Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • @eRock92 You should keep at it dude. I'd love to see what you could whip up. :)

    eRock92 posted: »

    @ChuckTheLizard I see what you did there. lol I tried using the character Jazmine's face as a reference since she is 10 and Clem is betwe

  • edited November 2014

    Master of Aeons

    Luke: Well... I'm Luke. And this's Pete.

    Pete: Hi there.

    Clem: Hi. I'm A Survivor Named Clementine.

    Luke: It's nice to meet you Clementine...

    Clem: No. It's A Survivor Named Clementine. You have to say the whole thing, like "A Tribe Called Quest."

    @eRock92 Lee: "Remember Clem... you are the stone that . . . the builder refused... you are the... the . . ." Clem: "The what? Lee! Lee!!!"

  • @Rylee Thank you!

    Rylee posted: »

    @infinitedawn its amazing!

  • dawn that is awesome

  • she's like 17 there :3 awesome

    Here's an older Clementine. One of my favorite versions. Tumblr

  • i want some 8-bit music song take us back :D

    MarkDarin posted: »

    Well, I've been holding on to these for a little while now, but I figured I'd go ahead share them with you guys. I got my start playing (and

  • Bonnie had a big influence on her, huh.

  • edited November 2014

    Well, I don't have any new drawings so I'm gonna post this one of Michonne from The Walking Dead Series which I did a couple of weeks ago. I know it's not the TTG game but it's The Walking Dead after all. I can maybe draw this weekend smth from the game if I have time.

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  • @ChuckTheLizard Oh, you better didn't just say what I think you said...

    @eRock92 lol it fits because she's urban.

  • Ok, more Clementine!!!

    This one I tried mimicking a screenshot I saw on Google.
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    This one is of Clem before the apocalypse.
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    Ok, with this one, I was imagining what Clem would look like going to school. Knowing how big her hair is and how she said it tangle, no right black mama is gonna let her daughter just go to school with the curly-fro. The recent trend I have seen with black girls hair is the half braided style. So, I Googled an image for a reference (the girl in the pic would have made a good Clem, too) and based it off of Clem. I'm not good with drawing bodies, but I gave it a shot.
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  • edited November 2014

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    I don't remember who made this, but if I figure it out I'll give them credit :)

  • Clementine and Bloody Mary. :)

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  • I...I...I don't know how to feel about this.

    Tazzle28B posted: »


  • wha...

    Tazzle28B posted: »


  • edited November 2014

    At the moment I'm working on another drawing but it's not finished yet. I started yesterday but for some reason I couldn't find my coloured pencils, so I drew for about 20-30 mins this one. It's damn ugly but I don't have time to fix it. Here you are. :D

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  • First time trying animation. I think I might be addicted :P

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  • @JonGon. Hey JonGon, do you take requests?

    JonGon posted: »

    First time trying animation. I think I might be addicted :P

  • Well then, would you please in some way do a Bloody Mary and Clementine collage? :)

    JonGon posted: »

    @ChuckTheLizard If it's in my power to do and if it motivates me then yeah.

  • @ChuckTheLizard If it's in my power to do and if it motivates me then yeah.

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    @JonGon. Hey JonGon, do you take requests?

  • Using pictures or drawings? Because from what I can see it seems like you have that covered pretty well. Nice drawings btw! You have to shade!

    Well then, would you please in some way do a Bloody Mary and Clementine collage?

  • @JonGon

    Drawings please. And thanks about my drawing. :) I just want to see someone else do it in another style. And I know I have to shade! But shading is my worst enemy for some reason. :(

    JonGon posted: »

    Using pictures or drawings? Because from what I can see it seems like you have that covered pretty well. Nice drawings btw! You have to shade!

  • edited November 2014

    Tbh... Bloody Mary doesn't motivate me enough as a character. Her personality compared to Clem's is also too drastically different. I'm trying to imagine something good and It's not working :/ ... I might think of something creative later on.

    Art related... Don't ignore your trouble areas. Focus on those so you can improve your art as a whole.

    @JonGon Drawings please. And thanks about my drawing. I just want to see someone else do it in another style. And I know I have to shade! But shading is my worst enemy for some reason.

  • @JonGon

    Oh I see. :( It's ok

    I was thinking of Mary scaring Clem in a mirror? But then again maybe some wouldn't approve of that. :P

    JonGon posted: »

    Tbh... Bloody Mary doesn't motivate me enough as a character. Her personality compared to Clem's is also too drastically different. I'm tryi

  • Who would get scared though? I think Bloody Mary would get scared lmao!

    Something creative might pop up though...

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    @JonGon Oh I see. It's ok I was thinking of Mary scaring Clem in a mirror? But then again maybe some wouldn't approve of that. :P

  • Clementine: The only little girl that could scare the pants off of the urban legend known for killing kids.

    JonGon posted: »

    Who would get scared though? I think Bloody Mary would get scared lmao! Something creative might pop up though...

  • @Tazzle28B


    Tazzle28B posted: »


  • Ahhhhh throw him off the bell tower. (Just kidding :))

    Tazzle28B posted: »


  • Trying some walking animation :D

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  • Very nice! Good job!

    JonGon posted: »

    Trying some walking animation

  • edited November 2014

    @Kurusu Is that water my tears cuz right now I've got a freaking waterfall falling from my eyes ;__;

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    Kurusu posted: »


  • edited November 2014

    Clementine and Mary! Mah dream team.

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  • edited January 2015

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  • @Kurusu Why are you doing this to me? :D :D

    Kurusu posted: »


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