Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • edited November 2014

    Everybody speaking another language has me feeling like,


  • edited November 2014

    Hahahh, sorry guys. It was just a meeting of neighbors. We did not want to offend you. It you want to know - it was just a couple of questions about my country of origin. I said that I am Ukrainian. That`s all. Sorry.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Everybody speaking another language has me feeling like, http://m.imgur.com/RJFHqiV

  • @bembiann Don't feel offended! I was just joking, feel free to speak amy language you want.

    bembiann posted: »

    Hahahh, sorry guys. It was just a meeting of neighbors. We did not want to offend you. It you want to know - it was just a couple of questions about my country of origin. I said that I am Ukrainian. That`s all. Sorry.

  • In any case, it's not quite politely to people who don`t know Russian or Ukrainian. :)

    TWD_25 posted: »

    @bembiann Don't feel offended! I was just joking, feel free to speak amy language you want.

  • Haven't been here in a damn long time! Well here's some pics I found from deviantart.

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  • This was drawn by Cutepandita that I thought needed some love ^^ her drawing skills are improving from earlier works I've seen her do in the past.

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    And these aren't really art, but they're cosplayers dressed up as Kenny and Clem :) they're from Miss Meghan. You can find more on their page here:

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    And here's something awesome from Mrskar's drawing requests when somebody asked her to draw a TWDG Blooper! =D

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  • If that can be considered ''art'''...

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  • edited December 2014

    On a cold night...

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    If only you were here...

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    If Only You Were Here

  • More The Boondocks style The Walking Dead!!! Well... I'm trying. One thing I'm having a hard time trying to get down is Clem's dad. Older male facial feature are hard to do in Aaron McGruder's drawing style. Anyways, he is what I have done.

    Clementine and her dad. I tried to incorporate the "D hat" into his style. You know, make the logo seem more important, thus why he told Clem not to get it dirty.

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    Merry Christmas from the... the... Clementine's-Unknown-Last-Name Family!!! (P.S: I really hate how Ed's head looks. I'm trying but man, it's hard to make it look good. :( ). Alt text

    Lastly, I drew Clementine emerging from the woods and soaking in the sun for once. Alt text

  • So... Clementine is Max Payne, now?

  • Dude, that's awesome!! :D Can you do it with Clementine too? :)

  • @The-Flix I'd ask @JakeSt123. He makes these.

    The-Flix posted: »

    Dude, that's awesome!! Can you do it with Clementine too?

  • edited December 2014

    So I guess I'll just post this considering the other three were already posted by someone else...

    Those watermarks come in handy once again.

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  • @Megami_Kizukanai

    Wow... you actually did it... time to get the hell outta here. :D


  • That's me! TeamKennyAlways! That's my restaurant! :D

  • edited December 2014

    It's not art but some Christmas content came out for The Sims 4 today, so I decided to put Luke in a Christmas jumper :P
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    Also Kenny and Luke started arguing for whatever reason so here's a picture of that
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    For some reason the game made Kenny homeless even though I gave him a home :P


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    ...I have no idea how this happened but I regret nothing.

  • edited December 2014

    I've finally uploaded the Speed Painting! I hope you like it!

  • I finally ripped the Wellington map.

    Aside from that, here's a little render of AJ with Cel-shading.

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  • Don’t know if it's cute, creepy, or both

    I finally ripped the Wellington map. Aside from that, here's a little render of AJ with Cel-shading.

  • One of these days, I WILL be able draw Ed and do a scene I've always wanted to do. Hopefully I am showing improvement.

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    A backwards hatted Clementine because 1) it's cool, 2) it's awesome, and 3) I'm surprised no one here has thought of it

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    Lastly, an image for those of you who went with Kenny to Wellington and stayed. Here is our young survivor gazing out from the Wellington balcony praying that this day is the day everything changes: the day Kenny returns. She needs him to return. He is the only living person to remind her of the days of old, the days of her walkie talkie, the days of not having to carry a weapon everywhere, the days of Lee, Omid, Christa, Duck, Kat, Ben, and Lilly. Regardless of how strong or weak her friendship with Kenny is, she waits for him. She's just a young Georgian girl far away from home with no family, no friends, and has had life constantly strip away every glimmer of hope she sees. If she could have just one person who understands the hurt, pain, anger, and frustration she has inside... just one person to share memories and stories with... anyone from the past to just be there, then maybe she can unearth the optimism she once held on to. But for now, she waits.

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  • edited December 2014

    good job dude im shocked telltale has not hired you yet ur pretty skilled

    eRock92 posted: »

    One of these days, I WILL be able draw Ed and do a scene I've always wanted to do. Hopefully I am showing improvement. A backwards h

  • jeez its been a while since I've been on here. sorry it looks so crap and cheap but photoshop died on me so I couldn't clean it up and had to find some other program to use. (plus its like.... 4am over here) BUT hopefully its still alright. Alt text

  • edited December 2014



  • Merry Christmas!
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  • Merry christmas to you 2

    marccost3 posted: »

    Merry Christmas!

  • My sister made this,

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    The flash on my phone messed up the colour. :/

  • edited December 2014

    Kenny and Luke. :)

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  • Older shortened haired Clementine! Nice!

    Kurusu posted: »

    Tumblr deviantART

  • Soo, I drew something similar to the older Clementine @Kurusu posted.

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