But Mira can only rise after that point.
Nobody said that the Game was easy and there will be ups and downs. Mira living gives her a chance at another try at the Game which she is a natural - something Morgryn admits.
You imply that the man she is to be wed has no power. That's false, he's shown to have considerable power in King's Landing and after Mira r… moreemoves his rival he's even more powerful. Not to mention he has experience in the Game which is the only thing Mira lacks since Mira wedding him gives her power (Even if not 100%, the marriage alone makes her a powerful figure in King's Landing) and a chance to learn the Game some more.
After all, she's a Natural at it and living gives her a chance to aid her House than dying as a Criminal which shames her House.
@Greiffenstein I agree. I think the only reason they put her storyline in the game was because they knew that KL is a big part of the GOT world. It also gave them an opportunity to use having many of the show characters a part of that story line as a selling point. So yeah all in all they failed Mira and her plot line. That is why I think a lot of people have found it easy to kill her. They simply never cared about Mira or her story arc.
Am I the only one thinking, that Mira's fate makes her entire storyline completely pointless?
The main story in the game was about Ironra… moreth and the Forrester family. But Mira was hardly connected to that. She had no direct contact to any other character and her actions had hardly an influence on the events around Ironrath.
1) She can ask Margaery for help dealing with Ramsay. But Margaery fails.
2) She can forge the letter. But it's still up to Rodrik to secure the betrothal.
3) She gets the ironwood decree. But it turns out useless, when Tyrion is arrested.
4) She stops Andros from hiring more soldiers for the Whitehills. But Ludd already has enough man to take Ironrath and kill everyone inside.
They could have done the game completely without Mira's storyline and the results would have been the same. So what was her purpose in the game?
Was it only to give some of the actors from the show and their characters a reason to appear in the game? I am so disappointed with this.
@viennakiara I'm sorry but this just made me laugh. I didn't want Tom or Mira to die neither of them deserved it. But when you said Tom's innocent - him dragging off Damien's body to who knows where, probably to make a big ol bowl of brown; I had to laugh. That and the idea that he was even capable of dragging a dead weight which is only made worse by the fact Damien was wearing armour at the time, just makes it all the more funny.
I thought Morgryn is a good guy , I thought ~ But turn out he is nothing but a bastard , definitley not marrying him of course. And I dont w… moreant Tom died because of this , he's innocent , and always been there for Mira, He doesnt deserve to die ~ That's why i got Mira killed lol
Tom is the worst bodyguard ever. He let me die when he was right there watching me about to get beheaded :P
Oh and thanks Sera, just gonna stand there too? Fine. Mira don't need yall phony sons of beaches. Iron from ice motherfucka!
When Morgryn enters the cell does anyone know what the other options were? I only ask because to this day I still do not know what they were. Was I the only one who immediately saw the word ATTACK! I didn't even stop to think about it I just clicked it haha.
She's probably the character I identify the most with, and I don't often for female characters. That's mostly because through all the choice… mores you get with her, you can model her after yourself, whereas other characters you can only stir in one direction or another.
In that she's the Lee of TT's GoT. I modeled her being brave, intelligent, loyal until having literally no other choice but dying. In King's Landing, she played the game of thrones; when she was in the car with Morgryn, I wanted for her to propose to him. I felt for the get-go that it was the only way for her to survive. I led the conversation toward that, telling him how important the Forresters were, and when he came into the cell, I knew what he wanted, so I agreed as fast as possible. She's stronger than him, she can manipulate him on the long run. She's no Sansa the cry-baby. She also made allies; Sera will be her ally for life, Margeary realized in the prologue how brave s… [view original content]
Y'know, if someone like Sansa can escape someone like Ramsay, I'm sure Mira,who's FAR more cunning, will figure out a way to escape some unremarkable little lord with a villain complex... eventually.
I married Morgryn so if shit hit the fan on Asher's side (which it did) the Whitehills would have no claim on the throne. And Morgryn said h… moree wouldn't actually literally lock me up if I was just decent so I thought there could be worse situations. Then it came down to selling out Tom, it was funny how I made the choice completely forgetting that I would be damning him. I figured that we would be executed alongside each other if I chose to reject Morgryn so I figured at least one of us should make it out of this, and Tom inevitably made me feel like shit. I was such an asshole in this episode.
@AusraRose not long after playing that episode I suspected that too. I always thought it was a bit odd that Coal Boy just happened to be nearby in our hour of need.
I saved her. Planning to stab Morgryn in the back (figuratively that is) and do some puppeteering as he's essentially forced to keep me aliv… moree Besides the coal boy could have easily just been working for the enemy all along. We still don't know who he works for, the employer could have orchestrated the whole thing in the gardens and then "saved" us through coal boy so we trusted him. They're all trying to trick me, but I won't fall for it!
It's just a game (some people seem to forget that), so I went ahead and let her die with dignity. House Forrester was already falling apart … moreand I hadn't helped my family much the entire game because I wanted to keep Mira safe. I wasn't about to let Mira lose her freedom (and her ability to speak) to that sick bastard, especially after everything he'd planned against her, and I assumed her story was a lost cause anyways because she was made determinant. I sure as hell took Sera down before I went, though. Bitch had it coming.
Bitch DEFINITELY had it coming. I wish Mira could see her face when she is forced to go back to Highgarden with Lord Tarwick and he quickly realize there are absolutely zero Durwells to be found
It's just a game (some people seem to forget that), so I went ahead and let her die with dignity. House Forrester was already falling apart … moreand I hadn't helped my family much the entire game because I wanted to keep Mira safe. I wasn't about to let Mira lose her freedom (and her ability to speak) to that sick bastard, especially after everything he'd planned against her, and I assumed her story was a lost cause anyways because she was made determinant. I sure as hell took Sera down before I went, though. Bitch had it coming.
King's Landing rubbed off on you. But yeah I did the same as you. My reasoning is when I lost Ironrath and most of the house, I needed one Forrester alive and Mira was that Forrester. My surprise when I saw the Survivors and I basically screwed Mira over but at least she is alive and hey she's like what, 18 and Morgryn is Maybe 30 something so she could outlive him, kill his heirs and rule as Lady Mira Forrester.
As much as Ice Dragon was a good episode with Asher/Rodrik's and Gared's story, it made Mira's meaningless. I got Sera fired and Tom killed … moreand made want to hate myself for what I did. As much as I hated doing that I got so angry how stupid it was of Morgryn to suddenly turn into a predictable Littlefinger. The reason I got these two married is because I believe Mira can still get his trust during marriage and backstab him. There is all kinds of opportunities for her through marriage, she is a smart one. Heck, I bet his child/ren might hate him if their mother turns them against him or the see what kind of a piece of shit he is. At least I gave him the black eye if nothing else.
Had her marry Morgryn. Tom's life is an unfortunate sacrifice but Mira can manipulate Morgryn. She could save/help her family more with her being alive. Idk but i'm so getting attached with this game.
I still really liked him. He was a bit shady but I guess I was a bit naive and let my guard down. I def. saw it coming in the final episode though, as soon as I entered the cart I had this feeling that he was gonna fuck me over. Come to think of it, he has that Littlefinger vibe for sure.
I played Mira as one of the vipers in the nest that is KL, so to be fair, I must say that I never really cared for Tom nor trusted him. I believe that despite the circumstances, if you are still ALIVE, then you can do something about it, then you are still on the game. If you are DEAD however... there is nothing you can do. Mira IS intelligent, she IS a Forrester, and with so many Forresters dying these days, I am not sacrificing any of them, at least not like that.
Well, being alive with a stupid man is better than being dead. Why I think of him as stupid?
1. He bribed a guard to kill Mira
2. He "regrets" it and offers to Mira to work together, while bribing another guard, this time to leave Mira alone
3. He protects Mira once again and reveals everything to her
4. After all this, he offers Mira to marry him.
Also, my Mira is in Margaery's service, so she might be able to help her. I don't understand why the majority chose execution.]
And yes, I often play characters the worst way possible, so this may bring more trouble to the Forresters.
I married the guy, but i fear it may have been a mistake now. If i knew she wasn't going to be playable after that i probably would have let her die, but... I had hope she could fight on. Unfortunately i'm starting to suspect TellTale won't bring her back I've reduced her terrible life.
Well, I try to make decisions like if it was me, because then I could also click random buttons and the outcome would be the same.
So, it was the right decision.
I married the guy, but i fear it may have been a mistake now. If i knew she wasn't going to be playable after that i probably would have let… more her die, but... I had hope she could fight on. Unfortunately i'm starting to suspect TellTale won't bring her back I've reduced her terrible life.
Mira has to live and keep fighting for her house.
You either die a Sansa or live long enough to become a Mira, and now that she's more experienced than ever, it has to further.
He does seem way smarter than Ludd, he could probably crush the Forresters without much effort if he had control over the house given how weakened they already were.
I didn't marry Morgryn. For 3 reasons ONLY:
* I wanted to save Tom.
* I didn't want Mira to be a sex slave.
* I thought Morgryn would be more dangerous than Ludd. I dunno how, but I just thought that.
I'm still a huge fan of Mirgryn and I married him. I'd love my Mira to become a Dark Lord of the Sith.. I even came out with a name for her: Darth Mirious.
I'm still a huge fan of Mirgryn and I married him. I'd love my Mira to become a Dark Lord of the Sith.. I even came out with a name for her: Darth Mirious.
Exactly, besides it would give us an opportunity to make life more difficult for him.
@SazukeEX exactly why is it that only you and me and a few other are the only ones who can see this!
@Greiffenstein I agree. I think the only reason they put her storyline in the game was because they knew that KL is a big part of the GOT world. It also gave them an opportunity to use having many of the show characters a part of that story line as a selling point. So yeah all in all they failed Mira and her plot line. That is why I think a lot of people have found it easy to kill her. They simply never cared about Mira or her story arc.
@Exertuz seriously are you telling me you didn't see that coming? From the very first moment I met him I knew he had a little finger vibe about him.
@viennakiara I'm sorry but this just made me laugh. I didn't want Tom or Mira to die neither of them deserved it. But when you said Tom's innocent - him dragging off Damien's body to who knows where, probably to make a big ol bowl of brown; I had to laugh. That and the idea that he was even capable of dragging a dead weight which is only made worse by the fact Damien was wearing armour at the time, just makes it all the more funny.
Haahaaa haa ha the very thought of Tom wearing a mini set of King's Guard armour.
As for Sera apparently she throws and onion at Mira if you told Tarwick the truth.
@nursethalia. Oh I tried I really did.
When Morgryn enters the cell does anyone know what the other options were? I only ask because to this day I still do not know what they were. Was I the only one who immediately saw the word ATTACK! I didn't even stop to think about it I just clicked it haha.
@ezay. Well said.
@FishySticks. I agree, I think a lot of people are underestimating Mira.
@Yellowsno. Exactly, we're meant to feel bad for sacrificing Tom. Either way there was a sacrifice, a price to pay.
To save Tom Mira has to die.
To save Mira Tom has to die.
@AusraRose not long after playing that episode I suspected that too. I always thought it was a bit odd that Coal Boy just happened to be nearby in our hour of need.
Did she throw an onion at you?
Bitch DEFINITELY had it coming. I wish Mira could see her face when she is forced to go back to Highgarden with Lord Tarwick and he quickly realize there are absolutely zero Durwells to be found
King's Landing rubbed off on you. But yeah I did the same as you. My reasoning is when I lost Ironrath and most of the house, I needed one Forrester alive and Mira was that Forrester. My surprise when I saw the Survivors and I basically screwed Mira over but at least she is alive and hey she's like what, 18 and Morgryn is Maybe 30 something so she could outlive him, kill his heirs and rule as Lady Mira Forrester.
Yes, she did. I wish I could have thrown it back.
Had her marry Morgryn. Tom's life is an unfortunate sacrifice but Mira can manipulate Morgryn. She could save/help her family more with her being alive. Idk but i'm so getting attached with this game.
I still really liked him. He was a bit shady but I guess I was a bit naive and let my guard down. I def. saw it coming in the final episode though, as soon as I entered the cart I had this feeling that he was gonna fuck me over. Come to think of it, he has that Littlefinger vibe for sure.
I played Mira as one of the vipers in the nest that is KL, so to be fair, I must say that I never really cared for Tom nor trusted him. I believe that despite the circumstances, if you are still ALIVE, then you can do something about it, then you are still on the game. If you are DEAD however... there is nothing you can do. Mira IS intelligent, she IS a Forrester, and with so many Forresters dying these days, I am not sacrificing any of them, at least not like that.
I saved her... My mother insisted.
I didn't marry Morgryn. For 3 reasons ONLY:
Well, being alive with a stupid man is better than being dead. Why I think of him as stupid?
1. He bribed a guard to kill Mira
2. He "regrets" it and offers to Mira to work together, while bribing another guard, this time to leave Mira alone
3. He protects Mira once again and reveals everything to her
4. After all this, he offers Mira to marry him.
Also, my Mira is in Margaery's service, so she might be able to help her. I don't understand why the majority chose execution.]
And yes, I often play characters the worst way possible, so this may bring more trouble to the Forresters.
I married the guy, but i fear it may have been a mistake now. If i knew she wasn't going to be playable after that i probably would have let her die, but... I had hope she could fight on. Unfortunately i'm starting to suspect TellTale won't bring her back
I've reduced her terrible life.
Well, I try to make decisions like if it was me, because then I could also click random buttons and the outcome would be the same.
So, it was the right decision.
Mira has to live and keep fighting for her house.
You either die a Sansa or live long enough to become a Mira, and now that she's more experienced than ever, it has to further.
Remember this quote from Tyrion Lannister:
"Death is so final whereas life is full of possibilities."
Mira will thrive.
Hold up. You lost me at "you either die a Sansa".....mofucka what are you on about? Sansa just set a pack of dogs on her "morgryn".
He does seem way smarter than Ludd, he could probably crush the Forresters without much effort if he had control over the house given how weakened they already were.
Ok then, you either die a Sansa S1E1 or live long enough to become Mira.
I'm still a huge fan of Mirgryn and I married him. I'd love my Mira to become a Dark Lord of the Sith.. I even came out with a name for her: Darth Mirious.
I'm still a huge fan of Mirgryn and I married him. I'd love my Mira to become a Dark Lord of the Sith.. I even came out with a name for her: Darth Mirious.