I fought with instinct & nobility
Plus I think this stanza from Macbeth, properly summarizes the Ending and Game of Thrones in genera… morel,
"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
*Also for your enjoyment here's a video with Ned Stark (Sean Bean) reading the Above Stanza: enter link description here
The siblings say in the end that they understand - he was his friend. And so far the minions are still obeying her, but who knows for how long. Ugh. But I couldn't do the heart sacrifice. Blood magic has a terrible cost. That frightens me more than the disobedient minions.
The ending was obvious season 2 bait which I love, too bad Mira followed Eddard's path. I'm very curious as to everything about these endings. I am going to be playing through on my "assholes" profile to see those outcomes. But in the meantime, I'm curious as to every single outcome of the final scene with Asher/Rodrick, so please, share experiences.
Well, my Mira is dead. There was no way I'd sacrifice Tom (although I did sacrifice mother so that Ludd would drink his wine...) However, if Mira does play a role in season two, and I sure hope though, then maybe Mira isn't dead... Just throwing that out there. I don't remember seeing her head roll. But then again, I couldn't look. I was crying... Please let there be some magic trick that Tom had up his sleeve... We never found out who sent him to keep Mira safe! Anyway, my last words were IRON FROM ICE!
Ha!!! I did exactly the same!! I also thought I must have the worst of all ends! And the NPCs talking in the end about my characters were all talking crap, too! LOL Except for Daenerys. She likes my Asher
I think I got the worst ending
Lady Forester sacrificed herself so that the plan could go "through"
Beshka saved Ryon and the… morey ran off to who knows where
The Whitehills broke through Ironwrath
Asher is barely clinging to life off somewhere
I told Lady Margery about sneaking in
I refused Morgryn's "proposal".
Mira got her head fucking chopped off
I gave Cotter the poison and he died
I marched off (to the desolate ruins) to Ironwrath
33% of players fucking lost the Game of Thrones...
I used nightshade on Cotter. I felt that maybe Sylvi might have a connection to the North Grove. The Snows at the North Grove are not full blooded Free Folk. Sylvi may have more power over the guardians than they do.
managed three endings so far, two with asher and one with roderick. in the the first playthrough as asher i poisoned ludd and ironrath fell. in the second i went with the ambush then called it off for peace, mom strikes at ludd but he escapes although you do get to throw gryff into a fire then cut him down which was satisfying then ironrath falls, and as stated previously gwyn shows up at the end with talia to pick up asher. as roderick i snuck into the camp to kill ludd but decided to save ryon instead and wound up cutting gryff's head off. i'm going to give it one last playthrough as rod this time choosing to kill ludd because on my final screen it said you forfeited victory to save ryon so hopefully this means there's a chance but i doubt it, seems like ironrath will fall no matter what and your house gets broken setting up a comeback story for season 2 which i won't bother with until it's actually complete (price usually drops anyway once the whole series is released) will say in the poisoned version the squire from the first game came back (the first choice you make leave or save him) and stabbed gryff's soldier for me which was a nice nod but doesn't have any real weight they replace his model with gwyn or your mom in other playthroughs despite him still being alive. still great story telling just wish there was a way to really make the choices have a weight on the end instead of just a few different scenes. for instance this time i'm going to tell the glenmore chick this is war, maybe she'll leave and comeback with her father's army to attack ludd's army from behind. that'd be a bad ass change from one dialogue option. also as a side the way i played episode one i never got the chance to steal marge's key or seal instead i got a scene in episode two with marge promising to talk to her grandmother to help ensure the betrothal, which is pretty useless since it seems to count for fuck all in the end and isn't hard to get on your own, so not sure what that key is for would be interested to find out, but not interested enough to start all over again lol. also doesn't seem to matter who you're friends with in the end for mira you either die or kill tom and become a slave, no one speaks out for you even if there is no evidence (ditched the knife burned the decree didn't steal from marge)
So I have to ask....Did anyone actually choose the "Not in the face." option during the battle scene with Asher where he's surrounded by Whitehill soldiers? Because I did on my second playthrough and it was great.
So I have to ask....Did anyone actually choose the "Not in the face." option during the battle scene with Asher where he's surrounded by Whitehill soldiers? Because I did on my second playthrough and it was great.
Did anyone, in any playthrough, have any use for that damn key Mira took in episode one?
I carried that thing in my pocket for six episodes and now I'll never know what it unlocks because I DON'T HAVE A HEAD ANYMORE.
If you don't steal the seal but do steal the key Margaery will complain that the seal is locked away in her armoire and that she can't find the key, you will have the option to keep it or return it.
I chose it. Honestly, I just felt like it fit the character I was building Asher to be throughout the whole game. He would just look death in the face and laugh. I honestly felt like, in a weird way, joking about it was his way of going out a hero. Of course, he didn't have to, but throughout that entire scene, we were baited to believe it would be.
So I have to ask....Did anyone actually choose the "Not in the face." option during the battle scene with Asher where he's surrounded by Whitehill soldiers? Because I did on my second playthrough and it was great.
I love Telltale but that's the most anticlimactic use of a key in a video game ever.
Everyone knows when you see a key in a video game you take it. Carrying it around for the entire game waiting to unlock something and then its only use to be "oh here I was holding on to this for you sorry" and give it back? And only if you didn't steal the other thing, otherwise you never find out what it was for (unless you hang out on these forums with people of encyclopedic knowledge of all choice branches, bless you)? That's some bullshit.
If you don't steal the seal but do steal the key Margaery will complain that the seal is locked away in her armoire and that she can't find the key, you will have the option to keep it or return it.
so finished the 4th (and final) playthrough choosing to kill ludd, beskha still rides off with ryon at the end on horseback and ironrath still falls, but you do get to decapitate ludd which is just so very satisfying. also telling the glenmore girl this is war doesn't change shit she still gets pulled off screen (most likely to be thrown into a tent for gryff since he's still alive and he wants her, dude doesn't seem to be the type to share). cool game can't say it was worth waiting a fucking year but still awesome. IRON FROM ICE!
managed three endings so far, two with asher and one with roderick. in the the first playthrough as asher i poisoned ludd and ironrath fell.… more in the second i went with the ambush then called it off for peace, mom strikes at ludd but he escapes although you do get to throw gryff into a fire then cut him down which was satisfying then ironrath falls, and as stated previously gwyn shows up at the end with talia to pick up asher. as roderick i snuck into the camp to kill ludd but decided to save ryon instead and wound up cutting gryff's head off. i'm going to give it one last playthrough as rod this time choosing to kill ludd because on my final screen it said you forfeited victory to save ryon so hopefully this means there's a chance but i doubt it, seems like ironrath will fall no matter what and your house gets broken setting up a comeback story for season 2 which i won't bother with until it's actually complete (price usually drops anyway onc… [view original content]
Did anyone, in any playthrough, have any use for that damn key Mira took in episode one?
I carried that thing in my pocket for six episodes and now I'll never know what it unlocks because I DON'T HAVE A HEAD ANYMORE.
But if you think about it. this line is a little illogical since Gryff didnt say a word when Rodrik was killed and Asher never met Gryff anytime before. The only way he could know this if they mentioned it in one of the letters they sent him. But I think its unlikely that they mentioned this minor detail in the letters. I think this line would have been better for Rodrik since they actually talked many times before.
How about when killing Gryff, if you killed Gryff instead of Ludd?
My Asher said something like "Out of words, Gryff? Well that's new". Asher's lines are so priceless.
I thought it was almost perfect. I loved it so much. While I've already played through GoT finale three times on three different save files, I only played TFTB finale once. It was just everything I wanted. No need for different outcomes, though I'm sure I'll finish my other save files before too long.
I really love these games usually but in GoT we should have been given different outcomes, like; Being able to brutally murder Ramsey and to save at least a few of the Forresters with different choices... I mean, it really isn't a game based on much choice is the overall outcome doesn't alter.
So I have to ask....Did anyone actually choose the "Not in the face." option during the battle scene with Asher where he's surrounded by Whitehill soldiers? Because I did on my second playthrough and it was great.
Pardon my ignorance, first Telltale game I ever played, and played through. My wife and I realized last night as everything was reaching its climax that we embodied the Starks into the Forresters. We spoke our minds, was honest, and did young Mira a complete disservice playing her not as a handmaiden but very cunning. I guess one can argue that Kings Landing will change even the most soft spoken person. That being said, we had her stand tall, not abandon tom (He was really there for her) and lost her head. Iranwrath is in flames, and Gared is on his way back.
We decided to replay from the start, and made changes to the Forresters. We actually bent a knee to the Boltons (Ethan did in our first playthough, but I recognized my constant assaults on the Whitehills when power changed to the Boltons, was a direct insult to the Bolton's), and we've played Mira terrified to be anything BUT a hand maiden. In the first episode we strictly avoided Tyrion, and even stood by Margaery during the inquisition, and she loyally didn't ask crap from Margaery for Ethan's sake and for the betrothal. Yet, Tyrion still brought her to meet the businessmen, EVEN THOUGH WE CLEARLY DIDN'T WANT TO GO.
This has me pondering, does our choices even matter? At first, I was blown away when the whole Joffrey beating Margaery scene skipped, but now I'm very pissed.
The ending was obvious season 2 bait which I love, too bad Mira followed Eddard's path. I'm very curious as to everything about these endin… moregs. I am going to be playing through on my "assholes" profile to see those outcomes. But in the meantime, I'm curious as to every single outcome of the final scene with Asher/Rodrick, so please, share experiences.
I had Asher as well.
That is exactly the same logic I had in my head as well when I accepted Morgryn (whatever his name is) offer in the end. Sorry, Tom, but this bamf wants to live another day! (Bamn = Bitch as mother fucker)
Really angry with the result of my decisions. You choose integrity and honour with Mira... she loses her head. You choose NOT to let your mother sacrifice herself (because who would? :S) .. the whole plan gets fucked up. I'm sorry but that is bullshit, everyone that was in on the plan knew that shit was about to go down as soon as Ludd was poisoned. They were ready for a fight regardless. How was it that Ludd was the only man to escape that room? Stupid. Just feel very deflated and frustrated after that finale. What was the point of my decisions?
Also season 2 with THREE Forresters left? Two of them being Talia and Ryon, not exactly the most pivotal of characters.
At least in the books/television series the remaining Starks (all of the stark children with the exception of Robb) are all quite developed once Ned, Cat and Robb are gone.
There are similarities with these characters. Asher(or Snow siblings)/Jon. Roddrik/Robb. Mira/Sansa. Ethan/Bran. Talia/Arya. Rickon/Ryon.
Even if Sansa died in the series and we were just left with Jon, Bran and Arya it'd still be something to root for because they're developed and important characters. Same can't be said for the game.
I have no idea how to upload an image from my computer onto this forum (only allows me to add in links from another site) so I'll just type up my ending image. It is verbatim:
In the defense of House Forrester you...
Elected Duncan Tuttle as your Sentinel for his diplomacy.
Allowed Beskha to kill her master, despite Daenerys orders
Butchered Cotter to strengthen Elsera's bloodmagic.
Kept your integrity but lost Margaery's favour
Forfeited victory of war to rescue Ryon.
and 35.9% fought with INSTINCT AND NOBILITY
As Cersi was narrating it, she said: If only they [the Forresters] could've fought with more instinct.
Other important choices I made were:
-Saved Beskha in the cave
-Killed Royland when he betrayed me
-Chose to let Ahser die
-Beat the shit out of Gryff
-Killed Gryff and chopped off his head (so satisfying)
-Britt (Guy who killed Tuttle's dad) I hacked his arm off and kicked him off the wall (just as satisfying as killing Gryff; two best moments of the game)
-Choose to stay at the North Grove
-Accepted Morgryn's marriage proposal and allowed Tom to die
My biggest regret is picking Duncan over Royland. By the end of the game he grew on me while I found Duncan's continuous worrisome attitude annoying; Royland was ready to put up a fight when we needed to do it. One funny thing that I did do was take the Glenmoore troops to me to Ludd's castle and choose to attack Ludd, forcing everyone to die horribly akin to the Red Wedding. Alas, the game didn't allow it and forced me to try again; I would've actually accepted/liked that ending, too. Badass Rodrick goes down swinging. Anyone make similar decisions to myself?
If anyone has a screenshot of the end screen - where there is a list of a few choices through the whole game and what strategy (percent and kind) you got. (Sadly I didn't take a picture of it.) I just want to know - what choices get to what strategy.
The ending was obvious season 2 bait which I love, too bad Mira followed Eddard's path. I'm very curious as to everything about these endin… moregs. I am going to be playing through on my "assholes" profile to see those outcomes. But in the meantime, I'm curious as to every single outcome of the final scene with Asher/Rodrick, so please, share experiences.
I had Asher as well.
Don't think there really is a 'good or bad' ending (or endings, for that matter). Just if your satisfied with your choices on whatever criterion you used to evaluate it on (moral, honourable, instrumental).
Although I think seeing your fiancé get raped/die is not a good thing. Did you tell her she can stay? I told her to leave but I wasn't sure if it actually mattered......apparently, it did, 'cause I saw none of that in mine (unless I missed it).
Also, wtf happened to the Forrester Maester? The one who advised Elenore to leave and healed Duncan in episode 1?
My ending screen said "21.9% Fought with Fierce Passion" - does that mean I did good?
Beshka saved Ryon, I killed Gryff, Rodrick survived… more with Talia and Duncan (had to watch my fiance die/get raped which really sucked), Gared gave Cotter the poison and marched to Ironwrath, and Mira told the truth and denied becoming a slave to Morgryn.
You sneak into their camp as Rodrick and you have the choice to follow Gryff, who will lead you to Ryon, or Ludd whom is checking out a distraction you created.
Hey you!
I thought it was almost perfect. I loved it so much. While I've already played through GoT finale three times on three differen… moret save files, I only played TFTB finale once. It was just everything I wanted. No need for different outcomes, though I'm sure I'll finish my other save files before too long.
Depending on your choices Gwyn could actually try to help Asher and stab one of the Whitehill Soldiers and then end up in the ending with Talia and Duncan/Ser Royland.
Can't find any vid on youtube that shows what happens when you poison Ludd, that'd be pretty nice to watch. Does it differ much from the ambush like gwyn still stabs asher and loads of your men die?
You're just badmouthing every aspect that comes to mind and advocating for piracy just because it didn't go the way you wanted it to. Have some dignity, don't knee-jerk.
It wouldn't have happened without the author's say-so, and he had someone representing him working with the team the whole time. Sorry you didn't get your hard-on, but neither Telltale nor George RR Martin are at all concerned with your state of arousal. People like to say sex and violence should be treated equally as it concerns content in entertainment, but they're really not equal in any sense.
damn... pretty much nothing was matter
I am very disappointed -
no random generation of end, no influence counting to choose storyline,… more terrible graphics, unfinished game(100% useless inventory, mira got torch in proson but couldn t use it against that bady "will marry" man after saying him yes), animations are not 100% either, some movements felt "laggy" - half of it fixed and I wouldn´t say a word
but now when I see this is unfinished 95% linear money laundering " " " game " " ", hope some warez guy download it twice for me :-D
edit: btw, no sexual things as far as I remember!!! that s pretty unbalanced to deaths, GRR Martin wouldn´t release this piece of shit
To be honest I enjoyed it, it can end in several ways:
Mira living but Tom taking her place in the beheading or Mira being beheaded.
G… moreared defending the North Grove or leaving it.
Rodrik/Asher living with Talia, determinantly Royland/Duncan and for Asher, determinantly Gwyn.
There were allot of determinants this episode, I loved how choices mattered allot this time, TellTaleGames' stepping up their game.
LMAO so true.. But I hoped nonetheless
Sean Bean is Macbeth?!
This is like the 3rd medieval themed character he's played...
Boromir from the first LOTR film, where his character dies.
Eddard Stark from the first season of GoT, where is character dies.
And we all know Macbeth dies at the end of his story.
Sean Bean sure dies a lot...
The siblings say in the end that they understand - he was his friend. And so far the minions are still obeying her, but who knows for how long. Ugh. But I couldn't do the heart sacrifice. Blood magic has a terrible cost. That frightens me more than the disobedient minions.
The ending was obvious season 2 bait which I love, too bad Mira followed Eddard's path. I'm very curious as to everything about these endings. I am going to be playing through on my "assholes" profile to see those outcomes. But in the meantime, I'm curious as to every single outcome of the final scene with Asher/Rodrick, so please, share experiences.
I had Asher as well.
Well, my Mira is dead. There was no way I'd sacrifice Tom (although I did sacrifice mother so that Ludd would drink his wine...) However, if Mira does play a role in season two, and I sure hope though, then maybe Mira isn't dead... Just throwing that out there. I don't remember seeing her head roll. But then again, I couldn't look. I was crying... Please let there be some magic trick that Tom had up his sleeve... We never found out who sent him to keep Mira safe! Anyway, my last words were IRON FROM ICE!
Ha!!! I did exactly the same!! I also thought I must have the worst of all ends! And the NPCs talking in the end about my characters were all talking crap, too! LOL Except for Daenerys. She likes my Asher
I used nightshade on Cotter. I felt that maybe Sylvi might have a connection to the North Grove. The Snows at the North Grove are not full blooded Free Folk. Sylvi may have more power over the guardians than they do.
Ending with Gwyn
managed three endings so far, two with asher and one with roderick. in the the first playthrough as asher i poisoned ludd and ironrath fell. in the second i went with the ambush then called it off for peace, mom strikes at ludd but he escapes although you do get to throw gryff into a fire then cut him down which was satisfying then ironrath falls, and as stated previously gwyn shows up at the end with talia to pick up asher. as roderick i snuck into the camp to kill ludd but decided to save ryon instead and wound up cutting gryff's head off. i'm going to give it one last playthrough as rod this time choosing to kill ludd because on my final screen it said you forfeited victory to save ryon so hopefully this means there's a chance but i doubt it, seems like ironrath will fall no matter what and your house gets broken setting up a comeback story for season 2 which i won't bother with until it's actually complete (price usually drops anyway once the whole series is released) will say in the poisoned version the squire from the first game came back (the first choice you make leave or save him) and stabbed gryff's soldier for me which was a nice nod but doesn't have any real weight they replace his model with gwyn or your mom in other playthroughs despite him still being alive. still great story telling just wish there was a way to really make the choices have a weight on the end instead of just a few different scenes. for instance this time i'm going to tell the glenmore chick this is war, maybe she'll leave and comeback with her father's army to attack ludd's army from behind. that'd be a bad ass change from one dialogue option. also as a side the way i played episode one i never got the chance to steal marge's key or seal instead i got a scene in episode two with marge promising to talk to her grandmother to help ensure the betrothal, which is pretty useless since it seems to count for fuck all in the end and isn't hard to get on your own, so not sure what that key is for would be interested to find out, but not interested enough to start all over again lol. also doesn't seem to matter who you're friends with in the end for mira you either die or kill tom and become a slave, no one speaks out for you even if there is no evidence (ditched the knife burned the decree didn't steal from marge)
So I have to ask....Did anyone actually choose the "Not in the face." option during the battle scene with Asher where he's surrounded by Whitehill soldiers? Because I did on my second playthrough and it was great.
When I saw that option, I laughed my ass off, but I want it to be honorable last words, on my other file I'll do it
Did anyone, in any playthrough, have any use for that damn key Mira took in episode one?
I carried that thing in my pocket for six episodes and now I'll never know what it unlocks because I DON'T HAVE A HEAD ANYMORE.
You have a choice to give to Margary ( sorry if spelt wrong) other than that, there's no use. Which sucks
Really? I had a choice to give her back the seal (which I did) but the key never came up. Maybe in one of my other save files/playthroughs.
If you don't steal the seal but do steal the key Margaery will complain that the seal is locked away in her armoire and that she can't find the key, you will have the option to keep it or return it.
I chose it. Honestly, I just felt like it fit the character I was building Asher to be throughout the whole game. He would just look death in the face and laugh. I honestly felt like, in a weird way, joking about it was his way of going out a hero. Of course, he didn't have to, but throughout that entire scene, we were baited to believe it would be.
I love Telltale but that's the most anticlimactic use of a key in a video game ever.
Everyone knows when you see a key in a video game you take it. Carrying it around for the entire game waiting to unlock something and then its only use to be "oh here I was holding on to this for you sorry" and give it back? And only if you didn't steal the other thing, otherwise you never find out what it was for (unless you hang out on these forums with people of encyclopedic knowledge of all choice branches, bless you)? That's some bullshit.
so finished the 4th (and final) playthrough choosing to kill ludd, beskha still rides off with ryon at the end on horseback and ironrath still falls, but you do get to decapitate ludd which is just so very satisfying. also telling the glenmore girl this is war doesn't change shit she still gets pulled off screen (most likely to be thrown into a tent for gryff since he's still alive and he wants her, dude doesn't seem to be the type to share). cool game can't say it was worth waiting a fucking year but still awesome. IRON FROM ICE!
Hey Cussbunny, I hope you enjoyed the finale for Tales from the Borderlands.
But if you think about it. this line is a little illogical since Gryff didnt say a word when Rodrik was killed and Asher never met Gryff anytime before. The only way he could know this if they mentioned it in one of the letters they sent him. But I think its unlikely that they mentioned this minor detail in the letters. I think this line would have been better for Rodrik since they actually talked many times before.
Hey you!
I thought it was almost perfect. I loved it so much. While I've already played through GoT finale three times on three different save files, I only played TFTB finale once. It was just everything I wanted. No need for different outcomes, though I'm sure I'll finish my other save files before too long.
I really love these games usually but in GoT we should have been given different outcomes, like; Being able to brutally murder Ramsey and to save at least a few of the Forresters with different choices... I mean, it really isn't a game based on much choice is the overall outcome doesn't alter.
I chose this as well without a second thought. It's just so Asher to be a smartass in the face of death.
Pardon my ignorance, first Telltale game I ever played, and played through. My wife and I realized last night as everything was reaching its climax that we embodied the Starks into the Forresters. We spoke our minds, was honest, and did young Mira a complete disservice playing her not as a handmaiden but very cunning. I guess one can argue that Kings Landing will change even the most soft spoken person. That being said, we had her stand tall, not abandon tom (He was really there for her) and lost her head. Iranwrath is in flames, and Gared is on his way back.
We decided to replay from the start, and made changes to the Forresters. We actually bent a knee to the Boltons (Ethan did in our first playthough, but I recognized my constant assaults on the Whitehills when power changed to the Boltons, was a direct insult to the Bolton's), and we've played Mira terrified to be anything BUT a hand maiden. In the first episode we strictly avoided Tyrion, and even stood by Margaery during the inquisition, and she loyally didn't ask crap from Margaery for Ethan's sake and for the betrothal. Yet, Tyrion still brought her to meet the businessmen, EVEN THOUGH WE CLEARLY DIDN'T WANT TO GO.
This has me pondering, does our choices even matter? At first, I was blown away when the whole Joffrey beating Margaery scene skipped, but now I'm very pissed.
I got the same as well. Was this the majority of people got, too?
That is exactly the same logic I had in my head as well when I accepted Morgryn (whatever his name is) offer in the end. Sorry, Tom, but this bamf wants to live another day! (Bamn = Bitch as mother fucker)
The plot armor is strong in Ramsay, no Forrester is able to hurt him.
Really angry with the result of my decisions. You choose integrity and honour with Mira... she loses her head. You choose NOT to let your mother sacrifice herself (because who would? :S) .. the whole plan gets fucked up. I'm sorry but that is bullshit, everyone that was in on the plan knew that shit was about to go down as soon as Ludd was poisoned. They were ready for a fight regardless. How was it that Ludd was the only man to escape that room? Stupid. Just feel very deflated and frustrated after that finale. What was the point of my decisions?
Also season 2 with THREE Forresters left? Two of them being Talia and Ryon, not exactly the most pivotal of characters.
At least in the books/television series the remaining Starks (all of the stark children with the exception of Robb) are all quite developed once Ned, Cat and Robb are gone.
There are similarities with these characters. Asher(or Snow siblings)/Jon. Roddrik/Robb. Mira/Sansa. Ethan/Bran. Talia/Arya. Rickon/Ryon.
Even if Sansa died in the series and we were just left with Jon, Bran and Arya it'd still be something to root for because they're developed and important characters. Same can't be said for the game.
I have no idea how to upload an image from my computer onto this forum (only allows me to add in links from another site) so I'll just type up my ending image. It is verbatim:
As Cersi was narrating it, she said: If only they [the Forresters] could've fought with more instinct.
Other important choices I made were:
-Saved Beskha in the cave
-Killed Royland when he betrayed me
-Chose to let Ahser die
-Beat the shit out of Gryff
-Killed Gryff and chopped off his head (so satisfying)
-Britt (Guy who killed Tuttle's dad) I hacked his arm off and kicked him off the wall (just as satisfying as killing Gryff; two best moments of the game)
-Choose to stay at the North Grove
-Accepted Morgryn's marriage proposal and allowed Tom to die
My biggest regret is picking Duncan over Royland. By the end of the game he grew on me while I found Duncan's continuous worrisome attitude annoying; Royland was ready to put up a fight when we needed to do it. One funny thing that I did do was take the Glenmoore troops to me to Ludd's castle and choose to attack Ludd, forcing everyone to die horribly akin to the Red Wedding. Alas, the game didn't allow it and forced me to try again; I would've actually accepted/liked that ending, too. Badass Rodrick goes down swinging. Anyone make similar decisions to myself?
I also had the same ending, kinda sad ironrath burns to the ground
I got "35.9% fought with INSTINCT AND NOBILITY"
Don't think there really is a 'good or bad' ending (or endings, for that matter). Just if your satisfied with your choices on whatever criterion you used to evaluate it on (moral, honourable, instrumental).
Although I think seeing your fiancé get raped/die is not a good thing. Did you tell her she can stay? I told her to leave but I wasn't sure if it actually mattered......apparently, it did, 'cause I saw none of that in mine (unless I missed it).
Also, wtf happened to the Forrester Maester? The one who advised Elenore to leave and healed Duncan in episode 1?
Nope. Cut his head off as Rod and boy was it satisfying.
You sneak into their camp as Rodrick and you have the choice to follow Gryff, who will lead you to Ryon, or Ludd whom is checking out a distraction you created.
I got 60% Cunning.
Same here.
A determinant that matters doesn't die
I hope they keep this up in TWDGS3 and GOTS2!
Lady Elissa dies regardless.
Depending on your choices Gwyn could actually try to help Asher and stab one of the Whitehill Soldiers and then end up in the ending with Talia and Duncan/Ser Royland.
You're just badmouthing every aspect that comes to mind and advocating for piracy just because it didn't go the way you wanted it to. Have some dignity, don't knee-jerk.
It wouldn't have happened without the author's say-so, and he had someone representing him working with the team the whole time. Sorry you didn't get your hard-on, but neither Telltale nor George RR Martin are at all concerned with your state of arousal. People like to say sex and violence should be treated equally as it concerns content in entertainment, but they're really not equal in any sense.
Not to mention how difficult these choices were xD looks like good morality just gets people killed or weakens them x.x