.

    Plot and other stuff I didn't really like


    I don’t like the vault wish thing. I like the idea of it, but Rhys doesn’t even get a real wish because he just wishes for the thing he already had. It feels really stupid. At the end of the game Rhys owned Atlas. Now he apparently didn’t really own it so all he wishes for is for signed papers. Then having Fiona/Sasha’s wish be the vaultlander feels so stupid and kind of kills the climax of reaching the vault in the first place. Rhys wishes for what he already had and only recently was changed to not actually having, Fiona and Sasha can’t think of a better solution to wish for money because no brain.

    Fiona and Sasha also just immediately leaving was annoying. Suddenly leaving Pandora is super easy and it just forgets that wasn’t an option for them during the game despite it being their goal. Fiona just says she has the money to go do that.

    Also Sasha died. Because it needs to connect to New Tales (while also never actually doing so because it goes nowhere) the book says Sasha actually died in episode 5. However, the first 2 chapters go out of their way to use the same dialogue from the game and Sasha saying “I’m not dead yet” is skipped. Because now she has to actually die and her saying I’m not dead ruins that for the dumb plotline that never goes anywhere. Inside the watch they find a green shard like the one in new Tales. However, she also still has the watch even though it blew up. Athena even points out it blew up and is gone in the game. I only remembered this after finishing and tried to go back to see if this is at all mentioned but it doesn't seem like it, but I may be wrong.

    Fiona spends a lot of the story scared that Sasha will die again. She gets overprotective and it annoys Sasha who then goes on a whole “Nothing matters man… We’re all gonna die man…” thing before she runs away to save Gaige. In New Tales fashion Sasha, trying to convince Gaige she can bring her dead dad back, puts the shard in her mouth and makes Gaige kill her again, and she then returns. They dig up her dad but the shard doesn't work on him because they conclude he is too dead.

    I actually thought Sasha was pretty well done at the start of the book. She felt pretty in character before the “Erm shoot me and kill me please” kind of stuff. Also some character traits she is given that do not fit her character at all.

    It says Sasha actually did not want to leave Pandora, Fiona did. Meanwhile in the actual game it is all Sasha and Fiona talk about. In episode 4 Sasha in space talks about how she is finally away from Pandora and even says she isn’t looking forward to returning and how she can't wait to find a different planet after this is all over. It also says Sasha can’t remember the difference between a gun mag and a gun clip. Gun nut Sasha apparently doesn’t know this. This honestly reminds me of the New Tales Atlas Motto that is basically the exact opposite of what Rhys said at the end of the game.

    Sasha and Rhys have some will they won’t they phone call stuff going on that ultimately ends with them on yes but maybe. More favoring Rhys and Sasha but also never actually moving anything either.

    Rhys reveals he got vocal surgery to sound better at meetings because dumb and fuck you.

    Fiona. Fiona is just a different character. She honestly does a ton of whining and complaining and basically just wants to sit in her mansion all day and gets mad at Sasha for not wanting to do the same as she can’t decide if she is a vault hunter or not. After the town is blown up Fiona gets in a fight with random thugs and they actually end up killing her but Sasha brings her back to life with the dumb shard. Not much else I can really say, she just didn't feel like Fiona to me.

    Something I actually got very tied of was so many times would the book say that a character said one thing, but they actually said this. "Leave me alone" I said, or I would have had I not been gut punched, so it came out as "Lea-AUGHHH."

    This is used so often I actually felt like I had to mention it.

    Fiona also just shit talks Rhys every second he is brought up. Then towards the end she suddenly starts telling Sasha how Rhys is actually a good dude and writes him a nice email at the end because we needed to remove this character progress to then add it back in again.

    It also says that Sasha and Fiona were part of the traveler vault battle because they liked the idea of wealth. Not that it was to help Gortys. A bit of a nitpick but Gortys and Loader-Bot are never mentioned once. The story wants to focus on Fiona and Sasha having lots of value but it so it reframes their motivations for the overall theme but with no mention they didn’t do it only for valuables. Vaughn is mentioned twice both in passing. Rhys only talks on the phone with Sasha a few times. Rhys also just casually talks about killing people and how Fiona and Sasha should just kill people. Rhys is very often described as stupid or selfish until the end when suddenly he is described as stupid but caring.

    Finally the stupid magic shard. It goes nowhere. During the climax it falls down into a pit and they lose it. It was not very important in the overall plot and really did nothing. It is only mentioned to bring Sasha back the first time, when Sasha makes Gaige kill her and try to revive her dad, and then when Fiona is saved. Why Rhys was looking for Sasha in BL3 has 0 hints of why this may be because I guess even after a Fiona and Sasha focused book they still don’t know. This also happens right after Tales ends and has a time skip of a few months later, meaning there is still nearly a 10 year time skip until the end of New Tales and Fiona following this up again.

    It is not as bad as New Tales but that is such a low bar. I liked the opening chapter with Felix and the start isn’t actually too bad even though it is pretty much exactly how the original game started with going to be a deal with an expansive thing but trouble happens reaching the location when someone tries to take it and then at the deal it becomes chaos when a vault hunter shows up. There is some sense of adventure for a little while but really after they buy the house it lost me fully.

    I have the same feeling I had after New Tales ended. I just feel kind of sad.

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