ANF was better than S2?

I just finished ANF, watched the alternative choices and endings, i have to say, really liked it. Choices really mattered that time (except save Ava or Tripp, i dont have words to describe that. Sarah 2.0 situation) ignoring this fact, they surprised me with Conrad survivng in the end (the only determinant character who can die in almost all the episodes, but still survive, lol) Clem going with you or not depending on what you did in S2 or previous episodes from ANF, The whole cast not dyng, not too many absurd situations, (like S2 ​​clementine having to turn off turbines while adults do nothing,) etc. It wasnt perfect, but way better than S2. i give it a 7. I respect your opinions and all, but i expected less hate coming from TTG Community. what do you guys think? compared to S2 was ANF better? Only I had the expectations surpassed? Also, sorry for my grammar. English is not my first language.



  • Season 2 had more likable characters than ANF imho.

    Luke and Kenny mainly. Sarah and Jane were controversial but at least memorable.

    ANF I only liked Javier and somewhat Ava but she was underdeveloped. Kate and Gabe can be frustrating. David went from a bro to a complete irredeemable nut job. Tripp and Eleanor bored me. I only cared about Conrad because he was so hard to keep alive. Clint and Max are forgettable.

    But I agree choices mattered more.

    Also the Tripp/Ava situation isn't Sarah 2.0. It's highly likely they will come back seeing we didnt see a body and they fell into water.

  • Season 2 was better in my opinion. Though there were fewer character moments in season 2 than there were in the first game there were still far more than we got in ANF. Season 2 you still felt like you went on a journey and you accomplished something. The entire game of ANF took place practically in one location. ANF felt like four or five episodes of Howe's Hardware store.

  • Season 2 was SOOOO much better

    • Better characters
    • More gameplay
    • Better writting
  • Is that even a question?

  • edited May 2017

    Nowhere near as good as season 2 for me. Choices mattering is only good if it's used sensibly. Why on Earth should saving David have anything to do with whether you get along with Clementine or not? Makes no sense. And almost all characters being determinant is indeed an absurd situation and more of a negative than positive. Choices should have mattered as much as they did in season 1 but with maybe with a bit more influence in future conversations and relationships. Conrad getting run over if the player is too slow to react is another silly, nonsensical example of a choice "mattering" in season 3.

  • Season 2 was okay with a horrible, rushed last episode.

    ANF was mediocre with a good last episode.

    I don't know which one I disliked more. Season 2 made me legit angry. ANF gave me a feeling of "meh". I don't know what is worse. I mean, at least I felt something while playing Season 2. But that "something" was very unpleasant and it was due to how rushed the last episode was, mostly, so I doubt the intention was to make the players feel anger.

  • I think ANF at the very least had a much better back half than Season 2 did.

  • Season 2 was better than ANF in overall, but Season 2's Episode 4 was probably worse than any episode from ANF.

  • I whole-hearted agree with you, except for episode 4. Episode 4 was shit in both seasons 2 and 3, but I overall liked ANF better.

  • Season 2 was EASILY better than ANF in every way.

  • edited May 2017

    Honestly, not for episode 5. IMO, episode 5 was like was a flaming garbage pile. ANF has a much better season finale, but I get why you would think S2's is better.

    Season 2 was EASILY better than ANF in every way.

  • edited May 2017

    S2E5 was emotional for me - mainly the "Stay at Wellington or Leave with Kenny" choice (the "abandon Kenny next to the car" ending was pretty damn emotional as well).

    ANF Episode 5? I felt nothing. All the endings? I didn't feel much at all. The only time I felt something this episode (actually, this whole SEASON) was when David and Javi fought (and it wasn't a sad feeling).

    I guess the people who hated Kenny didn't feel emotional in S2, but I for sure did. In ANF I didn't feel anything.

    Honestly, not for episode 5. IMO, episode 5 was like was a flaming garbage pile. ANF has a much better season finale, but I get why you would think S2's is better.

  • Choices mattering is only good if it's used sensibly.

    This. Holy shit, this.

    wdfan posted: »

    Nowhere near as good as season 2 for me. Choices mattering is only good if it's used sensibly. Why on Earth should saving David have anythin

  • I want to say I agree....

    I think ANF at the very least had a much better back half than Season 2 did.

  • I honestly felt very tense throughout the episode, because I feel TTG did a good job making the choices actually matter this time around. But I understand where you're coming from.

    S2E5 was emotional for me - mainly the "Stay at Wellington or Leave with Kenny" choice (the "abandon Kenny next to the car" ending was prett

  • They did good on the choices, I'll give them that - but everything else was a big 'no'.

    I honestly felt very tense throughout the episode, because I feel TTG did a good job making the choices actually matter this time around. But I understand where you're coming from.

  • edited May 2017


  • edited May 2017

    Ooh, that's a interestingly tough one considering the wrapping is still fresh. Since it's late though, I'll just say that ANF did certain things better than Season 2, but the latter was arguably the better product at the end of it all(not the actual ending, but you know). But that could just be "nostalgia"(not the Kenny shit) speaking louder though.

  • I was disappointed but even I can for once say 100% that A New Frontier was not as good as Season 2 in any aspects other than determinant characters. While I wasn't a fan of some inconsistencies in Season 2 it still holds up better as an overall Season than A New Frontier did. Season 2 had a great start, A New Frontier started shitty with dividing one episode into two short parts thus making the season feel shorter. Season 2 while had less development, and less of a varied relationship with them still had better overall characters. The writing doesn't have a constant favoritism and focus on Clementine, ANF writers don't care about any other character than Javier. Season 3 finally and totally destroyed any likeable aspect of Clementine I had thought there was making her a side character who got no development and not even enough playtime or a proper conclusion.

  • I agree whole heartedly. I feel like season two was a shock value season... I don't remember half of the characters names. I remember Clem, Kenny, and Luke. I love season three because I feel like it was a lot more personal. I liked how it was a different point of view and I liked how it showed a different take on the apocalypse (family, romance etc.). I will remember all the characters from season 3, season 2 I don't. It honestly seemed like season 2 was the "Kenny's back!" Season rather than focusing on the apocalypse as a whole. I don't like how they killed literally everyone, I like how some of your group lives in season 3. Personally, I enjoyed not playing as Clem. It shows that people base their decisions off of people they trust more (Clem). I disagreed with a lot of choices regarding Clem in season 3, but many players agree with her because they've been with her for years. I didn't let that get to me- I think it's cool that you got to see the perspective of someone who doesn't know her as well as the player does. Overall, I liked season 3 a lot better. Season 1 reigns supreme in my heart forever, though.

  • Luke, Kenny, Sarah, and Jane were all good characters, but I think that the problem with Season 2 was that it had an excess of entirely bland ones. You could argue that A New Frontier didn't have as many hard-hitting ones, but I think that having a smaller cast was beneficial for the story overall, and that they had enough strong characters to pull things it off.

    ladypocky posted: »

    Season 2 had more likable characters than ANF imho. Luke and Kenny mainly. Sarah and Jane were controversial but at least memorable. A

  • I think that the problem with Season 2 was that it had an excess of entirely bland ones.

    I'm assuming you mean Alvin(sorry buddy), Sarita, Carver, Troy, and Mike specifically, which is true.

    You could argue that A New Frontier didn't have as many hard-hitting ones, but I think that having a smaller cast was beneficial for the story overall, and that they had enough strong characters to pull things it off.

    True. Indeed, the most polarizing aspect of the finale right now is whether focusing almost exclusive on the Garcia family was for the best or not.

    Piggs posted: »

    Luke, Kenny, Sarah, and Jane were all good characters, but I think that the problem with Season 2 was that it had an excess of entirely blan

  • edited May 2017

    The writing doesn't have a constant favoritism and focus on Clementine

    In 2015 or so, you wanted Clementine gone. I guess you changed your mind?

    Clemenem posted: »

    I was disappointed but even I can for once say 100% that A New Frontier was not as good as Season 2 in any aspects other than determinant ch

  • edited May 2017

    I think ANF was better than Season 2. ANF had a better protagonist and the characters were more memorable in my opinion. I am in the minority, but I actually enjoyed ANF.

  • I think season 2 was better honestly.

  • I like ANF better than season 2 .
    Playing as a kid clementine wasn't exactly what I wanted .
    Playing as an adult Clementine in season 4 now that should be interesting .

  • edited June 2017

    Season 2 had a more interesting story imo, It was really exciting to see where we would end up going at the start if each episode. The characters, even though they weren't developed, were an interesting group of characters that really stood out to me. Each was pretty unique in their own way. Season 2 also had a lot of shocking moments that were really crazy. My favorite being the end of ep3 where Carlos gets shot. That whole scene was AMAZING and got me hyped as shit. What made it really stand out was the intense music and the crazy atmosphere. Season 2 really nailed the environments and the atmosphere which gave each place a different "feel". Soundtrack was incredible as well. I also LOVE the graphics it was a nice noticeable update from season 1. I also loved all the hubs/control we had while being clem. There Probably wasn't as much compared to s1 but to ANF season moo2 beats it in terms of the gameplay. Overrall season 2 just had this amazing vibe to it and that's what I loved about it

  • I said it a million times season 2 is a pile of garbage, ANF is an ok/10. I suppose some people get more enjoyment out of something terrible vs something that's just kinda ok. But for me I can't forgive the many things about season 2 I hate.

  • Agreed

    I think ANF at the very least had a much better back half than Season 2 did.

  • ANF was better than S2?

    In the matter of choices yes
    As a telltale game no

  • I preferred S2. I felt more connected to the characters (Kenny, Luke, Jane, etc.) and there were some very hard decisions. I can't say that I disliked any of the episodes (which is the opposite for ANF). The plot did become less cohesive as the season went on, and there were too many characters and unnecessary deaths but I did enjoy S2. The ending (I chose Wellington) was amazing.

    With ANF, it took me a long time to feel a connection to the characters (Gabe, David) and I felt that certain promising characters fell flat / were put in the sidelines as time went on (Kate, Tripp). It took me a while to warm up to Javi as I initially found him a bit bland, but I'll chalk that up to my playing style (and now I can say that I do like him as a protagonist). I also really really hated the first two episodes. Overall I still enjoyed ANF but it was definitely a dip from S2.

  • Season Two is better on some things, and A New Frontier is better on some other things.

    I enjoyed both games, and I think both of them are good.

  • edited June 2017

    I guess I'm against the flow since I liked New Frontier much much more than season two, the latter just felt so... bland to me. The only characters I cared about were Luke and Nick, one died off-screen when he was one of the most interesting Cabin group character and the other died as a sort of crappy shock value (Marianna did too but at this point she didn't have nearly as much screen-time as Luke) which needless to say didn't work on me. Season 2 for me was a succesion of boring characters with bad luck also starring a Kenny stealing their much needed spotlight as soon as he came into the story.

  • I preferred this season to season 2.
    While Clem is one of my favorite video game characters I really didn't like being reduced to a child who had to react to the dumb things and choices that the adults were making. This may sound stupid but I wanted the walking dead game to allow you to play out your very own Rick fantasy, where you lead a group and then eventually arrive at a settlement and take it over and lead. That ended up happening. I have a feeling Javi will end up being Richmond's ''Rick''.

    I was also extremely happy and intrigued by the Javi and Kate relationship and how it played out(it had echos of Rick and Shane's Lori problem, but then again Kate's a far more interesting character than Lori was, so it's not really the same)

    I also liked how all the survivors in the new frontier were extremely capable because they had already survived 4 years into the apocalypse, so there wasn't much of people making dumb choices or having moral debates whether its okay to kill someone who attacked you.

    It was also extremely interesting to see how Clem has developed over the 4 years from an outside perspective.

  • Overall, S2 was a superior piece of writing IMO.

  • S2 was better IMO simply because it's a Guilty Pleasure for me. That and S2 had WAYY more likable characters like Luke, Kenny, Mike, Jane, Carver, Pete, and surprisingly Nick.

    NF had a better story though and our choices mattered the most. The characters weren't that great (Gabe, Kate, Joan & Eleanor.) and easily forgettable.

  • Well, ANF had lots more likeable characters for sure. Javi, Kate, Mariana, Jesus, Ava, Tripp, Pipo Garcia.

    In S2, I only liked Kenny, Luke, Pete and kinda Walter. All others didn't matter to me at all.

    But the "stay-with-Kenny"-ending is impossible to surpass in my opinion.

  • In a way it kinda almost pains me to say this, but I loved ANF wayyy more than S2. Even though I loved S2. (But I think my attachment to S2 comes from the fact that I defended it so much back in the day :P)

  • Gotta disagree with you on that one. I find season 2 to be better because it had more gameplay and an interesting set of characters that I was able to get attached to, unlike ANF in my opinion. It took me a long time to get attached to the characters this season, characters like Eleanor and Tripp were just kinda bland. And honestly? The thing is that after playing season 1 so many times, I still have a good time playing it, and it's still able to make me cry! Same with season 2. Despite all it's flaws, I still find myself enjoying the game. In season 2 when an episode would come out, I would find myself coming back to replay it a couple of times before the next came out. When an episode came out for ANF, I played it once the day it came out and then I wouldn't touch it. I tried playing it again actually, I just really didn't enjoy it. I found myself bored and checking my phone, which is sad because I used to be so engrossed in this game..

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