shamelessly spams this because it took me a good hour to type it all up. Really though, maybe we should post it in the thread's description… more so everyone could see it? Just temporarily?
In case ya'll don't want to listen to the 1 hour and 20 min, I typed it all up.
Speaker: "There's not enough Clementine"
Meli: "I agree"
Meli: (Talking about the alone flashbacks/finger.) "We only saw it get crushed we didn't see it come off....we haven't gotten to that part ye---" Then she gets cut off by the speaker. Another flashback awaiting?
Meli: (Talking about episode length) " I was sad when the first episode ended I was like what the fuck? Really? That was so short! I liked the pace I thought it was a really good pace but I was like... oh. It only took like an hour to play through the first episode. Considering each episode of S2 was about an hour and a half to two hours. So I have to admit I was a little..---
Speaker: "--that's why … [view original content]
If you make a new thread, I will merge the two and make your post the main/default post since it would be more informative and people would see the interview transcript at the top without having to constantly switch pages.
I mean, that could work, but there is already a thread sort of dedicated to interview already. So then there would be two threads to talk … moreabout the same thing. What if you post my typed up interview in the bio of thread that already exists so that could act as the dedicated thread to the interview?
Yeah, but they changed the Style of their games with TWDS1 by focusing on the Choice aspect. It may resulted in more complex games and with that in longer development time for each Episode.
If you make a new thread, I will merge the two and make your post the main/default post since it would be more informative and people would see the interview transcript at the top without having to constantly switch pages.
Done. (Hope this is what you wanted )
I'm not trying to defend Telltale here, based on the recent interview with Melissa Hutchison, it's frankly terrible what's happening behind the scenes. It makes you wonder just what in the hell Telltale was doing for almost 2 and 1/2 years that they still haven't figured out the direction of the story and are constantly rewriting and changing elements of it to the point where it's practically unrecognizable. However, let's not forget that this isn't entirely new with them, this is something that has happened before, not only with TWD, but with other games.
I remember reading several posts about how much stuff was cut or changed from the Season 1 episode Starved for Help to what we ended up getting in the final product. There was supposed to be a Carley/Doug dream scene, you would have the ability to go back and forth from the motor inn and the dairy, Larry was supposed to have some final words to Lilly, instead of him just collapsing, Ben was supposed to go into more detail about what happened to his classmates (even mentioning how he had to witness a rape), Mr. Parker could have been dinner instead of Mark, Lee could actually refuse to bring gasoline, causing the St. John's to return everyday with food until he agreed, there was stuff related to Jolene cut from the game, you could actually leave Ben behind instead of him joining the group, and they weren't supposed to find the station wagon in the forest. It was reported that this episode took the longest to develop after the game started off due to drastic changes in both the game mechanics and the storyline of the episode itself during its early development. And yet, despite this, it's regarded as one of the best episodes in the series.
Almost all of The Wolf Among us was drastically changed and rewritten after Episode 1, and people regard that as one of the best Telltale games. The same could be said for Tales From the Borderlands as well, many signs (such as the identity of The Stranger, or the Next Time On segments) indicate that many plot points were either cut or completely changed from what happened. The only difference here is that we found out about a lot of these changes after the games were completed, we're learning about what's going on with A New Frontier while it's being released. Again, this is not meant to defend Telltale, the amount that was cut is honestly ridiculous and the stuff that's happening behind the scenes is inexcusable, but all I'm saying is this is not necessarily something new with them, and that it can still turn out to be good, maybe even great.
I'm not complaining or anything if telltale needs time to make a good episode take the time but I wonder if this is the longest a waiting thread has gone with out the Smallest amount of news.
My biggest problem is that there are good people working at Telltale who put their heart and soul in this game. I honestly believe that. The graphics for example are so much better than they were. It's sad to see their hard work undone by a clusterfuck of problems arising on other stages of game development that ultimately led to the product we got.
Ok. Yeah.
The TTG staff are probably looking at the forum and going. "Don't they realise how much effort we put during those 3 years to make that 5 minute flashback with the two new animated areas? What were they expecting?"
No, that sadly isn't always the case. Right now it seems like the writers reevaluate/rewrite large parts of the story, and meanwhile production on the other areas of the game is probably going slower than planned.
Prediction. David will have acted like a dad to Clementine while she was there in a desperate attempt to make us like him, and Clem will have run away because of teenage angst and stuff or because she got caught smoking pot or something.
The conflict between David and Javier will be because he learns that Javier and Kate smoked weed while his kids were in the van, leading to a showdown.
Conrad will get the Kenny treatment ala A house divided. Or most likely be ignored as he can die in episode 1 part 2 and that usually means TTG will do nothing with them afterwards.
I'm not complaining or anything if telltale needs time to make a good episode take the time but I wonder if this is the longest a waiting thread has gone with out the Smallest amount of news.
I think most of the frustration among the fans does not come from the fact, that the episodes have been rewritten a dozent times, since it's just part of the Writing Progress, but because of Telltale's silence regarding all of this controversy. I mean, Telltale got called out by Clementines Voice Actress who publicly and openly discussed her problems with the series, while it's still coming out.
Then there was Gavin Hammon (Kenny's Voice Actor), who, again, openly apologized for Kenny's flashback scene, even though he had nothing to do with the Writing process behind this clusterfuck of a scene. And still: Not a single word from Telltale.
The only way for Telltale to make up for it, is to give out a statement regarding the controversy, the state of the game and the state of the studio. Telltale fucked up. Really fucking hard.
I'm not trying to defend Telltale here, based on the recent interview with Melissa Hutchison, it's frankly terrible what's happening behind … morethe scenes. It makes you wonder just what in the hell Telltale was doing for almost 2 and 1/2 years that they still haven't figured out the direction of the story and are constantly rewriting and changing elements of it to the point where it's practically unrecognizable. However, let's not forget that this isn't entirely new with them, this is something that has happened before, not only with TWD, but with other games.
I remember reading several posts about how much stuff was cut or changed from the Season 1 episode Starved for Help to what we ended up getting in the final product. There was supposed to be a Carley/Doug dream scene, you would have the ability to go back and forth from the motor inn and the dairy, Larry was supposed to have some final words to Lilly, instead of him just collapsing, Ben … [view original content]
Regarding the recent events and interview, I feel with you guys. There seems to be a lot of stuff happening behind scenes. I don't know why the cut this and that or why they rewrote this and that. It is unfortunate that Melissa has recorded a lot of lines that wasn't used. But ultimately the decision on how to make the game is still Telltale's. I don't want to sound like someone who keep defending Telltale, but rewriting and changes always happens in gaming development and Telltale isn't the first developers to do so.
We see how the three episodes are going to go. Either they managed to do something excellent or it won't be. Either way, I hope Telltale learned from their mistakes and do better in the future. I have been playing their games for four years and I hate to see them heading toward a bad direction now.
After reading pages 19 and 20 of this thread, I could not be less excited for the rest of this game. My favorite Telltale game is still Game of Thrones, with Batman being a close second. I feel crushed that after two and a half years they resulted in this. Of course I'll still play the game, but I really don't care about it now.
I am also more excited for Game of Thrones, that game is the one where my interest lies. But the recent news do make me worry about how that game is going to go. And if Season 2 is also in a state of rewrites and changes.
After reading pages 19 and 20 of this thread, I could not be less excited for the rest of this game. My favorite Telltale game is still Game… more of Thrones, with Batman being a close second. I feel crushed that after two and a half years they resulted in this. Of course I'll still play the game, but I really don't care about it now.
You're right, they should, and like I said, I'm not trying to defend Telltale's actions. And unfortunately, communication has been something Telltale has lacked in for years, their relationship with their fanbase is waning, we continuously put our trust in them, and lately, Telltale has been fucking with it to the point where many are giving up. Look at Batman, the PC version was terrible, there were framerate drops, bugs, glitches, crashes, and God knows what else wrong with it, and what was Telltale's response? Complete and utter silence, which to Telltale, is not so much a valid option, but the only option. They finally released a patch, but it was months after the release of the first episode, we went months completely in the dark as to what was happening behind the scenes. When Arkham Knight was released, you had both Rocksteady and Warner Brothers issuing statements regarding the awful PC port, saying that they were working on it, and even offering out refunds to those who bought it on PC. Telltale did nothing, maybe they acknowledged it, but there was never any press release, no updates concerning a fix, no refund offers, it's like they choose to be ignorant of what's going on. They're tuning out their fans, and someone from Telltale can come on here and say that it's not true, but that's what it feels like to the majority of people right now.
This treatment cannot go on, Telltale is a great example of how companies should not treat their customers. If this continues, people are just going to stop buying their product because they're tired of the mistreatment of fans. This silence cannot continue, and that goes for all their games, not just this.
This has honestly been Telltale's mantra in regards to their fans the last couple of years:
I think most of the frustration among the fans does not come from the fact, that the episodes have been rewritten a dozent times, since it's… more just part of the Writing Progress, but because of Telltale's silence regarding all of this controversy. I mean, Telltale got called out by Clementines Voice Actress who publicly and openly discussed her problems with the series, while it's still coming out.
Then there was Gavin Hammon (Kenny's Voice Actor), who, again, openly apologized for Kenny's flashback scene, even though he had nothing to do with the Writing process behind this clusterfuck of a scene. And still: Not a single word from Telltale.
The only way for Telltale to make up for it, is to give out a statement regarding the controversy, the state of the game and the state of the studio. Telltale fucked up. Really fucking hard.
The web team said that the all white design is not final and just a placeholder.
and a dislike option. Where did these times gone?
Trust me, be glad the dislike system is gone. It was very heavily abused and nobody had a common consensus if downvotes were for disagreements, or if something was incorrect, or if you just didn't like something. Whenever posts were downvoted heavily, people would whine and derail threads on a massive scale. Trolls would sign up to anonymously downvote every post on a thread, and people would respond by derailing the threads with Reddit Upvote gifs to "combat the downvote trolls."
Now that it is gone, people actually have to defend and substantiate why they disagree with something.
I agree with you in that things will always get cut and rewritten, as I pointed out earlier, and sometimes, it ends up working out because we can end up getting a better product than what was originally planned. But as GSSalvador pointed out, there is some frustration stemming from the fact that Telltale is being completely silent on the matter. I think that, while some of the stuff that was cut is somewhat alarming, we still don't know how the rest of the episodes will turn out and I still have high hopes and trust in Telltale to deliver. That doesn't mean that I agree with Telltale's decision not to address what is going on.
Regarding the recent events and interview, I feel with you guys. There seems to be a lot of stuff happening behind scenes. I don't know why … morethe cut this and that or why they rewrote this and that. It is unfortunate that Melissa has recorded a lot of lines that wasn't used. But ultimately the decision on how to make the game is still Telltale's. I don't want to sound like someone who keep defending Telltale, but rewriting and changes always happens in gaming development and Telltale isn't the first developers to do so.
We see how the three episodes are going to go. Either they managed to do something excellent or it won't be. Either way, I hope Telltale learned from their mistakes and do better in the future. I have been playing their games for four years and I hate to see them heading toward a bad direction now.
EDIT: Also hope nothing happens to Melissa.
Ah... back when we had a backgound image
The web team said that the all white design is not final and just a placeholder.
and … morea dislike option. Where did these times gone?
Trust me, be glad the dislike system is gone. It was very heavily abused and nobody had a common consensus if downvotes were for disagreements, or if something was incorrect, or if you just didn't like something. Whenever posts were downvoted heavily, people would whine and derail threads on a massive scale. Trolls would sign up to anonymously downvote every post on a thread, and people would respond by derailing the threads with Reddit Upvote gifs to "combat the downvote trolls."
Now that it is gone, people actually have to defend and substantiate why they disagree with something.
I'm the same. This reminds me way too much of when GOT EP5 got released. I loved it so much that it feels like I played a different game than everyone else.
I'm the same. This reminds me way too much of when GOT EP5 got released. I loved it so much that it feels like I played a different game than everyone else.
Yup, Telltale really needs to start to communicating more. Im lucky I was one of the few PC players who's system could run the game well, and it really sucked for people who really wanted to play Batman on pc, needing to wait just to get the performance patch, that plus Telltale claiming the reason Batman ep 4's PC version wasn't releasing the day it was suppose to was for a "performance patch" but that patch came out 2 weeks after episode 4 was released.
Going back up what you were saying above about Rewrites. Yes its true it isn't the first time that Telltale has rewritten, but what I think is so concerning about Season 3's rewrites is, it would appear that during the whole cycle of writing the game the writers constantly kept changing, almost like it was still the writing board room. It's probably not the best sign that Melissa knows about what a lot of what season 3 was originally about (like the Carver-like character) because that would mean the writers got a point to where they all agreed on where to take the story, started to do the voice acting, and then started scratching and rewriting again.
For Wolf, it was rewritten once, and all fixed up, and it's issue was about Comic Cannon, not so much "Where are we taking this story." Tales rewrites felt more like they wanted to please the fan base, and even then, it would appear that Telltale only rewrote twice, and it still kept much of what they originally planned (like Gortys for example) And even though Season 1 Episode 2 of Walking Dead was rewritten, it was at a point of the story that it didn't matter. Ep 1 ends with the power going off at the Motel. Anything could have went from there, episode 1 was the introduction and pretty stand alone compared to the rest of the episodes. However, season 3 has reached a point in the plot two episodes in. After the first episodes were already pretty lackluster and disappointing, and now knowing that both of the episodes were being rewritten constantly, and now even episode 3 is getting rewrites, is something you really dont want to hear. Rewriting is fine, but rewriting so often in actual development is not a good sign.
You're right, they should, and like I said, I'm not trying to defend Telltale's actions. And unfortunately, communication has been something… more Telltale has lacked in for years, their relationship with their fanbase is waning, we continuously put our trust in them, and lately, Telltale has been fucking with it to the point where many are giving up. Look at Batman, the PC version was terrible, there were framerate drops, bugs, glitches, crashes, and God knows what else wrong with it, and what was Telltale's response? Complete and utter silence, which to Telltale, is not so much a valid option, but the only option. They finally released a patch, but it was months after the release of the first episode, we went months completely in the dark as to what was happening behind the scenes. When Arkham Knight was released, you had both Rocksteady and Warner Brothers issuing statements regarding the awful PC port, saying that they were working on it, and e… [view original content]
Ah... back when we had a backgound image
The web team said that the all white design is not final and just a placeholder.
and … morea dislike option. Where did these times gone?
Trust me, be glad the dislike system is gone. It was very heavily abused and nobody had a common consensus if downvotes were for disagreements, or if something was incorrect, or if you just didn't like something. Whenever posts were downvoted heavily, people would whine and derail threads on a massive scale. Trolls would sign up to anonymously downvote every post on a thread, and people would respond by derailing the threads with Reddit Upvote gifs to "combat the downvote trolls."
Now that it is gone, people actually have to defend and substantiate why they disagree with something.
For The Wolf Among Us? Damn near everything of episode 2 onward, I guess. This was from Reddit, so take this with a grain of salt.
There was going to be a subplot where Bigby uses a glamour to disguise himself as Detective Brannigan (nosebleed lady) in order to retrieve Snow White's body from police custody. Bigby would then be framed somehow by "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" who I would assume is the ginger dude named "Crier". This would then prompt Brannigan and the FBI to hunt him and discover he's not normal. I suppose that would mean the Mundies would be dangerously close to finding out everything. Apparently Cinderella and Tiny Tim had bigger roles too, but I don't know.
My guess as to why this didn't make it into the game is that it's pretty heavy stuff for Bigby. Glamouring himself, getting framed for murder, being hunted by authorities, it could compromise the "prequel" feel to everything.
I honestly don't know if they are releasing it later to work on it more and improve it or releasing it later because they are shitting themselves and have no idea what they are doing.
Considering based on the interview it seems like even before episode 1 and 2 released they were rewriting constantly, Id say they may not know what they are doing.
I honestly don't know if they are releasing it later to work on it more and improve it or releasing it later because they are shitting themselves and have no idea what they are doing.
Just.... Jesus.....
If you make a new thread, I will merge the two and make your post the main/default post since it would be more informative and people would see the interview transcript at the top without having to constantly switch pages.
Yeah, but they changed the Style of their games with TWDS1 by focusing on the Choice aspect. It may resulted in more complex games and with that in longer development time for each Episode.
Done. (Hope this is what you wanted
I am seemingly unable to immediately merge threads at the moment, but I intend to eventually merge the two threads.
Could somebody go into specifics about what changed?
I'm not trying to defend Telltale here, based on the recent interview with Melissa Hutchison, it's frankly terrible what's happening behind the scenes. It makes you wonder just what in the hell Telltale was doing for almost 2 and 1/2 years that they still haven't figured out the direction of the story and are constantly rewriting and changing elements of it to the point where it's practically unrecognizable. However, let's not forget that this isn't entirely new with them, this is something that has happened before, not only with TWD, but with other games.
I remember reading several posts about how much stuff was cut or changed from the Season 1 episode Starved for Help to what we ended up getting in the final product. There was supposed to be a Carley/Doug dream scene, you would have the ability to go back and forth from the motor inn and the dairy, Larry was supposed to have some final words to Lilly, instead of him just collapsing, Ben was supposed to go into more detail about what happened to his classmates (even mentioning how he had to witness a rape), Mr. Parker could have been dinner instead of Mark, Lee could actually refuse to bring gasoline, causing the St. John's to return everyday with food until he agreed, there was stuff related to Jolene cut from the game, you could actually leave Ben behind instead of him joining the group, and they weren't supposed to find the station wagon in the forest. It was reported that this episode took the longest to develop after the game started off due to drastic changes in both the game mechanics and the storyline of the episode itself during its early development. And yet, despite this, it's regarded as one of the best episodes in the series.
Almost all of The Wolf Among us was drastically changed and rewritten after Episode 1, and people regard that as one of the best Telltale games. The same could be said for Tales From the Borderlands as well, many signs (such as the identity of The Stranger, or the Next Time On segments) indicate that many plot points were either cut or completely changed from what happened. The only difference here is that we found out about a lot of these changes after the games were completed, we're learning about what's going on with A New Frontier while it's being released. Again, this is not meant to defend Telltale, the amount that was cut is honestly ridiculous and the stuff that's happening behind the scenes is inexcusable, but all I'm saying is this is not necessarily something new with them, and that it can still turn out to be good, maybe even great.
Longer wait=the better
I'm not complaining or anything if telltale needs time to make a good episode take the time but I wonder if this is the longest a waiting thread has gone with out the Smallest amount of news.
My biggest problem is that there are good people working at Telltale who put their heart and soul in this game. I honestly believe that. The graphics for example are so much better than they were. It's sad to see their hard work undone by a clusterfuck of problems arising on other stages of game development that ultimately led to the product we got.
I don't blame them.
No, that sadly isn't always the case. Right now it seems like the writers reevaluate/rewrite large parts of the story, and meanwhile production on the other areas of the game is probably going slower than planned.
Prediction. David will have acted like a dad to Clementine while she was there in a desperate attempt to make us like him, and Clem will have run away because of teenage angst and stuff or because she got caught smoking pot or something.
The conflict between David and Javier will be because he learns that Javier and Kate smoked weed while his kids were in the van, leading to a showdown.
Conrad will get the Kenny treatment ala A house divided. Or most likely be ignored as he can die in episode 1 part 2 and that usually means TTG will do nothing with them afterwards.
It's still very early and Telltale had a winter break, so I am not at all surprised at the current lack of news.
Considering they haven't started work on Episode 3 yet we won't get it until Feb or March
Smoker... it was you who game them this idea? This horrible horrible idea? How could you.
He is the one. The one who started this. He is the Phantom Menace. The hidden sith!
Ah... back when we had a backgound image and a dislike option. Where did these times gone?
I think most of the frustration among the fans does not come from the fact, that the episodes have been rewritten a dozent times, since it's just part of the Writing Progress, but because of Telltale's silence regarding all of this controversy. I mean, Telltale got called out by Clementines Voice Actress who publicly and openly discussed her problems with the series, while it's still coming out.
Then there was Gavin Hammon (Kenny's Voice Actor), who, again, openly apologized for Kenny's flashback scene, even though he had nothing to do with the Writing process behind this clusterfuck of a scene. And still: Not a single word from Telltale.
The only way for Telltale to make up for it, is to give out a statement regarding the controversy, the state of the game and the state of the studio. Telltale fucked up. Really fucking hard.
Regarding the recent events and interview, I feel with you guys. There seems to be a lot of stuff happening behind scenes. I don't know why the cut this and that or why they rewrote this and that. It is unfortunate that Melissa has recorded a lot of lines that wasn't used. But ultimately the decision on how to make the game is still Telltale's. I don't want to sound like someone who keep defending Telltale, but rewriting and changes always happens in gaming development and Telltale isn't the first developers to do so.
We see how the three episodes are going to go. Either they managed to do something excellent or it won't be. Either way, I hope Telltale learned from their mistakes and do better in the future. I have been playing their games for four years and I hate to see them heading toward a bad direction now.
EDIT: Also hope nothing happens to Melissa.
After reading pages 19 and 20 of this thread, I could not be less excited for the rest of this game. My favorite Telltale game is still Game of Thrones, with Batman being a close second. I feel crushed that after two and a half years they resulted in this. Of course I'll still play the game, but I really don't care about it now.
I am also more excited for Game of Thrones, that game is the one where my interest lies. But the recent news do make me worry about how that game is going to go. And if Season 2 is also in a state of rewrites and changes.
We can only hope.
And what do we say to death?
Not today.
((I so wanted to say it.
You're right, they should, and like I said, I'm not trying to defend Telltale's actions. And unfortunately, communication has been something Telltale has lacked in for years, their relationship with their fanbase is waning, we continuously put our trust in them, and lately, Telltale has been fucking with it to the point where many are giving up. Look at Batman, the PC version was terrible, there were framerate drops, bugs, glitches, crashes, and God knows what else wrong with it, and what was Telltale's response? Complete and utter silence, which to Telltale, is not so much a valid option, but the only option. They finally released a patch, but it was months after the release of the first episode, we went months completely in the dark as to what was happening behind the scenes. When Arkham Knight was released, you had both Rocksteady and Warner Brothers issuing statements regarding the awful PC port, saying that they were working on it, and even offering out refunds to those who bought it on PC. Telltale did nothing, maybe they acknowledged it, but there was never any press release, no updates concerning a fix, no refund offers, it's like they choose to be ignorant of what's going on. They're tuning out their fans, and someone from Telltale can come on here and say that it's not true, but that's what it feels like to the majority of people right now.
This treatment cannot go on, Telltale is a great example of how companies should not treat their customers. If this continues, people are just going to stop buying their product because they're tired of the mistreatment of fans. This silence cannot continue, and that goes for all their games, not just this.
This has honestly been Telltale's mantra in regards to their fans the last couple of years:
The web team said that the all white design is not final and just a placeholder.
Trust me, be glad the dislike system is gone. It was very heavily abused and nobody had a common consensus if downvotes were for disagreements, or if something was incorrect, or if you just didn't like something. Whenever posts were downvoted heavily, people would whine and derail threads on a massive scale. Trolls would sign up to anonymously downvote every post on a thread, and people would respond by derailing the threads with Reddit Upvote gifs to "combat the downvote trolls."
Now that it is gone, people actually have to defend and substantiate why they disagree with something.
I agree with you in that things will always get cut and rewritten, as I pointed out earlier, and sometimes, it ends up working out because we can end up getting a better product than what was originally planned. But as GSSalvador pointed out, there is some frustration stemming from the fact that Telltale is being completely silent on the matter. I think that, while some of the stuff that was cut is somewhat alarming, we still don't know how the rest of the episodes will turn out and I still have high hopes and trust in Telltale to deliver. That doesn't mean that I agree with Telltale's decision not to address what is going on.
I was kinda being nostalgic... There's no way I want to dislike system to come back.
I'm the same. This reminds me way too much of when GOT EP5 got released. I loved it so much that it feels like I played a different game than everyone else.
That's how I feel since season 2 of TWDG.
Yup, Telltale really needs to start to communicating more. Im lucky I was one of the few PC players who's system could run the game well, and it really sucked for people who really wanted to play Batman on pc, needing to wait just to get the performance patch, that plus Telltale claiming the reason Batman ep 4's PC version wasn't releasing the day it was suppose to was for a "performance patch" but that patch came out 2 weeks after episode 4 was released.
Going back up what you were saying above about Rewrites. Yes its true it isn't the first time that Telltale has rewritten, but what I think is so concerning about Season 3's rewrites is, it would appear that during the whole cycle of writing the game the writers constantly kept changing, almost like it was still the writing board room. It's probably not the best sign that Melissa knows about what a lot of what season 3 was originally about (like the Carver-like character) because that would mean the writers got a point to where they all agreed on where to take the story, started to do the voice acting, and then started scratching and rewriting again.
For Wolf, it was rewritten once, and all fixed up, and it's issue was about Comic Cannon, not so much "Where are we taking this story." Tales rewrites felt more like they wanted to please the fan base, and even then, it would appear that Telltale only rewrote twice, and it still kept much of what they originally planned (like Gortys for example) And even though Season 1 Episode 2 of Walking Dead was rewritten, it was at a point of the story that it didn't matter. Ep 1 ends with the power going off at the Motel. Anything could have went from there, episode 1 was the introduction and pretty stand alone compared to the rest of the episodes. However, season 3 has reached a point in the plot two episodes in. After the first episodes were already pretty lackluster and disappointing, and now knowing that both of the episodes were being rewritten constantly, and now even episode 3 is getting rewrites, is something you really dont want to hear. Rewriting is fine, but rewriting so often in actual development is not a good sign.
Starting to think Telltale saw everything people asked Telltale not to do, and did it.
I want the down vote button back because some people on here deserve a shit ton of dislikes.
For The Wolf Among Us? Damn near everything of episode 2 onward, I guess. This was from Reddit, so take this with a grain of salt.
There was going to be a subplot where Bigby uses a glamour to disguise himself as Detective Brannigan (nosebleed lady) in order to retrieve Snow White's body from police custody. Bigby would then be framed somehow by "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" who I would assume is the ginger dude named "Crier". This would then prompt Brannigan and the FBI to hunt him and discover he's not normal. I suppose that would mean the Mundies would be dangerously close to finding out everything. Apparently Cinderella and Tiny Tim had bigger roles too, but I don't know.
My guess as to why this didn't make it into the game is that it's pretty heavy stuff for Bigby. Glamouring himself, getting framed for murder, being hunted by authorities, it could compromise the "prequel" feel to everything.
Does the Interview not count as news? There was some stuff about Episode 3 in the interview.
Though it isn't official, so that's probably why.
I honestly don't know if they are releasing it later to work on it more and improve it or releasing it later because they are shitting themselves and have no idea what they are doing.
Considering based on the interview it seems like even before episode 1 and 2 released they were rewriting constantly, Id say they may not know what they are doing.
Yeah, I'm going to lean towards not immediately including it for now.
Hey, Blind Sniper. How about I create another STRAWPOLL regarding this ; )
(By the way, for the snack poll I chose the snack that nobody voted for)
awaits ban
I said it 10 times before release...
But ttg just doesnt listen...
Now that Melissa has taken a step, maybe s3 will be improved now...
Not to worry. Justice was served a long time ago.