So Mira... (heavy spoilers)
Anyone care to justify which choice they made for her at the end? It's my only choice that I'm conflicted over. I got her killed, but I feel like it might be better to save her even at the cost of coal boy.
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I accepted death.
Selling out Tom and marrying Morgryn is basically just making myself feel like shit in order to get myself into a shitty situation yet again. Letting her die seems like mercy at this point.
I would rather die than live as a slave in my own house. If Morgryn had been less of a prick and proposed a true alliance, I would have been all over it. But I wasn't going to live my life with my legs spread. Not on his terms. I'd rather die. Iron from ice!
I saved her. You never know when things could suddenly change for the better, plus death is way worse than living "enslaved".
I didn't want Mira to end up like Sansa did with Joffery or Ramsey. I figured if she chose that she will create an heir that would have a legitimate claim to Ironrath. That to me would cause more problems for the Forresters if they returned and be horrible for Mira to have to endure.
I got her killed because I honestly thought it would be far better for her to just die rather than marry that arsehole.
basically mira's story was the story of two sansa's. the sansa that followed all her rules and stuff that were taught, and got hersefl in shitty situations but is alive and/or the sansa that if she acted the way she probably wanted to she probably would've ended the same way. dead or locked up
After everything Tom did for me, risking his neck for me with the Lannister guard in the garden, getting me into Tyrion's room, creating a distraction to give me more time... There was no way in hell I'd let him die in my place. Why would I put Mira in a place where she'd be in an abusive relationship with a creepy, slimy, disgusting two-faced rapist bastard WHILE she has the blood of Tom, a young boy who couldn't be older than maybe freakin' Ethan, on her hands?
No. I chose to die with honor and dignity, and I'd do it again. Iron From Ice.
I have Mira refuse Morgryn. The way I see it, agreeing to marry Morgryn is giving him a victory. He will have a claim on Ironrath and he will probably assassinate Rodrik, Ryon and Talia to secure his claim. I couldn't let that happen. Also in order to protect Tom. If Mira is going to die, she will die knowing that she make sure that there won't be another danger to her family and that her last act on Westeros is to save another person.
Now I feel REALLY bad about my own decision...
Am I the only one thinking, that Mira's fate makes her entire storyline completely pointless?
The main story in the game was about Ironrath and the Forrester family. But Mira was hardly connected to that. She had no direct contact to any other character and her actions had hardly an influence on the events around Ironrath.
1) She can ask Margaery for help dealing with Ramsay. But Margaery fails.
2) She can forge the letter. But it's still up to Rodrik to secure the betrothal.
3) She gets the ironwood decree. But it turns out useless, when Tyrion is arrested.
4) She stops Andros from hiring more soldiers for the Whitehills. But Ludd already has enough man to take Ironrath and kill everyone inside.
They could have done the game completely without Mira's storyline and the results would have been the same. So what was her purpose in the game?
Was it only to give some of the actors from the show and their characters a reason to appear in the game? I am so disappointed with this.
But Mira can only rise after that point.
Nobody said that the Game was easy and there will be ups and downs. Mira living gives her a chance at another try at the Game which she is a natural - something Morgryn admits.
So you would rather doom your house instead of using Morgryn.
Great, now Tom can rot in a Cell for the rest of his life - assuming he isn't killed as retribution anyway for Mira not giving in.
Because it allows Mira to continue the Game. Did you think everything always went Littlefinger's way? No, he won a lot but lost a lot too. His persistence and taking his loses with his victories is how he's gotten so good at the Game.
Agreeing to marrying him gives Mira a chance. Mira is a natural at the game which Morgryn points out.
First of all, you could end up with Mira as alive. Secondly, the choices you make with Mira could possibly secure alliances in future seasons. If Mira was executed, her martyrdom could be a banner behind which others in future seasons could rally.
Not everyone is Littlefinger. Nor do they want to be.
Mira played the game for the power to protect and help her family and the people she cared about. Not power for power's sake.
You imply that the man she is to be wed has no power. That's false, he's shown to have considerable power in King's Landing and after Mira removes his rival he's even more powerful. Not to mention he has experience in the Game which is the only thing Mira lacks since Mira wedding him gives her power (Even if not 100%, the marriage alone makes her a powerful figure in King's Landing) and a chance to learn the Game some more.
After all, she's a Natural at it and living gives her a chance to aid her House than dying as a Criminal which shames her House.
Her execution would be another bad mark on the family.
That was one of the most diffucult choices for me in Episode 6. I felt like Mira's story couldn't possibly end with death. I guess I was a bit too attached to her character. I assumed she could get out if she agreed to marry Morgryn. I did not know the whole season would end there. I still had hope. Now she's like Sansa Stark. It felt useless, all of her efforts where for nothing and no one in the family seemed to care about her faith. I think her mother was the only one that actually mentioned her for the entire season? I might be wrong on that but still. I'm frustrated by her ending, agreeing to marry Morgeryn or to get killed - without any form of attachtment to the whole story-line. Her family had more serious problems than worrying about her, but still. I'm still conflicted by my choice, but I don't regret it.
She is executed for killing a Lannister guard. How would that help the Forresters to gain support?
Even if she survives, her storyline is still finished, making all her previous actions irrelevant.
They could at least have given her the opportunity to accomplish anything, that would have been important for the resurrection of House Forrester in the following seasons.
You're not getting it.
Morgryn wants control of Ironrath, whatever power or influence he has he sure as shit isn't going to use it to help her family. He tried to have Mira assassinated because she was an annoyance and because she got the Ironwood contract, do you think he won't ruthlessly cut down any Forresters who stand between him and being Lord of Ironrath? He flat out told Mira her job is to shut up and do what she's told and bear him heirs. This is not some sort of alliance. This is not Mira living to continue to play the game, this is her being shut away in a room at Ironrath a thousand miles away from King's Landing while Morgryn occasionally rapes her in hopes of getting her pregnant.
I've seen you post about this at least a dozen times over several threads in the last half hour. You talk like Littlefinger, you sound like Littlefinger, as if power and the game are all that matters. Even if Mira would be allowed to "play the game," even if she had some sort of power, instead of being the leashed brood mare of a sociopath, what you don't seem to understand is that for most people, friends aren't to be discarded when they're no longer useful. When someone like Tom risks his life for you four times (at least, off the top of my head), you don't let him die for your crimes because you think you found a better ally. To most people, there is far more dignity in a death with your honor and integrity intact, than to cast aside your moral compass in hopes of climbing the ladder, especially when you're also sacrificing the very things you needed power for in the first place.
This, everything this. Dave nails it, as usual.
I wasn't going to marry that bastard, I'd rather die than be with him, and die I did.
I wasn't going to marry Morgryn to add yet another threat to House Forrester. He wasn't going to help, he wanted control.
Saved her. First, because Morgryn is my absolute favourite character in the entire series, so I would do anything for more interactions with him. Second, because Mira is my absolute favourite POV in the entire series, so I wasn't going to let her die. I honestly picked that expecting more dialogue or even an extra Mira chapter for those of us who let her live, but alas, it didn't happen. And now she can't be playable in Season 2. Sigh.
i feel the same man. I think I play it again and save her because i made friends with Magery and Cercei and...who knows maybe someday mira gained enough power to actually do something. And to be honest I've never thought Telltale really killed Mira. I was like "Nah something will safe me. They never killed my Mira...they already killed asher and ethan." Well I was wrong -.-'
Your house would be doomed if you married him. If the Forrester somehow survived the war with the Whitehills, Morgryn would work to get them killed. By letting yourself die you are not only giving him the middle finger, but also protecting you family from him.
It is, in a way, the sacrifice that Maester Aemon did.
I thought Morgryn is a good guy , I thought ~ But turn out he is nothing but a bastard , definitley not marrying him of course. And I dont want Tom died because of this , he's innocent , and always been there for Mira, He doesnt deserve to die ~ That's why i got Mira killed lol
Nomatter what u do, her fate's decided. Dead in the end...xecuted i'd rather say
I ended up letting her die (and I’m feeling really bad for it) for two main reasons:
1) As a final act of defiance. If Morgryn had been better with his proposal, I may have accepted. But the way things went, I was not willing to let him win. If my house was to fall I would not let him have the pieces.
2) To protect my family. Considering how Morgryn plays, I don’t think the surviving Forrester would live long. If the Forrester had won, he would start plotting to kill them in order to take the house.
And, at some level, I was hoping for and alternative until the moment when the executioner raised his sword.
I really hated Morgryn. I did, but I agreeed to marry Morgryn because I was way too attached with Mira and couldn't just let her die. Although being a slave is worse than having a quick death...
I don't really think that Tom deserved to die... If only things could turn out different but in the Game of Thrones, there's no happy ending
Mira is not just morgyryns slave, she also his baby maker
Well... shit...
Looks like Mira will have a painful life
House Forrester was already doomed. I only know how I played but the gates fell. Ironrath was overrun. Asher barely made it out alive. Whatever the Forrester family is now... it's not a house. Not even a minor one. Not even a teepee. The idea of living as a slave just to keep a name alive is just pride. And pride of the most desperate kind. Nobody should be that desperate to live. Nobody.
I absolutely love Mira's character and I think if Telltale actually put some effort in next season we could get some really good scenes with her trying to escape, manipulate, kill, whatever Morgryn.
He's one of my favourite characters too, when he came to Mira's rescue I was just like 'Yes!!!' and then when he revealed it was him I just couldn't fault it, I should've been more careful. I let Mira marry him, I didn't want to risk not being able to escape the block, SO glad I did. I felt bad for Tom but in Westeros Mira's life is worth more. An alive Forrester, even a prisoner, is worth more than a dead one.
When you doesnt count that my Mira is survivalist, it is better to live and wait for right time to strike. She can still scheam againt Morgyn or kill him or she can just wait until Sansa is restored as Wardeness of the North (which will happen ... hopefully) and then take action againt him.
I honestly don't think I could bring myself to kill Morgryn, even after all he's done. I can't help but love well-written characters such as him. But I would be all for trying to manipulate him as Mira. His ego blinds him, so he might end up not giving Mira enough credit, which would make him much easier to manipulate.
This was the best (and worst
) decision. First i gave this woman a speech about how her son could be proud of her should she choose to live honorably rest of her life and then Morgryn came with this offer I really didn't see coming. I was inclined to say yes but sent him to hell in the end. It is the best execution moment in the history of videogames I must say. Epic and it felt like I was the one putting my head on the block. Mainly because (among other things) I really had to press S to kneel and then again to put her head there. I had hoped that Tom will save her to the last moment. Well... Brave woman my Mira was!
I was going to kill her but I changed my mind. She deserved SO much better. I'm hoping they don't just make her disappear in Season 2.
Killing her is good, you're defying Morgryn and showing him he doesnt control everyone and everything.
Anyways I think keeping her alive is better.
Tom could die?