Can we please calm down with the shipping wars?



  • it'd be cool if there was no Janey to me

    I am a Rhysha shipper myself, but I was wondering if there were any other people out there that ship Athena and Fiona because I ship them A LOT (and yes, I am aware that Athena has a girlfriend )

  • edited January 2016

    Either aiming a laser pointer doesn't require perfect vision, or his specs were of the google glass variety.

    (I'd also noticed Yvette's were designed more like safety goggles, which maybe you need if you work in requisitions at Hyperion)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    vaughn doesn't have glasses. huh. the dude just magically sees better now??????? what. HOW DID HE GO TO 0????? is he ok? are his eyes ok? pls

  • I want Janey and Athena to be happy as a couple, and I understand Janey wanting Athena to stop taking sketchy jobs like the one they met each other on.

    But it did make my heart sink a little to see her working for Grease Face as an alternative.

    IRL lack of common interests and an inability to express feeling would probably not have resulted in marriage.

    I am a Rhysha shipper myself, but I was wondering if there were any other people out there that ship Athena and Fiona because I ship them A LOT (and yes, I am aware that Athena has a girlfriend )

  • I feel like Janey's worry was just holding Athena back in what she really wanted to do and Athena would be better off with somebody who likes Vault-Hunting and danger as much as she does

    Linnet posted: »

    I want Janey and Athena to be happy as a couple, and I understand Janey wanting Athena to stop taking sketchy jobs like the one they met eac

  • enter image description here

    I am a Rhysha shipper myself, but I was wondering if there were any other people out there that ship Athena and Fiona because I ship them A LOT (and yes, I am aware that Athena has a girlfriend )

  • I do see your point. Fiona and Athena had a very nice dynamic. (can you image a BL3 party with those two and Vaughn doing party banter in multiplayer?)

    I can also see Janey's point that most of the jobs Athena has taken in cannon have ruined her life in some way while simultaneously nearly killing her.

    Like Fiona has the option to say to Athena, it's a conversation they really needed to have before Tales started, but Athena is terrible at all conversation and especially conversations about feelings.

    I feel like Janey's worry was just holding Athena back in what she really wanted to do and Athena would be better off with somebody who likes Vault-Hunting and danger as much as she does

  • This is what...your sixth post in this topic of this nature, but you haven't made any in the Rhys/Vaughn thread?

  • (Very quietly)

    I ship Faugust. Thankfully, nobody cared, which was good because I wouldn't get shanked.

    Those heretics aren't real people. Real people only support Rhaughn. All others are unclean

  • They were cute together in episode one, and she is the only one who gets a real goodbye with him in episode 3.

    I personally think it would be cool to see Bandit Vaughn and Vault Hunter Fiona have further adventures.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    (Very quietly) I ship Faugust. Thankfully, nobody cared, which was good because I wouldn't get shanked.

  • Do it.

    Cloud Kill is no longer horrible.

    It's OP.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I main Motion, so I don't know.

  • As far as I'm concerned, no shipping war would ever happen if there isn't anyone who starts it.

    Please, don't make any more petty bad blood between two groups.

  • I absolutely thought they were going there with them until they revealed Janey.

    I am a Rhysha shipper myself, but I was wondering if there were any other people out there that ship Athena and Fiona because I ship them A LOT (and yes, I am aware that Athena has a girlfriend )

  • And I'm the drifter who works for neither side.

  • Thanks...I was really scared that I'd get strangled, but for some reason nobody I have met here thinks the ship is the scum of the earth.

    I wonder why?

    Linnet posted: »

    They were cute together in episode one, and she is the only one who gets a real goodbye with him in episode 3. I personally think it would be cool to see Bandit Vaughn and Vault Hunter Fiona have further adventures.

  • Telltale did kinda hint at it though, so I can honestly only pray that they get together because I think that they'd be adorable as a couple.

    I absolutely thought they were going there with them until they revealed Janey.

  • I honestly kinda love the ship wars, as long as they fall along my guidelines being either: Athena/Fiona, Rhys/Vaughn, Rhys/Sasha or LoaderBot/Gortys. Anything else and blood will be shed...

  • Shipping war? Where? Last time I checked a war did not involve only a few individuals on this forum.

  • Never had an argument on here or anything, everyone here is awesome- diversity people :D

    Only argumentative place is tumblr, unless you're Rhack you get hate and your rhysha or rhyiona tag gets shat on, which is stupid

  • Telltale did kinda hint at it though

    How so?

    Telltale did kinda hint at it though, so I can honestly only pray that they get together because I think that they'd be adorable as a couple.

  • Nyeh, I just get that vibe.

    Navoc posted: »

    Telltale did kinda hint at it though How so?

  • Tumblr is a scary place my friend. Even I fear to venture there

    Never had an argument on here or anything, everyone here is awesome- diversity people Only argumentative place is tumblr, unless you're Rhack you get hate and your rhysha or rhyiona tag gets shat on, which is stupid

  • edited January 2016

    One small step for man... One giant leap for mankind

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Tumblr is a scary place my friend. Even I fear to venture there

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